$ meson setup -Dprofile=dev builddir
$ meson test -vC builddir
While meson test
will ensure to run against the locally built loaders, for other commands, this is not the case. As a first step, you need to install the loaders into a local directory:
$ meson setup -Dprofile=dev --prefix=$(pwd)/install builddir
$ meson install -C builddir
You can set GLYCIN_DATA_DIR=$(pwd)/install/share
to force glycin to use the locally built loaders.
Usually, the better option is to use meson devenv
which will also set other relevant variables:
$ meson devenv -C builddir -w .
# Test if it works
$ ./tests/libglycin.py
Glycin comes with a few tools in tools/
that can be especially helpful for development.
$ meson devenv -C builddir -w .
$ cargo r -p tools --bin glycin-image-info image.png
Use ImageMagic to get Exif information.
$ identify -format '%[EXIF:*]' <image>
Increase memory usage (this can crash your PC)
$ sudo swapoff -a
$ stress-ng --vm-bytes 20G --vm-keep -m 1
The following test will ensure that the lastest API documented in docs/
hasn't changed.
$ cargo test -p tests -- dbus_api_stability --include-ignored