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Contribute Core Eoulsan

Laurent Jourdren edited this page Mar 26, 2015 · 4 revisions

Contribute to Eoulsan core

WARNING: This documentation is outdated and will soon be updated.

Eoulsan use the Git as distributed revision control system for its code source. The main repository is on Google code.

Get a copy of the Eoulsan repository

You can get a local copy of the eoulsan repository with this command:

$ git clone

To push your changes on Google code repository, you must authenticate with your Google Account and your generated password.

Creating Eclipse project files

As Eoulsan use Maven build automation tool, you can easily create eclipse project files if you use this IDE to develop. Of course you can use any other IDE or editor for contributing to Eoulsan.

$ mvn eclipse:eclipse  -DdownloadSources=true -DdownloadJavadocs=true

A warning message may appear if some source or javadoc dependencies cannot be found. To import the Eoulsan project in Eclipse, go to File > Import... > General > Existing projects into Workspace and select the root directory of the eoulsan project. By clicking on the finish button, eoulsan will be imported into Eclipse workspace.


First set your current directory to the base directory of Eoulsan.

  • To build both source and binary distribution:
$ mvn install
  • To generate documentation:
$ mvn site
  • To generate distributions and documentation:
$ mvn site install
  • To clean the build directories:
$ mvn clean

Pushing changes to Google Code repository

To push your changes on Eoulsan code use the following command:

$ git push origin master