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Filtering Alignments

Laurent Jourdren edited this page Mar 13, 2015 · 2 revisions

Filtering reads alignments


Eoulsan define a ReadAlignmentsFilter interface that allow to filter reads alignments. To handle read alignments use the picard library.

Using ReadAlignmentsFilter

The ReadAlignmentsFilter interface define a filterReadAlignments method witch takes as unique argument a list with all the alignments for a read (a list of SAMRecord objects). This method remove from the list the alignments that no pass the test. In the next sample, we assume that all the alignments for a read are together in the SAM file.

// Create the reader
final SAMFileReader inputSam =
        new SAMFileReader(new FileInputStream("alignments.sam"));

// Define the filter
ReadAlignmentsFilter filter = new KeepOneMatchReadAlignmentsFilter(); 

String lastId = null;

// A list with all the alignments of a read
List<SAMRecord> records = new ArrayList<SAMRecord>();

for (SAMRecord samRecord : inputSam) {

  String id = samRecord.getReadName();
  if (id==null)

  if (!id.equals(lastId)) {

     // Filter the alignments for a same read

     // Print the filtered alignments
     for (SAMRecord filteredSamRecord: records) {

     // Clear the list of alignments     
     lastId = id;


Example of filterReadAlignments() method

The following filterReadAlignments() method keep only one alignment by read (the first).

  public void filterReadAlignments(final List<SAMRecord> records) {

    if (records == null || records.size() < 2)

    final SAMRecord first = records.get(0);

Writing a plug-in for the filtersam step of Eoulsan

WARNING: filtersam step in Eoulsan 1.1 is not modular. The registering of a ReadAlignmentsFilter will only have an effect in the next version of Eoulsan.

It is very easy to write a plug-in for the filtersam step of Eoulsan. In this section we will write a MyQualityReadAlignmentsFilter class that filter on mean quality.

  • First add getName() and getDescription() method to your new filter:
package com.example;

public class MyUniqueReadAlignmentsFilter extends AbstractReadAlignmentsFilter {

  public String getName() {

    return "myuniquealignment";

  public String getDescription() {
    return "My unique alignment ReadAlignmentFilter";

  • Then add setParameter method that allow to configure our filter:

  public void setParameter(final String key, final String value)
      throws EoulsanException {

    // This filter do not take parameter
    // See the ReadFilter documention for more information about this method
  • And an init() method to initialize the plug-in once all the parameters has been set. Here for our example, if no threshold has been set throw an exception.
  public void init() {

    // Do nothing
    // See the ReadFilter documention for more information about this method

  • Now we can add the accept() method:
  public void filterReadAlignments(final List<SAMRecord> records) {

    if (records == null || records.size() < 2)
  • Now our ReadAlignmentsFilter can compile and can be used in a standalone program but not as a filtersam plug-in. To enable our ReadAlignmentsFilter as a plug-in we must register it by adding the full name of the class in the text file in the META-INF/services directory. See the Writing Step Plugin for more information: