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Genymotion release keys

Copyright (C) Genymobile


This repository stores Genymotion Android release keys, and corresponding .mk that we include internally in our Third party developpers can use the release keys to sign their own applications in order to grant them system privileges on Genymotion.

release-keys are used by signature script to re-sign the build as a release one. Properties are flagged as release-keys and apk files are re-signed.

Notes: Please refer to the documentation of the Genymotion product you are using for more details about versions which support this feature:

Other versions will still rely on the default test-keys from AOSP, see the AOSP documentation for more information.

Key generation

This part is for internal use. It describes our procedure to generate the release keys.

In the Genymotion Android root source:

$ subject='/C=FR/ST=Seine/L=Paris/O=Genymobile/OU=Genymotion/CN=Genymobile/[email protected]'

Generate release keys:

$ for x in releasekey platform shared media networkstack sdk_sandbox, bluetooth; do \
   ./development/tools/make_key ./vendor/genymotion/security/release-keys/$x "$subject"; \

Genymotion Keystore

Generate the keystore

To sign an application APK with the release keys, gradle/Android Studio needs a keystore. For debug builds, a default $HOME/.android/debug.keystore keystore is used. For release builds, we can specify another keystore generated from our release keys.

How to generate the release keystore in the directory release-keys/keystore:

$ openssl pkcs8 -inform DER -nocrypt -in ../platform.pk8 | \
    openssl pkcs12 -export -in ../platform.x509.pem -inkey /dev/stdin \
    -name platform -password pass:genymotion \
    -out platform_release.pem
$ keytool -importkeystore \
    -destkeystore platform_release.keystore -deststorepass genymotion \
    -srckeystore platform_release.pem -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass 'genymotion'
$ rm platform_release.pem

Use the keystore

The generated keystore (platform_release.keystore) can now be used to sign Android applications.

  • Copy platform_release.keystore into your application sources: <project>/app/platform_release.keystore.
  • Update your build.gradle file to use this keystore:
android {
    signingConfigs {
        release {
            storeFile file("platform_release.keystore")
            storePassword 'genymotion'
            keyAlias 'platform'
            keyPassword 'genymotion'
        debug {
            storeFile file("platform_test.keystore")
            storePassword 'genymotion'
            keyAlias 'platform'
            keyPassword 'genymotion'
    buildTypes {
        release {
            signingConfig signingConfigs.release
        debug {
            signingConfig signingConfigs.debug