int e = Avg<int32>(1, 3);
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Avg of 1 and 3: %d"), e);
if (GEngine)
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(1, 5.f, FColor::Green, FString::Printf(TEXT("Theta: %f"), Theta));
EditAnywhere -> Details panel Blueprint -> In the blueprint schematics BlueprintPure -> Doesnt have an execution node, good for functions that dont require input (Getters are pure)
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Sine Parameters")
float Amplitude = 0.25f;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Sine Parameters")
float TimeConstant = 5.f;
UPROPERTY(EditBlueprint, BlueprintReadWrite)
float RotationRate = 0.25f;
float TransformedSin();
float TransformedCos();
//To avoid including header files in the .h for pointers, use class
//Creates an incomplete type
class ACreature : public APawn{
class UCapsuleComponent* Capsule;
//Passing a Bind Axis to a pawn
void ABird::SetupPlayerInputComponent(UInputComponent* PlayerInputComponent)
PlayerInputComponent->BindAxis(FName("MoveForward"), this, &ABird::MoveForward);
Engine -> Input -> Default classes To add a module go to .Build.cs, to clean and reload the editor close editor, delete "Intermediate", "Saved" and "Binaries", right click on project "generate vs project files", rebuild "yes", open project and solution (there is also a refresh visual studio button in tools)
Old way (SetupPlayerInputComponent) PlayerInputComponent->BindAxis(FName("MoveForward"), this, &ABird::MoveForward);
to view debug: showdebug enhancedinput
//Declares the spring arm component and attaches it to the root component
CameraBoom = CreateDefaultSubobject < USpringArmComponent>(TEXT("CameraBoom"));
// Sets the length of the arm
CameraBoom->TargetArmLength = 300.f;
//Makes the Spring arm rorate with the Look() function
CameraBoom->bUsePawnControlRotation = true;
ViewCamera = CreateDefaultSubobject<UCameraComponent>(TEXT("ViewCamera"));
//Stops the camera from rotating with the controller. Only the spring arm.
ViewCamera->bUsePawnControlRotation = false;
- Using Enhanced input actions
- State machines for Animations
Collisions: Physics and query in objects and pawns
For private variables, meta is needed to edit in blueprint:
UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
float RunningTime;
Object Delegates
macros need to be removed in inherited classes that overwrite the function- Delegate functions are of
UFUNCTION() for animations
- Retargeting skeletal meshes
inline keyword only works as a suggestion. Ue5 has FORCEINLINE
Enum conventions
enum class ECharacterState : uint8 {
ECS_Unequipped UMETA(DisplayName = "Unequipped"),
ECS_EquippedOneHandedWeapon UMETA(DisplayName = "Equipped One-Handed Weapon"),
ECS_EquippedTwoHandedWeapon UMETA(DisplayName = "Equipped Two-Handed Weapon")
Animation Graphs and simplifications
- Linked Anim Graph
- Blend Poses (Enum)
Animation Montages
- They have slots
- Slots can be added to ABPs to play
- Notify when an attack ends and connect to a function
Good practices
- Refactor when possible
- Make const the var that are not changed
Adding sounds to animations Sound cue
Making sockets on skeletal meshes Cueing Animation notification to call cpp functions
- Edit/Tweak animations using keys
World locations CPP: GetComponentLocation()
Blueprints: GetWorldLocation()
Relative location: CPP: GetRelativeLocation()
How to use interfaces for Unreal
Root motion animations
For directional hit reactions:
- Dot product to determine direction of hit
- Unreal uses the left hand rule for the cross product
- Using
#include "Kismet/KismetSystemLibrary.h"
to draw vectors
Sound Attenuation
Visual effets in Cascade and Niagara
Destructibles and how to fracture meshes
Blueprint Native events
When you set a function to also be edited in blueprints but with the ability
to be overriden: UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent)
this creates another (static) function
which is the one you overwrite called funcName_Implementation(args)
(see getHit)
Instatioting Bluprint objects from cpp
Creating different kinds of treasures Niagara Particle Effects
Variables can be binded to the editor using UPROPERTY(meta = (BindWidget))
its important
that the cariable name is exactly the same (see HealthBar.h)
also makes sure varibles are not initialised with garbage data
contains the functions TakeDamage and Apply damage
Blueprint Thread Safe Update animations (access proxy with Property Access
AutopossessAI Create and make dynamic nav mesh
When setting up AI controllers for enemies, for pathfinding to look accurate Character Movement -> Orient Rotation to Movement -> True Self -> Use Controller Rotation Yaw -> False
Enemy patrolling Timer (Timer Handles) Binding delegates to a function requires it to be UFUNCTION Actor Tags
Origin change for weapons + sockets
Randomly select Montage section by setting an array with the sections
- Motion warping for enemy attacks and dynamic combat
- Level Blueprint
- HUD overlay for character attributes
- Material editing for niagara effects
Animation Blueprint template
To create a new enemy:
- Child Anim BP
- IdleWalkRun Blendspace
- Dead Poses
- Death Section Names Array
- Weapon Socket to the skeleton
- Weapon Class
- Adjust collision box
- adjust box trace extent
- Adjust Combat/Navigation Settings
- Attack Animation
- Root Motion
- Attack Montage
- Enable/Disable Box Collision
- AttackEnd
- Motion Warping
- Attack Section Names Array
- Hit React Montage
- From Front, Left, Back, Right
- Deeath Montage
- Attributes
- Health, Soul