- Brian McFee https://github.com/bmcfee
- Matt McVicar https://github.com/mattmcvicar
- Dawen Liang https://github.com/dawenl
- Colin Raffel https://github.com/craffel
- Douglas Repetto https://github.com/drepetto
- Dan Ellis https://github.com/dpwe
- Eric Battenberg https://github.com/ebattenberg
- Bryce Walburn https://github.com/BWalburn
- Oriol Nieto https://github.com/urinieto
- Romain Hennequin https://github.com/romi1502
- Ryuichi Yamamoto https://github.com/r9y9
- Rachel Bittner https://github.com/rabitt
- Stefan Balke https://github.com/stefan-balke
- CJ Carr https://github.com/Cortexelus
- Fabian Robert-Stöter https://github.com/faroit
- Keunwoo Choi https://github.com/keunwoochoi
- Eric Humphrey https://github.com/ejhumphrey
- Carl Thomé https://github.com/carlthome
- Seth Kranzler https://github.com/polyrhythmatic
- Waldir Pimenta https://github.com/waldyrious
- Hojin Lee https://github.com/hojinlee
- Paul Brossier https://github.com/piem
- Rimvydas Naktinis https://github.com/naktinis
- Jackie Wu https://github.com/wkcn
- Erik Peterson https://github.com/EMCP
- Siddhartha Kumar https://github.com/siddhugolu
- Julia Wilkins https://github.com/jlw365
- Curtis Hawthorne https://github.com/cghawthorne
- Dana Lee https://github.com/danagilliann
- Pius Friesch https://github.com/pfriesch
- Ziyao Wei https://github.com/ZiyaoWei
- Vincent Lostanlen https://github.com/lostanlen
- Steve Tjoa https://github.com/stevetjoa
- Matt Vollrath https://github.com/mvollrath
- Zhen Wang https://github.com/nehz
- Kyungyun Lee https://github.com/kyungyunlee
- Frank Zalkow https://github.com/fzalkow
- Shayenne Moura https://github.com/shayenne
- nullmightybofo https://github.com/nullmightybofo
- toddrme2178 https://github.com/toddrme2178
- Andy Sarroff https://github.com/woodshop
- Monsij Biswal https://github.com/monsij
- Taewoon Kim https://github.com/tae898
- Adam Weiss https://github.com/ajweiss
- Viktor Andreevitch Morozov https://github.com/viktorAndreevichMorozov
- Jan Schlüter https://github.com/f0k
- Darío Hereñú https://github.com/kant
- Alex Metsai https://github.com/AlexMetsai
- Jack Mason https://github.com/jack-alexander-ie
- Scott Seyfarth https://github.com/scjs
- Voodoohop https://github.com/voodoohop
- Alastair Porter https://github.com/alastair
- Fabian Keller https://github.com/bluenote10
- Ayoub Malek https://github.com/SuperKogito
- Stef van der Struijk https://github.com/NumesSanguis
- Shunsuke Hidaka https://github.com/onkyo14taro
- Eric Semeniuc https://github.com/esemeniuc
- Frank Cwitkowitz https://github.com/cwitkowitz
- Bea Steers https://github.com/beasteers
- beantowel https://github.com/beantowel
- Thor Whalen https://github.com/thorwhalen
- Stefan Sullivan https://github.com/stefansjs
- Benjamin van Niekirk https://github.com/bshall
- Kaushik Sripathi Hatti https://github.com/hskaushik
- Kaustuv Kanti Ganguli https://github.com/kaustuvkanti
- Dan Mazur https://github.com/QEDan
- Joon Lim https://github.com/joonlim9
- Pavel Campr https://github.com/pcampr
- Tim Gates https://github.com/timgates42
- Abduttayyeb Mazhar https://github.com/Abduttayyeb
- Cash TingHin Lo https://github.com/cashlo
- Xinlu Zhuang https://github.com/zhuangzi926
- Connor Guerrero https://github.com/c-jg
- N. Dorukhan Sergin https://github.com/dorukhansergin
- Paul Biberstein https://github.com/P-bibs
- Myungchul Keum https://github.com/dofuuz
- Daniel Faronbi https://github.com/dafaronbi
- Iran Roman https://github.com/iranroman
- philstem https://github.com/philstem
- Alex Malins https://github.com/alexmalins
- i-aky-y https://github.com/i-aky-y
- Asmitha Krishnakumar https://github.com/Asmitha-K
- Chandrashekhar Ramaprasad https://github.com/cr2007
- Xiao-Ming https://github.com/Xiao-Ming
- Will Monroe https://github.com/futurulus
- Lorenz Nickel https://github.com/LorenzNickel
- Mattia Di Gangi https://github.com/mattiadg
- Kian Eliasi https://github.com/kianelbo
- Anton Kostin https://github.com/masguit42
- Emily Halvachs https://github.com/Embot2000
- Juanita Gomez https://github.com/juanis2112
- Helmi Jinoz https://github.com/helminzo
- Zvi Baratz https://github.com/ZviBaratz
- Alexandre Chabot-Leclerc https://github.com/achabotl
- Steve Kowalik https://github.com/s-t-e-v-e-n-k
- Tom Xi https://github.com/tomxi
- Matan Gover https://github.com/matangover
- Fabian Keller https://github.com/bluenote10
- BdeGraff https://github.com/BdeGraff
- Jon Petter Åsen https://github.com/jpaasen
- Shin Hyun https://github.com/kyaryunha
- Iliya S https://github.com/zenitismus
- Eugene Rabinovich https://github.com/erabinov
Some feature extraction code was based on https://github.com/ronw/frontend by Ron Weiss.
Large portions of librosa were ported from MATLAB code by Dan Ellis http://www.ee.columbia.edu/~dpwe/resources/matlab/.
Some spectral features were ported from original MATLAB implementations by Erik Schmidt and Jeff Scott at the Drexel METlab http://music.ece.drexel.edu/
Additional thanks to Emanuele Coviello and Erik Schmidt for testing, bug reports and fixes.