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File metadata and controls

77 lines (70 loc) · 3.67 KB



Assembler commands and syntax

'# this is comment. #'
Comment can include '\n' symbol, but comment can not be inside of the commands (m#comment#mul is incorrect, for example)
push #comment# rax is correct, at the same time.
command_name [{address, register}] - access to memory
$address - absolute address in program being executed

Arithmetic operations

mul - top value from cpu stack is multiplicated on second top
div - second top value from cpu stack is divided on top.
add - sum top two values from cpu stack
sub - sub top value from stack from second top stack value
sqrt - calculate sqrt from stack top

All these commands put their result on the stack again.

In and out operations

in REGISTER_NAME - read value from stdin and put it into register
in - read value from stdin and put it into stack
out REGISTER_NAME - print value from register to stdout
out - print value from stack without popping

Other stack operations

push REGISTER_NAME - take value from register and push it into stack
push VALUE - take value VALUE and push it into stack
pop REGISTER_NAME - pop value from stack and put it into register
pop - pop value from stack

CPU operations

hlt - stop working

JMP operations

jmp LABEL - jmp to label LABEL (it can be defined later)
jmp $address - jmp to absolute address
jmpl {LABEL, $address} - jmp if for last two values in stack a, b (push a, push b) a < b
jmpg {LABEL, $address} - - - - - - jmp if a > b
jmp{l, g} POP LAST TWO VALUES FROM STACK, be careful
LABEL: - set a label with name LABEL


call func_name - jmp to func_name with saving return point
ret - try to return from function (if no function is runned, error is raised)
func_name must be correct label. So, if you want, you can jump to func_name as on label.
Parameters for functions are passed through stack and are NOT removed by function. And stack after returning
from function must be at the same state, as before. Return value is in rax register.


write REGISTER_NAME [ADDRESS] - write content of register into memory
write REGISTER_NAME [REGISTER_NAME] write content of register into memory pointed by another register
read [ADDRESS] REGISTER_NAME - read from memory into register
read [REGISTER_NAME] REGISTER_NAME read from memory pointed by register into register

LABEL is an arbirtrary consecuence of non-space symbols, but it should not begins from '$' symbol

Where REGISTER_NAME is in {rax, rbx, rcx}, and VALUE can be presented as double


run 'make all' to get cpu, asm and disasm programs (see description in documentation)
'make cpu' to get cpu
'make asm' to get asm
'make disasm' to get disasm


To turn debug on run make command with 'DEBUG=YES'
It turns on -g option and numeration of disassemled code (Be careful, with this option 
        you can not send disassembler output back to assembler)


Directory 'Testing' consists of subdirectories with test in next format - input for program
test_name.out - expected output
For CPU test format is a bit different: you need files test_name.stdin, .stdout, .stderr with correspomding values inside.

To run tests run 'make test_all' to test all three subprograms (cpu, asm, disasm),
or 'make test_asm', 'make test_disasm', 'make test_cpu' to cpecify test target.


Linux, g++, make


To see the whole documentation, download source code and run 'doxywizard Documentation/Config' (may be you should also update in dozywizard 'directory in which run doxywizard')