The following are the steps needed to prepare the dependencies and build the engine using Ubuntu.
- Install the following packages or build them if a newer version is needed:
- build-essential
- libglfw3-dev (3.4)
- libboost-dev
- libboost-filesystem-dev (if GCC version is less tha 8)
- libfreetype6-dev
- libharfbuzz-dev
- liblua5.2-dev
- libgl-dev
- libglew-dev
- libphysfs-dev
- fmod
- Download from
- Extract the files
- Copy files in core/inc to /usr/local/include/FMOD
- Copy files in core/lib/x86_64 to /usr/local/lib
- Go to the engine's base folder and run
cmake .
- If it's successful, simply run
to produce the executableoctopus_engine