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Welcome to STM32-Drivers - a C++ variation on the standard peripheral drivers.

All drivers have been built using IAR.


  • GPIO
  • Timers
  • RTC
  • IWDG
  • UART
  • BKP
  • SPI
  • CRC
  • ADC
  • PWR
  • DAC
  • CAN


  • Implement I2C Drivers
  • Implement Window Watchdog Drivers
  • Implement EEPROM Drivers
  • Implement SDIO Drivers
  • Implement CEC Drivers
  • Implement DMA Drivers


  • adc_main.cpp - Starts up an ADC and prints out the value of the adc.
  • bkp_main.cpp - Starts up the bkp peripheral and writes a value if not aready written.
  • crc_main.cpp - Starts up the crc peripheral and calculates the crc32 of a buffer
  • gpio_main.cpp - Implements GPIO with interrupt and toggles led pins.
  • iwdg_main.cpp - Starts up the iwdg for 2 seconds timeout and reloads the iwdg in the main loop.
  • rtc_main.cpp - Starts up the rtc and attaches an interrupt handler to the rtc tick.
  • spi_main.cpp - Starts up the spi peripheral and writes/reads.
  • timer_main.cpp - Cycles through all 14 timers and delays for 1 count of the timer count
  • timer_main_pwm.cpp - Starts up timers and outputs different pwm values on the the pwm channel pins.
  • pwr_main.cpp - To be implemented and tested
  • dac_main.cpp - Output sinewave from buffer using either DMA or polling method.
  • can_main.cpp - connect two can bus interfaces together to create a local loop with two serperate can bus controllers - will only work with STM32F10X_CL series.