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  1. About
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Usage
  4. Additional Information
  5. Sources


This is a script that automates the process that allows your BootCamp to be run through VirtualBox on macOS. Note: This has only been tested for Windows 10 but it is coded to work for Windows 7, Vista, 8, 8.1, and 10.


There are a few things needed before using this script.

  • BootCamp with Windows already set up
  • VirtualBox installed onto your Mac (version 5.1.22 used with this script)
  • Optional: Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack may also need to be installed
  • Optional: System Integrity Protection might need to be turned off while setting up (try using script before resorting to this)
    • Start Mac in Recovery Mode
    • Open Terminal under Utilities
    • Enter csrutil disable
      • Use csrutil enable after set up is complete
    • Restart Mac


vcamp - Connect your VirtualBox VM to your macOS Boot Camp


  vcamp [commands] [ default | options ]


  create    default | [-n, -d, -p, -e, -g, -b, -i]    creates a VM for VirtualBox and connects your partition to it
  remove    default | [-n, -d, -p,]                   removes a VM for VirtualBox and destroys all subsequent files/folders made
  restore   [-p]                                      restores any changes done to partition permissions

General Command Option:

  default                                         Use if your Boot Camp was made with the Boot Camp Assistant application on macOS

Specific Command Options:

    -n, --name    MACHINE_NAME            Select a name for the virtual machine you creating/removing          VCamp
    -d, --dest    DESTINATION             Select where you want the necessary files to be created/removed      /path/to/VirtualCamp
    -p, --part    PARTITION_NAME          Select the partition that holds Windows                              BOOTCAMP
    -g, --guest                           Enable to download and attach compatible VBoxGuestAdditions          Disabled
    -e, --efi                             Enable if your partition was made with Boot Camp Assistant           Disabled
    -b, --bit32                           Enable if your operating system is 32-bit                            64-bit
    -i, --icns    filename.icns           Select an ICNS that you want your app to display                     VirtualCamp/applet.icns


  vcamp create default
  vcamp create --name Windows10 --part Untitled -e -g --dest ~/VirtualBox\ VMs/
  vcamp remove default
  vcamp remove -d ~\Desktop -n boot2

Creating a Boot Camp VM

To set up your machine:

  1. Open your Terminal
  2. Clone the repository in desired location
  3. cd VirtualCamp
  4. /bin/bash ./ create default

Removing a Boot Camp VM

The vcamp script can do this for you in one go:

  1. Open your Terminal
  2. cd VirtualCamp
  3. /bin/bash ./ remove
  • Use remove default if you created your box using defaults
  • Select your VM's path or name otherwise
    • e.g. /bin/bash remove -p ~\Desktop\machines -n boot2

You can always remove a box by:

  1. Going through the VirtualBox GUI
  2. Deleting the folder that has the machine's .vmdk

Additional Information


This script uses some default settings. Open your machines settings in VirtualBox to change to desired settings.

  • Your VM's RAM will be 1/4th your actual machines
  • Your VM's video ram will be set to 128
  • Your VM's name will be VirtualCamp if --name not used
  • The GuestAdditions for your version of VirtualBox will be added:
    • If you use create default
    • If you use create -g
    • Install on Windows by going to D:/ through the Boot Camp VM


Your VM's essential files can be found under a machines folder in the VirtualCamp directory or your selected directory.


An application is built upon creating a BootCamp VM. It can be found under apps folder. Its purpose is to directly open your BootCamp VM without the need of VirtualBox. The app can be dragged into your Applications.

  • You can use keep the app in this folder for vcamp remove to handle it
  • You can update the icon to whatever you please by right clicking and selecting "Get Info"

Tab Completion

There are tab completion features for To use go to Terminal and:

  1. cd /path/to/VirtualCamp
  2. chmod +x
  3. source

Known Issues

EFI toggle

If you get the UEFI Interactive Shell upon booting your VM, you must change toggle on/off your EFI. You can do this by:

  1. Opening
  2. Enter your VM's settings
  3. Go to System tab
  4. Under Motherboard, click "Enable EFI"
  5. Exit settings and reboot your VM


Here are some useful links that helped me create this script. If the script is not working for you or you just want to do the task manually, check these out!

  1. Daniel Phillips' Notes on VirtualBox BootCamp Connection
  2. VBoxManage Documentation