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@@ -22,12 +22,77 @@ It has three main focus points:
Although modularity can sometimes hamper performance, we also aim to **preserve scalibility** as much as possible[^sn2].
-[^sn2]: Out-of-memory, parallelizable computations relying on Dask are planned for late 2024!
+[^sn2]: Out-of-memory, parallelizable computations relying on Dask are planned for 2025!
We particularly take to heart to verify the accuracy of our methods. For instance, our terrain attributes
which have their own modular Python-based implementation, are tested to match exactly
[gdaldem](https://gdal.org/programs/gdaldem.html) (slope, aspect, hillshade, roughness) and
[RichDEM](https://richdem.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) (curvatures).
-More details about the people behind xDEM and the package's objectives can be found on the **{ref}`background` reference
+## Who is behind xDEM?
+xDEM was created by a group of researchers with expertise in elevation data analysis for change detection applied to glaciology.
+Nowadays, its development is **jointly led by researchers in elevation data analysis** (including funding from NASA and SNSF) **and
+engineers from CNES** (French Space Agency).
+Most contributors and users are scientists or industrials working in **various fields of Earth observation**.
+:class: tip
+:class: margin
+xDEM is **merging efforts with CNES's [demcompare](https://github.com/CNES/demcompare)** to combine the best of both tools into one!
+:columns: 4
+:child-align: center
+```{image} ./_static/nasa_logo.svg
+ :width: 200px
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+ :width: 220px
+ :class: only-light
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+ :width: 220px
+ :class: only-dark
+:columns: 4
+:child-align: center
+```{image} ./_static/cnes_logo.svg
+ :width: 200px
+ :class: only-light
+```{image} ./_static/cnes_logo_dark.svg
+ :width: 200px
+ :class: only-dark
+More details about the people behind xDEM, funding sources, and the package's objectives can be found on the **{ref}`background` reference
diff --git a/doc/source/background.md b/doc/source/background.md
index ba7e3081..4e3d95e2 100644
--- a/doc/source/background.md
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@@ -2,29 +2,97 @@
# Background
-Below, some more information on the people behind the package, and its mission.
+Below, some more information on the people behind the package, its funding sources, and its mission.
## The people behind xDEM
+### Creation
-2More on our GlacioHack founder at [adehecq.github.io](https://adehecq.github.io/)!
+1More on our GlacioHack founder at [adehecq.github.io](https://adehecq.github.io/).
xDEM was created during the **[GlacioHack](https://github.com/GlacioHack) hackathon**, that was initiated by
-Amaury Dehecq2 and took place online on November 8, 2020.
+Amaury Dehecq1 and took place online on November 8, 2020.
-3Check-out [glaciology.ch](https://glaciology.ch) on our founding group of VAW glaciology!
+2Check-out [glaciology.ch](https://glaciology.ch) on our founding group of VAW glaciology!
The initial core development of xDEM was performed by members of the Glaciology group of the Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and
-Glaciology (VAW) at ETH Zürich3, with contributions by members of the University of Oslo, the University of Washington, and University
+Glaciology (VAW) at ETH Zürich2, with contributions by members of the University of Oslo, the University of Washington, and University
Grenoble Alpes.
-We are not software developers but geoscientists, and we try our best to offer tools that can be useful to a larger group,
-documented, reliable and maintained. All development and maintenance is made on a voluntary basis and we welcome
-any new contributors! See some information on how to contribute in the dedicated page of our
-[GitHub repository](https://github.com/GlacioHack/xdem/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md).
+### Current team
+3More on CNES's 3D missions on the [CO3D constellation page](https://cnes.fr/en/projects/co3d).
+The current lead development team includes **researchers in Earth observation and engineers from
+[CNES](https://cnes.fr/en)** (French Space Agency). We specialize in elevation data analysis, for application in Earth
+science or for operational use for 3D satellite missions3.
+Other volunteer contributors span diverse scientific backgrounds in industry or research. We welcome
+any new contributors! See how to contribute on [the dedicated page of our repository](https://github.com/GlacioHack/xdem/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md).
+## Funding acknowledgments
+Members of the lead development team acknowledge funding from:
+- SNSF grant no. 184634, a MeteoSwiss [GCOS](https://gcos.wmo.int/en/home) project on elevation data analysis for glaciology,
+- NASA award 80NSSC22K1094, an [STV](https://science.nasa.gov/earth-science/decadal-surveys/decadal-stv/) project on the fusion of elevation data,
+- NASA award 80NSSC23K0192, an [ICESat-2](https://icesat-2.gsfc.nasa.gov/) project on the processing of elevation data in the cloud,
+- CNES (French Space Agency) award on merging [demcompare](https://github.com/CNES/demcompare) and xDEM while further developing related 3D tools.
+:columns: 4
+:child-align: center
+```{image} ./_static/nasa_logo.svg
+ :width: 200px
+ :class: dark-light
+:columns: 4
+:child-align: center
+```{image} ./_static/snsf_logo.svg
+ :width: 220px
+ :class: only-light
+```{image} ./_static/snsf_logo_dark.svg
+ :width: 220px
+ :class: only-dark
+:columns: 4
+:child-align: center
+```{image} ./_static/cnes_logo.svg
+ :width: 200px
+ :class: only-light
+```{image} ./_static/cnes_logo_dark.svg
+ :width: 200px
+ :class: only-dark
## Mission
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--- a/doc/source/index.md
+++ b/doc/source/index.md
@@ -30,11 +30,16 @@ xDEM aims at making the analysis of digital elevation models **easy**, **modular
+:::{admonition} Announcement
+:class: tip
:class: margin
-xDEM ``v0.1`` is released, with nearly all features planned 4 years ago 🎉! We are now adding an **Xarray accessor**, and re-structuring the "Uncertainty" features for 2025. Note the version you are
-working on for reproducibility!
+xDEM `v0.1` is released, with all core features envisioned at creation 4 years ago 🎉!
+We are **merging efforts with [demcompare](https://github.com/CNES/demcompare)** to combine the best of both tools into one!
+We are working on **adding a ``dem`` Xarray accessor** with native Dask support for 2025.
xDEM is **tailored to perform quantitative analysis that implicitly understands the intricacies of elevation data**,
both from a **georeferencing viewpoint** (vertical referencing, nodata values, projection, pixel interpretation) and
diff --git a/doc/source/release_notes.md b/doc/source/release_notes.md
index 5aab8d04..93151b87 100644
--- a/doc/source/release_notes.md
+++ b/doc/source/release_notes.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Below, the release notes for all minor versions and our roadmap to a first major
## 0.1.0
-xDEM 0.1.0 is the **first minor release** since the creation of the project in 2020. It is the result of years of work
+xDEM version 0.1 is the **first minor release** since the creation of the project in 2020. It is the result of years of work
to consolidate and re-structure features into a mature and stable API to minimize future breaking changes.
**All the core features drafted at the start of the project are now supported**, and there is a **clear roadmap
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ We have added warnings throughout the documentation and API related to planned d
Changes related to **gap-filling** and **uncertainty analysis** will have deprecation warnings, while the function
remain available during a few more releases.
### Migrate from early versions
The following changes **might be required to solve breaking changes**, depending on your early-development version:
@@ -64,9 +65,10 @@ Additionally, **some important yet non-breaking changes**:
Based on recent and ongoing progress, we envision the following roadmap.
**Releases of 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, etc**, for the following planned (ongoing) additions:
+- The **addition of a command-line interface for features such as coregistration**, in the frame of the merging effort with [demcompare](https://github.com/CNES/demcompare),
- The **addition of an elevation point cloud `EPC` data object**, inherited from the ongoing `PointCloud` object of GeoUtils alongside many features at the interface of point and raster,
-- The **addition of an Xarray accessor `dem`** mirroring the `DEM` object, to work natively with Xarray objects and add support on out-of-memory Dask operations for most of xDEM's features,
-- The **addition of an GeoPandas accessor `epc`** mirroring the `EPC` object, to work natively with GeoPandas objects,
+- The **addition of a Xarray accessor `dem`** mirroring the `DEM` object, to work natively with Xarray objects and add support on out-of-memory Dask operations for most of xDEM's features,
+- The **addition of a GeoPandas accessor `epc`** mirroring the `EPC` object, to work natively with GeoPandas objects,
- The **re-structuration of uncertainty analysis features** to rely directly on SciKit-GStat's `Variogram` object.
**Release of 1.0** once all these additions are fully implemented, and after feedback from the community.