The Bitcoin-Core project has been designed to support multiple localisations. This makes adding new phrases, and completely new languages easily achievable. For managing all application translations, GlobalBoost-Core makes use of the Transifex online translation management tool.
Transifex is setup to monitor the GitHub repo for updates, and when code containing new translations is found, Transifex will process any changes. It may take several hours after a pull-request has been merged, to appear in the Transifex web interface.
Multiple language support is critical in assisting GlobalBoost’s global adoption, and growth. One of GlobalBoost’s greatest strengths is cross-border money transfers, any help making that easier is greatly appreciated.
See the Transifex GlobalBoost project to assist in translations. You should also join the translation mailing list for announcements - see details below.
We use automated scripts to help extract translations in both Qt, and non-Qt source files. It is rarely necessary to manually edit the files in src/qt/locale/
. The translation source files must adhere to the following format:
globalboost_xx_YY.ts or globalboost_xx.ts
is treated in a special way. It is used as the source for all other translations. Whenever a string in the source code is changed, this file must be updated to reflect those changes. A custom script is used to extract strings from the non-Qt parts. This script makes use of gettext
, so make sure that utility is installed (ie, apt-get install gettext
on Ubuntu/Debian). Once this has been updated, lupdate
(included in the Qt SDK) is used to update globalboost_en.ts
To automatically regenerate the globalboost_en.ts
file, run the following commands:
cd src/
make translate
Example Qt translation
QToolBar *toolbar = addToolBar(tr("Tabs toolbar"));
For general PRs, you shouldn’t include any updates to the translation source files. They will be updated periodically, primarily around pre-releases, allowing time for any new phrases to be translated before public releases. This is also important in avoiding translation related merge conflicts.
When an updated source file is merged into the GitHub repo, Transifex will automatically detect it (although it can take several hours). Once processed, the new strings will show up as "Remaining" in the Transifex web interface and are ready for translators.
To create the pull-request, use the following commands:
git add src/qt/globalbooststrings.cpp src/qt/locale/globalboost_en.ts
git commit
Visit the Transifex Signup page to create an account. Take note of your username and password, as they will be required to configure the command-line tool.
You can find the GlobalBoost translation project at
The client is used to fetch updated translations. If you are having problems, or need more details, see
pip install transifex-client
Setup your Transifex client config as follows. Please ignore the token field.
nano ~/.transifexrc
hostname =
password = PASSWORD
token =
username = USERNAME
The Transifex GlobalBoost project config file is included as part of the repo. It can be found at .tx/config
, however you shouldn’t need to change anything.
To assist in updating translations, a helper script is available in the maintainer-tools repo. To use it and commit the result, simply do:
python3 ../globalboost-maintainer-tools/
git commit -a
Do not directly download translations one by one from the Transifex website, as we do a few post-processing steps before committing the translations.
When new plurals are added to the source file, it's important to do the following steps:
- Open
in Qt Linguist (included in the Qt SDK) - Search for
, which will take you to the parts in the translation that use plurals - Look for empty
English Translation (Singular)
andEnglish Translation (Plural)
fields - Add the appropriate strings for the singular and plural form of the base string
- Mark the item as done (via the green arrow symbol in the toolbar)
- Repeat from step 2, until all singular and plural forms are in the source file
- Save the source file
To create a new language template, you will need to edit the languages manifest file src/qt/globalboost_locale.qrc
and add a new entry. Below is an example of the English language entry.
<qresource prefix="/translations">
<file alias="en">locale/globalboost_en.qm</file>
Note: that the language translation file must end in .qm
(the compiled extension), and not .ts
If you are a translator, you should also subscribe to the mailing list,!forum/globalboost-translators. Announcements will be posted during application pre-releases to notify translators to check for updates.