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Deploy Frontend Demo UI

Technologies and Components

  • Framework: Angular
  • Hosting Platform: Firebase

Note : This UI demo doesn't configure any domain restrictions. If you choose to build one refer to this link

  1. Install the firebase tools to run CLI commands

    cd Open_Data_QnA
    gcloud services enable --project=$PROJECT_ID # Enable firebase management API
    npm install -g firebase-tools
    export PROJECT_ID=<Enter Project ID>
    export REGION=<Region for deploy and builds>
  2. Build the firebase community builder image

    Cloud Build provides a Firebase community builder image that you can use to invoke firebase commands in Cloud Build. To use this builder in a Cloud Build config file, you must first build the image and push it to the Container Registry in your project.

    Note:Please complete the steps carely and use the same project which you are going to host the app

    Follow detailed instructions:

    1. Navigate to your project root directory.
    2. Clone the cloud-builders-community repository:
    git clone
    1. Navigate to the firebase builder image:
    cd cloud-builders-community/firebase 
    1. Submit the builder to your project, where REGION is one of the supported build regions:
    gcloud builds submit --region=$REGION . --project=$PROJECT_ID
    1. Navigate back to your project root directory:
    cd ../..
    1. Remove the repository from your root directory:
    rm -rf cloud-builders-community/
  3. Create and Initialize Firebase

    cd Open_Data_QnA/frontend
    rm firebase.json .firebaserc
    firebase login --no-localhost
    ## Below command can be used re authenticate in case of authentication errors
    firebase login --reauth --no-localhost 
    #If incase there are old firebase files 
    firebase init hosting 
    ## Select "Add Firebase to an existing Google Cloud Platfrom Project"
    ## For the public directory prompt provide >> /dist/frontend/browser
    ## Rewrite all URLs to index prompt enter >> Yes (Enter No for any other options)
    ## You should now see firebase.json created in the folder
    ## To modify the contents for this solution update it using the cp command as below
    cp firebase_setup.json firebase.json
    ## Run below command to create a webapp to host your application
    firebase apps:create --project $PROJECT_ID
    ## Select Web and Provide name : "opendataqna"
    ## Below command provides the initialization code to add to your constant file
    firebase apps:sdkconfig --project $PROJECT_ID
  4. Enable Google Authentication in Firebase Console

    • Go to the Firebase console (
    • Select your project.
    • Navigate to "Authentication" -> "Sign-in method".
    • Click "Add new provider" and select "Google".
    • Provide a support email and click "Enable". This will enable Google authentication for your project.
  5. Update the Config Code and Endpoint URLs for the frontend

    In the file /frontend/src/assets/constants.ts

    • Replace the config object with the one you copied in the above step
    • Replace the ENDPOINT_OPENDATAQNA value with the Service URL from the Endpoint Deployment section in the backend-apis

    Note that these variables need to be exported using "export" keyword. So make sure export is mentioned for both the variables

    aaie image

  6. Deploy the app

    Run the below commands on the terminal

    cd Open_Data_QnA/frontend
    gcloud builds submit . --config frontend.yaml --substitutions _FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID=$PROJECT_ID --project=$PROJECT_ID

You can see the app URL at the end of successful deployment

Once deployed login if your Google Account > Select Business User > Select a database in the dropdown (top right) > Type in the Query > Hit Query

A successful SQL generated will be show as below with result as below

aaie image

aaie image

Hit Visualize to see the results and charts as below

aaie image

API Details

All the payloads are in JSON format

  1. List Databases : Get the available databases in the vector store that solution can run against

    URI: {Service URL}/available_databases Complete URL Sample :

    Method: GET

    Request Payload : NONE

    Request response:

    "Error": "",
    "KnownDB": "[{\"table_schema\":\"imdb-postgres\"},{\"table_schema\":\"retail-postgres\"}]",
    "ResponseCode": 200
  2. Known SQL : Get suggestive questions (previously asked/examples added) for selected database

    URI: /get_known_sql Complete URL Sample :

    Method: POST

    Request Payload :


    Request response:

    "Error": "",
    "KnownSQL": "[{\"example_user_question\":\"Which city had maximum number of sales and what was the count?\",\"example_generated_sql\":\"select st.city_id, count(st.city_id) as city_sales_count from retail.sales as s join retail.stores as st on s.id_store = st.id_store group by st.city_id order by city_sales_count desc limit 1;\"}]",
    "ResponseCode": 200
  3. SQL Generation : Generate the SQL for the input question asked against a database

    URI: /generate_sql

    Method: POST

    Complete URL Sample :

    Request payload:

    "user_id":"[email protected]",
    "user_question":"Which city had maximum number of sales?",

    Request response:

    "Error": "",
    "GeneratedSQL": " select st.city_id from retail.sales as s join retail.stores as st on s.id_store = st.id_store group by st.city_id order by count(*) desc limit 1;",
    "ResponseCode": 200,
  4. Execute SQL : Run the SQL statement against provided database source

    URI:/run_query Complete URL Sample :

    Method: POST

    Request payload:

    { "user_grouping": "retail",
    "generated_sql":"select st.city_id from retail.sales as s join retail.stores as st on s.id_store = st.id_store group by st.city_id order by count(*) desc limit 1;",

    Request response:

    "Error": "",
    "KnownDB": "[{\"city_id\":\"C014\"}]",
    "ResponseCode": 200
  5. Embedd SQL : To embed known good SQLs to your example embeddings

    URI:/embed_sql Complete URL Sample :


    Request Payload:

    "user_question":"Which city had maximum number of sales?",
    "generated_sql":"select st.city_id from retail.sales as s join retail.stores as st on s.id_store = st.id_store group by st.city_id order by count(*) desc limit 1;",

    Request response:

    "ResponseCode" : 201, 
    "Message" : "Example SQL has been accepted for embedding",
  6. Generate Visualization Code : To generated javascript Google Charts code based on the SQL Results and display them on the UI

    As per design we have two visualizations suggested showing up when the user clicks the visualize button. Hence two divs are send as part of the response “chart_div”, “chart_div_1” to bind them to that element in the UI

    If you are only looking to setup enpoint you can stop here. In case you require the demo app (frontend UI) built in the solution, proceed to the next step.

    URI:/generate_viz Complete URL Sample :


    Request Payload:

      "session_id":"1iuu2u-k1ij2-kkkhhj12131" ,
      "user_question": "What are top 5 product skus that are ordered?",
      "sql_generated": "SELECT productSKU as ProductSKUCode, sum(total_ordered) as TotalOrderedItems FROM `inbq1-joonix.demo.sales_sku` group by productSKU order by sum(total_ordered) desc limit 5",
      "sql_results": [
          "ProductSKUCode": "GGOEGOAQ012899",
          "TotalOrderedItems": 456
          "ProductSKUCode": "GGOEGDHC074099",
          "TotalOrderedItems": 334
          "ProductSKUCode": "GGOEGOCB017499",
          "TotalOrderedItems": 319
          "ProductSKUCode": "GGOEGOCC077999",
          "TotalOrderedItems": 290
          "ProductSKUCode": "GGOEGFYQ016599",
          "TotalOrderedItems": 253

    Request response:

    "Error": "",
    "GeneratedChartjs": {
        "chart_div": "google.charts.load('current', {\n  packages: ['corechart']\n});\ngoogle.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart);\n\nfunction drawChart() {\n  var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([\n    ['Product SKU', 'Total Ordered Items'],\n    ['GGOEGOAQ012899', 456],\n    ['GGOEGDHC074099', 334],\n    ['GGOEGOCB017499', 319],\n    ['GGOEGOCC077999', 290],\n    ['GGOEGFYQ016599', 253],\n  ]);\n\n  var options = {\n    title: 'Top 5 Product SKUs Ordered',\n    width: 600,\n    height: 300,\n    hAxis: {\n      textStyle: {\n        fontSize: 12\n      }\n    },\n    vAxis: {\n      textStyle: {\n        fontSize: 12\n      }\n    },\n    legend: {\n      textStyle: {\n        fontSize: 12\n      }\n    },\n    bar: {\n      groupWidth: '50%'\n    }\n  };\n\n  var chart = new google.visualization.BarChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));\n\n  chart.draw(data, options);\n}\n",
        "chart_div_1": "google.charts.load('current', {'packages':['corechart']});\ngoogle.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart);\nfunction drawChart() {\n  var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([\n    ['ProductSKUCode', 'TotalOrderedItems'],\n    ['GGOEGOAQ012899', 456],\n    ['GGOEGDHC074099', 334],\n    ['GGOEGOCB017499', 319],\n    ['GGOEGOCC077999', 290],\n    ['GGOEGFYQ016599', 253]\n  ]);\n\n  var options = {\n    title: 'Top 5 Product SKUs that are Ordered',\n    width: 600,\n    height: 300,\n    hAxis: {\n      textStyle: {\n        fontSize: 5\n      }\n    },\n    vAxis: {\n      textStyle: {\n        fontSize: 5\n      }\n    },\n    legend: {\n      textStyle: {\n        fontSize: 10\n      }\n    },\n    bar: {\n      groupWidth: \"60%\"\n    }\n  };\n\n  var chart = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById('chart_div_1'));\n\n  chart.draw(data, options);\n}\n"
    "ResponseCode": 200