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194 lines (165 loc) · 5.65 KB

File metadata and controls

194 lines (165 loc) · 5.65 KB

inline -> terminal

docker run \
  -i bigquery-antipattern-recognition \
  --query "SELECT * FROM \`project.dataset.table1\`" 


In the BigQuery console, run the DDL below to create the output table

CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE <my-project>.<my-dataset>.antipattern_output_table (
  job_id STRING,
  user_email STRING,
  query STRING,
  recommendation ARRAY<STRUCT<name STRING, description STRING>>,
  slot_hours FLOAT64,
  optimized_sql STRING,
  process_timestamp TIMESTAMP

To read from INFORMATION_SCHEMA and write to the output table, run the following in the command line:

gcloud auth login

docker run \
    -v ~/.config:/root/.config \
    -i bigquery-antipattern-recognition \
    --read_from_info_schema \
    --read_from_info_schema_days 1 \
    --processing_project_id <my-project> \
    --output_table "<my-project>.<my-dataset>.antipattern_output_table" \
    --info_schema_top_n_percentage_of_jobs 0.1  

Read output in BigQuery Console

  job_id, user_email, query, 
  recommendation, slot_hours
  process_timestamp DESC 
LIMIT 10000;

BQ Table -> BQ Table

In the BigQuery console, run the DDL below to create the output table

CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE <my-project>.<my-dataset>.antipattern_output_table (
  job_id STRING,
  user_email STRING,
  query STRING,
  recommendation ARRAY<STRUCT<name STRING, description STRING>>,
  slot_hours FLOAT64,
  optimized_sql STRING,
  process_timestamp TIMESTAMP

In the BigQuery console, run the DDL below to create the input table

CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE <my-project>.<my-dataset>.antipattern_input_table (
  id STRING,
  query STRING

To read from a BQ table and write to the BQ output table, run the following in the command line:

gcloud auth login

docker run -i bigquery-antipattern-recognition \
  --input_bq_table <my-project>.<my-dataset>.antipattern_input_table \
  --output_table <my-project>.<my-dataset>.antipattern_output_table"

local file -> terminal

Read from local file and write to terminal

export INPUT_FOLDER=$(pwd)/samples/queries/input
export INPUT_FILE_NAME=multipleCTEs.sql
docker run \
  -i bigquery-antipattern-recognition \
  --input_file_path $INPUT_FOLDER/$INPUT_FILE_NAME

local folder -> local CSV

Read from folder and write output to csv

export INPUT_FOLDER=$(pwd)/samples/queries/input
export OUTPUT_FOLDER=$(pwd)/samples/queries/output
export OUTPUT_FILENAME=results.csv

docker run \
  -i bigquery-antipattern-recognition \
  --input_folder_path $INPUT_FOLDER \
  --output_file_path $OUTPUT_FOLDER/$OUTPUT_FILENAME

local csv -> local csv

Read from csv and output to csv

export INPUT_FOLDER=$(pwd)/samples/csv/input
export INPUT_CSV_FILENAME=input_queries.csv
export OUTPUT_FOLDER=$(pwd)/samples/csv/output
export OUTPUT_FILENAME=results.csv

docker run \
  -i bigquery-antipattern-recognition \
  --input_csv_file_path $INPUT_FOLDER/$INPUT_CSV_FILENAME \
  --output_file_path $OUTPUT_FOLDER/$OUTPUT_FILENAME

Run using advanced analysis

The JoinOrder anti-pattern depends on table size. The advanced analysis option allows the tool to fetch table metadata for the JoinOrder anti-pattern.

docker run \
  -v $(pwd)/samples/queries:/samples/queries \
  -v ~/.config:/root/.config \
  -i bigquery-antipattern-recognition \
  --advanced_analysis \
  --analyzer_default_project bigquery-public-data \
  --input_file_path /samples/queries/input/joinOrder.sql 

Dataform and DBT Query Extraction

Dataform and dbt both supply the dataform compile and dbt compile commands to view the compiled results in SQL.

This can be useful to run the SQL anti pattern across these compiled results.

For example, you can run the dbt compile command, navigate to the target directory in your project and upload the compiled model folder to GCS

gsutil cp * gs://my-bucket

Then, use that bucket as an input parameter for the antipattern tool

docker run \
  -i bigquery-antipattern-recognition \
  --input_folder_path gs://my-bucket \
  --output_table <my-project>.<my-dataset>.antipattern_output_table

Note that the tool will recursively search for SQL files recurseivly in the folder that you upload.

Using a service account

export SA_KEYFILE_PATH="/path/to/folder/with/keyfile"
export SA_KEYFILE_NAME="keyfile.json"

gcloud auth login

docker run \
    -v ~/.config:/root/.config \
    -i bigquery-antipattern-recognition \
    --read_from_info_schema \
    --read_from_info_schema_days 1 \
    --processing_project_id <my-project> \
    --output_table "<my-project>.<my-dataset>.antipattern_output_table" \
    --info_schema_top_n_percentage_of_jobs 0.1 \
    --service_account_keyfile_path $SA_KEYFILE_PATH/$SA_KEYFILE_NAME


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