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DevAI CLI with Gemini Pro for Development

Devai CLI integration

This example demonstrates ways to integrate LLM models into a custom command line utility for use by developers both locally and in automation processes such as CICD pipelines.

This directory contains a sample cli implementation called devai, as well as a tutorial describing how to use it.

Developers Guide

Execute commands in your terminal.

Clone repository

git clone

cd genai-for-developers/devai-cli

GCP Project config

Set GCP project and location.

export LOCATION=us-central1

gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID

GCP access credentials

Obtain GCP user access credentials via a web flow. CLI will use these credentials to authenticate and make API calls.

gcloud auth application-default login

Enable APIs

Enable Vertex AI and Secrets Manager APIs in your GCP project.

gcloud services enable \ \ \ \

Init Python virtualenv

To start, setup your virtualenv, install requirements and run the sample command

python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r src/requirements.txt

Working with an installable app

To create an installable CLI from the source, use setuptools to create the DEVAI cli with the following command from the project base folder.

pip install --editable ./src

Sample commands

Once installed you can use the CLI with its short name devai as follows

devai review code -c ../sample-app/src/main/java
devai review performance -c ../sample-app/src/main/java
devai review security -c ../sample-app/src/main/java

devai review code -c ../sample-app/src/main/java/anthos/samples/bankofanthos/balancereader/

devai review testcoverage -c ../sample-app/src

devai document readme -c ../sample-app/src/main/
# Sample command to update file and open GitHub PR
devai document readme -c ../sample-app/src/main/ -f "sample-app/" -b "feature/docs-update"

devai document update-readme -f ../sample-app/ -c ../sample-app/src/main/java/
devai document releasenotes -c ../sample-app/src/main/java
devai document update-releasenotes -f ../sample-app/ -c ../sample-app/src/main/java/ -t "v1.2.3"

devai review blockers -c ../sample-app/pom.xml
devai review blockers -c ../sample-app/

devai review impact \
  --current ~/github/repo/service-v1.0.0/modules/login \
  --target ~/github/repo/service-v2.0.0/modules/login

devai review imgdiff \
  -c /ui/main-page-after-upgrade.png \
  -t /ui/main-page-before-upgrade.png  

devai review image \
  -f "/tmp/diagram.png" \
  -p "Review and summarize this diagram"

devai review video \
  -f "/tmp/video.mp4" \
  -p "Review and summarize this video"  

devai release notes_user_tag -t "v5.0.0"
devai release notes_user -s "main" -e "feature-branch-name" 

devai rag load -r ""
devai rag query -q "What does devai do"

devai prompt with_context  
devai prompt with_msg
devai prompt with_msg_streaming


To uninstall the package run the following command

python develop -u

To deactivate virtual env run the following command


Use in CICD

Configure Service Account

Run commands below to create service account and keys.

PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)
DISPLAY_NAME='Vertex Client'

gcloud iam service-accounts create $SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME --display-name "$DISPLAY_NAME"

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member="serviceAccount:$SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME@$" --role="roles/aiplatform.admin" --condition None

gcloud iam service-accounts keys create $KEY_FILE_NAME.json --iam-account=$SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME@$

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member="serviceAccount:$SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME@$" --role="roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor" --condition None

Configure Environment Variables in CICD

Add following environment variables/secrets to your CICD pipeline.

If you have JIRA, GitHub, GitLab and LangSmith integrations enabled, add additional env variables for respective systems, see details in sections below. See additional documentation for more details.


For GOOGLE_CLOUD_CREDENTIALS variable value, use service account key created in section above.

cat $KEY_FILE_NAME.json

DevAI CLI can be added in any build pipeline following the examples below:

GitHub Actions (Full example at ${repoRoot/.github/workflows/devai-review.yml})


      - name: Code Review
        run: echo '## Code Review Results 🚀' >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
      - run: echo "$(devai review code -c ${{ github.workspace }}/sample-app/src/main/java/anthos/samples/bankofanthos/balancereader)" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
        shell: bash

GitLab Pipeline example


  stage: build
    - devai review code -c ./sample-app/src/main/java/anthos/samples/bankofanthos/balancereader
    - devai review performance -c ./sample-app/src/main/java/anthos/samples/bankofanthos/balancereader
    - devai review security -c ./sample-app/src/main/java/anthos/samples/bankofanthos/balancereader

Jenkins Pipeline example


pipeline {
    agent any

    stages {
        stage('build') {
            steps {
                dir("${env.WORKSPACE}/devai-cli") {
                    sh '''
                    python3 -m venv ./venv
                    . ./venv/bin/activate
                    ./venv/bin/pip install -r src/requirements.txt
                    ./venv/bin/pip install --editable ./src
                            file(credentialsId: 'GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS', variable: 'GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'),
                            string(credentialsId: 'PROJECT_ID', variable: 'PROJECT_ID'),
                            string(credentialsId: 'LOCATION', variable: 'LOCATION'),
                        ]) {    
                            sh '''
                            ./venv/bin/devai review code -c /bitnami/jenkins/home/workspace/genai-cicd_genai-for-developers/sample-app/src/main/java/anthos/samples/bankofanthos/balancereader
                            ./venv/bin/devai review performance -c /bitnami/jenkins/home/workspace/genai-cicd_genai-for-developers/sample-app/src/main/java/anthos/samples/bankofanthos/balancereader
                            ./venv/bin/devai review security -c /bitnami/jenkins/home/workspace/genai-cicd_genai-for-developers/sample-app/src/main/java/anthos/samples/bankofanthos/balancereader

BitBucket Pipeline example


image: python:3.11-slim

      - step:
          name: DevAI CLI
            - pip
            - apt-get update && apt-get install -y git
            - devai review code -c ./sample-app/src/main/java/anthos/samples/bankofanthos/balancereader
            - devai review performance -c ./sample-app/src/main/java/anthos/samples/bankofanthos/balancereader
            - devai review security -c ./sample-app/src/main/java/anthos/samples/bankofanthos/balancereader

CircleCI Pipeline example


version: 2.1

      - image: python:3.11-slim
      - checkout
      - run:
            command: |
              devai review code -c ./sample-app/src/main/java/anthos/samples/bankofanthos/balancereader            

Testing integrations with Cloud Build Jobs

There are multiple cloudbuild files included in order to facilitate local builds and tests as well as automated CICD for this repo.

First ensure you have an AR repo created to hold your image

gcloud artifacts repositories describe app-image-repo --location=$LOCATION

To trigger a build in Cloud Build manually run the following command. This build file does not use the ${SHORT_SHA} tag as seen in the standard webhook model

gcloud builds submit . --config=build/cloudbuild-local.yaml \

To test the CLI as it would be used in a typical pipeline, run the following command.

gcloud builds submit . --config=build/cloudbuild-pipeline-test.yaml 

Containerized CLI

To work with the CLI inside the container, build it locally and run it with your .config folder mounted to provide access to gcloud credentials

docker build -t devai-img .
docker run -it -v ~/.config:/root/.config devai-img

Once in the container run commands against the cli

devai echo

Publish to PyPi

To publish manually

  • Update version number in
    • Follow semantic versioning
    • versioned in order as follows (.devN, aN, bN, rcN, <no suffix>, .postN)
  • Retrieve a personal API key from to publish
    • You will need rights to publish to the pypi project
  • Run the commands below an supply your API key when prompted
pip install build twine
rm -rf src/dist
rm -rf src/devai_cli.egg-info
python3 -m build src/

python3 -m twine upload src/dist/* --verbose

Install and use PyPi package

The cli is provided as a package on PyPi for demonstration purposes only. It is not intended for production use as is. To install the package for use locally or in CICD systems run the following command

Set environment variables in your local environment or in CICD pipeline environment variables.

export LOCATION=us-central1

Install cli:

pip install devai-cli

Install specific version:

pip install devai-cli==0.0.0a1

Test cli:

devai echo


JIRA command configuration

Setup information.

GitHub command configuration

Setup information.

GitLab command configuration

Setup information.

LangSmith LLM tracing configuration

Setup information.