This is a list of Bounties being offered By The community Only 1 Winner Per Bounty First one Approved Wins BTC Only 1 Bounty every 24 hours.
Bounty #1
- Finding the Most Frequently Occurring Number
- Given an array of numbers, find the most recurrent number.
- For example, given [1, 2, 3, 4, 3], your algorithm should return 3, as it has the highest level of recurrence. For ties, return the first found more recurrent number.
- its worth 0.0009 bitcoin For you to claim this Reward you need to Open an Issue and Label it Enerings Claim and Solve this in the file bounty.1.js
- Note: Claimed Bounty #2 its worth 0.0009 bitcoin commit your code to the bounty.2.js file
- Note: Claimed /**
- Fizz Buzz
- Write a program that console logs the numbers
- from 1 to n. But for multiples of three print
- “fizz” instead of the number and for the multiples
- of five prints “buzz”. For numbers which are multiples
- of both three and five print “fizzbuzz”.
- Example:
- fizzBuzz(5);
- console.log(1)
- console.log(2)
- console.log('fizz')
- console.log(4)
- console.log('buzz') */