Got through basic course logistics, but did not actually cover course content of Population & Community Ecology, Micro & Macroevolution or distinctions between basic and applied science. Will pick these up later when we get into Ecology material.
Got through all of the materials and just barely introduced null hypothesis. Did not ask questions about what is science, but just jumped into features.
Got only through p-value definition. Still need to cover logic flow chart, determinants of statistical p value, empirical example from problem set, and Type I and Type II statistical errors.
Finished biological hypotheses, example problem, determinants of statistical p, Type I and Type II errors. Introduced ecology definitions (from lecture #1) and defined population. Just at the edge of starting the math.
Finished exponential growth, except for assumptions and significance.
Completed exponential growth, and the logistic growth through harvesting and maximum yield.
Finished logistic growth. Started Age Structured growth through age terminology, iteroparous, semelparous definitions
Finished age structured growth, except for stationary and stable age distributions.
Stationary and stable age distributions, then life history strategies through start of body size effects on r.