What is Cloud File Transfer (CFT)?
A centralised, fully managed file transfer service for the whole-of-government (WOG).
This service is a part of the Singapore Government Tech Stack (SGTS) and is hosted on the Government Commercial Cloud (GCC).
Core capabilities:
- Compliant cross-zone file transfers according to IM8
- Malware scanning with Content Disarm and Reconstruct (CDR)
- File Encryption for data integrity and security
- Application Programming Interface (API) access for web and mobile applications
- Event-driven with file download notifications
What are the benefits of using CFT?
CFT can benefit agencies who need to:
- Transfer large files across zones
- Move files securely
- Automatically scale based on their transfer needs
- Customize workflows
- Audit and monitor their file transfer activity
- Accelerate digitization of government services
What is cross-zone file transfer?
The IM8 policy requires applications to be separated into internet and intranet zones. Transfering files from one zone to another is refered to as a cross-zone file transfer.
Will CFT be available for my use?
CFT is available for government agencies, their business partners, and vendors.
What are the different integration options?
CFT will support the following integration options:
- CFT for Backend Systems - File transfers between systems.
- CFT for Web and Mobile Applications - File transfers between end-user and system.
What type of encryption does CFT support?
CFT supports industry and IM8 compliant standards for:
- Encryption at rest:
Data is encrypted at-rest on the commercial cloud hosting environment with Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Service Server Side Encryption Key Management Service (S3 SSE-KMS) (IM8 8.3/S2)
- Encryption in transit:
HTTPS over Transport Layer Security version 1.2 (TLS 1.2) and above (IM8 3.1/S3)
What are the requirments to use CFT?
Sign up for a CFT Production and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
When will it be available?
CFT for Backend Systems will be Generally Available from end 2021.
What data classification does CFT support?
CFT is hosted in GCC which can support up to Restricted.
How do I access CFT admin portal?
TechPass is required to log in to the CFT admin portal.
How do I monitor resource utilization of my projects?
From the CFT admin portal.
How many projects can I have?
Each subscription is entitled to one project.
What are the limits for the file transfers?
An unlimited number of files and up to 1GB file size per transfer.
How long will the files be stored in CFT?
Fourteen days, after which the files will be purged.
What happens if the file contains malware?
- CFT for Backend Systems - File will be moved to dirty bucket , file status will be updated to ‘FileCopiedToDirtyBucket’
- CFT for Web and Mobile Applications - TBC
I need more help. How do I contact you?
Send us an email at [email protected] and we will respond to you as soon as possible.
How do I integrate CFT with my application?
- For CFT for Backend Systems, refer to Integration guide and the API specs
- For CFT for Web and Mobile Applications refer to Integration guide
Where can I find the pricing information?
Please contact Support for more information.
How do I modify my subscription tier options?
Please contact Support for more information.
How do I download billing reports?
Please contact Support for more information.
I am interested in trying out CFT service, do you offer a trial?
We offer a sandbox environment for you to try out our APIs and get a feel of the file transfer process.
Please follow the steps below to sign up:
- Fill up the onboarding form.
- We will send you an email with the sandbox credentials.
- Start testing with OpenAPI specifications or call the APIs from applications.
If I am interested to subscribe, what are the next steps?
Sign up for a CFT production to start transferring files on your live applications.
How do I terminate my subscription?
Please contact Support for more information.
I can't access CFT admin portal
You need to be a TechPass user to log in to CFT admin portal. If you do not have a TechPass account, click here.
My system has connectivity issues to CFT services
Ensure that you have submitted the Firewall openings. Check your agency Firewall logs and Content Delivery Network (CDN) (if any) for any blockage.
I am unable to login to CFT admin portal?
A TechPass account is required to access CFT admin portal. If you do not have a TechPass account, click here.
If you are a TechPass user, your account may have been disabled due to inactivity. You will need to enable it.
My TechPass account is disabled? How do I enable it?
Your Agency Manager will need to raise a Service Request in the TechPass portal to enable your account.
How do I reset my TechPass password?
You can reset password in the TechPass portal.
I am unable to add/remove users in my project
You will need to have the Agency Manager role to add or remove users. Also, your users will need to have a TechPass account.
I can't amend the user roles in my project
You will need to have the Agency Manager role to amend user roles. Also, your users will need to have a TechPass account.
I am not able to send files
Here are a couple of troubleshooting steps:
- Check if workflow status is active on the portal.
If you need any assistance, please take note of the x-cft-trace-id request header and contact Support
I am not able to receive files
Here are a couple of troubleshooting steps:
- Check if workflow status is active on the portal.
If you need any assistance, please take note of the x-cft-trace-id request header and contact Support
How will I be notified if my files fail to transfer?
Please contact Support for more information.