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Downloading and working with the data

Abel Serrano Juste edited this page Oct 10, 2018 · 1 revision

Since WikiChron 1.1.0, you can request the data corresponding to your selection of wikis and metrics in csv format (see related issue).

In order to request that, just press the download button located in the top right corner inside the screen where the graphs are displayed or simply replace the word /app/ by /download/ in the URL.

With this new feature you will get a file that you can manipulate and further inspect it with other data analysis tools. The format of those CSV will be the same as the ones used as input for WikiChron (that format is specified in the How to add new metrics page).

Let's say, for instance, that you wanted to load that csv in pandas as a Dataframe, then you would run something like this: pd.read_csv('computed_data.csv', index_col='timestamp')