grasia-dash-components is a third party extension of the Dash components suite. It adds new components or extends the default ones.
This is a list of the currently available components:
- Accordion: A list of items that can be collapsed (folded) or un-collapsed (unfolded).
- Card: A component for framing content that can contain an image, text, etcetera.
- Import: A component to import external javascript libraries into your web app.
- LoadingDialog: A loading Dialog/Popup.
- Tabs: An extension of the [WIP] Dash component that supports embbebing icons in the tabs as well as other improvements.
To use it, simply install it from pip: pip install grasia-dash-components
and import it with import grasia_dash_components
We use this suite for our projects. But we have this suite open-sourced and we try to keep it well maintained.