A working ChefDK installation set as your system's default ruby. ChefDK can be downloaded at https://downloads.chef.io/chef-dk/
Hashicorp's Vagrant and Oracle's Virtualbox for integration testing.
chef exec bundle install
Update any installed dependencies to the latest versions:
chef exec bundle update
$ chef exec rake -T
rake spec # Run ChefSpec examples
rake style # Run all style checks
rake style:chef # Run Chef style checks
rake style:ruby # Run Ruby style checks
rake style:ruby:auto_correct # Auto-correct RuboCop offenses
rake test # Run all tests
Ruby style tests can be performed by Rubocop by issuing either
chef exec rake style:ruby
Chef style/correctness tests can be performed with Foodcritic by issuing either
chef exec rake style:chef
Unit testing is done by running Rspec examples.
chef exec rake spec
To see a list of available test instances run:
chef exec kitchen list
To test specific instance run:
chef exec kitchen test INSTANCE_NAME