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File metadata and controls

643 lines (532 loc) · 26.3 KB


The present file documents the Generator module.

Table of contents

Module Structure

          ├─────── java/generator/generate/
          |                                └──    ; Java interface for this module's API
          └── scala/generator/
                              ├── generate/
                              |            ├── HTMLHandler.scala     ; Handles the HTML operations
                              |            ├── FileHandler.scala     ; Handles the file inputs
                              |            └── Generator.scala       ; Handles the generation of PDF documents from JSON/Maps
                              └───── utils/
                                           ├── Config.scala          ; Configuration object for styling the converted PDF
                                           ├── Content.scala         ; Object that describes the content to be displayed (field name, field value, HTML tag)
                                           └── FieldType.scala  ; Classes that enumerate the possible types Flipper supports

Main Features

In this Module it is possible to generate a PDF with the information of a JSON String or a Map of Keywords and Content objects describing what information should be displayed in the PDF file.

  • Parsing a JSON String and Returning a PDF - Using iText and JSON4S we're able to extract all the information given in the JSON String and put it in a PDF document. This is accomplished in two different steps, the first is to convert the JSON into an HTML file, and the second is to convert the resulting HTML file into the desired PDF file.

Main Methods / Examples

In this Module there are two main methods that can be called in four different ways each. In this section there will be some examples on how to call this methods.

HTML Entities

For both methods you can supply them with information regarding what field type they should take, this way you have a better control on how the converted PDF should look like.The way you achive this is by using one of FieldType's sub-classes. The supported HTML entities so far are:

FieldType Actual HTML Tag Output
Header1 h1


Header2 h2


Header3 h3


Header4 h4


Header5 h5
Header6 h6
OrderedList ol
  1. first item
  2. second item
UnorderedList ul
  • first item
  • second item
Table table
Paragraph p


Text span Text
Code code Code
Link a
Image img Image

Note that both Link and Image must be supplied with a link attribute in order to identify the resource to display.

The Content and Config Classes

In both examples you will use 2 main classes for specifying what should be displayed in the PDF file, and how should that information should be displayed.

  • Content class

To specify what should be displayed we use the Content class. This class has the following fields:

Field Meaning
fieldName The name of the keyword to be displayed
fieldValue The actual value of the keyword to be displayed
fieldType The type of text the keyword-value pair should represent
formattingID Optional In case you want to customize the styling of this keyword-value pair you can do so specifying a formattingID for it and then create the styling for that formatting using either a: Config class / CSS File / CSS String
  • Config class

To specify customize the styling of the information displayed we can use the Config class (or plain old CSS). Here are the fields this class supports. Note: This class is to be used for basic styling or for those how don't feel to used to CSS, if you're a CSS master, go right ahead and create your CSS file/CSS String and suply the methods with it!

Field Meaning
color The color to be used in that specific HTML tag
fontSize The size of the font, in points (pt)
textAlignment The text alignment to take effect
fontFamily The font to be used in the text elements
fontWeight The font weight to be used in the text elements

There's also some predefined styling options supported by Flipper wich you can use by using the BigHeader, SmallHeader, BigHeader, JustifiedText and BoldText

API Examples

  • Generate a PDF from a Map

Generating a PDF file from a Map is done by calling the convertMapToPDF function, with the Map in the following format Map[String,Content]. This can be done with one of four ways, by simply passing the Map, by passing the Map and a CSS file, by passing the Map and a CSS String, by passing the Map and a ConfigMap (Map[String, Configuration]). The ConfigMap is a Map that contains some configurations for each formattingID defined in the Map[String, Content] object, these are text color, font size, text alignment, font family and font weight. This function returns a Boolean saying if the conversion was successful and the output file shows in the root folder (./).


  • Not specifying any styling details
    import generator.generate.Generator.convertMapToPDF
    import generator.utils._
    val contentMap = 
        "name" -> Content("name", "John Doe", Header1()),
        "phones" -> Content("phones", List(12345, 54321), UnorderedList()),
        "webSite" -> Content("webSite", "Great place to work", Link(""))
    val success = convertMapToPDF(contentMap)
  • Specifying styling details with CSS File
    import generator.generate.Generator.convertMapToPDF
    import generator.utils._
    val contentMap = 
        "name" -> Content("name", "John Doe", Header1(), "bigHeader"),
        "phones" -> Content("phones", List(12345, 54321), UnorderedList(), "list"),
        "webSite" -> Content("webSite", "Great place to work", Link(""))
    val cssFile = new File("CSSFile.css")
    val success = convertMapToPDF(contentMap, cssFile)
  • Specifying styling details with CSS String
    import generator.generate.Generator.convertMapToPDF
    import generator.utils._
    val contentMap = 
        "name" -> Content("name", "John Doe", Header1(), "bigHeader"),
        "phones" -> Content("phones", List(12345, 54321), UnorderedList(), "list"),
        "webSite" -> Content("webSite", "Great place to work", Link(""))
    val cssString = ".bigHeader { color: green; font-size: 30px; text-align: center; } .list{ color: red; font-size: 10px; }"
    val success = convertMapToPDF(contentMap, cssString)
  • Specifying styling details with configuration Map
    import generator.generate.Generator.convertMapToPDF
    import generator.utils._
    val contentMap = 
        "name" -> Content("name", "John Doe", Header1(), "bigHeader"),
        "phones" -> Content("phones", List(12345, 54321), UnorderedList(), "list"),
        "webSite" -> Content("webSite", "Great place to work", Link(""), "link")
    val configMap = 
        "bigHeader" -> Config("green", "30", "center"),
        "list" -> Config("red", "10"),
        "link" -> JustifiedText() //Using Flipper's predefined styling options
    val success = convertMapToPDF(contentMap,configMap)


  • Not specifying any styling details
    import generator.generate.GeneratorJava;
    import generator.utils.*;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class Example {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
             GeneratorJava gj = new GeneratorJava();

             ArrayList phoneNumbers = new ArrayList<>();

             HashMap<String, Content> contentMap = new HashMap<>();
             contentMap.put("name", new Content("name", "John Doe", new Header1(), ""));
             contentMap.put("phones", new Content("phones", phoneNumbers, new UnorderedList(), ""));
             contentMap.put("webSite", new Content("webSite", "Great place to work", new Link(""), ""));

             boolean success = gj.convertMapToPDF(contentMap);
  • Specifying styling details with CSS File
    import generator.generate.GeneratorJava;
    import generator.utils.*;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.ArrayList;

    public class Example {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
             GeneratorJava gj = new GeneratorJava();

             ArrayList phoneNumbers = new ArrayList<>();

             HashMap<String, Content> contentMap = new HashMap<>();
             contentMap.put("name", new Content("name", "John Doe", new Header1(), "bigHeader"));
             contentMap.put("phones", new Content("phones", phoneNumbers, new UnorderedList(), "list"));
             contentMap.put("webSite", new Content("webSite", "Great place to work", new Link(""), ""));

            File cssFile = new File("CSSFile.css");

             boolean success = gj.convertMapToPDF(contentMap, cssFile);
  • Specifying styling details with CSS String
    import generator.generate.GeneratorJava;
    import generator.utils.*;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class Example {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
             GeneratorJava gj = new GeneratorJava();

             ArrayList phoneNumbers = new ArrayList<>();

             HashMap<String, Content> contentMap = new HashMap<>();
             contentMap.put("name", new Content("name", "John Doe", new Header1(), "bigHeader"));
             contentMap.put("phones", new Content("phones", phoneNumbers, new UnorderedList(), "list"));
             contentMap.put("webSite", new Content("webSite", "Great place to work", new Link(""), ""));

            String cssString = ".bigHeader { color: green; font-size: 30px; text-align: center; } .list{ color: red; font-size: 10px; }";

             boolean success = gj.convertMapToPDF(contentMap, cssString);
  • Specifying styling details with configuration Map
    import generator.generate.GeneratorJava;
    import generator.utils.*;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class Example {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
             GeneratorJava gj = new GeneratorJava();

             ArrayList phoneNumbers = new ArrayList<>();

             HashMap<String, Content> contentMap = new HashMap<>();
             contentMap.put("name", new Content("name", "John Doe", new Header1(), "bigHeader"));
             contentMap.put("phones", new Content("phones", phoneNumbers, new UnorderedList(), "list"));
             contentMap.put("webSite", new Content("webSite", "Great place to work", new Link(""), "link"));

            HashMap<String, Configuration> configMap = new HashMap<>();
            configMap.put("bigHeader", new Config("green", "30", "center", "", "");
            configMap.put("list", new Config("red", "10", "", "", ""));
            configMap.put("link", new JustifiedText());

             boolean success = gj.convertMapToPDF(contentMap, configMap);
                Note: all parameters in Config class in java's interface must be initialized.
                You achieve that by initializing all parameters as empty String (if you don't want to specify a value for them)
                If you only want to use a green color and leave all rest by default, you'd do:
                Config config = new Config("green", -1.0, "", "", "");
  • Generate a PDF from a JSON

To generate a PDF file from a JSON String you need to call the convertJSONtoPDF method. Similarly to the previous method, this can be done by simply passing the JSON String, or by passing a JSON String and a CSS File/CSS String/Config JSON. This method returns a Boolean saying if the conversion was successful and the output file shows in the root folder (./).


  • Not specifying any styling details
    import generator.generate.Generator.convertJSONtoPDF
    val contentJSON =
        |   "name"  : {
        |             "fieldName" : "name",
        |             "fieldValue" : "John Doe",
        |             "fieldType" : "Header1"
        |            },
        |  "phones" : {
        |             "fieldName" : "phones",
        |             "fieldValue" : [12345, 54321],
        |             "fieldType" : "UnorderedList"
        |           },
        |  "webSite" : {
        |             "fieldName" : "webSite",
        |             "fieldValue" : "Greate place to work",
        |             "fieldType" : {
        |                               "type" : "link", 
        |                               "link" : ""
        |                           }
        |           }
    val success = convertJSONtoPDF(contentJSON)
  • Specifying styling details with a CSS file
    import generator.generate.Generator.convertJSONtoPDF
    val contentJSON =
        |   "name"  : {
        |             "fieldName" : "name",
        |             "fieldValue" : "John Doe",
        |             "fieldType" : "Header1",
        |             "formattingID" : "bigHeader"
        |            },
        |  "phones" : {
        |             "fieldName" : "phones",
        |             "fieldValue" : [12345, 54321],
        |             "fieldType" : "UnorderedList",
        |             "formattingID" : "list"
        |           },
        |  "webSite" : {
        |             "fieldName" : "webSite",
        |             "fieldValue" : "Greate place to work",
        |             "fieldType" : {
        |                               "type" : "link", 
        |                               "link" : ""
        |                           },
        |             "formattingID" : "link"
        |           }
    val cssFile = new File("CSSFile.css")
    val success = convertJSONtoPDF(contentJSON, cssFile)
  • Specifying styling details with a CSS String
    import generator.generate.Generator.convertJSONtoPDFWithCSS
    val contentJSON =
        |   "name"  : {
        |             "fieldName" : "name",
        |             "fieldValue" : "John Doe",
        |             "fieldType" : "Header1",
        |             "formattingID" : "bigHeader"
        |            },
        |  "phones" : {
        |             "fieldName" : "phones",
        |             "fieldValue" : [12345, 54321],
        |             "fieldType" : "UnorderedList",
        |             "formattingID" : "list"
        |           },
        |  "webSite" : {
        |             "fieldName" : "webSite",
        |             "fieldValue" : "Greate place to work",
        |             "fieldType" : {
        |                               "type" : "link", 
        |                               "link" : ""
        |                           },
        |             "formattingID" : "link"
        |           }
    val cssString = ".bigHeader { color: green; font-size: 30px; text-align: center; } .list{ color: red; font-size: 10px; }"
    val success = convertJSONtoPDF(contentJSON, cssString)
  • Specifying styling details with a confinguration JSON
    import generator.generate.Generator.convertJSONtoPDF
    val contentJSON =
        |   "name"  : {
        |             "fieldName" : "name",
        |             "fieldValue" : "John Doe",
        |             "fieldType" : "Header1",
        |             "formattingID" : "bigHeader"
        |            },
        |  "phones" : {
        |             "fieldName" : "phones",
        |             "fieldValue" : [12345, 54321],
        |             "fieldType" : "UnorderedList",
        |             "formattingID" : "list"
        |           },
        |  "webSite" : {
        |             "fieldName" : "webSite",
        |             "fieldValue" : "Greate place to work",
        |             "fieldType" : {
        |                               "type" : "link", 
        |                               "link" : ""
        |                           },
        |             "formattingID" : "link"
        |           }
    val configJSON =
        |  "bigHeader" : {
        |                  "color" : "green",
        |                  "fontSize"  : "30",
        |                  "textAlignment" : "center",
        |                },
        |  "list" : {
        |             "color" : "red",
        |             "fontSize"  : "10"
        |           },
    val success = convertJSONtoPDF(contentJSON, configJSON)


  • Not specifying any styling details
    import generator.generate.GeneratorJava;
    public class Example {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
            GeneratorJava gj = new GeneratorJava();
            String contentJSON = ""+
            "{" +
            "  \"name\" : {" +
            "               \"fieldName\" : \"name\"," +
            "               \"fieldValue\" : \"John Doe\"," +
            "               \"fieldType\" : \"Header1\"" +
            "             },"+
            "  \"phones\" : {" +
            "               \"fieldName\" : \"phones\"," +
            "               \"fieldValue\" : [12345, 54321]," +
            "               \"fieldType\" : \"UnorderedList\"" +
            "             },"+
            "  \"webSite\" : {" +
            "               \"fieldName\" : \"webSite\"," +
            "               \"fieldValue\" : \"Great place to work\"," +
            "               \"fieldType\" : { "+
            "                                   \"type\": \"link\","+
            "                                   \"link\": \"\""+
            "                                }" +
            "             }"+

            boolean success = gj.convertJSONtoPDF(contentJSON);
  • Specifying styling details with CSS File
    import generator.generate.GeneratorJava;
    public class Example {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
            GeneratorJava gj = new GeneratorJava();

            String contentJSON = ""+
            "{" +
            "  \"name\" : {" +
            "               \"fieldName\" : \"name\"," +
            "               \"fieldValue\" : \"John Doe\"," +
            "               \"fieldType\" : \"Header1\"," +
            "               \"formattingID\" : \"bigHeader\"" +
            "             },"+
            "  \"phones\" : {" +
            "               \"fieldName\" : \"phones\"," +
            "               \"fieldValue\" : [12345, 54321]," +
            "               \"fieldType\" : \"UnorderedList\"," +
            "               \"formattingID\" : \"list\"" +
            "             },"+
            "  \"webSite\" : {" +
            "               \"fieldName\" : \"webSite\"," +
            "               \"fieldValue\" : \"Great place to work\"," +
            "               \"fieldType\" : { "+
            "                                   \"type\": \"link\","+
            "                                   \"link\": \"\""+
            "                                }," +
            "               \"formattingID\" : \"link\"" +
            "             }"+
            File cssFile = new File("CSSFile.css");
            boolean success = gj.convertJSONtoPDF(contentJSON, cssFile);
  • Specifying styling details with CSS String
    import generator.generate.GeneratorJava;
    public class Example {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
            GeneratorJava gj = new GeneratorJava();

            String contentJSON = ""+
            "{" +
            "  \"name\" : {" +
            "               \"fieldName\" : \"name\"," +
            "               \"fieldValue\" : \"John Doe\"," +
            "               \"fieldType\" : \"Header1\"," +
            "               \"formattingID\" : \"bigHeader\"" +
            "             },"+
            "  \"phones\" : {" +
            "               \"fieldName\" : \"phones\"," +
            "               \"fieldValue\" : [12345, 54321]," +
            "               \"fieldType\" : \"UnorderedList\"," +
            "               \"formattingID\" : \"list\"" +
            "             },"+
            "  \"webSite\" : {" +
            "               \"fieldName\" : \"webSite\"," +
            "               \"fieldValue\" : \"Great place to work\"," +
            "               \"fieldType\" : { "+
            "                                   \"type\": \"link\","+
            "                                   \"link\": \"\""+
            "                                }," +
            "               \"formattingID\" : \"link\"" +
            "             }"+
            String cssString = ".bigHeader { color: green; font-size: 30px; text-align: center; } .list{ color: red; font-size: 10px; }"

            boolean success = gj.convertJSONtoPDF(contentJSON, cssString);
  • Specifying styling details with a confinguration JSON
    import generator.generate.GeneratorJava;
    import generator.utils.Config;
    public class Example {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
            GeneratorJava gj = new GeneratorJava();

            String contentJSON = ""+
            "{" +
            "  \"name\" : {" +
            "               \"fieldName\" : \"name\"," +
            "               \"fieldValue\" : \"John Doe\"," +
            "               \"fieldType\" : \"Header1\"," +
            "               \"formattingID\" : \"bigHeader\"" +
            "             },"+
            "  \"phones\" : {" +
            "               \"fieldName\" : \"phones\"," +
            "               \"fieldValue\" : [12345, 54321]," +
            "               \"fieldType\" : \"UnorderedList\"," +
            "               \"formattingID\" : \"list\"" +
            "             },"+
            "  \"webSite\" : {" +
            "               \"fieldName\" : \"webSite\"," +
            "               \"fieldValue\" : \"Great place to work\"," +
            "               \"fieldType\" : { "+
            "                                   \"type\": \"link\","+
            "                                   \"link\": \"\""+
            "                                }," +
            "               \"formattingID\" : \"link\"" +
            "             }"+

            String configJSON = ""+
            "{" +
            "  \"bigHeader\" : {" +
            "                    \"color\" : \"green\"," +
            "                    \"fontSize\" : \"30\"," +
            "                    \"textAlignment\" : \"center\"" +
            "             },"+
            "  \"list\" : {" +
            "                    \"color\" : \"red\"," +
            "                    \"fontSize\" : \"10\"" +
            "             }"+
            boolean success = gj.convertJSONtoPDF(contentJSON, configJSON);