Mandora: Machine Learning Reveals Multilevel Interconnections of Joint Damages in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Mandora is a machine learning approach for quantifying joint damages in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) based on radiographic images. It ranked first in predicting joint space narrowing in the RA2 DREAM Challenge with high accuracy on held-out testing data. Beyond high predictive performance, it offers a new way to investigate the cross regulatory relationships among joints and damage types by extracting the characteristic symmetrical patterns in RA. Please contact ([email protected] or [email protected]) if you have any questions or suggestions.
Git clone a copy of code:
git clone
- python (3.6.5)
- numpy (1.13.3). It comes pre-packaged in Anaconda.
- tensorflow (1.14.0) A popular deep learning package.
conda install tensorflow-gpu
- keras (2.2.4) A popular deep learning package using tensorflow backend.
conda install keras
- code_location
- code_segmentation
- code_symmetry