A simple BELBIC algorithm library for Java language .
The artifact is in the Maven repository so all you need to do is add it as a dependency in your project.
- Instance belbic controller:
Belbic belbic = new Belbic();
- Set the initial parameters for the algorithm:
belbic.initParams(Double alpha, Double beta, Double amygdalaValue, Double orbitofrontalCortexValue, Double weightAmygdala, Double weightOrbitofrontal);
These parameters must be adjusted for each issue (especially alpha and beta).
Generally, the initial values of the amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex are set to zero so as not to influence learning algorithm.
- Incremental alpha and beta update:
belbic.setAlpha(Double alpha);
belbic.setBeta(Double beta);
- Set values for SI block and reward algorithm:
belbic.setSensoryInputValue(Double sensoryInputValue);
belbic.setRewValue(Double rewValue);
- Run the algorithm and get the control signal:
double u = belbic.run();
import core.Belbic;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class BelbicTestRun {
private static double ka = 10;
private static double taua = 0.1;
private static double ke = 1;
private static double taue = 1;
private static double kg = 1;
private static double taug = 1;
private static double kr = 1;
private static double taur = 0.06;
private static double tMax = 60;
private static double h = 0.01;
private static long nPoints = Math.round(tMax / h);
private static double uMax = 3.3;
private static double[] vRef = new double[Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(nPoints))];
private static double[] vr = new double[Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(nPoints))];
private static double[] vf = new double[Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(nPoints))];
private static double[] vt = new double[Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(nPoints))];
private static double[] vs = new double[Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(nPoints))];
private static double[] ve = new double[Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(nPoints))];
private static double[] uPlot = new double[Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(nPoints))];
private static double[] ePlot = new double[Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(nPoints))];
//private double[] tPlot;
static void amplifier(Integer i, Double u) {
vr[i] = vr[i - 1] + (h/taua) * (-vr[i - 1]) + ka * u;
static void exciter(Integer i) {
vf[i] = vf[i - 1] + (h/taue) * (-vf[i - 1] + ke * vr[i]);
static void generator(Integer i) {
vt[i] = vt[i - 1] + (h/taug) * (-vt[i - 1] + kg * vf[i]);
static Double sensor(Integer i) {
return vs[i] = vs[i - 1] + (h/taur) * (-vs[i - 1] + kr * vt[i]);
private static double eant = 0;
private static double iant = 0;
static Double pid(Double e) {
double kp = 3.38;
double ki = 0.58;
double kd = 0.63;
double iMax = 3.3;
double P = e * kp;
double I = iant + (ki * h) * (e + eant);
double D = (kd/h) * (e - eant);
if (I > iMax) {
I = iMax;
} else if (I <= 0) {
I = 0;
eant = e;
iant = I;
return P + I + D;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Arrays.fill(vRef, 2);
//belbic here
Belbic belbic = new Belbic();
belbic.initParams(0.45, 0.01, 0.0, 0.0, 0.81, 1.0);
for (int i = 1; i < nPoints; i++) {
ve[i] = vRef[i - 1] - vs[i - 1];
belbic.setAlpha(belbic.getAlpha() * h);
belbic.setBeta(belbic.getBeta() * h);
double u = belbic.run();
if (u > uMax) {
u = uMax;
} else if (u < 0){
u = 0;
amplifier(i, u);
double sensorValue = sensor(i);