Lanbon L9 #765
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This is a new device. We verified there is a ESP32-S3-Wroom-1U inside:
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I'm trying to gauge interest in this device. Please indicate if you would consider the L9-HS : |
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I am buying at least one, especially while there is a $10 off coupon. I am guessing that it is mmwave presence detection by looking at it. |
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Boot log for the factory firmware. |
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See if we think this is correct. Slight variations from @lylavoie google sheet |
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Any update on this driver? I purchased one of these today and it's a really nice little screen! I don't think I have seen any other screen that fits in a standard decora plate. |
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I am interested in this as well! This would be an awesome option as a display! Unfortunately there aren’t many options for making displays work that are any more than single gang and this could help solve that. It would be especially useful where there is a separate light switch and fan switch. |
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I pushed a commit b55efe0 which adds a configuration for the Lanbon L9. I don't own this device and it is purely created for testing and verification of the information we gathered so far... Please backup your original firmware before compiling and uploading the firmware. If you find issues with pins or settings please post here or create a Pull Request. Hopefully we can create a working config together... |
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Hey @fvanroie, I just purchased an L9-HS and I'm encountering an issue loading up OpenHASP based on your most recent commit above. After flashing, I get an infinite boot loop on regular power-up, backlight comes on but no picture. Happy to help troubleshoot things to get this working for the community as a whole, I've put the serial log output that occurs after flashing below. I did esptool erase_flash prior to flashing the L9 bin that I compiled and have written the bin probably 3-4 times (erasing between each flash). Each time the error is the same. 'CONF: Failed to load /config.json' followed later by 'Guru Meditation Error: Core 1 panic'ed (LoadProhibited). Exception was unhandled.' on every loop. Any ideas what could be causing this? happy to provide more details if needed. [01:39:52]�ESP-ROM:esp32s3-20210```
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Good news everyone, I can confirm I have the screen of the L9 working, using the Arduino GFX library, so we know the pinouts are working. Below are the important initialization lines, you can use to setup for the hello world program (example below). Remember, to work on bench, via the J4 header, we need to supply both 3.3 and 5V. For a video of this running, see: #include <Arduino.h>
#include <Arduino_GFX_Library.h>
/* More data bus class: */
Arduino_DataBus *bus = new Arduino_ESP32LCD8(17 /* DC */, 21 /* CS */, 13 /* WR */, 18 /* RD */,
6 /* D0 */, 7 /* D1 */, 15 /* D2 */, 16 /* D3 */, 10 /* D4 */, 9 /* D5 */, 46 /* D6 */, 3 /* D7 */);
/* More display class: */
Arduino_GFX *gfx = new Arduino_ST7789(bus, 4 /* RST */, 0 /* rotation */, true /* IPS */,
170 /* width */, 320 /* height */, 35 /* col offset 1 */, 0 /* row offset 1 */ );
void setup(void)
Serial.println("Arduino_GFX Hello World example");
// Enable Blacklight
pinMode(42, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(42, HIGH);
// Init Display
if (!gfx->begin(16000000UL))
Serial.println("gfx->begin() failed!");
gfx->setCursor(10, 10);
gfx->println("Hello World!");
delay(5000); // 5 seconds
gfx->drawRect(10, 10, gfx->width()-20, gfx->height()-20, RED);
Serial.println("Done with setup ...");
void loop()
gfx->setCursor(random(gfx->width()), random(gfx->height()));
gfx->setTextColor(random(0xffff), random(0xffff));
gfx->setTextSize(random(6) /* x scale */, random(6) /* y scale */, random(2) /* pixel_margin */);
gfx->println("Hello World!");
delay(1000); // 1 second
} |
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Working on the RF presence sensor. Ended up pulling off the board and it looks like it's actually this: MoreSense 10G Hand Sweeping Series MS10-3007D26M4 ( Anyone worked with these yet. Trying to find a datasheet. |
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I'm able to get it to trip reliably at about 4 feet. Also, in case it helps, it has never booted to the factory firmware. |
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Hey @lylavoie, did you have any luck getting the relay GPIO pre-configured in the firmware? I'm still struggling with it :/ I also confirmed that IO 4 and 5 are connected to the J4 connector (continuity test with my multimeter), but even when manually configuring them as power (or light) relays I can't seem to control it. Tried setting 4 and 5 as output relays because I wasn't sure which one was the relay and which was the mmwave. |
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I have a couple of these switches, and I'm working on experimenting with them, but I am pretty new to working with microcontroller hardware. I've done a couple of Arduino projects, but am relatively new to this (I do have decades of software dev experience though). I am currently able to boot the low voltage part of the switch (the front part) using a serial to usb converter, and powering the 3v3 and 5v (and ground) pins on the J4 connector. Are you all using the 32 pin connector to flash this thing, or are you able to rx/tx with the J4, and if so, how are you setting up those connections. The J1 on high voltage side of the switch doesn't have very helpful descriptors of the pins, most of them reading NC (No connection, right?) and a K1 and a CF. The power wires are pretty self explanatory, but I'm not sure where to go from there. Using the L8 openHASP tutorial doesn't seem to be much help given the differences in the connection. If there's documentation I should look at, please steer me in the right direction if my inquiry is not appropriate in this discussion. |
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I only used the 5v and not the 3v and was able to flash. I struggled for a really long time trying to use pins inserted into the header and eventually just soldered 30awg wires to 5v, gnd, tx, Rx, and io0 where the header connected to the board. |
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I complied it locally and flashed, but i cannot find the pin 36 listed in the GPIO configuration, tried "-D RELAY_1=36" in "lanbon_l9.ini" and "#define HASP_GPIO_TEMPLATE "[]" also in the user_config_override.h still cannot set the GPIO to 36. Please Help !! |
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@lylavoie @Poisonite Thank you both for your work on the L9! I just received my switch this weekend, and will get around to programming it soon (or at least as soon as my schedule allows). A couple questions, if you have the time to answer:
Thank you again! |
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Does anyone have experience or insight into the Lanbon L9 switch
Things like chipset, display and touch and display resolution? And potentially whether openHASP could work on that switch?
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