Releases: HGlab01/ioBroker.fuelpricemonitor
Release v0.2.7
Bump iobroker-jsonexplorer to v0.1.2
don't report getaddrinfo issue on Sentry (IOBROKER-FUELPRICEMONITOR-2)
add attribute 'uuid' (IOBROKER-FUELPRICEMONITOR-1B)
Release v0.2.6
Bump iobroker-jsonexplorer to v0.1.1
Check internet connection on startup
Release v0.2.5
improve for js-controller v3.3.1
Bump iobroker-jsonexplorer to v0.0.0-19
Release v0.2.4
add feature (experimental!) to sort by ID instead of price (helps to monitor one specific gas station)
add attributes 'from', 'to', 'day' and 'orders'
Bump iobroker-jsonexplorer to v0.0.0-18
Release v0.2.3
switch library from deprecated "request" to "axios"
Release v0.2.2
improve error handling and debug log
Release v0.2.1
Bump js-controller to 3.2.16 for proper device/channel/state deletion
use function deleteEverything from [email protected]
improve device/channel/state cleaning
Release v0.2.0
additional locations can be added
for a propper working of the new version a uninstall/install is recommended
small improvements