Robot Code
- DriveBase
- |---Drive With Joystick
- |---PID authodrive
- |---PID auto pivot
- Shooter (low goal)
- |---Shooter joystick control
- |---Shooter toggle control
- Intake
- |---Joystick control (y-axis)
- Grappler (rope climber)
- |---Joystick control (x-axis)
- Camera
- |---Update Camera command
- |---Switch input
Autonomous Code
- Do nothing (0pt.)
- Move to line (5pts.)
- Gear Auto (60 pts.)
- |---All gear sides w/ vision (x3)
- |---All sides gear w/o vision (x1)
Steps to flash a new RoboRIO
Steps to flash a new Router
(2/12/17): FIRST is nice, but as always, updates disable us for long periods of time. The SRX CANTalon libraries have been disabled, so now need to go to:, to install the update library (Only on Windows) --> NEVER OPEN THIS PROJECT ON A MAC OR PC WITHOUT THIS PROGRAM INSTALLED