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Update Dockerfile.ops-api #56

Update Dockerfile.ops-api

Update Dockerfile.ops-api #56

Workflow file for this run

# name: Build Components
# on:
# push:
# branches:
# - development
# pull_request:
# branches:
# - development
# jobs:
# set-matrix:
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# strategy:
# matrix:
# event: ["push", "pull_request"]
# steps:
# - name: Checkout Repository
# uses: actions/checkout@v2
# - name: Set Matrix and Build
# id: set-matrix
# uses: ./.github/actions/test_matrix
# with:
# event: ${{ matrix.event }}
# # use-matrix:
# # needs: set-matrix
# # runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# # strategy:
# # matrix: ${{fromJson(needs.set-matrix.outputs.matrix)}}
# # steps:
# # - name: Use matrix
# # run: |
# # matrix="${{ matrix }}"
# # paths="${{ matrix.paths }}"
# # docker_files="${{ matrix.docker_files }}"
# # working_dirs="${{ matrix.working_dirs }}"
# # image_names="${{ matrix.image_names }}"
# # echo "Component: $matrix"
# # echo "Paths: $paths"
# # echo "Dockerfile: $docker_files"
# # echo "Working Directory: $working_dirs"
# # echo "Image Name: $image_names"
# use-matrix:
# needs: set-matrix
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - name: Use matrix
# run: |
# matrix="${{ needs.set-matrix.outputs.matrix }}"
# IFS='::' read -ra matrix_values <<< "$matrix"
# components="${matrix_values[0]}"
# paths="${matrix_values[1]}"
# docker_files="${matrix_values[2]}"
# working_dirs="${matrix_values[3]}"
# image_names="${matrix_values[4]}"
# echo "Component: $components"
# echo "Paths: $paths"
# echo "Dockerfile: $docker_files"
# echo "Working Directory: $working_dirs"
# echo "Image Name: $image_names"