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File metadata and controls

845 lines (755 loc) · 32.6 KB

WinUI Essentials

A repo dedicated for simplifying C++ development with WinUI2 (Universal Windows Platform) and WinUI3 (Windows App SDK).

Example project build status:

Platform Debug Release
x86 Build example Debug_x86 Build example Release_x86
x64 Build example Debug_x64 Build example Release_x64
ARM Build example Debug_ARM Build example Release_ARM
ARM64 Build example Debug_ARM64 Build example Release_ARM64



Make sure to set your C++ language version to C++20 first!

Open the WinUIEssential.sln containing 4 projects:

  • UWPPackage (project for WinUIEssential.UWP nuget package)
  • UWPExample (example gallery for using the above package)
  • WinUI3Package (project for WinUIEssential.WinUI3 nuget package)
  • WinUI3Example (example gallery for using the above package)

Build the *Package project will build the project and pack it with nuget, then install the nuget to your project and start using it.

To build the *Example project, do the same thing. They did not reference *Package for demo purposes.


Functionalities for UWP and WinUI3 should be exactly the same unless otherwise noted!

It should be useful until the community toolkit provides C++.


Component UWP WinUI3 Type
WinUIIncludes Header only
TemplateControlHelper Header only
Glyphs Header only + Xaml only
BadgeGlyphs Header only
ToastTemplates Header only
ToastBuilder Header only
TileTemplates Header only
TileBuilder Header only
CursorController WinRT component
PropertyChangeHelper Header only
NegateBoolConverter WinRT component
BoolToVisibilityConverter WinRT component
ContainerToBoolConverter WinRT component
StringToBoolConverter WinRT component
ReferenceToBoolConverter WinRT component
ConverterGroup WinRT component
IsEqualStringTrigger WinRT component
IsNullOrEmptyStateTrigger WinRT component
ControlSizeTrigger WinRT component
CharmBar WinRT component
GroupBox Control
SettingsCard ✅* Control
SettingsExpander ✅* Control
IconButton Control
FontIconExtension WinRT component
DependentValue WinRT component
Taskbar Header only
MarqueeText Control
ProgressBarEx Control
WindowEx Window
TransparentBackdrop SystemBackdrop
Segmented Control
CustomMicaBackdrop Backdrop
CustomAcrylicBackdrop Backdrop
Shimmer Control
ImageExtension WinRT component
SwitchPresenter * ✅ Control
ModernStandardWindowContextMenu * ✅ WinRT component

*means additional settings required, see the sections for info


Include the WinUI2 headers in your pch.h, so you don't waste your time figuring out where the compilation error comming from./

Usage: Add this in your pch.h

#include <WinUIIncludes.hpp>


Automatically call DefaultStyleKey() for your templated control so you don't waste your time when you forget to include this line and get an empty control.

Usage: Inherit this class in your header file, make the template argument your implementation type.

#include <TemplateControlHelper.hpp>
struct MyControl : MyControlT<MyControl>, TemplateControlHelper<MyControl>


Helper for creating toast notifications.

ToastTemplates --- namespace ToastTemplates

The built-in templates re-written to strongly-typed classes that derived from winrt::Windows::UI::Notification::ToastNotification, so that you can directly use them as arguments forwinrt::Windows::UI::Notifications::ToastNotificationManager. Example usage:

#include <ToastTemplates.hpp>
    .Show(ToastTemplates::ImageWithHeaderAndBody{ L"ms-appx:///Assets/Windows 11.png", L"Header", L"body" });
//alternatively use Microsoft's template name
    .Show(ToastTemplates::ToastImageAndText02{ L"ms-appx:///Assets/Windows 11.png", L"Header", L"body" });
Type Template Name(which can also be used as type) Sample
BodyTextOnly ToastText01
SingleLineHeaderWithBody ToastText02
TwoLineHeaderWithBody ToastText03
HeaderWithTwoSingleLineBody ToastText04
ImageWithBodyOnly ToastImageAndText01
ImageWithHeaderAndBody ToastImageAndText02
ImageWithTwoLineHeaderAndBody ToastImageAndText03
ImageWithHeaderAndTwoSingleLineBody ToastImageAndText04

ToastBuilder --- namespace ToastBuilder

Strongly-typed, declarative toast notification elements to quickly build toast notifications, as if you are writing XAML. Schema here. Example usage:

<toast duration="long" scenario="reminder" useButtonStyle="true">
        <binding template="ToastText04">
            <text id="1">headline</text>
            <text id="2">body text1</text>
            <text id="3">body text2</text>
        <action content="Accept" arguments="accept"/>
            Text().Id(2)(L"body text1"),
            Text().Id(3)(L"body text2")





Optionally add a handler to Action so you can handle toast notification button click right on site. For more info, see the comment documentation.

    .Click([this](winrt::Windows::ApplicationModel::Activation::ToastNotificationActivatedEventArgs args)
        //Handle Accept button
    .Click([this](winrt::Windows::ApplicationModel::Activation::ToastNotificationActivatedEventArgs args)
        //Handle Cancel button

TileTemplates --- namespace TileTemplates

Similar to ToastTemplates, but for strongly-typed tile templates.

TileBuilder --- namespace TileBuilder

Similar to ToastBuilder, but for building tiles.

Glphys --- namespace Glyphs

Font glyphs value for Segoe MDL2 Assets fonts. Usage:

#include <Glyphs.hpp>

There is also a Glyph xaml resource dictionary, so you can use name instead of glyph. Usage:

  1. Add this to your App.xaml (UWP)
            <ResourceDictionary Source="ms-appx:///UWPPackage/Glyphs.xaml"/>

Add this to your App.xaml (WinUI3)

            <ResourceDictionary Source="ms-appx:///WinUI3Package/Glyphs.xaml"/>
  1. Then use StaticResource with name to reference the glyph
<FontIcon Glyph="{StaticResource Send}"/>

CursorController --- namespace CursorController

Xaml helper for controlling the cursor type when mouse enters. Value for Type is CoreCursorType enum. Usage:

<Rectangle Fill="Red" essential:CursorController.Type="Hand"/>

PropertyChangeHelper --- namespace MvvmHelper

Helper for OneWay binding.


  1. Inherit Windows.UI.Xaml.Data.INotifyPropertyChanged in idl
runtimeclass MyPage : Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Page, Windows.UI.Xaml.Data.INotifyPropertyChanged
  1. Inherit from this class in the implementation class.
#include <include/PropertyChangeHelper.hpp>

namespace winrt::<MyProject>::implementation
    struct MyPage : MyMusicT<MyMusic>, MvvmHelper::PropertyChangeHelper<MyMusic>
        int m_value;
        void Value(int newValue)
            compareAndRaise(m_value, newValue, L"Value");


  • bool -> Visibility namespace BoolToVisibilityConverter
  • bool negation namespace NegateBoolConverter
  • container (IVector, IMap) -> bool namespace ContainerToBoolConverter
  • reference (any WinRT runtime type) -> bool namespace ReferenceToBoolConverter
  • String -> bool namespace StringToBoolConverter
  • ConverterGroups namespace ConverterGroups:
    • define series of converters, that convert value from converter1 -> converter2 -> ...
    • usage:
     <essential:ConverterGroup x:Key="StringToVisibilityConverter">

BadgeGlyphs --- namespace BadgeGlyphs

Helpers for creating badge notification xml. Usage:

#include <include/BadgeGlyphs.hpp>

//glyph badge

//number badge


See the same class in Community Toolkit for documentation.

ControlSizeTrigger --- namespace ControlSizeTrigger

IsEqualStringTrigger --- namespace IsEqualStringTrigger

Note: For the reason of lacking reflection, we cannot implement `IsEqualStateTrigger

IsNullOrEmptyStateTrigger --- namespace IsNullOrEmptyStateTrigger

SettingsCard --- namespace SettingsCard

See the same class in Community Tookit for documentation.

  • Add this to App.xaml (UWP)
            <ResourceDictionary Source="ms-appx:///UWPPackage/SettingsCard_Resource.xaml"/>
  • Add this to App.xaml (WinUI3)
            <ResourceDictionary Source="ms-appx:///WinUI3Package/SettingsCard_Resource.xaml"/>


For WinUI3, add #include #include <winrt/Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls.AnimatedVisuals.h> to your pch.h

SettingsExpander --- namespace SettingsExpander

See the same class in Community Tookit for documentation. Add this to App.xaml (UWP)

            <ResourceDictionary Source="ms-appx:///UWPPackage/SettingsCard_Resource.xaml"/>
            <ResourceDictionary Source="ms-appx:///UWPPackage/SettingsExpander_Resource.xaml"/>

Add this to App.xaml (WinUI3)

            <ResourceDictionary Source="ms-appx:///WinUI3Package/SettingsCard_Resource.xaml"/>
            <ResourceDictionary Source="ms-appx:///WinUI3Package/SettingsExpander_Resource.xaml"/>


For WinUI3, add #include #include <winrt/Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls.AnimatedVisuals.h> to your pch.h


Installing this nuget will automatically add Desktop Extension to your UWP project then add a <WinUIEssentialAddDesktopExtension>true</WinUIEssentialAddDesktopExtension> under PropertyGroup node in your vcxproj file

so you can use the good-ol Windows 8 style charm bar. This package further simplifies it's usage by allowing you to directly define local and global settings, directly in XAML containing UI element.

  • Define a global setting in resource section, with SettingsPaneEx.Settings
            <!--SettingsCommandEx items-->
            <essential:SettingsCommandEx Id="Item1" Label="Item123">
                    <TextBlock Text="Text1 in item1"/>
                    <TextBlock Text="Text2 in item1"/>
            <essential:SettingsCommandEx Id="Item2" Label="Item456">
                    <TextBlock Text="Text3 in item2"/>
                    <TextBlock Text="Text4 in item2"/>

  • Define local settings, where you put instance of SettingsPaneEx directly in UI as any other xaml controls.
    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center">
        <essential:SettingsPaneEx x:Name="LocalSettings">
            <!--SettingsCommandEx items-->

Define keyboard shortcuts with SettingsPaneEx.KeyboardAccelerator property.

    <KeyboardAccelerator Modifiers="Control" Key="s"/> <!-- Ctrl+S to open settings -->

DependentValue ---namespace DependentValue

A wrapper around a double which you can target to with a Storyboard and DoubleAnimation, and get value out of it. Value is accessed by .Value property, which is a DependencyProperty, so you can do a OneWay binding to it or listen for value change notification.


Remember to set EnableDependentAnimation="True" to make it work!


    <essential:DependentValue x:Name="MyDoubleValue"/>
    <Storyboard x:Name="DoubleValueAnimation">

<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center">
    <Button Click="ClickHandler">Click to start storyboard</Button>
    <TextBlock Text="{x:Bind MyDoubleValue.Value, Mode=OneWay}"/>

Taskbar --- namespace Taskbar

Helper for setting taskbar status and progress. Usage:

//Set taskbar status
Taskbar::SetProgressState(hwnd, Taskbar::ProgressState::Normal);
//Set taskbar progress value 
Taskbar::SetProgressValue(hwnd, 50); //a third optional parameter for total, default -> 100

MarqueeText --- namespace MarqueeText

Enhanced version of MarqueeText in the community toolkit.

IconButton --- namespace IconButton

Expandable button, which shows an icon (actually anything) in its default state, and a content when you hover on it.

  • Add this to App.xaml (UWP)
            <ResourceDictionary Source="ms-appx:///UWPPackage/IconButton_Resource.xaml"/>
  • Add this to App.xaml (WinUI3)
            <ResourceDictionary Source="ms-appx:///WinUI3Package/IconButton_Resource.xaml"/>

ProgressBarEx --- namespace ProgressBarEx

A progress bar with animated highlight colors (and animated progress). Default to vista-like styles but also allows you to customize its color.

Property DependencyProperty? Description
HighColor the shimmer highlight color
BaseColor the base background color of the finish part
Background the color of the rest part
Percent range: 0~100
Value normalized percent, range: 0.0~1.0

Add this to App.xaml (UWP)

            <ResourceDictionary Source="ms-appx:///Glyphs.xaml"/>

Add this to App.xaml (WinUI3)

            <ResourceDictionary Source="ms-appx:///WinUI3Package/ProgressBarEx_Resource.xaml"/>

WindowEx --- namespace WindowEx

Basic Property

name Description
Int32 MinWidth; Minimum width in DIP
Int32 MaxWidth; Maximum width in DIP
Int32 MinHeight; ...
Int32 MaxHeight; ...
Int32 Width; ...
Int32 Height; ...
Int32 RawWidth; Actual width in pixel
Int32 RawHeight; Actual height in pixel
UInt32 Dpi{ get; }; Current window dpi
Boolean IsMinimizable; ...
Boolean IsMaximizable; ...
Boolean HasBorder; ...
Boolean HasTitleBar; ...
Boolean IsResizable; ...
Boolean IsAlwaysOnTop; ...
Boolean IsShownInSwitcher; ...
Boolean TitleBarDarkMode; Set win32 titlebar to dark mode (support down to Windows 10 17763)
Boolean TitleBarAutoDarkMode; Enable automatic titlebar dark mode (support down to Windows 10 17763), works regardless of ExtendContentIntoTitleBar
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.UIElement TitleBar; Custom title bar, if set, automatically calls ExtendContentIntoTitleBar for you
String Icon; Set .ico icon used for win32 titlebar


WindowEx.IsInteractive: used when customizing a title bar, automatically calculate and update InputNonClientPointerSource for you Usage:

    <Grid x:Name="AppTitleBar" Height="48" Loaded="AppTitleBar_Loaded">

        <AutoSuggestBox x:Name="TitleBarSearchBox" 
        <PersonPicture x:Name="PersonPic" 
               Height="32" Margin="0,0,16,0"

TransparentBackdrop --- namespace `TransparentBackdrop

Make your WindowEx fully transparent.


  • left: ExtendContentIntoTitleBar
  • right: Win32 Titlebar

UIElementExtension --- namespace UIElementExtension

See the same class in Community Toolkit for documentation. Usage:

<Grid Width="148"

Segmented --- namespace Segmented

Almost like the Segmented control in Community Toolkit but with more customizations.

  • Animated selected-item transition
  • Does not limited to Icon + Text. Use any UIElement
    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
        <FontIcon Glyph="&#xE8C0;"/>
        <TextBlock Text="Week"/>
  • Button style has 0 size margin
<essential:Segmented Style="{StaticResource ButtonSegmentedStyle}">
        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Spacing="4">
            <FontIcon Glyph="&#xE8BF;"/>
            <TextBlock Text="Day"/>
        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Spacing="4">
            <FontIcon Glyph="&#xE8C0;"/>
            <TextBlock Text="Week"/>
        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Spacing="4}">
            <FontIcon Glyph="&#xE787;"/>
            <TextBlock Text="Month"/>

  • Support vertical layout
        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Spacing="7">
            <SymbolIcon Symbol="Accept"/>
            <TextBlock Text="Content1"/>

        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Spacing="7">
            <SymbolIcon Symbol="Add"/>
            <TextBlock Text="Content2"/>

        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Spacing="7">
            <SymbolIcon Symbol="Admin"/>
            <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
                <TextBlock Text="Content longerrrrrrrrrr"/>
                <TextBlock Text="Content 2nd line"/>

            <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical"/>
  • Allow reordering items
<essential:Segmented CanReorderItems="True" AllowDrop="True"


  • Add this to App.xaml (UWP)
            <ResourceDictionary Source="ms-appx:///UWPPackage/Segmented_Resource.xaml"/>
  • Add this to App.xaml (WinUI3)
            <ResourceDictionary Source="ms-appx:///WinUI3Package/Segmented_Resource.xaml"/>


A customizable acrylic backdrop with bindable properties, and can be set as active when the window is inactive.

Property Type DependencyProperty?
FallbackColor Color
TintColor Color
Kind DesktopAcrylicKind
LuminosityOpacity Single
TintOpacity Single
EnableWhenInactive Boolean


A customizable mica backdrop with bindable properties, and can be set as active when the window is inactive.

Property Type DependencyProperty?
FallbackColor Color
TintColor Color
Kind MicaKind
LuminosityOpacity Single
TintOpacity Single
EnableWhenInactive Boolean


Similar to the Shimmer in Community Toolkit, but it's a ContentControl, which allows you to directly put content into it, making it easier to use. Also, the ShimmerGradientStops is a resource of type Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.GradientStopCollection which allows to be override.

Property Type DependencyProperty?
IsLoading Boolean


#include <ScopedButtonDisabler.hpp>

This is a simple header-only RAII-style class that disable a button in a scope. When you attach a Click handler of a button and open a FilePicker, when user click fast enough, it will have 2 FilePicker opened at the same time, which is a source of logical bugs.

winrt::Windows::Storage::Pickers::FileOpenPicker picker;
auto file = co_await picker.PickSingleFileAsync();

With ScopedButtonDisabler, it will disable the button inside this handler, preventing any logical bugs that might happens.

ScopedButtonDisabler disabler{ sender };
winrt::Windows::Storage::Pickers::FileOpenPicker picker;
auto file = co_await picker.PickSingleFileAsync();


Automatically display a fallback image when Image failed to load. Usage:

    Source="" />


Almost the same as community's SwitchPresenter. But lacking reflection in C++ means you need to explicitly write out the value type in xaml in Case.Value property.

For example, if you binding the SwitchPresenter.Value to a Boolean, you need to write the Case.Value to <x:Boolean>True</x:String>:

<essential:SwitchPresenter Value="{Binding IsOn, ElementName=LoadingState, Mode=OneWay}">
        <TextBlock Text="True value content">

You should most likely use Binding instead of x:Bind, because when {x:Bind} is evaluated the controls are not finished loading, causing a crash


A modern XAML-based window context menu to replace the traditional win32 menu when you right-click the window titlebar. It supports uses on both Essential:WindowEx and a normal Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window To use it, first put a resource in your App.xaml ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionary

                <ResourceDictionary Source="ms-appx:///WinUI3Package/ModernStandardWindowContextMenu_Resource.xaml" />
  • To use with a essential:Window, simply set it to WindowEx.ContextMenu
<essential:WindowEx ...
        <!--  Simply set it to WindowEx.ContextMenu  -->
        <essential:ModernStandardWindowContextMenu />
  • To use with a Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window, declare it as a Resource with a x:Name and {x:Bind} to ModernStandardWindowContextMenu.Window property under the first element in the window context
<Window ...>
            <!--  Simply declare it as resource in your first control of the window  -->
            <essential:ModernStandardWindowContextMenu x:Name="Menu" Window="{x:Bind}" />