[working draft][proof of concept] Unofficial Postman documentation of https://beta.itos.uga.edu/CODV2API/ (this will be obsolete soon as is used for the private feedback)
Note: this readme is outdated, see issues.
Note: as 2021-05-03, we're using OpenAPI 3.0
- GraphQL
- OpenAPI Specification
- https://stackshare.io/stackups/postman-vs-swagger-ui
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_a-gbqAzHOM (Import swagger into postman collection)
- https://swagger.io/blog/api-strategy/difference-between-swagger-and-openapi/
- https://github.com/checkr/oas3-to-raml
- https://github.com/raml-org/webapi-parser
See https://openapi.tools/ and:
- https://swagger.io/
- Uses OpenAPI
- Open Source
- https://swagger.io/tools/
- https://inspector.swagger.io/builder
- Live demo: https://petstore.swagger.io/
- Postman
- OpenAPI specific
ext install 42Crunch.vscode-openapi
ext install Arjun.swagger-viewer
- RAML specific
- Set ".raml" files as type "YAML"
- By defailt, VSCode does not recognize RAML as YAML-like, so you can
trigger this to use generic YAML syntax highlight without any special
- BUT the
ext install MiguelRubioJimenez.raml-easy
allow autocomplete
- BUT the
- By defailt, VSCode does not recognize RAML as YAML-like, so you can
trigger this to use generic YAML syntax highlight without any special
ext install blzjns.vscode-raml
ext install OneMain.raml-ls
ext install MiguelRubioJimenez.raml-easy
- https://github.com/MikeRubio/raml-easy (Snippets)
ext install MiguelRubioJimenez.raml-easy
- https://github.com/deiteris/api-contractor (maybe, not tested, seems interesting)
- Set ".raml" files as type "YAML"
lsb_release -a
# No LSB modules are available.
# Distributor ID: Ubuntu
# Description: Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
# Release: 20.04
# Codename: focal
# @see https://snapcraft.io/postman
sudo snap install postman