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Leo Hanisch edited this page Nov 9, 2020 · 5 revisions

Installing swarmlib enables you to execute the swarm command which gives you access to all of swarmlib's algorithms.

swarm --help

gives you an overview of all available options and commands:

usage: swarm [-h] [-v] [-d] [-i INTERVAL] [-c] [-s SEED]
                   {ants,fireflies,cuckoos,particles,bees,wolves} ...

Solve an optimization problem with the chosen algorithm.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         Show version and exit
  -d, --dark            Enable dark mode.
  -i INTERVAL, --interval INTERVAL
                        Interval between two animation frames in ms (default
  -c, --continuous      Enable the algorithm to run continuously (default off)
  -s SEED, --seed SEED  Used to set the initial state of the random bit
                        generator (default None)

  Valid commands

                        Choose the algorithm to execute
    ants                Ant colony optimization for the traveling salesman
    fireflies           Firefly algorithm for minimization problem
    cuckoos             Cuckoo search algorithm for minimization problem
    particles           Particle swarm optimization algorithm for minimization
    bees                artificial bee colony algorithm for minimization
    wolves              Grey Wolf optimization algorithm for minimization

There is a light mode as well as a dark mode available. Dark mode is enable by the --dark flag.

Light Mode Dark Mode
Light Mode Dark Mode

Run swarm {myAlgorithm} --help to show all available options for a specific algorithm. For example swarm particles --help will print all available options for the particle swarm optimizer: