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126 lines (77 loc) · 5.47 KB

Build Instructions

These instructions have been tested on Debian/Ubuntu/Mint distributions. If you are using a different platform or distribution, adjust accordingly. For example, changing apt to yum on CentOS.


  1. If your system doesn't already have them, install all of the regular build tools:

     sudo apt-get install git build-essential automake autoconf libtool pkg-config autoconf-archive autotools-dev
  2. Install the 65xx cross assembler:

     sudo apt-get install xa65

Downloading The Required Files

  1. Clone the repo:

     cd /path/to/store/files/
     git clone --recursive
  2. Download and unpack the GNU Embedded Toolchain for Arm:


  1. Set the ARM_HOME environment variable to point to the extracted Arm toolchain directory:

     export ARM_HOME=/path/to/extracted/toolchain/directory
  2. Set the PATH environment variable to point to the Arm toolchain's bin directory:

     export PATH=$PATH:$ARM_HOME/bin
  3. Set the ARM_VERSION environment variable to the version number you noted previously:

     export ARM_VERSION=9.2.1
  4. If this is your first time building, run from the bmc64 directory:

     cd /path/to/store/files/bmc64/
  5. Run from the bmc64 directory to build the third party libraries and kernel:

     cd /path/to/store/files/bmc64/
     ./ [pi0|pi2|pi3]
     NOTE: In the above, set the required Pi version, such as ./ pi3
  6. Run to build the kernel images for each machine (C64, C128, etc):

     cd /path/to/store/files/bmc64/
     ./ [pi0|pi2|pi3]
     NOTE: In the above, set the required Pi version, such as ./ pi3


Once the build is complete, you will have a kernel file for the Pi version that you built for:

  • Raspberry Pi Zero: kernel.img
  • Raspberry Pi 2: kernel7.img
  • Raspberry Pi 3: kernel8-32.img

Once the build is complete, you will have kernel files with a suffix (.c64, .c128, .vic20, etc) for the Pi version that you built for. For example, if pi3 was used you might get the following files:

  • kernel8-32.img.c128
  • kernel8-32.img.c64
  • kernel8-32.img.plus4
  • kernel8-32.img.plus4emu
  • kernel8-32.img.vic20

More About The Build Files

  • Cleans everything
  • [pi0|pi2|pi3]: Builds third party libraries (Vice/Circle) and will also build a C64 image for the selected Pi model. This step will likely fail if you don't run first.
  • [pi0|pi2|pi3]: Builds all machines for the selected Pi model. This step will likely fail if you don't run first.


  1. When you run you get an error such as '#error "<dirent.h> not supported"'

    Ensure you have all of the build tools installed from the prerequisites step

  2. When you run one of the build scripts (, or, you get an error such as 'arm-eabi-g++: Command not found'

    Before you build, set the PREFIX environment variable so arm-none-eabi-g++ is used instead since the GNU Embedded Toolchain for Arm download seems to only have the commands with "none" in the filenames. For example: export PREFIX=arm-none-eabi-

  3. I have a different build issue...

    • Ensure you have set all environment variables in the "Building" step. For example, if you forget to set the ARM_HOME and ARM_VERSION variables, will default to "$HOME/gcc-arm-none-eabi-7-2018-q2-update" with a version of "7.3.1" which may or may not exist on your system.
    • Ensure you have all prerequisites installed.
    • Ensure you follow each step above.
    • Ensure you run the build scripts in the following order:,,



These are the git hashes for the repos under circle-stdlib this project is known to work with. If the patches don't apply successfully, it's possible those projects have moved forward causing incompatibilities. If that happens, reset these repos using "git reset HASH --hard" commands in the following directories:

  • circle-stdlib: dda16112cdb5470240cd51fb33bf72b311634340
  • libs/circle: fe24b6bebd1532f2a0ee981af12eaf50cc9e97fb
  • libs/circle-newlib: c01f95bcb08278d9e00f9795c7641284d4f89931
  • libs/mbedtls: d81c11b8ab61fd5b2da8133aa73c5fe33a0633eb