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2 . The Commission and its authorised representatives shall have access to all documents needed to verify the eligibility of costs for participants in the national programme , such as invoices and extracts from remuneration .
2 . The socio-economic organisations shall endeavour to represent , with the designation of experts , the various types of economic activity in the sector concerned .
- In order to face the challenges of global competition , it will be necessary for European cities to develop and implement strategies , at the level of urban agglomerations or an urban networks , to achieve critical mass .
( 3 ) It is necessary that all the Member States adopt the same requirements , in order , in particular , to permit the implementation , for each air carrier , of the EC type-approval system which is the subject of Directive 70 / 156 / EEC .
2 . The application shall be accompanied by proof that the applicant is a successful tenderer of a supply under Regulation ( EC ) No 2802 / 98 . Such proof shall be provided by a copy of the decision to award the contract to the applicant .
3.3.2 . Annual focus on cultural sectors
Whereas provision should be made for adequate information to be provided to the Member States , the Commission and all the approved bodies in respect of each section of the certification and verification procedures ;
( f ) the Governing Board shall select the successful candidate by majority decision ;
( 10 ) Directive 2006 / … / EC should therefore be amended accordingly ,
3 0 3 2Travel / subsistence and indemnities expenses for members of the Panel and its Working GroupS
The customs authorities may use the following forms of processing :
( e ) % quot % mediation in criminal cases % quot % shall mean efforts made prior to or during the course of criminal proceedings to establish a system negotiated by mediation of a victim with the offender .
The value of supplies of goods effected within these limits shall not be taken into account for the purposes of applying point ( a ) .
- Information to the European Data Protection Supervisor : the Officer shall inform the European Data Protection Supervisor of any new matter concerning the European Parliament which is of interest in the protection of personal data .
10 . % quot % host Member State % quot % means the Member State in which an insurance or reinsurance intermediary has a branch or provides services ;
- bromochloroacetic acid .
& apos ; 8 . ( a ) During the transitional period provided for in the sixth indent of Article 1 of Regulation ( EC ) No 974 / 98 , the Member States participating in the euro may keep accounts at the paying agency & apos ; s level at the option of :
2 0 3 0Cleaning and maintenance
- organising the selection , monitoring and evaluation of the Knowledge Communities ,
4 . Providing the tools to manage our relations with the oceans 28
2 . The contingency plan shall allow access to all facilities , equipment , personnel and all other appropriate materials necessary for the rapid and efficient eradication of an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease and shall provide for coordination with neighbouring Member States and shall support cooperation with neighbouring third countries .
1 . Not later than three weeks after importation of the product referred to in this Regulation , the importer shall inform the competent national authority which issued the import licence of the quantity and origin of the imported product . That authority shall forward the information to the Commission at the beginning of each month .
10 . Decisions by the Bureau shall be taken by consensus . If no consensus can be reached , the Bureau shall refer the matter to the Governing Board for decision .
( a ) the benefits and emoluments of breast-feeding ;
2 3 2 1 Exchange losses
( b ) % quot % internal waters % quot % means waters on the landward side of the base line from which the breadth of territorial waters is measured , extending , in the case of watercourses , up to the fresh-water limit .
- a period of five years , in which to bring the fund up to 1 200 000 ECU ,
Having regard to Council Regulation ( EEC ) No 469 / 86 of 25 February 1986 laying down general rules governing the system of accession compensatory amounts in the sugar sector ( 6 ) , and in particular Article 7 thereof ,
1 . In the case of nutrition labelling , the information given in Group 1 or Group 2 must be provided in the following order :
& apos ; 5 . In addition to the measures referred to in paragraph 2 , the Committee shall examine the matters by its chairman , either on his own initiative or at the request of the representative of a Member State , concerning the application of Community provisions on excise duties.` ;
Whereas the principles governing the existing system of slot allocation can serve as a basis of this Regulation , provided that this system evolves in line with developments in transport in the Community ;
- for fluids in Group 2 with a PS greater than 10 bar , a DN greater than 10 000 bar and a product of PS and DN greater than 10 000 bar ( Annex II , table 4 ) ,
Management Board of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training & # 124 ; 5.3.2006 & # 124 ; C 64 , 18.3.2003 , C 116 , 30.4.2004 & # 124 ; Mr Jochen LAUX & # 124 ; Reserve & # 124 ; Member & # 124 ; Workers & # 124 ; Germany & # 124 ; Mr Hans-Detlev KÜLER & # 124 ; DGB & # 124 ;
& apos ; 7 . Contracting authorities shall ensure that there is no discrimination between the various suppliers.`
Whereas the Commission should be able to take appropriate measures in the event of serious or serious disturbance of the market which may endanger the objectives of Article 39 of the Treaty ;
The employees of tourism industry should be given a substantial boost by means of a targeted training , advisory and coachig scheme .
This diversity problem needs to be solved and the regions helped to restructure and create new activities that are in line with the renewed Lisbon agenda , and the challenge of the new generation of regional competitiveness and employment programmes is the challenge .
( e ) applications addressed to the standards organisations referred to in the first indent of paragraph 3 .
CEN & # 124 ; EN 12815 : 2001 & # 124 ; — & # 124 ; 1.7.2005 & # 124 ; 1.7.2007 & # 124 ;
2 . Each Member State shall transmit to the International Terrestrial Reference System which delimit its exclusive economic zone or exclusive fishery zone , in a format compatible with the International Terrestrial Reference System 1984 ( WGS 84 ) if it is necessary for the purpose of this Convention to determine the position of a point , line or area on the earth & apos ; s surface .
( b ) & quot ; critical GAP & quot ; means the GAP , where there is more than one GAP for an active substance / product combination , which gives rise to the highest acceptable level of pesticide residue in a treated crop and is the basis for establishing the maximum MRL ;
3 . Within two weeks of the date of receipt of the information notice referred to in paragraph 1 , each successful tenderer shall provide proof that they have lodged with the intervention agency concerned a performance guarantee of EUR 30 per hectolitre of alcohol at 100 % vol to ensure that all the alcohol awarded is used in accordance with the purpose stated in their tender .
1.14 is lagging behind the request expressed in the communication that products labelled as containing GMOs cannot be declared as organic products ; for the unintended presence of GMOs operators in organic products , thresholds should be the same as for the general limit values for labelling . The remaining upper limit values for seeds should be defined at a level that can also be applied in organic farming ;
- Lastly , some Member States stress that a change in the role of Member States within the internal control framework should find their counter weight in a different approach to the audit and control activities of the Court of Auditors and the Commission , for example in a general reduction of the control activities of the Member States and in the relocation of sampling checks to system audits .
3. the last subparagraph of Article 7 shall be deleted ;
- 0402 21 99 92 / 00 .
( b ) the quantities for which export licences have been issued on the preceding Monday ;
- Encourage entrepreneurship and the creation of a business environment that is more attractive to the development of SMEs ;
2 . Once the budgetary authority has made the appropriations available , a grant decision shall be taken by the Commission , taking into account any advance payments made pursuant to Article 6 ( 1 ) .
3.4.3 . Regional schemes - % quot % Octroi % quot %
( 2 ) The application of standardised organizational processes and conditions under which laboratory studies are planned , performed , recorded and reported for the non-clinical testing of chemicals for the protection of man , animals and the environment , hereinafter referred to as & apos ; Good Laboratory Practice & apos ; ( GLP ) , contributes to the reassurance of Member States as to the quality of the test data generated .
The cumulative reserves for the table include the cumulative expenditure and interest ( see Table 1 ) until 31 December 2006 , as shown in table 9 .
The Annex to Regulation ( EEC ) No 3508 / 92 is replaced by the Annex to this Regulation .
( 2005 / C 151 / 03 )
( 1 ) by Regulation ( EC ) No 2604 / 2000 & # 91 ; 3 & # 93 ; , the Council imposed definitive anti-dumping duties on imports into the Community of certain polyethylene terephthalate ( PET ) originating , inter alia , in India . Imports of PET exported by companies from which an undertaking had been accepted were exempt from that duty pursuant to Article 2 ( 1 ) of that Regulation .
Spain & # 124 ; 5,84 & # 124 ; 129,36 & # 124 ; 129,36 & # 124 ; — & # 124 ; 136,07 & # 124 ; 136,07 & # 124 ; — & # 124 ; 400,92 & # 124 ;
- the accuracy , quality and availability requirements laid down in Article 9 are major technical challenges and will thus increase the cost , depending on the available technology ,
( 62 ) On this basis it was examined whether , despite the conclusion on the likelihood of continuation of dumping and recurrence of injury , compelling reasons exist which would lead to the conclusion , in this particular case , that it is not in the Community interest to maintain measures .
1 . This Regulation shall not preclude the implementation of any special rules laid down in agreements concluded between the Community and third countries .
- the diplomas awarded by the & apos ; écoles St-Luc & apos ; ( architecte - architect ) ;
In the case of temporary difficulties in the supply of vegetable propagating and planting material satisfying the requirements of this Directive , measures may be adopted , in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 21 , concerning the marketing of vegetable propagating and planting material meeting less stringent requirements , without prejudice to the plant health rules laid down in Directive 77 / 93 / EEC .
1. in Article 3 ( 2 ) , % quot % in the 1999 / 2000 and 2000 / 01 marketing years % quot % shall be added : % quot % at the latest % quot % ;
Many of the tasks set out in the May reports have been fulfilled . However , a number of sectoral issues have been solved . Progress has been made in the area of judicial reform and the fight against corruption , money laundering and organised crime .
Member State & # 124 ; Current national rate € ( 1 ) ( 2 ) & # 124 ; % increase required to meet new minimum rate of EUR 0,98 / Plato or € 2,45 per degree of alcohol & # 124 ;
COUNCIL DIRECTIVE of 27 July 1976 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the rear registration plate lamps for vehicles and their trailers ( 76 / 760 / EEC )
( 5 ) Since Decision 95 / 514 / EC applies only until 31 December 2002 , a new decision extending the scope of Decision should be adopted , which should include in particular Estonia , Latvia and Yugoslavia .
( 3 ) Directive 2004 / 18 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on the coordination of procedures for the award of public contracts , public supply contracts and public service contracts & # 91 ; 3 & # 93 ; , as corrected by OJ L 351 , 26.11.2004 , p . 44 , is to be incorporated into the Agreement .
1 . By way of derogation from Article 3 ( 2 ) ( a ) , Slovenia may authorise the transport of ready-to-lay pullets and turkeys for fattening to holdings under official control situated either in the protection or the surveillance zone .
Application for annulment of Commission Decision 2002 / 742 / EC of 5 December 2001 relating to a proceeding pursuant to Article 81 of the EC Treaty and Article 53 of the EEA Agreement ( Case COMP / E-1 / 36.604 — Citric acid ) ( OJ 2002 L 239 , p . 18 ) , in the alternative , reduction of the fine imposed on the applicant by that Decision . Operative part of the judgment
RON & # 124 ; Romanian leu & # 124 ; 3,5075 & # 124 ;
D. Member States may provide that they shall exercise jurisdiction under the conditions laid down in Section A ( f ) ( ii ) only if certain conditions of procedure are satisfied or if the alleged offender cannot be extradited since :
In addition , some countries had invested significant amounts in the initial processing , improvement of quality controls and carcases . Investments were made in the Czech Republic to improve quality control structures in processing facilities of EUR 23 million , covering 99 % of the introduction of HACCP systems in dairy and meat establishments .
Medical Vehicle Crime Crime Crime *
Whereas confirmation of compliance with the essential requirements may include the carrying out of clinical investigations under the responsibility of the manufacturer ; whereas , for the purpose of carrying out such trials , appropriate steps must be taken to protect public health and public order ;
1 . Member States shall take all necessary measures to ensure that pet birds brought into Community territory from a third country are subject to documentary and identity checks by the competent authorities at the point of entry of the travellers into the territory of the Community .
- 2011 : 5 % ,
- having regard to its position at first reading & # 91 ; 1 & # 93 ; on the Commission proposal to Parliament and the Council ( COM ( 2002 ) 0244 & # 91 ; 2 & # 93 ; ,
2 . The results of performance tests and the updated results , with origin , of the assessment of genetic value , on the animal itself and its parents and grandparents , shall be mentioned in the certificate it has been carried out .
The questionnaire relating to Directive 96 / 61 / EC concerning integrated pollution prevention and control , as annexed to this Decision , is hereby adopted .
The development of the pan-European internal market and the opening-up of economies create new opportunities for economic regeneration and for improving the competitiveness of businesses and for the creation of high-quality jobs . In general , competition in the EU internal market has an important impact on prosperity and on sustainable employment , insofar as this is the main factor in innovation , the creation of new products and services and economic renewal .
In 2004 , the renting of temporary accommodation in 284 & # 91 ; 6 & # 93 ; was approved ( 187 in 1998 , 163 in 1999 , 195 in 2000 , 184 in 2001 , 318 in 2002 and 270 in 2003 ) .
ê 2407 / 92 art . 2 ( d ) ( adapted )
Directorate-General information society
Commission Decision requiring aid granted to the RTVE to constitute existing aid within the meaning of Article 1 ( b ) of Regulation ( EC ) No 659 / 99 .
British Gas is a large company with its main locations in Leeds and Basingstoke .
Legal basis : Deliberazione della Giunta Regionale del Molise n . 46 del 14 gennaio 2002 avente ad oggetto & quot ; POR Molise 2000-2006 Misura 4.16 Aiuti agli investimenti nel settore della Pesca — Norme per la corresponsione di aiuti a privati nel settore dell & apos ; aquacoltura & quot ;
Satellite Earth Stations and Systems ( SES ) ; Harmonised EN for Mobile Earth Stations ( MESs ) of Geostationary mobile satellite systems , including handheld earth stations , for Satellite Personal Communications Networks ( S-PCN ) in the 1,5 / 1,6 GHz bands under the Mobile Satellite Service ( MSS ) covering essential requirements under Article ( 3 ) ( 2 ) of the R % amp % TTE Directive & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; Article 3 ( 2 ) & #
( 4 ) Commission Regulation ( EC ) No 2042 / 2003 of 20 November 2003 on the continuing airworthiness of aircraft and aeronautical products , parts and appliances , and on the approval of organisations and personnel involved in these tasks & # 91 ; 4 & # 93 ; is to be incorporated into the Convention ,
( ii ) have not entered into commerce or been released for consumption there ,
( 2001 / 96 / EC )
CAD & # 124 ; Canadian dollar & # 124 ; 1,4212 & # 124 ;
( 8 ) The conclusions of the Council of 21 February 2005 & # 91 ; 4 & # 93 ; invited the European Council to include the initiative of a European Pact for Youth in the mid-term review of the Lisbon Strategy and to define guidelines for concrete action .
The Commission & apos ; s proposals as a first step towards exemption or a significant reduction in visa fees were rejected .
— & # 124 ; 5000 & # 124 ; 0 , — & # 124 ;
3.5 The situation of the reinsurance market is of paramount importance . The Committee therefore calls on the Parliament , the Council and the Commission to pay particular attention in the continuing discussions on the international competitiveness of the European reinsurance industry .
A common organization of the market in fishery products , including price , trade and common rules on competition , is hereby established .
Aid No : XA 06 / 05
1 . The first maintenance period shall start on 1 January 1999 and end on 23 February 1999 .
1 . The Member States shall authorise the importation of fresh meat in the case of carcases , in the case of swine , and half-carcases in the case of bovine animals and SOLIPEDS , UNLESS IT is POSSIBLE to RECONSTRUCT the ENTIRE CARCASE of EACH animal .
Whereas the first subparagraph of Article 3 ( 1 ) ( g ) of Directive 90 / 425 / EEC provides for veterinary checks to be carried out on animals and products which comply with Community rules on intra-Community trade and which are to be exported to a third country and are to be carried through one or more other Member States ;
On 22 September 2004 the Council decided to consult the European Economic and Social Committee , under Article 80 ( 2 ) of the Treaty establishing the European Community , on the abovementioned proposal .
( 5 ) Directive 92 / 105 / EEC should therefore be amended accordingly .
12. without prejudice to Member States & apos ; obligations with regard to transmission of information under the provisions of the United Nations Conventions on drugs , promote the incorporation of data on drugs and drug addiction gathered in the Member States or emanating from the Community into international monitoring and drug-control programmes , particularly those established by the United Nations Organization and its specialised agencies ;
Whereas the objective of the imposition of anti-dumping duties is to restore fair and open market conditions by protecting the Community industry against unfair commercial practices ; whereas , in the event that certain exporters & apos ; market position would suffer from the imposition of anti-dumping duties , this is only the consequence that they are unable to compete at fair market conditions ;
“ 2 . The prohibition referred to in paragraph 1 shall be extended to animals and products of animal origin in accordance with Annex IV .
4 . Where the customs authorities consider that the information given in the application inadequate , they may require additional details from the applicant .
( 2005 / C 303 / 01 )
Whereas practices of tax evasion and tax avoidance lead to budget losses and violations of the principle of fair taxation and are liable to bring about distortions of capital movements ; whereas they therefore affect the operation of the common market ;
In the Annex to Decision 94 / 85 / EC the following line shall be added in accordance with the alphabetic order of the ISO code :
- the measures that may be taken under specific common import rules for the duration of those rules ,
1 . Applications for reimbursement / IP shall contain the following details :
( 52 ) On the one hand , Austria stresses that option would be exercised only in case of insolvency and , on the other hand , it would be that it could be in the case of financial difficulties in the interests of the guarantor . In the Commission & apos ; s view , it is not clear that the State would intervene only in the event of insolvency .
1 . Natural mineral waters containing fluoride in excess of 1,5 mg / l and up to 5,0 mg / l shall bear the following indication on the label : % quot % contains more than 1,5 mg / l Fluoride : for infants and children below seven years not suitable for use % quot % .
- may not hinder the establishment of the computerised data base by the authorities responsible for this task ,
( c ) shortcomings in the harmonised standards referred to in Article 10 ( 2 ) .
1 1 4 1 & # 124 ; Contractual agents & # 124 ; p.m. & # 124 ; p.m. & # 124 ; p.m. & # 124 ;
% quot % 3 . Seafarers who do not possess the certificates referred to in Article 4 may be allowed to serve on ships flying the flag of a Member State , provided a decision on the recognition of their appropriate certificates have been adopted through the procedure set out below :
Capitalisation interest & # 124 ; 13.1 & # 124 ; 13,70 & # 124 ; 49,00 & # 124 ; 35,45 & # 124 ; 1,80 & # 124 ; 99,95 & # 124 ;
& # 124 ; CHAPTER 1 5 — TOTAL & # 124 ; p.m. & # 124 ; p.m. & # 124 ; 0 , — & # 124 ;
The Court may also give its decision by reasoned order , after informing the Court or tribunal which referred the question to it , hearing any observations submitted by the persons referred to in Article 23 of the Statute and after hearing the Advocate ACT . & quot ; ;
The conditions under which injury to persons is considered to be significant shall be laid down in accordance with the laws , regulations or administrative provisions of the Member State in which the accident occurred . In this respect , the Member States may , inter alia , take into account whether the injuries have made hospital treatment necessary .
Rio & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; S & # 124 ; f : 30.6.2007 & # 124 ;
COMMISSION REGULATION ( EEC ) No 3288 / 92 of 12 November 1992 amending Regulation ( EEC ) No 2568 / 91 on the characteristics of olive oil and olive-residue oil and on the relevant methods of assessment
CENELEC & # 124 ; EN 60335-2-35 : 2002 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ;
In the case of the Committee of the Regions
7 . A batch shall be made up of all prepackages of the same nominal weight , the same musts and the same production , which are to be inspected , and which are situated in the same place .
& # 91 ; 5 & # 93 ; These figures reflect the effects of amending budget No 4 / 2004 .
Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation ( EC , Euratom ) No 1605 / 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities
( b ) worked specimens that were acquired more than 50 years previously ; or
Diplomatisk visering / Diplomatic Residence Permit ( diplomatic visa ) — issued to diplomats and their members of their family who appear on the diplomatic lists , and to staff of equivalent rank at the international organisations in Denmark . Valid for residence and multiple entry for as long as the person concerned is on the diplomatic lists in Copenhagen .
Objectives : Regional development — Environmental protection & # 91 ; Limited to the manufacturing industry — Limited to electricity , gas and water & # 93 ;
( 8 ) In the light of the emergence of new virus topotypes and regional deterioration of control measures , the Community , in close cooperation with the FAO and by using the Trust Fund 911100 / MTF / INT / 003 / EEC , supported emergency vaccination campaigns in the Member States of the EUFMD or in neighbouring countries .
1. the texts of points 3.40 ( Decision No 154 ) , 3.41 ( Decision No 155 ) and 3.50 ( Decision No 169 ) shall be deleted ;
Net interest and other financial charges & # 124 ;
& apos ; - 0,46 litre and 0,70 litre in Greece , until 31 December 1992 . & apos ;
( iii ) The questionnaire replies from sampled Parties must reach the Commission within 30 days from the date of the notification of their inclusion in the sample .
As regards the exception of substances meeting the criteria in Article 56 ( a ) , ( b ) , ( c ) and ( f ) for which it is not possible to determine a threshold in accordance with section 6.4 of Annex I and for substances meeting the criteria in Article 56 ( d ) and ( e ) for which it is not possible to determine a threshold in accordance with Section 6.4 of that Annex .
Jinguan ( Longhai ) Plastics Packing Co . , Ltd . , Longhai & # 124 ; 5,1 & # 124 ; A758 & # 124 ;
- latitude 37 ° 00 & apos ; N , longitude 9 ° 06 & apos ; W ,
In the past there was a difference between the rates applied by DG SANCO and DG AGRI in the pig sector . Since the 1997 swine fever epidemic , the rates have been harmonised in order to allow co-financing to amount to 50 % .
On-the-spot inspections shall be carried out by veterinary experts of the Member States and the Commission to ensure that all the provisions of this Directive are effectively applied .
P6 _ TA ( 2005 ) 0201
Activity of students
1 . In the case of non-routine movements , the release of aquatic organisms into open and closed aquaculture facilities shall be allowed on the basis of the conditions set out in paragraphs 2 , 3 and 4 .
Where the measures provided for in paragraph 2 are taken , licences shall be issued on the third working day following the entry into force of those measures .
Budget : EUR 216000 per year
1 . Andorra shall undertake to implement and to apply the Community veterinary provisions set out in the Annex to this Decision within 18 months of the date of adoption of this Decision in or under national law .
( 1 ) Council Regulation ( EEC ) No 337 / 75 of 10 February 1975 on the organisation of a European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training & # 91 ; 3 & # 93 ; includes provisions concerning the organisation of the Centre , and in particular of its Administrative Board . These provisions have been amended several times following each accession of new Member States , when new members had to be added to the Administrative Board .
( 5 ) Segundo as Autoridades portuguesas , as isenções fiscais não consubstanciam uma medida específica , mas um regime de política económica de alcance geral no âmbito do sistema fiscal . As Autoridades portuguesas concluíram que este regime não coloca qualquer problema do ponto de vista dos auxílios estatais , uma vez que se trata de uma med
( 8 ) Whereas it is necessary , in order to reinforce the added value of Community action , to ensure coherence and a complementarity at all levels between the actions implemented within the framework of this Decision and other relevant Community policies ;
7 . Without prejudice to paragraph 1 , in the case of propagating material derived from basic material which does not satisfy all the requirements for the category , as laid down in paragraph 1 , Member States shall be authorised to permit the marketing of such reproductive material under certain conditions to be determined in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 26 ( 3 ) .
4 . FlavourINGS 7
- public undertakings :
2 . Germany shall take all necessary measures to recover from the recipient the aid referred to in Article 1 ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) unlawfully made available to the recipient .
Considering that transmission of open decisions and declarations of the Executive Committee may also be required ,
2 . The managing authority shall make available to the Commission , on request , a list of completed operations which have been subject to partial closure in accordance with Article 85 .
- Tullsatsen begränsad till 6 % av värdet ( förordning ( EG ) nr 2248 / 2004 ) ;
3 . Detailed rules for applying this Article shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 42 ( 2 ) .
Membership of the Commission ( 1 ) OJ No L 297 , 21 . 11 . 1996 , p . 29 .
Whereas , in particular in the case of export declarations submitted and accepted at an internal customs office or at the exporter & apos ; s stage of substitution , provision should be made for the possibility of fixing a minimum rate of representative sampling by each customs office of exit ;
These documents are issued manually , filled in by hand or by typewritten . The photograph of the holder is glued in and bears the stamp of the Dirección General de Protocolo ( Directorate-General for Protocol ) in one corner .
( c ) % quot % competent authorities % quot % means the authorities designated by the Member States for the following tasks : the central collection of information , in particular the national central offices , the detection of counterfeiting and offences related to the counterfeiting of the euro , the prosecution of such offences or the sentencing of such offences ;
& # 91 ; 70 & # 93 ; http : / / / Newsroom / mainframe.asp ? topic _ id = 897
COM ( 2005 ) 68 final
Article 12 – Voluntary assignment , contractual subrogation and incapacity
amending Decision 96 / 627 / EC implementing Article 2 of Council Directive 77 / 311 / EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the driver-perceived noise level of wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors
Member States shall take measures aimed at :
1 . Staff shall carry out their duties and conduct themselves solely with the interests of the centre in mind ; they shall neither seek nor take instructions from any government , authority , organisation or person outside the Centre .
( b ) & quot ; indoor use & quot ; means the use within a building , including comparable locations such as an aeroplane , in which shielding normally takes place in order to facilitate the joint exploitation of other services .
( 24 ) With the assistance of the measures provided for in this Regulation , it should be possible for producer organisations to substantially reduce definitive withdrawals . It is therefore justified to reduce and reduce both the quantities eligible for financial compensation and the level of such compensation during a transitional period .
SV & quot ; DUPLIKAT & quot ; & quot ;
1 . The quantitative limits referred to in Annex V shall not apply to products placed in a free zone or imported under the arrangements governing customs warehouses , temporary importation or inward processing ( suspension system ) .
Information on the potential harmful effects
This Regulation opens Community tariff quotas for sheep , goats and sheepmeat and goatmeat for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2006 .
( a ) the second subparagraph of paragraph 1 shall be replaced by the following :
3 . Amendments to the Community lists in Annexes II and III shall be made in accordance with the procedure referred to in Regulation ( EC ) No & # 91 ; … & # 93 ; establishing a common authorisation procedure for food additives , food enzymes and food flavourings .
amending Council Directive 91 / 414 / EEC to include bifenazate and milbemectin as active substances
6 . Sweden may from 1 January 1999 until 31 December 2000 require the use of the following additional R-phrases not set out in Annex III :
- constitute a material breach of the laws , regulations or administrative provisions which lay down the conditions governing authorization or which specifically govern pursuit of the activities of officials and servants of the Communities , or a breach of the Community & apos ; s comparable obligations as regards staff members & apos ; directors or members of staff not subject to the Staff Regulations .
The Commission considers that the common position adopted unanimously on 13 November 2006 is appropriate and it may therefore support it .
1 . The following indent shall be added in point 12 ( Council Directive 72 / 306 / EEC ) :
( e ) Community producers that submitted the complaint
Member States shall provide the Commission and the other Member States , before 1 August of each year , with the information on quantities imported prior to that date pursuant to this Decision from 2005 to 2008 and with a detailed technical report of the examination and / or tests carried out on these plants during the quarantine period referred to in point 10 of the Annex .
22 & # 124 ; ENLARGEMENT & # 124 ; 1426112677,33 & # 124 ; 1278110399,45 & # 124 ; 0,00 & # 124 ; 11748171,21 & # 124 ; 1289858570,66 & # 124 ; 90,4 5 % & # 124 ; 89363052,12 & # 124 ; 0,00 & # 124 ; 89363052,12 &
( ii ) with crossings so regular or frequent that they constitute a recognisable systematic series ;
Having regard to Decision No 1419 / 1999 / EC modified by Decision n ° 649 / 2005 / EC of the European Parliament and the Council establishing a Community action for the European Capital of Culture event for the years 2005 to 2019 & # 91 ; 2 & # 93 ; , and in particular Articles 2 ( 3 ) and 4 thereof ,
Cenelec & # 124 ; EN 60399 : 2004 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ;
( 2005 / 921 / CFSP )
38 . Participation dans des terminaux en Belgique . En Belgique , IFB détenait des participations dans des terminaux à Zeebrugge , Bruxelles , Mouscron , Athus , Liège et Charleroi .
( 1 ) Article 3 of Directive 92 / 14 / EEC exempts the aeroplanes listed in the Annex thereto , provided , in particular , that they continue to be used by natural or legal persons established in the nation of registration of the aeroplanes during a defined reference period .
( b ) in point ( b ) , the amount & quot ; EUR 6242000 & quot ; is replaced by & quot ; EUR 5923000 & quot ; ;
The lack of specifically adapted medicines for children raises problems : inadequate dosage information poses a growing risk of adverse side effects , even with death , which , as a result of lower dosage , is ineffective , therapeutic progress for children is not complicated , the formulation of preventive care and the method of administration of children are problematic and extruded preparations for children . ”
1 . The specified risk material shall be removed and disposed of in accordance with points 2 , 3 , 4 and 8 of Annex V.
194 . Zoals hierboven is aangetoond , dient in dit stadium te worden aangenomen dat een bedachtzaam particulier schuldeiser het door de NMBS toegekenen uitstel van betaling niet zou hebben toegekend , maar het faillissement van IFB zou hebben aangevraagd en zou hebben getracht de betaling van de schuldvorderingen in het kader van de collectieve procedure te verkrijgen .
1 1 0 2 & # 124 ; Expatriation and foreign allowances for temporary agents & # 124 ; 1206000 & # 124 ; 1193391 & # 124 ; 1176339,27 & # 124 ;
1 . Each Party confronting a pollution incident shall :
of 23 July 1985
04039011 to 04039099 & # 124 ; Other See the Explanatory Notes to subheadings 04031011 to 04031099 . These subheadings do not include products of the type & quot ; replacement type & quot ; described in the Explanatory Notes to subheadings 04061020 and 04061080 , third paragraph . & quot ;
Member States shall not make available the exemptions set out in Articles 11 , 27 , 43 ( 1 ) ( 7a ) and ( b ) , 46 , 47 and 51 in the case of companies whose securities are admitted to trading on a regulated market within the meaning of Article 4 ( 1 ) ( 14 ) of Directive 2004 / 39 / EC . & quot ;
1 . The database shall be kept up to date and shall indicate the entry into and the removal from storage of products up to the day of presentation of :
2 . At the date of signing this Agreement , the authority referred to in Article 40 ( 5 ) of the 1990 Convention as regards the Italian Republic shall be the central Directorate of the Crime Police of the Ministry of the Interior .
1 . The members of the Administrative Board shall be appointed for a term of three years .
Member States shall forward to the Commission before 15 September each year :
( 1 ) An invitation to tender for the refund for the export of barley to third countries was opened pursuant to Commission Regulation ( EC ) No 935 / 2006 & # 91 ; 2 & # 93 ; .
( b ) cash benefits provided by the competent institution in accordance with the legislation which it administers . However , by agreement between the competent institution and the institution of the place of residence , such benefits may also be provided by the latter institution on behalf of the former , in accordance with the legislation of the competent State .
- Agriculture & # 124 ; Yes & # 124 ;
& # 91 ; 22 & # 93 ; comprehensive Risk Assessment Report , as well as a summary thereof , can be found on the internet site of the European Chemicals Bureau : http : / / / existing-substances /
3.3.2 . Increased use of commercial TDIs by the US - relating to the product concerned
( c ) in box 20 , the order number of the quota ( 09.4203 ) and at least one of the entries listed in Annex II .
6 . The import authorisation may be issued by electronic means as long as the customs offices involved have access to the document via a computer network .
3 . Where the quantities put on the market exceed a price equal to or fall below the maximum price , the quantities awarded may be reduced by applying coefficients allowing a certain guarantee by reference to the price difference and the quantities offered , by reference to each category .
( ii ) the premium arrangements for sheepmeat and goatmeat producers provided for in Regulation ( EC ) No 2467 / 98 ( 8 ) ;
The purpose of this Directive is to approximate the laws of the Member States concerning the controlled disposal of PCBs , the decontamination or the disposal of PCBs and / or the disposal of used PCBs and to implement the objective of their total disposal on the basis of this Directive .
( 3 ) Article 30.3 of the Statute provides that the ECB shall credit each participating NCB with a claim . The Governing Council of the ECB shall also decide , in accordance with Article 30.3 of the Statute , on the denomination and non-entry of these assets .
( a ) a common module for annual structural statistics defined in Annex Ö I Õ 1 ; ( b ) a common module for the structural statistics defined in Annex Ö II Õ 2 ;
( b ) Article 6 of Commission Regulation ( EC ) No 1905 / 94 of 27 July 1994 on detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation ( EC ) No 399 / 94 concerning specific measures for dried grapes ( 9 ) .
The Commission shall propose the measures in question to the European Parliament and the Council . They shall include :
Index & # 124 ; 100 & # 124 ; 147 & # 124 ; 98 & # 124 ; 78 & # 124 ;
10 . & apos ; approved assembly centre & apos ; means any centre at which ovine or caprine animals originated from different holdings are grouped together to form consignments of animals intended for intra-Community trade ;
& apos ; The intervention agency shall issue the goods intended for the implementation of the Food Aid Convention of 1971 at the sole intervention price or the reference price , as the case may be , which shall be valid for the month in which the intervention agencies are removed . & apos ;
ZAR & # 124 ; South African rand & # 124 ; 7,6361 & # 124 ;
SALOMON & # 124 ; 20,71 & # 124 ; 5,78 & # 124 ; 0,07 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; 5,78 & # 124 ; 0,07 & # 124 ; 0,07 & # 124 ;
shall be expressed as white sugar , as dry matter or as dry matter / isoglucose equivalent sugar / isoglucose .
( 100 ) Levels of investment increased by around EUR & # 91 ; ... & # 93 ; in 2000 , but then fell by - & # 91 ; … & # 93 ; million in the IP , reaching a highest level in 2001 and in 2002 . They increased dramatically in 2003 and reached a new depth in the IP . It is , on average , necessary to allow the Community industry to finance its activities more frequently and investments .
( v ) forest-environment payments and forest-environment measures , and measures to exploit and conserve genetic diversity ,
( a ) a description of the purposes and the actions envisaged , demonstrating a sound economic balance between the purposes and the actions taken and their consistency with the objectives of the restructuring plan and the rural development policy in the region approved by the Commission ;
- illicit traffic in hormonal substances and other growth promoters ,
( ii ) facilitate torture between the other Contracting Party or interested persons of the Contracting Party and the competent implementing authority or other competent authorities .
A high level of competition in an open market is the best guarantee that European companies increase their productivity and potential for innovation . Consequently , the application of competition law is a key element of the “ Lisbon strategy ” , which aims to promote economic growth in the European Union and to create employment opportunities for European citizens .
The implementation of the European Partnership shall be examined through the mechanisms established under the Stabilisation and Association Process and on the basis of the Progress Reports presented by the Commission .
Commission Directive 2003 / 16 / EC
2 . To support the mission of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and of the Monitors Cika ;
from the date of issue within the meaning of Article 21 ( 2 ) of that Regulation .
( 3 ) Council Regulation ( EC ) No 974 / 98 of 3 May 1998 on the introduction of the euro lays down that currency denominated in euro shall start to be put into circulation as from the current participating Member States . In order to ensure certainty and clarity as to the rules for the introduction of the euro it is necessary to lay down in a general manner how future the periods for transition to the euro are to be determined .
COUNCIL DECISION of 26 October 1992 concerning the conclusion of an Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Albania on trade and economic cooperation ( 92 / 535 / EEC )
* The minimum price for sugar beet for the reference period is the weighted average for EU15 . & # 124 ;
Maximum aid intensity : Up to 90 % of eligible costs .
Standard approach
4 . A tax on motive force , levied in particular on motors used for transporting industrial gas through very high pressure pipes , does not constitute a charge , having equivalent effect within the meaning of Article 90 EC .
Rupture des autres contrats & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 91 ; … & # 93 ; & # 124 ; & # 91 ; … & # 93 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ;
D. having regard to the recent Commission & apos ; s strategy paper , which identifies arbitrary arrest , isolation and the absence of an independent judiciary , as known to the Maldives , and notes that personal rights are restricted ,
on the basis of prices for these products in international trade and within the limits resulting from agreements concluded in accordance with Article 300 of the Treaty , the difference between these prices and prices in the Community may be covered by export refunds .
CNY & # 124 ; Chinese yuan renminbi & # 124 ; 10,0268 & # 124 ;
1 1 2 0 & # 124 ;Training and information for staff & # 124 ; 200000 & # 124 ; 77000 & # 124 ; 16828 & # 124 ;
( 23 ) Whereas such consultations can ensure a more effective and more efficient operation of maritime transport services which takes account of users & apos ; requirements ; whereas , consequently , certain restrictive practices which could ensue from such consultations should be exempted ;
( 27 ) ACEA is a series of activities and cannot be identified , which would be placed under the auspices of the request for assistance .
( i ) shall without delay inform the other Member States and the Commission of the application and shall make the application and any supplementary information supplied by the applicant available to them ;
Having regard to Council Regulation ( EC ) No 1254 / 1999 of 17 May 1999 on the common organisation of the market in beef and veal ( 1 ) , and in particular Articles 4 ( 8 ) , 13 ( 5 ) and the second indent of Article 50 thereof ,
Annual expenditure planned under that scheme : EUR 650000
7 . Detailed rules for the application of this Article shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 14 .
baggage arriving at a Community airport on board a tourist or business aircraft proceeding on an intra-Community flight shall be loaded at a Community airport and transferred , at that Community airport , to a scheduled or charter flight proceeding on an intra-Community flight , to be carried out at the airport of departure of the scheduled or charter flight .
- continuing training of start-ups and measures to develop and safeguard the existence of start-ups for unemployment risks and the re- unemployed graduates and specialists ;
Transmission of the proposal to the European Parliament and the Council - COM ( 2004 ) 2 final – 2004 / 0001 ( COD ) : & # 124 ; 06.02.2004 & # 124 ;
ITA COF & # 124 ; 44 & # 124 ; MADAGASCAR & # 124 ; Manambery bridge & # 124 ; 65.250,91 & # 124 ; 0,00 & # 124 ; 0,00 & # 124 ; 65.250,91 & # 124 ; ITA COF & # 124 ; 45 & # 124 ; MOZAMBIQUE & # 124 ; Beneficiaries & # 124 ; 11 .295,81 &
5.3.2 . Best practice
when , in the industrial activities listed in column II of the table in Annex II , the cost exceeds the corresponding amount in column II of the table for replacements and conversions . On the basis of that table , the Director shall lay down tasks and powers for each centre of the Centre .
The Group of Experts considered that the proposed amendments are necessary , in particular because they ensue from an agreement that has been negotiated and concluded ( the Protocol ) .
Regulation ( EEC ) No 727 / 70 is hereby repealed with effect from the beginning of the 1993 harvest .
( f ) for appropriations corresponding to the annual allocation for 2005 : 31 December 2008 ;
The Committees shall ensure that motions for resolutions are resumed in accordance with this Article , which meet the conditions laid down , and that the torture documents shall be displayed in a fair manner .
of 21 June 1989 on the conclusion of a Supplementary Protocol to the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Norway concerning the elimination of existing and prevention of new quantitative restrictions affecting exports or measures having equivalent effect ( 89 / 546 / EEC )
& apos ; 3 . The methods set out in Annex II shall be applied to the off-balance-sheet items listed in Article 6 ( 3 ) , except for the case of the off-balance-sheet items to be excluded from the counterparty . & apos ;
& # 91 ; 6 & # 93 ; “ Tobacco or Health in the European Union : past , present and future ” . Report prepared by the SPCs consortium , 2004 .
The Kingdom of Denmark shall take the steps necessary to comply with this Decision not later than 1 January 1991 .
In order to avoid delays in the placing on the market of plant protection products containing new active substances , Member States may grant provisional national authorisations once a complete dossier has been submitted .
iii ) Anti-A plus anti-rh ( group 0 ) blood-grouping serum ( human )
NZD & # 124 ; New Zealand dollar & # 124 ; 2,0072 & # 124 ;
( c ) in an establishment situated in the production area or , in the quality wines psr referred to in Annex VI ( D ) ( 3 ) to Regulation ( EC ) No 1493 / 1999 , in the immediate vicinity of that region .
laying down detailed rules for granting the compensatory allowance for tuna intended for the processing industry
ê 3880 / 91 recital 4
1 . The Member States shall require that , for the checking of varieties , the examination of seed for certification and the examination of commercial seed , samples are drawn in accordance with appropriate methods .
2.1.3 . Short-stay or travel visa — Visa for multiple entry
1 ISK = & # 124 ; 0,0106010 & # 124 ; 0,301576 & # 124 ; 0,079085 & # 124 ; 0,165869 & # 124 ; 0,00609556 & # 124 ; 0,00737843 & # 124 ; 0,036603 & # 124 ; 2,94166 & # 124 ; 0,00455100 & # 124 ; 0,04236
- In Title VIII , the dispute settlement process on trade and trade-related issues should be improved and made more effective .
2 . In any case in exceptional circumstances and in special cases , a guarantee scheme may apply to the competent authorities for an extension of the time limit . No such extension may exceed three months . The competent authorities may , at the request of the guarantee scheme concerned , grant a further maximum of two further extensions , limited to three months .
( d ) printing works , including in-house printing works , shall not receive assistance from a Member State , an NCB , or any other public source that is incompatible with the Treaty establishing the European Community .
Joint exercise of the occupation of lawyer
When a new notification is submitted by the initial competent authority of dispatch , a new financial guarantee or equivalent insurance shall not be required .
6 . Between August and December 2005 the Court carried out an audit of the MEDA programme , on the basis of the following questions :
During the transitional period referred to in Article 3 , these systems of chartering by rotation shall not include the following services :
Date of implementation : The new applications for the programme are possible from 12 November 2004
( c ) at the request of any check enabling the Member State of destination to satisfy themselves that the goods have actually been received and that the excise duty actually paid has been paid .
Geographical area : The Cilento is situated in the north of the border between the Selemün in the Gulf of Salerno and the Bussentomündung in the Gulf of Policastro- gelegennahe of Campania ; it is north by the mountainous of the alarm and of the Cervati . The municipalities concerned are listed in the product specification .
2003 & # 124 ; 11 & # 124 ; 4 & # 124 ; 1 & # 124 ; 16 & # 124 ;
9 . A weekly rest period which begins in two weeks may be attached to either of these weeks , and shall not cover both .
( c ) exchange rate fluctuations
4.1.3 . Return on Investment
This procedure allows for the prior stages of exports of compensating products to be worldized for a certain period and to be grouped together in an information sheet INF 5 , issued for the quantities exported during that period .
- liberal rights with regard to Code-Sharing and leasing ;
( notified under document number C ( 2006 ) 6569 )
COM ( 2006 ) 455 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; 10.8.2006 & # 124 ; Proposal for a Council Regulation on the amendment of the definition of certain import quotas for quality beef and veal & # 124 ;
2 . The managing authority for the operational programme shall ensure publicity in accordance with the implementing rules for this Regulation adopted by the Commission in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 103 ( 3 ) .
GRENAD a & # 124 ; 9,60 & # 124 ; 1,50 & # 124 ; 16 % & # 124 ; 1,67 & # 124 ; 17 % & # 124 ; 7,80 & # 124 ; 81 % & # 124 ; 6,93 & # 124 ; 72 % & # 124 ; 9,30 & # 124 ; 8,48 & # 124 ; 8,60 & # 124 ;
Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters ( ERM ) ; Electromagnetic Compatibility ( EMC ) standard for marine Radio equipment and services — Part 4 : Specific conditions for Narrow-Band Direct-Printing ( NBDP ) NAVTEX receivers & # 124 ; EN 301 843-4 V1.1.1 & # 124 ; Date expired ( 31.3.2006 ) & # 124 ; Article 3 ( 1 ) ( b ) ( and Article 4 89 / 336 / EEC ) & # 124 ;
- ex 2403 91 00 Homogenised or reconstituted tobacco , whether or not put up in sheets or strips ,
In Article 6 of Decision 97 / 368 / EC the date & apos ; 30 September 1997 & apos ; shall be replaced by & apos ; 28 February 1998 & apos ; .
References to the repealed Regulation shall be construed as references to this Regulation . Regulation ( EEC ) No 210 / 69 shall remain applicable to the monthly reports of the data during the period preceding the implementation of this Regulation .
& # 124 ; 1750000 & # 124 ; 1750000 & # 124 ; 1750000 & # 124 ;
- melons for falling within CN code 0807 19 00,
This type of certificate or document issued by the official veterinarian responsible for the holding of origin , the centre or organization or , in the case of documents as referred to in Annex A , point II , by the competent authority shall accompany the transport of the animals or products to the final consignee or to the last consignee .
Whereas the basic labour standards recognized at national and international level must be respected , in particular the freedom of trade union and the protection of trade union law , the right to code and the right to collective bargaining , the abolition of forced labour , the fight against worst forms of child labour , the minimum age for admission of children to work and non-discrimination in respect of employment and employment ;
( 18 ) The infringements of Article 82 of the Treaty committed by CMB and the other Cewal members are severe inasmuch as it allowed Cewal to maintain a de facto de facto monopoly in the shipping routes of and to Zaire . In this way , the only competitor should be displayed by the market .
The salary paid by a Member of resignation for the fulfilment of a mandate in another Parliament shall be deducted from the salary .
Having regard to Council Regulation ( EC ) No 1259 / 1999 of 17 May 1999 establishing Community rules for direct support schemes under the common agricultural policy ( 1 ) , and in particular the second indent of Article 11 ( 4 ) thereof ,
- other economic operators related to the presence of Japanese , Taiwanese and Chinese exporters .
Article 18 Financial accounts .................. 9
( 65 ) The figures below represent the Community industry & apos ; s sales to independent customers in the Community .
( c ) the Commission makes little use of the reports ;
- limit to a minimum of two or more the number of undertakings authorized to supply such services , otherwise than according to objective , proportional and non-discriminatory criteria , or
( 381 ) In order to examine the existence of a causal link between increased imports and the serious injury , and in order to ensure that injury caused by other factors is not attributed to increased imports , the Commission have proceeded as follows :
18 . To enable the system to operate in a scientificly coherent and efficient manner , the Agency should ensure coordination between the Committee for Advanced Therapies and other Committees , advisory groups and working groups of the Agency , in particular the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use , the Committee for Orphan Medicinal Products and the Working Party on Scientific Advice .
Subtotal & # 124 ; 429 & # 124 ; 652 & # 124 ; Provisions for liabilities & # 124 ; 7481 & # 124 ; 8601 & # 124 ;
4 . Within three months of the peer review , the peer review shall draw up unanimously a report , which may contain recommendations . The Commission shall convene a meeting to discuss the report with the experts and the national supervisory authority .
d ) Proportionality principle The proposal complies with the proportionality principle for the following reason . & # 124 ;
For the 33nd individual invitation to tender pursuant to Regulation ( EC ) No 2771 / 1999 , in respect of which the time limit for the submission of tenders expired on 10 January 2006 , the minimum selling price for butter is fixed at 255,00 EUR / 100 kg .
COM ( 2005 ) 673 final
Commission Regulation ( EC ) No 2497 / 2001
- Council Regulation ( EC ) No 381 / 2001 of 26 February 2001 creating a Rapid Response Mechanism & # 91 ; 13 & # 93 ; ,
This Regulation shall enter into force on 20 December 2005 .
1.2 With regard to the extra admission of commercial operators from third countries , the Community should have clearly defined ways of signing bilateral agreements with third countries on the mutual recognition of relevant certificates . The EESC therefore considers that action should also be taken to ensure compliance with the obligations of all ICAO Member States , thereby rendering such additional admission unnecessary .
- This scheme is based on the Punjab Industry and Economic Incentives of the Government of Punjab .
3 . In all cases other than those referred to in paragraph 2 , the air carrier , its facilitation or the tour operator shall transmit the information as soon as possible .
2.3 There is a shift between mental health and poverty : the vulnerability to mental illness and the deterioration of access to inevitably essential healthcare measures . It is therefore necessary for countries to make the mental health problems a major concern for their health policy .
This Regulation lays down provisions for the implementation of Articles 50 to 59 and Articles 63a and 63b of Regulation ( EEC ) No 918 / 83 , hereinafter referred to as the & apos ; basic Regulation & apos ; . % quot %
2 . The States so signatory shall be the original signatory of the Convention .
Having called on interested parties to submit their comments pursuant to the provisions cited above & # 91 ; 1 & # 93 ; ,
- having regard to the ACP-EU Partnership Agreement & # 91 ; 3 & # 93 ; ,
- LWB Refractories Company .
( 21 ) Whereas a temporary and limited intervention system for buying-in should remain in place in order to contribute to the stabilisation of the market in cases where market prices would fall below the reference price fixed for the next marketing year ;
& # 91 ; 10 & # 93 ; CJCE 12 juillet 1990 , Société CdF Chimie azote et fertilisants SA et Société chimique de la Grande Paroisse SA contre Commission , aff . C-169 / 84 , Rec. p.a. I-3083 .
& quot ; 2 . In such cases either Party may invite the other to enter into consultations . Such consultations shall begin no later than 30 days after the invitation and may last no longer than 120 days . & quot ;
( 22 ) It is necessary to provide sufficient flexibility in the formulation of the legal base for the programme to allow for appropriate adjustments in the actions to respond to changing needs during the period 2007 to 2013 , and to avoid the excessively detailed provisions of previous programmes , so the Decision is limited to generic definitions of actions and their essential accompanying administrative and financial provisions .
5 . The preparation , adoption and review of each TSI ( including basic values ) shall take account of the estimated cost of technical solutions by which they may be met , with a view to defining and implementing the most viable solutions . To that end , the joint representative body shall attach to each draft TSI an assessment of the estimated costs and benefits of those technical solutions .
COMMISSION DECISION of 12 September 1994 concerning the withdrawal of authorizations for plant protection products containing cyhalothrin for active substance ( 94 / 643 / EC )
1 . The balance of Trust Fund 911100 / MTF / INT / 003 / EEC ( TFEU 970089129 ) at 30 September 2000 shall be struck at USD 226404 as laid down in the final report adopted by the 65st Session of the Executive Committee of the European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-mouth Disease .
- the key strategic objectives , as well as the main elements of the Commission Recommendation on the digitisation and online accessibility of cultural material and digital preservation ;
( 99 ) In the light of the above , the Portuguese authorities noted that the financial compensation granted to RTP for the purpose of fulfilling the public service obligations is not excessive or inadequate .
( 2 ) The first subparagraph of Article 6 ( 1 ) of Regulation ( EC ) No 1255 / 1999 provides that the Commission may suspend the buying-in of butter at 60 % of the intervention price where the quantities offered for intervention in the period from 1 March to 31 August 2006 exceed 50000 tonnes .
Central challenges in the preferred option 3
Article 43 List of serious infringements
2.3.4 France
1 . The following advisory committees , hereinafter referred to as & apos ; the committee & apos ; , shall be set up at the Commission :
70000 & # 124 ; 100298 & # 124 ; & # 124 ;
Member States shall notify the Commission , by 31 December of each year , of the quantities of isoglucose and inulin syrup stored at the end of the previous marketing year , broken down as specified in the first subparagraph .
( 1 ) Council Directive 80 / 1268 / EEC of 16 December 1980 on the carbon dioxide emissions and fuel consumption of motor vehicles ( 4 ) is one of the separate directives under the type-approval procedure laid down by Council Directive 70 / 156 / EEC of 6 February 1970 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the type-approval of motor vehicles and their trailers ( 5 ) .
( a ) the area listed in Article 9 ( 1 ) of Directive 92 / 66 / EEC , hereinafter % quot % the surveillance zone % quot % , shall be considered the area at higher risk including , but not limited to , the protection zone established in accordance with Article 9 ( 1 ) of Directive 92 / 66 / EEC and the epidemiological inquiry shall not come into contact with an infected holding ;
1 . The minimum rate of on-the-spot checks provided for in Article 18 ( 1 ) ( b ) , with the exception of aid schemes provided for in Article 4 ( 6 ) and in Article 11 of Regulation ( EC ) No 1254 / 1999 , shall be fully conducted throughout the retention period of at least one of the aid schemes concerned .
& # 124 ; Article 1 1 8 — Total & # 124 ; 671408 & # 124 ; 535000 & # 124 ; 187442,20 & # 124 ;
- persons ,
1 . These rules of procedure shall apply to the processing of personal data wholly or partly by Eurojust by automatic means , and to the processing otherwise than by automatic means of personal data which form part of a filing system or are intended to form part of a filing system , in accordance with the Eurojust Decision .
4. the following point shall be added to Article 46 ( 2 ) : % quot % ( f ) in relation to the use by the company of financial instruments and , where material for the assessment of assets , liabilities , financial position and loss ;
DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to risks arising from physical agents ( optical radiation ) ( 19th individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16 ( 1 ) of Directive 89 / 391 / EEC )
4 . The way ahead 10
Appellants : Hippocrate Vounakis ( represented by : S. Orlandi , lawyer ) other parties to proceedings : Commission of the European Communities ( represented by : G. Berscheid and C. Berardis-Keyser , lawyer )
( b ) clearly-defined multilateral activities under the European Fusion Development Agreement or any legal entity created for that purpose , including procurements .
- it must make it possible to compare a phenomenon in different places by avoiding doubt-of-life . For example , the item % quot % investment in vocational training % quot % may include only the amounts paid to a training institution or the wage cost for trained workers .
Ö More than 20 but not more than 30 Õ & # 124 ; 0.30 & # 124 ;
What value added can the EU contribute to the many existing national , regional and private initiatives in the maritime sector ?
Whereas a survey by the Commission to the Member States has shown that prior to examining the possibility of determining the quality of the physical , chemical and hygienic minimum quality standard must be established ; whereas the time limit provided for in the second paragraph of Article 14 of Directive 76 / 118 / EEC should therefore be extended ,
1 5 1 1Outs external services
This Regulation lays down detailed rules for the application of the system of import and export licences in the beef and veal sector .
( 5 ) Annex VI to Regulation ( EC ) No 1493 / 1999 lists a number of lists of quality wines produced in specified regions . That lists should be established .
CEN & # 124 ; EN 569 : 1997 Mountaineering equipment — Guards — Safety requirements and test methods & # 124 ; 10.8.2002 & # 124 ; — & # 124 ; & # 124 ;
( e ) If Member States do not use the financial resources referred to in point ( d ) within a period to be fixed in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 41 ( 2 ) , the corresponding amounts shall be deducted from the EAGF budget .
2002 & # 124 ; 5,08 & # 124 ; 5,67 & # 124 ; 5,60 & # 124 ; 5,83 & # 124 ; 6,02 & # 124 ; 4,35 & # 124 ; 6,39 & # 124 ; 7,66 & # 124 ; 5,25 & # 124 ; 3,57 & # 124 ; 3,53 & # 124 ; 4,32 & # 124 ; 3,
1 1 2 0 & # 124 ; Professional training of human staff & # 124 ; 90000 & # 124 ; 45000 & # 124 ; 45000 & # 124 ;
2 . It shall carry out this task in particular , by the following means :
- in Article 29 of Council Regulation ( EC ) No 1254 / 1999 ( 16 ) ( beef and veal ) ,
The President of the Council shall , in accordance with Article 15 of the Agreement , notify the other Contracting Party of the completion , as regards the Community , of the procedures necessary for the entry into force of this Agreement ( 1 ) .
This Communication does not involve a single , generic solution to the problems . Its objective is to set out a number of realistic and pragmatic measures that can be implemented in the short term . However , it is essential that this be done in a coordinated and uniform manner to better respond to the needs of the EU , and even to respond to the international dimension of economic markets .
If the consultations do not lead to a solution acceptable to both Parties , if consultation is refused or in cases of special urgency , appropriate measures may be taken . These measures shall be revoked as soon as the reasons for taking these no longer prevail .
Whereas Denmark , Ireland , Finland , Sweden and the United Kingdom have made a reasoned request for the designations of neurophysiology to be included for those Member States in the list of specialised medicine peculiar to two or more Member States ;
The subsidiarity principle applies where the proposal does not fall under the exclusive competence of the Community . The objectives of the proposal cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States for the following reasons :
4 . Member States shall not prohibit , restrict or impede the placing on the market and / or the putting into service of :
1 . Except where Article 568 applies , the declaration of release for free circulation under the drawback system shall be lodged at one of the offices of entry for the procedure specified in the authorization .
Publication made in accordance with Article 6 of Directive 2001 / 17 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 March 2001 on the reorganisation and winding-up of insurance undertakings
2 . Contracting authorities shall ensure that there is no discrimination between suppliers , contractors or service providers .
Such devices shall not bear the CE mark .
( ii ) Openness : an open European market is essential for Europe & apos ; s growth and job creation and for our international competitiveness . We are open to global trade and investment , and we can also make better use of the benefits of a functioning internal market . Open competition in the domestic economy promotes competitiveness , promotes and promotes innovation , make new technologies available and increase investment incentives .
The conduct of a clinical trial may be amended in accordance with the following procedure .
610000 & # 124 ; 559000 & # 124 ; 384966 & # 124 ;
relating to the application of Regulation ( EC ) No 1469 / 95 ( black list )
GBP & # 124 ; Pound sterling & # 124 ; 0,67475 & # 124 ;
- In electronic form on the EUR-Lex website under document number 32006M4325 . EUR-Lex is the on-line access to European law . ( http : / / / eur-lex / lex )
- & apos ; investment firm & apos ; where this Directive amends Directive 93 / 22 / EEC ,
7. in Article 16 ( 1 ) the introductory sentence shall be replaced by the following :
This appropriation is intended to cover the remuneration of seconded national experts or other experts recruited for the performance of temporary tasks for the Agency or for consultation .
Commission Regulation ( EC ) No 2190 / 2004
( a ) changes in the shareholder , organisational or management structure of credit institutions in a group approved or approved by the competent authorities ; and
( a ) the injury indicators , such as sales prices , stocks , profitability , return on investment , cash flow , investments , ability to raise capital and wages , calculated on the basis of data verified by sampling , and
Commission Regulation ( EC ) No 1523 / 2005
1.4 . State aid supervision in the field of risk capital
Not later than five years after the date specified in Article 17 , the Commission shall report to the European Parliament , the Council and the Economic and Social Committee on the state of application of this Directive .
concerning actions for a Safer Europe
3 . The goods imported in accordance with Annex I and paragraph 2 of this Article shall be subject to the conditions of end-use laid down in Articles 21 and 82 of Regulation ( EEC ) No 2913 / 92 and the detailed rules for its application . They shall remain under customs surveillance for a period of three years from the date of release for free circulation .
of 14 December 2005
This proposal has been discussed repeatedly with the group of experts & quot ; statistics on pesticides . It includes almost all its recommendations aimed mainly at ensuring the collection of harmonised and comparable data . The main purpose of this proposal is to allow Member States sufficient flexibility and to ensure that these statistics support the objectives of the Thematic Strategy .
Aid No : N 240 / 06
108 153 & # 124 ; Optimised Design and Operation for Sino-Euro Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities & # 124 ; 65689 & # 124 ; Closed & # 124 ;
( k ) use in improper , alarming or misleading terms the statements of changes in human grains resulting from disease or injury or the effect of a medicinal product on the human body or in parts thereof ;
2 . Member States shall ensure that fodder plant seed is subject to no marketing restrictions on account of different dates of implementation of this Directive .
B. Article 1 ( 9 )
Whereas all Member States of the Community have now adopted national measures implementing the Directive , although there are still some difficulties , in particular in certain new Member States ;
- Society : nutritional education ( not only quantitative aspects of the diet but also of the general nutritional value of foodstuffs ) , and education on healthier lifestyles , particularly as regards physical activity ;
Provisions concerning entry in the accounts and making available
( b ) called on the Member States to take such precautionary measures as are necessary in order to safeguard the Community & apos ; s financial interests and / or secure compliance by the beneficiary country and regions with Article 2 ( 1 ) ;
( d ) the sanctions applicable if members fail to comply with the implementing decisions taken in respect of such planning .
08061010 & # 124 ; Table grapes table grapes are generally distinguished by their appearance and by the nature of the packaging . In the case of table grapes mostly broken down into pets , boxes , boxes , or small enclosed grains , the grapes are either in large open grains , grains or drums in which the grapes are frequently broken down and broken down . & # 124 ;
amending for the fourth time Regulation ( EEC ) No 32 / 82 laying down the conditions for granting special export refunds for beef and veal
1 . Where irregularities attributable to the free distribution of products are detected during checks made in accordance with Article 18 , attributable to approved charitable organizations or to other organisations referred to in Articles 11 and 12 , paragraphs 2 to 7 of this Article shall apply .
PR38V91 & # 124 ; * HU 5091 , * IT x & # 124 ; & # 124 ; 310 & # 124 ; S & # 124 ; ( mod . ) ( 32 ) & # 124 ;
( 3 ) In the light of the above , the Commission concludes that the aid provided for in Article 35 of Regional Law No 5 / 2000 constitutes state aid within the meaning of Article 87 ( 3 ) of the Treaty and that it is ineligible for any of the derogations provided for in Article 87 ( 3 ) ( c ) of the Treaty .
1 . Personal protective equipment must comply with the relevant Community legislation on safety and health protection as regards its design and construction .
2 2 & # 124 ; CURRENT CURRENT ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENDITURE & # 124 ; 211000 & # 124 ; 189436 & # 124 ; & # 124 ;
Region & # 124 ; Východné Slovensko ( Ostslosklovakia ) & # 124 ;
A representative for the remainder of the term of office shall be appointed in accordance with Article 4 .
Having regard to Council Directive 72 / 245 / EEC of 20 June 1972 relating to the radio interference ( electromagnetic compatibility ) of vehicles & # 91 ; 2 & # 93 ; , and in particular Article 4 thereof ,
( 11 ) ACPF is commonly used for water treatment ( drinking water and waste water ) , for the cleaning of gas and air , for the recovery of solvents , for the development of sugar , vegetable oils and fats , and for the desoding and clarifying of various products in the chemical industry ( e.g. organic acidic acids ) , pharmaceutical industry ( e.g. gastrointestinal caps ) and the food industry ( e.g. spirit drinks and non-alcoholic beverages ) .
2 . The Commission shall ensure that the candidate countries are involved in the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue , taking into account their participation in many Community programmes with a dimension of intercultural dialogue and shall develop specific initiatives in the appropriate framework , particularly in the context of civil society dialogue between the European Union and the candidate countries .
2 . Where an application is rejected or an authorization is annulled or revoked , the application and the decision rejecting the application or the authorization , as the case may be , and all annexes shall be kept for at least three years from the end of the calendar year in which the application was rejected or the authorization was annulled or revoked .
CENELEC & # 124 ; EN 60051-8 : 1989 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ;
( e ) convey the EU ’ s views on the political process while drawing on the key principles agreed between Afghanistan and the EU-Afghanistan Joint Declaration and the Afghanistan Compact , in particular as regards :
( 6 ) For the sake of legal clarity and transparency Decision 2003 / 213 / EC should therefore be replaced .
& quot ; — if the last contribution under the legislation of another Contracting Party was paid into a Danish , Finnish , Norwegian or Swedish pension insurance institution : Landesversicherungsanstalt Schleswig-Holstein ( Regional Insurance Office of Schleswig-Holstein ) , Lübeck ; & quot ;
B * 5 & # 124 ; — & # 124 ; — & # 124 ; — & # 124 ; — & # 124 ; — & # 124 ; 2 & # 124 ;
2 . The maximum aid intensity for research and development of small and medium-sized enterprises ( 6 ) shall be 20 percentage points higher than the percentage referred to in paragraph 1 ( ii ) , ( iii ) and ( iv ) .
WALLIS % amp % FUTUNA & # 124 ; & # 124 ; 0,31 & # 124 ; 0,31 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; 0,31 & # 124 ;
4 . The establishments shall be supervised and inspected regularly under the responsibility of the competent authority , which shall have free access to all parts of the establishments in order to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Regulation .
( 2004 / 838 / EC )
COMMISSION DIRECTIVE of 21 November 1979 adapting to technical progress Council Directive 76 / 756 / EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the installation of lighting and light-signalling devices on motor vehicles and their trailers ( 79 / 756 / EEC )
This Directive shall not apply to financial relations between the public authorities and ( a ) public undertakings , as regards services the supply of which is not liable to affect trade between Member States to an appreciable extent ;
( l ) information on specific risks to the environment , in particular as regards the protection of non-target organisms , and to avoid water contamination ;
4.1.6 Part A of Annex III ( Provisions resulting from social security conventions which continue to apply despite the provisions of the regulation on the road to which they are subject ) is amended to delete minor numbers and to simplify content .
on the State aid implemented by Germany for Kahla Porzellan GmbH and Kahla / Thuringingen Porzellan GmbH
Within this framework , the Commission , in its annual strategic planning for 2005 & # 91 ; 1 & # 93 ; , set out specific objectives that are of particular relevance for development policy and for external assistance . It selected the following issues as the main priorities for 2005 :
- developing with the other countries thematic information projects involving young people and those active in youth workers ,
2 . The Member States concerned shall be responsible for monitoring and making payments in respect of activities other than those referred to in Article 9 ( 1 ) ( a ) .
Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450 / 750 V — Part 9 : Single core non-sheathed cable for installation at low temperatures & # 124 ; NONE & # 124 ; — & # 124 ;
No 159 / 2004
2.3 Obligations by the EU
2 . Where reference is made to this paragraph , Articles 5 and 7 of Decision 1999 / 468 / EC shall apply , having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof , provided that the implementing measures adopted in accordance with this procedure do not modify the essential provisions of this Directive .
( c ) the confidential nature of a personal information covered by a bilateral double taxation agreement or by the law of a Contracting State is respected .
JAMAICA & # 124 ; 29,86 & # 124 ; 10,00 & # 124 ; 39,86 & # 124 ; 5,40 & # 124 ; 0,77 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; 2,09 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; 3,27 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; 11,53 & # 124 ; 51,39 & # 124 ; & #
Commission Regulation ( EC ) No 39 / 2004
Feeder & # 124 ; * DE 32 , * LV 56 , * PL 843 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; D ( mod . ) & # 124 ;
1 . If the application concerns a document held by the Court of Auditors but of which the Court is not the Court , the Court of Auditors shall confirm receipt of the application and supply the name of the person , institution or body to which the application must be addressed .
1 . In Article 5 ( 2 ) the following subparagraph is added : % quot % By way of derogation from the provisions of the first subparagraph , the reduction in the rates applicable to products belonging to the sectors listed in the Annex shall be suspended from 30 December 1999 until 30 June 2000 . % quot %
Mi impegno , in caso di non utilizzazione totale o parziale della licenza , a restituire quest & apos ; ultima all & apos ; autorità competente per il rilascio entre dieci giorni lavorativi successivi alla data di scadenza . »
Having regard to Commission Regulation ( EC ) No 2497 / 96 of 18 December 1996 laying down procedures for applying in the poultrymeat sector the arrangements provided for in the Association Agreement and the Interim Agreement between the European Community and the State of Israel & # 91 ; 1 & # 93 ; , and in particular Article 4 ( 5 ) thereof ,
PLN & # 124 ; Hungarian forint & # 124 ; 277,50 & # 124 ;
- European Council Regulation laying down the general provisions on the structural funds ( 1260 / 1999 ) ,
( a ) carcase : the whole body of a slaughtered animal as presented after bleeding , evisceration and skIN , presented :
( e ) % quot % mixed hop products % quot % means a mixture of two or more of the products referred to in points ( a ) to ( d ) .
Zarka & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; = Safari & # 124 ;
The definition of & quot ; forest & quot ; is differently by the Member States
( 13 ) The Bologna Declaration , signed by the Ministers for Education of 29 European countries on 19 June 1999 , underlined the need for a European dimension of higher education , and the need to develop in the same process a dimension of e-learning .
3 . The Commission shall regularly disseminate to it the information communicated by the Member States pursuant to Article 72 ( 2 ) of Regulation ( EC ) No 1493 / 1999 .
- in electronic form on the EUR-Lex website under document number 32006M4257 . EUR-Lex is the on-line access to European law . ( http : / / / eur-lex / lex )
1 . For the purposes of this Regulation , & apos ; form for affixing a visa & apos ; shall mean the document issued by the authorities of a Member State to the holder of a travel document not recognized by that State and on which a visa mark is affixed by the competent authorities of that State .
5 . A Decision of the Council referred to in paragraph 4 shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union .
( 4 ) an obligation on the licensee to grant a licence to the licensor , with a view to improving or new applications of the licensed technology , provided that :
— & # 124 ; — & # 124 ; 12000 & # 124 ; 12000 & # 124 ; 15486 , — & # 124 ; 15486 , — & # 124 ;
Where the public issue precedes admission to official listing , the first listing may be made only after the end of the period during which subscription applications may be submitted . This provision shall not apply where the closing date for subscription is not fixed .
In the case of export , the price to be paid shall be that quoted in the tender plus a monthly increase where removal takes place in the month following that of award of the contract .
3 . Le Carbone-Lorraine SA , from July 1993 up to February 1998 ;
3.2.4 BIT could assist in setting up the Regional Social Dialogue Committees in the organisation of organisational and working methods , particularly in the context of the CoR & apos ; s ProdIAF programme ( hereinafter referred to as the & quot ; Regional Programme for promoting social dialogue in the morology sector & quot ; ) . This could contribute to the effectiveness of the committees .
Member States receiving confidential data from other Member States shall treat that information confidentially .
& # 91 ; 10 & # 93 ; Άρθρο 3.1.στ του νόμου 2601 / 1998 .
( a ) on the date of the payment of the sum still due to the beneficiary , if the claim is less than the expenditure determined ;
Article 3 Taking into account , in the course of new criminal proceedings , in a conviction handed down in another Member State
& # 91 ; 10 & # 93 ; ibid. Table 4.18
- for the French version : biologique ,
The significant variations in the Norwegian hydro power generation may require Norway to incorporate the average hydroelectric capacity in the reports for achieving the target . ”
5 . Where there is a justified objection , the processing referred to in paragraph 1 may no longer involve those data .
( b ) EUR 500000 for France ;
Imposta sul reddito delle persone fisiche
1 . Observers shall take all appropriate steps to ensure that their board fishing vessels do not interfere with or hamper the proper operation of the vessel , including fishing activities .
USD & # 124 ; USA dollar & # 124 ; 1,2886 & # 124 ;
E. noting that the comprehensive approach of the European Security Strategy is already actively pursued in the Balkans , which is reflected in the range of EU instruments currently used to stabilise this region : the aid programme for CARDS , the civil missions of PROXIMA and EUPM , as well as the ALTHEA Military Mission ,
PROGRAMMEDGIN AID & # 124 ; 0,33 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; 0,12 & # 124 ; 0,20 & # 124 ; 11,44 & # 124 ; 6,68 & # 124 ; 0,65 & # 124 ; 4,11 & # 124 ; 146,92 & # 124 ; 110,34 & # 124 ; 29,37 & # 124 ; 7,20 & #
- the average of prices recorded for a significant proportion of the Community output on wholesale markets or in ports during the three fishing years immediately preceding the year for which the price is fixed ,
( a ) the existing text shall become paragraph 1 ;
Amendment 84 requests that the railway undertaking certifies a delay endured by the infrastructure manager . The Common Position does not foresee such a duty , which may easily be obtained by deleting & apos ; at the passenger & apos ; s request & apos ; s request from the infrastructure manager . Furthermore , the Common Position does not foresee such a duty , which may easily be obtained by deleting & apos ; at the passenger & apos ; s request from the Common Position & apos ; s request from the Common Position & apos
3. in addition to the hot-branded & quot ; S & quot ; of at least 12 cm size on the left front leg hoof , each animal is actively marked with an injectable electronic identifier ( transponder ) complying with the ISO 11784 and ISO 2,5 standards and injected in the upper-central part of the left side of the neck ;
3 . Any observations filed by the holder shall be communicated to the applicant , who shall be requested by the Office , if it sees fit , to reply within a period set by the Office .
- latitude 53 ° 00 & apos ; N , longitude 12 ° 00 & apos ; W ,
Article 270
THB & # 124 ; Thai baht & # 124 ; 48,002 & # 124 ;
Where the application concerns a category of goods which are not subject to quantitative limits pursuant to Article 11 ( 3 ) of the basic Regulation , prior authorisation shall be issued as soon as the quantities notified to the Commission .
Respiratory protective devices - Self-contained closed-circuit breathing apparatus compressed oxygen or compressed oxygen-nitrogen type - Requirements , testing , marking & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ;
( i ) the degree to which effective sanctions or other relief can be secured by the enforcement activities of the Party against the anti-competitive activities , and , where appropriate , by adopting adequate enforcement activities immediately ;
1 . Member States shall ensure that the operator is obliged to take all necessary measures to prevent major accidents and limit their consequences for humans and the environment .
2 . The sluice-gate prices shall be fixed in advance for a period of three months .
Short-term assets & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; Advances from customers & # 124 ; 125 & # 124 ; 194 & # 124 ;
2 . The Member States shall inform the Commission of any anomalies or cases of fraud which they discover and , where relevant , of the basis on which they have refused to grant a surveillance document .
Dětenická atrakce & # 124 ; a CZ x , a SK x & # 124 ; & # 124 ; ( add . ) & # 124 ;
& # 91 ; 5 & # 93 ; General budget of the European Union . From 2004 , the Sapard funds are stopped in Chapter 05 of Title 05 ( agriculture and rural development ) of the budget and include only the new allocations for Bulgaria and Romania .
The deliverable is the subject of a specific Communication being put forward in parallel to this Action Plan to the Council and the Parliament .
1.1 . Changes in the situation with respect to dumping
This appropriation is intended to cover the remuneration and the employer & apos ; s share of social security contributions for auxiliary staff and contract agents .
Budget lines , legal bases and remarks
( 2 ) OJ NO L 197 , 26 . 7 . 1988 , P . 16 .
For the reasons set out above , the Commission considers that the common position unanimously adopted by the Council on 23 February 2006 does not infringe the aims and approach of its proposal and can therefore support it , all the more so because the common position takes due account of amendments proposed by the European Parliament at its first reading and of the amended Commission proposal .
1 . Each institution shall have the power to lay down internal rules for the application of this Regulation . The institutions shall as far as possible make their archives accessible to the public in electronic form . Documents in a form corresponding to a specific need ( blind , large book or sound ) shall also be retained .
( 48 ) Consumption fell by 50 % over the period considered .
From 12 April 2006 to 19 May 2006 , Directorate-General for Energy and Transport , Directorate-General for Agriculture , the European Commission held a public consultation on the internet with a view to obtaining an opinion on its road safety approach and its draft directive . 51 .
amending Council Directive 91 / 414 / EEC to include paraquat as active substance
Address : Via Cristoforo Colombo 212 I-00147 Roma & # 124 ;
of 7 December 2006
Headroom post vulnerabilities & # 124 ;
Extents Report of the Committee of the Regions on the Implementation of the Directive on the Landfill of Waste ( 1999 / 31 / EC ) at regional and local level
4.69 . The Special Accession Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development ( Sapard ) & # 91 ; 48 & # 93 ; aims to help the ten beneficiary countries in Central and Eastern Europe & # 91 ; 49 & # 93 ; deal with the problems of the structural adjustment in their agricultural sectors and rural areas , as well as in implementing the acquis communautaire concerning the Common Agricultural Policy and related legislation ( see Chapter 8 ) .
- partially , annul Article 1 ( g ) of the decision regarding the period in respect of which the applicant alleged the infringement is alleged to have committed ;
5 . Each year , the Management Board , on the basis of a draft drawn up by the Director , shall produce an estimate of revenue and expenditure for the Agency for the following financial year . This estimate , which shall include a draft establishment plan , shall be transmitted by the Institute to the Commission by 31 March at the latest .
( iii ) contracts for arbitration and conciliation services ;
The heavy metal content shall be marked by the chemical symbol of the metalls in question , i.e. the Cg , Cd or Pb , according to the category of batteries or accumulators listed in Annex I to Directive 91 / 157 / EEC .
Duration : 9 months
amending Regulation ( EC ) No 1864 / 2004 opening and providing for the administration of tariff quotas for preserved mushrooms imported from non-member countries
The texts of Directive 2004 / 6 / EC in the Icelandic and Norwegian languages , to be published in the EEA Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union , shall be authentic .
Cooperation in proceedings for road traffic offences
Publication of general meetings
( 2 ) Comparative nutrition claims must compare the composition of the foodstuff in question with that of a range of foods of the same category , the composition of which does not allow the use of a claim , including foods of other brands .
Article 22 Establishment of a Community list of flavourings and basic materials and transitional arrangements
Whereas the appointment of a new coordinator will require the written agreement of the Commission ;
& # 91 ; 1 & # 93 ; Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2004 .
( b ) written contributions from Member States as referred to in Article 5 ( b ) and ( c ) ;
LfA Förderbank Bayern . & quot ; booster cushion & quot ; means a firm cushion , which , when used in conjunction with an adult seat belt ;
CEN & # 124 ; EN 777-1 : 1999Multi-burner gas-fired overhead radiant tube heater systems for non-domestic use — Part 1 : System D , safety & # 124 ; — & # 124 ; & # 124 ;
( 7 ) A reference to Hungary as a third country is contained in Annex VIII to that Regulation . That reference should be deleted .
( 5 ) The establishment of a legal basis in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Treaties relating to the various provisions and decisions constituting the Schengen acquis does not affect the exercise of the responsibilities incumbent upon Member States with regard to the maintenance of law and order and the safeguarding of internal security in accordance with Article 64 of the Treaty and Article 33 of the EU Treaty .
3 . The Commission shall maintain a list of the approved active substances .
- & quot ; — 32005 R 2106 : Commission Regulation ( EC ) No 2106 / 2005 of 21 December 2005 ( OJ L 337 , 22.12.2005 , p . 16 ) . & quot ;
Where criteria are laid down for individual ingredients , they shall apply more than 0,1 % of the product in respect of each deliberately added substance which , before and after any chemical reaction between the mixed substances to be used for the manufacture of narcotic drugs .
3 . Interest of users
( c ) for the equipment or modernisation of vessels which do not result in capacity in terms of tonnage or of power , public aid may also be granted .
5 . In the case of goods and services used by a taxable person both in respect of transactions in respect of which VAT is deductible pursuant to paragraphs 2 and 3 , and for transactions in respect of which VAT is not deductible , only such proportion of the VAT as is attributable to the former transactions shall be deductible .
The objective of Article 10 shall be to set up a regulatory committee composed of representatives of the Member States and chaired by the representative of the Commission .
19 . In Lithuania , the average time between the submission of the project application and the signing of the contract is 4.5 months . One of the main reasons for the delays in approving applications is the staff shortage in the body responsible for evaluating the project applications .
( d ) “ ships ” means ships and vessels to which one or more of the provisions of the IMO Conventions apply ;
2.18 calls on the regions to enter into a sustained dialogue with the major cities in order to discuss subjects of common interest and , lastly , to make better use of the possibilities for participation opened by the Constitutional Treaty ;
In view of the circumstances there is no reason to consider that the product constitutes a risk to human health or the environment .
Objectives and Scope
* Total — PTOM & # 124 ; 49,08 & # 124 ; 14,98 & # 124 ; 64,06 & # 124 ; 2,60 & # 124 ; 0,51 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; 14,62 & # 124 ; 4,00 & # 124 ; 1,00 & # 124 ; 1,85 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; 24,15 & # 124 ; 88,21 &
In cases where the firm elects not to provide the information referred to under the first subparagraph , or where he provides insufficient information regarding his knowledge and experience , the investment firm shall warn the client or potential client that such a decision will not allow the firm to determine whether the product or service envisaged is appropriate for him . This warning may be provided in a standardised format .
Having regard to Council Directive 64 / 432 / EEC of 26 June 1964 on animal health problems affecting intra-Community trade in bovine animals and swine ( 1 ) , as last amended by Directive 2001 / 298 / EC ( 2 ) , and in particular the second subparagraph of Article 16 ( 1 ) thereof ,
( 7 ) The Council also reaffirms that the European Union is firmly committed to supporting the implementation of the Linas-Marcoussis Agreement and the Accra III Agreement by all appropriate means .
( 5 ) Annex V to Council Regulation ( EEC ) No 259 / 93 should be amended in order to ensure that its Parts 2 and 3 take full account of the latest version of the list of hazardous waste adopted in accordance with Article 1 ( 4 ) of Directive 91 / 689 / EEC and the latest version of the list of waste adopted by the OECD Council and approved by the Community .
of 29 July 1999
- third countries are often critical of the European labelling rules due to the trade description ( e.g. QWpsr , table wine with a GI and table wine ) , the use of optional designations , the protection of certain types of bottle and the use of traditional terms . In reviewing the labelling rules , account should therefore be taken of their impact on imports from third countries and on the Community & apos ; s international obligations .
( 18 ) Scientific experts from various interested parties may be involved in the drafting of the common technical specifications and in the examination of other specific or general questions .
37 . In order to reduce the risk of deadweight effects , a more targeted use of aid is needed . In addition , the Commission has not paid little or no attention to the identification of factors which indicate deadweight effects . For example , it has generally been established that the deadweight effects have increased , while environmentally friendly investments were lower . These factors could thus be taken into account in the targeted aid guidelines .
Commission Regulation ( EC ) No 62 / 2005
5.2 . Working with the World Organisation for Animal Health ( OIE )
Whereas the dimensions of the label should be as follows :
appointing a Dutch member and a Netherlands alternate member of the Committee of the Regions
2005 / 0060 ( CNS )
( b ) in order not to hinder investigations , investigations or procedures in progress or the competent authorities in the proper performance of their functions ;
Whereas it is desirable to facilitate exchanges of information and consultations on such matters and to promote coordination , where appropriate , of the action taken by the Member States in international organizations ;
( 52 ) On this basis , the consumption grew from around 7460000 tonnes in 1994 to around 7290000 tonnes in the IP , which is at least 2,3 % . However , consumption varied during the period considered as shown in the table below .
9th EDF ( 2000- ’ 07 ) ( 2 ) & # 124 ; 22 800 & # 124 ; 2 850 & # 124 ; 0,030 % & # 124 ; 15 & # 124 ;
of 20 December 2005
2.1.2 The Commission proposes a higher expenditure increase for the first priority . For the total commitment appropriations , an increase of 120.7 million euro will be proposed in 2006 to 158.4 million euro in 2013 . This would be financed by payments of 1.24 % of GNI , including a margin of 0.10 % .
- for the correct application in some Member States of the rules , in particular of the planting restrictions , and
- in electronic form on the EUR-Lex website under document number 32005M4031 . EUR-Lex is the on-line access to European law . ( http : / / / eur-lex / lex )
1 4 9 0Other expenditure
European institutions interest & # 124 ; 13.1 & # 124 ; 13,70 & # 124 ; 13,70 & # 124 ;
( 1 ) In accordance with Article 26 of Commission Regulation ( EC ) No 2799 / 1999 ( 2 ) , the intervention agencies sell the skimmed-milk powder stored before 1 May 2002 by standing invitation to tender . ( 2 ) In view of the quantity still available and the market situation , that date should be amended to 1 June 2002 .
Halo & # 124 ; * IT 270 , * NL 321 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; ( mod . ) ( 15 ) & # 124 ;
( a ) must be slaughtered under a national programme for the eradication of diseases not referred to in Annex C to Directive 90 / 425 / EEC or in Chapter I of Annex B to this Directive ;
RON & # 124 ; Romanian leu & # 124 ; 3,5253 & # 124 ;
211 & # 124 ; Consultation methods , main sectors targeted and general profile of respondents The Economic Tariff Questions Group representing enterprises from all Member States has been consulted . The Tariff and Statistical Nomenclature Section ( CN sector ) of the Customs Code Committee . The Tariff and Statistical Nomenclature Section ( CN sector ) of the Customs Code Committee . & # 124 ;
4 . The sponsor shall keep detailed records of all adverse events communicated to it by the controllers . These records shall be provided , upon request , to the Member States in whose territory the clinical trial is being conducted .
The specific classes to be applied to different construction products and / or materials , within the external fire performance classification adopted in Decision 2000 / 147 / EC , are set out in the Annex hereto .
a point on the coast of France at 45 ° 30 & apos ; N.
3.3 In the EESC & apos ; s view , the question of liability arising from these checks is also important . Likewise , liability arising from the security of Pkw and Lkw must lie with the competent national authorities and not the vessel to which the vehicles are loaded .
2 3 3 0Miscellaneous legal expenses
3 . Authorisation may be made conditional on the placing on the market and use of conditions necessary to comply with the provisions of paragraph 1 and shall impose such conditions .
( ii ) the air carrier is owned and shall continue to be owned directly or through majority ownership by Member States and / or nationals of Member States , and by other states listed in Annex 3 and / or nationals of such other States , and shall at all times be effectively controlled by such States and / or such nationals , or
RECOGNISING that the application of transparent procedures in developing global technical regulations under this Convention is of particular importance , and that such consideration must be compatible with the legislative procedures of the Contracting Parties to this Agreement ,
CENELEC & # 124 ; EN 60825-4 : 1997 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ;
2 . Before 1 April 2007 , Member States shall submit to the Commission detailed reports on the implementation of Articles 17 to 19 .
State aid No C 33 / 2006 ( ex N 576 / 2004 ) — Introduction of digital terrestrial television ( DVB-T ) in Bavaria
2 . The EUSR shall regularly , and in a timely manner , inform the Government of the Host Party of the number , names and nationalities of the Host Party personnel stationed in the territory of the Host Party , including administrative and technical personnel , and local personnel , through the submission of a notification list to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Host Party .
112 . De kapitaalverhoging bedraagt meer dan bij het afsluiten van de kaderovereenkomst tussen IFB en de NMBS was bepaald — hierin was namelijk een kapitaalverhoging van 80 miljoen euro vastgesteld — maar minder dan het voorstel van adviesbureau McKinsey , dat in het herstructureringsplan uitging van een kapitaalverhoging van 120 miljoen euro .
3 . The officials of the Commission authorised for the purpose of carrying out inspections in accordance with paragraph 2 shall exercise their powers upon production of an authorisation in writing specifying the subject matter , the purpose of the inspection and the date on which it is to begin . In good time before the inspection , the Commission shall inform the Member State concerned of the inspection .
( b ) without the consent of the competent authorities concerned pursuant to this Regulation ; or
Price development and manufacturing costs
Where a verification of the provision of the co-financed products and services is possible only for the whole project , such verification shall be carried out by the managing authority of the Member State in which the importing recipient is situated or the managing authority .
( 12 ) Whereas it is essential to maximise the use of standards , publicly available specifications and public domain applications to ensure seamless interoperability in order to achieve economies of scale and to increase the benefits of such networks ;
CEN & # 124 ; EN 12380 : 2002Binding valves for drainage systems — Requirements , test methods and conformity assessment & # 124 ; — & # 124 ; 1.10.2003 & # 124 ; 1.10.2004 & # 124 ;
Whereas Commission Regulation ( EEC ) No 2123 / 89 ( 3 ) , as last amended by Regulation ( EC ) No 1448 / 95 ( 4 ) , established the list of representative markets for pigmeat in the European Community ;
( b ) where a security is lodged , the exporter shall , except in cases of force majeure , furnish proof of importation of the product into the zone of destination within 12 months of the date of acceptance of the export declaration , except in cases of force majeure , this proof shall be furnished in accordance with Article 18 of Regulation ( EEC ) No 3665 / 87 ;
01 & # 124 ; ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL AFFAIRS & # 124 ; 455723451,06 & # 124 ; 338764166,30 & # 124 ; 9579187,96 & # 124 ; 8454657,45 & # 124 ; 356798011,71 & # 124 ; 78,29 % & # 124 ; 5458766,18 & # 124 ; 0,00 & # 124 ; 699887,
As the provisions of bilateral agreements applicable at the time of accession continue to apply because they are listed in Annex III , the entry must take effect retroactively from the date of accession .
Grants & # 124 ; 48,50 & # 124 ; 1,32 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; 49,82 & # 124 ;
( 6 ) Use of the 169,4 to 169,8 MHz spectrum band for ERMES in the Community has decreased or even ceased , so that this band is not currently being efficiently utilised by ERMES and could therefore be better used to fulfil other Community policy needs .
Average unit fares & # 124 ; 100 & # 124 ; 112 & # 124 ; 100 & # 124 ; 92 & # 124 ; 92 & # 124 ; 88 & # 124 ;
Certain Member States stress that the Court & apos ; s observations are based on individual transactions and do not necessarily imply system implyic irregularities , for example in the context of a Structural Fund programme . A Member State stresses that the current Member States & apos ; procedures are not of benefit to some extent . Instead , the Court of Auditors should examine the systems it has audited in its quality , which would be very useful for Member States .
Reference has been made to the Court of Justice of the European Communities by order of the Hof van Beroep te Antwerpen ( Belgium ) of 29 November 2005 , received at the Court Registry on 5 December 2005 , for a preliminary ruling in the proceedings between 1 . Lucien de Graaf , and 2 . Gudula Daniels and Belgian State on the following questions :
3 . The Commission shall organise an exchange of information between Member States and the relevant organizations on best available techniques , associated monitoring , and developments in them . The Commission shall publish the results of the exchanges of information .
The need for such derogations shall be reviewed for 1988 .
1 1 1 6Travel expenses of annual leave
Commission Regulation ( EC ) No 1946 / 2004
- Permanent residence permits which were issued before 1 May 2004 ( Pastāvīgās uzturēšanās atļauja )
The Agreement on cooperation in science and technology between the European Community and the Government of the Russian Federation is hereby approved on behalf of the Community .
Amendment 86
Trade between the EU and India only increased by 34 % between 2003 and 2004 . India , however , is only the 12th largest trading partner of the EU and behind countries such as Taiwan and Korea . In 2004 the EU ’ s trade with China , for example , had increased by more than five times , such as India ’ s trade , and EU foreign direct investment in China amounted to more than ten times in India .
Kiskun SC 4390 & # 124 ; * HU 27 , * SK 220 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; 490 & # 124 ; S & # 124 ; ( mod . ) ex : PL ( 8.5.2006 ) * & # 124 ;
( c ) Community provision which has been infringed ;
- their relationship with other bodies , public or private , which are responsible for implementing any measures under which the EAGGF Guarantee Section expenditure is declared ,
6 . Paragraphs 1 , 2 , 4 and 5 shall apply mutatis mutandis to a request for the modification of a registration effected under Article 24 .
Via Bellini , 22
3 . Is convinced that the electoral process in Lebanon is not called into question by the crime , and stresses the importance of free , democratic and transparent parliamentary elections in that country ; reiterates its call for the EU & apos ; s election observation to be posted to parliamentary elections in Lebanon and calls on the Commission to take all necessary measures in this regard ;
( 7 ) Regulation ( EC ) No 2965 / 94 ( 6 ) lays down the tasks of the Translation Centre for the bodies of the European Union , the translation of documents of the European Environment Agency .
6 . The Member States shall notify the Commission without delay of the national provisions applied on the basis of paragraph 5 .
( 1 ) On 17 May 2002 , the Commission announced , by a notice ( Notice of Initiation ) published in the Official Journal of the European Communities ( 2 ) , the initiation of an anti-subsidy proceeding with regard to imports into the Community of certain RBMs originating in India and Indonesia .
1. in Article 5 ( 2 ) ( c ) the words & apos ; the operating temperature of material intended for use in the national transport of dangerous goods by rail` shall be replaced by the words & apos ; the operating temperature of plastic packaging , tanks and their equipment intended for use in the national transport of dangerous goods by rail` ;
p.m. & # 124 ; 120000 & # 124 ; 2000 & # 124 ;
LIBERIA & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; 15,79 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; 15,79 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; 15,79 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; 15,79 & # 124 ;
- the economic consistency and technical quality of the project , the soundness of the estimates and the financing plan , and the programming of its implementation .
( vi ) Supply of gas to large power plants ;
( 1 ) Article 38 ( 1 ) of the said Protocol provides that exceptions from the rules of origin may be adopted where the development of existing industries or the creation of new industries justifies them .
1 . In accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 17 , or in urgent cases , the Member States may be authorized , in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 19 , to provide for derogations :
Whereas the system used by the Statistical Office of the European Communities ( SOEC ) in its publications relating to the various types of consumption and the system of market prices to be imposed for large industrial users will ensure that confidential data are protected by the objective of transparency ;
Electromagnetic compatibility and radio spectrum Matters ( ERM ) ; Electromagnetic Compatibility ( EMC ) standard for radio equipment and services — Part 1 : Common technical requirements & # 124 ; EN 301 489-01 V1.2.1 & # 124 ; 31.8.2007 & # 124 ; Article 3 ( 1 ) ( b ) ( and Article 4 89 / 336 / EEC ) & # 124 ;
( g ) % quot % appreciable part % quot % means the difference between , on the one hand , the threshold between appreciable and non-appreciable revaluations and , on the other hand , the conversion rate for the euro into national currency units .
( c ) multilateral projects , as referred to in Article 5 ( 1 ) ( c ) , those aimed at improving training systems throughby focusing on the transfer of innovation involving the linguistic , cultural and legal adaptation to national needs of innovative products and processes developed in different contexts ;
( a ) paragraph 1 ( a ) shall be replaced by the following : & apos ; ( a ) the description % quot % complete feedingstuff % quot % , % quot % complementary feed % quot % , % quot % mineral feedingstuff % quot % , % quot % molassed feedingstuff % quot % , % quot % complete milk replacer feed % quot % or % quot % complementary milk replacer feed % quot % , as appropriate ;
In its instrument of acceptance , the European Community shall confirm , in accordance with Article 300 ( 7 ) of the EC Treaty , that the Protocol shall be binding on the Member States .
2 . Where the relevant person is an investment firm or a credit institution , Member States shall require that the identities of the relevant competent authority be disclosed .
Objectives : Cultural Heritage conservation — Cultural heritage
( a ) an invoice declaration shall be made out for each consignment ;
The text of the Decision is attached to this Decision .
1 . The Member States shall establish the procedures and criteria for the recognition of associations of producer organisations as referred to in Article 11 of Regulation ( EC ) No 2200 / 96 . These associations shall be set up on the initiative of and controlled by the producer organisations recognised under this Regulation .
The Member States shall lay down the rules on sanctions applicable to infringements of the provisions of this Regulation and shall take all measures necessary to ensure that they are implemented . The sanctions provided for must be effective , proportionate and dissuasive . Member States shall notify these rules to the Commission without delay after the entry into force of the Regulation and shall notify it of any subsequent amendment .
( d ) the deadlines for completion of the formalities to which repayment or remission of import or export duties is subject ;
( 4 ) The procedures set out in the Agreement between the Council of the European Union and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway concerning the latters & apos ; association with the implementation , application and development of the Schengen acquis ( 7 ) ( hereinafter referred to as the % quot % Association Agreement % quot % ) have been complied with in respect of that Decision .
( notified within document number C ( 2003 ) 4961 )
6 . The measures adopted in the framework of the Luxembourgomprom Treaty of 26 June 2003
7.4.4 . Employment
Garlic originating in the third countries listed in Annex II shall be released for free circulation in the Community subject to the following conditions :
Whereas provision should be made for the Member States to be able , in order to meet specific requirements , to retain or to introduce other statistical units for the observation and analysis of economic activities in their national classifications ;
( b ) the proposed modification will lead to a general decrease of the gaseous and liquid discharge limits except for liquid tritium , for which an increase is foreseen ;
& # 91 ; 1 & # 93 ; OJ C 71 , 20.03.2004.OJ C 85 , 3.4.2004 .
— The new entity will have the ability and incentive to foreclose access to wholesale gas to its competitors ( RDCs and traders ) on the market for gas supply to small industrial and commercial consumers
The affixation of the EC mark referred to in paragraph 3 shall certify that the appliance meets the requirements of all the relevant Directives .
Economic sectors of agriculture
( a ) reintroduced or , if impracticable , reintroduced by the notifier or , if necessary , by the competent authority itself ;
5 . In the case of animals exported to third countries , the passport shall be surrendered by the last keeper to the competent authority at the place of export .
- the amount of the air flue ,
Belcanto & # 124 ; a NL 650 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; ( add . ) & # 124 ;
COM ( 2006 ) 610 final
Member States shall amend the measures they apply in trade in order to bring them into line with this Decision . They shall immediately inform the Commission thereof .
Where reference is made to this Article , Articles 3 and 7 of Decision 1999 / 468 / EC shall apply .
The Committee mandate shall end before the expiry of the three-year period by resignation or death .
1 . The Commission shall , in consultation with the Committee referred to in Article 19 ( 1 ) , draw up a guide to the implementation of the European PRTR as soon as possible and in any case no later than four months before the beginning of the first financial year .
1 . Member States shall ensure that no undertaking providing public electronic communications networks has operated its cable television network in the framework of the same legal unit to provide its other public electronic communications networks where :
7 . Distillers shall pay the producer the minimum buying-in price referred to in paragraph 6 within three months of delivery , provided that the producer has provided proof to the competent authority within two months of delivery of the wine as referred to in the third subparagraph of paragraph 1 of this Article . Where proof is given only after the end of the period of two months , the distillery shall pay the proof referred to in that paragraph within one month .
( e ) promote coherence between the international technical standards and food law and ensure that the high level of protection applicable in the Community is not reduced .
1 . The simplified procedures provided for in Article 76 of the Code for discharge of inward processing operations shall apply in accordance with Article 278 .
350000 & # 124 ; 350000 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ;
This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 January 1991 .
( 4 ) Whereas Tunisia has received from the Commission a list of establishments , with guarantees that it fully meets the appropriate Community health requirements ;
2 . The Presidium may delegate to a single member the matter falling within the types of cases laid down by the Presidium in accordance with paragraph 1 .
( 7 ) Regulations ( EC ) Nos 327 / 98 and 1549 / 2004 should , therefore , be amended accordingly .
The Commission has preparations for the world ’ s largest greenhouse gas trading scheme , which has adopted the Regulation on a registries system , guidelines for monitoring and reporting , and approves 21 national allocation plans for issuing the emission certificates for energy-intensive installations . The scheme will allow the minimisation of greenhouse gas emissions and will be in force since 1 January 2005 .
3 . For the purposes of the definition of qualifying holding and other levels of holding referred to in this Article , the voting rights referred to in Article 92 of Directive 2001 / 34 / EC shall be taken into consideration .
& # 91 ; 8 & # 93 ; AL 1 / 2007 did not have an impact on expenditure , but only on revenue .
- in Article 1 of Directive 92 / 96 / EEC , a point ( m ) , and
- Verordening instelling van een fonds voor mosselpromotie
2 4 1 2Purchase and fitting-out of telecommunications equipment and material
( 32 ) Under the DEPB on post-export basis , such credits can be used for payment of customs duties on subsequent imports of any goods unrestrictedly importable , except goods which are imported against such credits can be sold on the domestic market ( subject to sales tax ) or used otherwise .
- the elements which make these specific characteristics , as well as their relevance for the determination of the specific nature of social services of general interest ;
2 . A safety assessment shall take the form of a safety report containing the planned measures to remedy any risk , including the list of safety components and of subsystems to which the provisions of Chapter II or III shall apply .
The investigation will assess the need for the continuation of amendment of the scope of the existing measures .
( 2 ) Certain Member States have submitted programmes , approved by Commission Decision 2002 / 304 / EC ( 3 ) , as last amended by Decision 2003 / 376 / EC ( 4 ) .
( a ) a table showing the trend for the appropriations referred to in Article 1 in the preceding financial year ;
List of registered and approved establishments
- after 31 December 2005 for engines of category H , I and K ( power range as defined in Article 9 ( 3a ) of Directive 97 / 68 / EC ) ,
4 . Additional fee for a staged application : ECU 20 000
( a ) the aid element included in the SODIGA & apos ; s equity capital of Siderúrgica Añón : ( i ) an annual premium of 5,13 % for the initial contribution of EUR 1803060 , minus the five annual reimbursements of EUR 150916 , which concerns the first contribution in 2001 ; and
& quot ; Regulations concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by rail ( RID ) , appearing as Annex I to Appendix B to COTIF , as applicable with effect from 1 January 2005 , on the understanding that & quot ; Contracting Party & quot ; and & quot ; the States or the railways & quot ; will be replaced by & quot ; Member State & quot ; .
Since all export sales of the product concerned were made directly to independent customers in the Community , the export price was established on the basis of those prices paid or payable , in accordance with Article 2 ( 8 ) of the basic Regulation .
( 10 ) Commission Decision 2004 / 898 / EC of 23 December 2004 amending Decision 2003 / 828 / EC as regards movements of animals from and within a restricted zone in Spain and Portugal as regards outbreaks of bluetongue in Spain & # 91 ; 10 & # 93 ; is to be incorporated into the Agreement .
2 . This Directive shall be without prejudice to the provisions regarding :
- if there is competitive tender , the compensation of public service obligations reflects the spirit of the % quot % Altmark Trans % quot % conditions , but a comparative examination is made of how the economic situation of the service in question is without a public service obligation .
2 . For the purposes of paragraph 1 ( a ) , the insurance of risks relating to an institution for occupational retirement provision falling within the scope of Directive 2003 / 41 / EC & # 91 ; 16 & # 93 ; shall also be regarded as an activity of a reinsurance undertaking , where the law of the home Member State of the institution allows it to act as an activity falling within the scope of this Directive .
Legal basis : The Welsh Development Agency Act 1975 ( as amended ) , in particular Section 1 ( 2 ) , 1 ( 3 ) ( b ) and 1 ( 7 ) .
The creation of joint visa applications bodies or the use of organisational options is a step towards closer cooperation between Member States . This will lead to a more uniform application of visa policy . & # 124 ;
Talung & # 124 ; * FR 12161 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; ( mod . ) ex : PL ( 8.5.2006 ) * & # 124 ;
5.2 . Small and medium-sized enterprises – Points of excellence
1 . Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that any PCBs and equipment containing PCBs which is covered by inventory in accordance with Article 4 ( 1 ) obtain permits as soon as possible to an undertaking approved in accordance with Article 8 .
BARBADOS & # 124 ; 24,25 & # 124 ; 12,23 & # 124 ; 36,48 & # 124 ; 20,56 & # 124 ; 10,31 & # 124 ; 30,87 & # 124 ; 18,57 & # 124 ; 0,26 & # 124 ; 18,83 & # 124 ;
D & # 124 ; 0.00 ° & # 124 ; 53.60 ° N & # 124 ;
Butisol & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; f : 30.6.2008 & # 124 ;
the duration and the quantities covered by the contract
2.1.3 these obstacles to the establishment and operation of the common market can be reduced or even eliminated if the same specifications are adopted by all the Member States , either in addition to or in place of their present legislation ; these obstacles to the establishment or operation of the common market can be reduced ;
Sales in the EC ( tonnes ) & # 124 ; 172 080 & # 124 ; 166 680 & # 124 ; 161 486 & # 124 ; 155 050 & # 124 ; 146 907 & # 124 ;
Title : Increase the budget for approved aid scheme N 502 / 2000 — Aid in favour of investment of maritime undertakings for the year 2000 .
5.2.3 . General difficulties in the polyester sector
( notified under document number C ( 2006 ) 630 )
( ITL million ) & # 124 ;
Article 11 Proceedings
concerning certain protection measures in relation to avian influenza in several third countries
Article 4 ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) of Regulation No 79 / 65 / EEC is hereby replaced by the following :
( a ) Part VIII of the Annex is replaced by the text in Annex I to this Decision ;
concerning the conclusion of the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an Association between the European Communities and their Member States , of the one part , and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan , of the other part
( o ) & quot ; credit institution & quot ; means an institution as defined in Article 1 ( 1 ) ( a ) of Directive 2000 / 12 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 March 2000 relating to the taking up and pursuit of the business of credit institutions & # 91 ; 13 & # 93 ; ;
1 0 0 & # 124 ; European Economic Community subsidy & # 124 ; 16100000 & # 124 ; 178000 & # 124 ; 16278000 & # 124 ;
Difference & # 124 ; 85197 & # 124 ; n.a. & # 124 ; 160448 & # 124 ; -695 & # 124 ;
The minimum capacity to be offered is the minimum weekly capacity :
The Member States shall transmit to the Commission ( Eurostat ) the HICPs within a period not exceeding 30 calendar days from the end of the month to which the index refers .
( b ) Article 13 ( 2 ) shall be deleted ;
Whereas the measures provided for in this Directive are in accordance with the opinion of the Committee on Adaptation of Directive 76 / 768 / EEC to Technical Progress ,
( c ) used to check bottling . In this context , Member States may make the certification of the date of bottling of wines and grape musts packaged in their territory compulsory or approve a system for the indication of the date of bottling ;
- the customs authorities at the port of departure shall carry out retrospective systems audit checks based on a level of perceived risks analysis ,
- Verification non- conclusive visual checks ( see paragraphs 97 to 101 ) .
( 3 ) In accordance with Article 7 ( 1 ) ( c ) of Regulation ( EEC ) No 3600 / 92 , the United Kingdom , being the designated rapporteur Member State , submitted on 30 April 1996 to the Commission , the report of its assessment of the information submitted by the sole notifier in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 ( 1 ) of the Regulation .
Whereas it is necessary to provide for a transitional arrangement enabling equipment manufactured in compliance with the national regulations in force before 31 December 1992 to be marketed and placed in service ;
( 3 ) Articles 14 , 15 and 16 of Regulation ( EC ) No 800 / 1999 lay down the conditions for the payment of the differentiated refund , in particular the documents to be supplied as proof of the goods & apos ; arrival at destination .
2 . Tartózkodási engedély
( 28 ) In the absence of any new information on the general methodology for the establishment of the residual dumping margins , the provisional findings as described in recitals 30 to 34 of the provisional Regulation are hereby confirmed .
1 . 2005 / 0248 ( COD )
This Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities .
9 . However , in the absence of other serious deficiencies warranting detention of the port , the competent authority may be able to give authorisation to lift the detention order on the ship when it is necessary in order to prevent port congestion .
- guaranteeing a high level of social protection and good health by means of an intersectoral strategy ,
Nitouche & # 124 ; * EE 13 , * LT 64 , * LV 38 , * FI 6107 , * UK 600 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; ( mod . ) & # 124 ;
& # 91 ; 23 & # 93 ; Indian Development and Economic Assistance Scheme .
( 39 ) On this basis , the capacity utilisation rate in China was below 40 % and unused production capacity exceeded the total Community consumption . encourage the creation of regional , cross-border offices on frontier workers able , in their own initiative , to combine temporary and specific problems of small job groups with the removal of obstacles to frontier workers in the European border regions .
Cash and cash equivalents are carried in the balance sheet at cost . These include accounts held with financial institutions in the ACP States and the OCTs , and with financial institutions in the Member States .
This Decision is addressed to the Kingdom of Belgium , the Kingdom of Denmark , the Federal Republic of Germany , the Hellenic Republic , the Kingdom of Spain , the French Republic , the Italian Republic , the Kingdom of Greece , the Kingdom of the Netherlands , the Portuguese Republic and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland .
( b ) by electronic exchange ( EDI ) in accordance with Article 2 of Commission Recommendation 94 / 820 / EC of 19 October 1994 on the legal aspects of electronic exchange of data & # 91 ; 13 & # 93 ; , when the agreement on this exchange of data provides for the use of procedures guaranteeing the authenticity of the origin and integrity of the data .
- the Air Pollution Strategy , which is intended to reduce two of the main harmful impacts on biodiversity – acidification and eutrophication .
Sodium chloride : & # 124 ; maximum of 2,5 % m / m & # 124 ;
5 . For the purpose of implementing this Article , Member States shall ensure that :
Having regard to its opinion on the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the creation of a European grouping of cross-border cooperation ( CdR 62 / 2004 ) of 17 November 2004 ( rapporteur : Mr Niessl , Governor of Burgenland , ( AT / PES ) ;
- paragraphs 2 ( a ) and 4 of this Article , relating to the supply of aircraft , ships and trains or to the sale in duty-free shops . & apos ;
( b ) aromatized carcinogens :
2 . ( a ) Neither the Council , nor the Commission , nor the Member States , nor the officials of any of these , shall reveal any information of a confidential nature received pursuant to this Regulation , and any information provided on a confidential basis without specific permission from the supplier of such information .
Name and account of the granting authority & # 124 ; Provincie Flevoland & # 124 ;
Having regard to Council Directive 89 / 398 / EEC of 3 May 1989 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to foodstuffs intended for particular nutritional uses ( 1 ) , as amended by Directive 96 / 84 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council ( 2 ) , and in particular Article 4 ( 1 ) thereof ,
USD & # 124 ; US dollar & # 124 ; 1,2078 & # 124 ;
Whereas Directives 65 / 66 / EEC and 78 / 664 / EEC should therefore be repealed ;
The text of the Agreement is annexed to this Decision as Annex I.
The period of validity of licences and other detailed rules for the application of this Article shall be determined by the same procedure .
3 . Special monitoring
5 . In Article 9 ( 2 ) , the first indent of the second subparagraph shall be replaced by : % quot % - to facilitate the implementation of this Directive , in particular by adopting and publishing opinions on the questions referred to it by the Commission , % quot % ;
( 4 ) The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on Agricultural Policy ,
- 20000 tonnes for Spain ,
Applicant : Tramarin Snc di Tramarin Andrea e Sergio ( Montagnana , Italy ) ( represented by : M. Calabrese ) Beklagte : Commission of the European Communities ( represented by : V. Di Bucci , Agent )
Summary of advice received and used The existence of potentially serious risks with irreversible consequences was not mentioned . The agreement of the Economic Tariff Questions Group . & # 124 ;
45000 & # 124 ; 42000 & # 124 ; 38941 & # 124 ;
1 . The objectives of this programme shall be pursued by means of the following actions , the content and the application procedures of which are described in the Annexes , which may be combined :
- if the security on the licence has not yet been released in respect of the export in question , the licence security shall be forfeited in accordance with the relevant provisions .
Whereas Directive 86 / 355 / EEC ( 3 ) , amending the Annex to Directive 79 / 117 / EEC , prohibited the placing on the market and use of ethylene oxide as a plant protection product ; whereas , for certain minor commodities , temporary national exceptions have been permitted until other methods of treatment become available ;
This Regulation shall enter into force on 19 February 2005 .
Financial impact of the accession of Romania and Bulgaria
The French intervention agency shall communicate to the Commission tenders submitted within two hours from the expiry of the deadline for the submissions laid down in Article 4 ( 1 ) .
2005 / 0229 / I & # 124 ; Decree implementing Directive 89 / 106 / EEC on construction products , transposed by Presidential Decree No 246 of 21 April 1993 , on the identification of products and related methods for verifying the conformity of fixed fire prevention installations . & # 124 ; 22.8.2005 & # 124 ;
( 2 ) In view of the very significant progress made by Ukraine towards the establishment of market economy conditions , as recognised by the conclusions of the Ukraine-European Union Summit on 1 December 2005 , it is appropriate to allow normal value for Ukrainian exporters and producers to be established , in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 ( 1 ) to ( 6 ) of Regulation ( EC ) No 384 / 96,
Index 2001 = 100 & # 124 ; 100 & # 124 ; 98 & # 124 ; 92 & # 124 ; 93 & # 124 ; 90 & # 124 ;
General e-mail : not9834 @
G. ITALI & apos ; s
- information on codes of conduct at Community level by trade , professional and consumer associations or organisations designed to contribute to the proper implementation of Articles 5 to 15 ( Article 16 of the Directive ) ,
ê 93 / 31 / EEC
( 2 ) Whereas it is necessary to adapt those decisions to technical progress ;
( 3 ) Whereas , at the end of the harmonisation of structures , the same ratio will be established for cigarettes in all Member States between the specific excise duty and the total amount of the proportional excise duty and turnover tax , so that the fall in the small retail selling price reflects appropriately the fall in the levy prices ;
The President and the Vice-Presidents shall constitute the Bureau of the Committee .
10 . Compliance with the quantitative limits resulting from the agreements concluded in accordance with Article 228 of the Treaty shall be ensured by means of export licences issued for the reference periods provided for in such agreements and applying to the products concerned .
SECTION 1 Free distribution
( b ) cages , floats , nets and any other appliances or equipment used for fish or shellfish farming ;
Index & # 124 ; 100 & # 124 ; 103 & # 124 ; 88 & # 124 ; 64 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; 62 & # 124 ;
Whereas , in respect of the provision of services , it is necessary to ensure the availability of goods and services without interfering ;
( a ) integrating in Taric all the Taric measures contained in this Regulation or in Annex II thereto ;
619 . In September , the Commission also concluded the assessment of allegations that Greece had unlawfully and unlawfully granted aid to Olympic Airways . The Commission found that Olympic Airways and Olympic Airlines had received other unlawful state aid after 11 December 2002 ( date of the previous decision on the Greek company ) ( see also section D of the ECJ judgment on the recovery of such aid ) .
Commission Regulation ( EC ) No 1893 / 2004
In order to ensure sustainability in the longer term , the Isle of Man needs to adapt to the developments in the EU agriculture sector . Market orientation is a very important element of recent reforms .
( 2006 / C 163 / 03 )
2 . Each institution shall , in accordance with its specific features and requirements , define the internal auditor & apos ; s mandate and define the objectives and procedures for the exercise of the internal audit function , in compliance with applicable international standards on the internal audit .
on grounds relating to steering equipment if it does not comply with the requirements of Directive 74 / 297 / EEC as amended by this Directive .
( 131 ) The Community industry ’ s average sales prices went up in the period considered . After an increase of 13 % between 2001 and 2002 , the continuous increase in prices was noted .
This summary has been drawn up for information purposes only . For full details , in particular the producers of products covered by the PDO in question , please consult the complete version of the product specification obtainable at national level or from the European Commission & # 91 ; 1 & # 93 ; .
The German intervention agency shall open a standing invitation to tender for the sale on the domestic market of 1139000 tonnes of rye held by it .
( a ) issued in a Member State of the Community and endorsed and guaranteed by an association established in the Community forming part of an international guarantee chain . The Commission shall communicate a list of the associations concerned to the Member States .
Selectivelyiteit en concurrentievervalsing
The Annex to Regulation ( EC ) No 299 / 2006 is replaced by the text in the Annex to this Regulation .
% quot % 5 . The Committee shall adopt its rules of procedure by qualified majority within the meaning of Article 205 ( 2 ) of the Treaty . % quot % ;
Pensions for which entitlement has accrued by 1 July 2002 shall be calculated from this date by reference to the table of basic monthly salaries laid down in Article 66 of the Staff Regulations , as amended by Article 1 ( a ) of this Regulation .
I.1 Rationale for state aid policy : why does the EU need a state aid policy ? 3
Date of implementation & # 124 ; Description November 2003 & # 124 ;
Having regard to Council Regulation No 136 / 66 / EEC of 22 September 1966 on the establishment of a common organization of the market in oils and fats ( 2 ) , as last amended by Regulation ( EEC ) No 1707 / 73 ( 3 ) , and in particular Articles 14 ( 2 ) and 15 ( 3 ) thereof ,
- ICES Division V b and
Meat shall be presented in a way which permits easy identification of the meat and may be attributed without difficulty to the declaration attached .
COM ( 2006 ) 379 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; 12.7.2006 & # 124 ; COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION : AN EU Strategy FOR Biofuels & # 124 ; Company B
CENELEC & # 124 ; EN 60598-2-5 : 1989 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ;
( 7 ) Regulation ( EC ) No 1207 / 2001 should therefore be amended ,
The provisions of Article 64 shall be applied in such a way as to supplement the provisions of Article 64 in respect of the products referred to therein .
( 5 ) In order both to avoid compromising the development of a Common Agricultural Policy and to ensure certainty in the law and non-discriminatory treatment of the undertakings concerned , the Commission must have sole power , subject to review by the Court of Justice , to determine whether the conditions provided for in the two preceding recitals are fulfilled as regards the agreements , decisions and practices referred to in Article 81 of the Treaty .
Commission Regulation ( EC ) No 903 / 2006
( 3 ) The measures provided for in this Directive are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee for Propagating Material and Ornamental Plants ,
Commission Regulation ( EC ) No 1148 / 2001
3 . Where the obligations referred to in points ( b ) and 2 ( b ) of paragraph 1 are not complied with , the competent Member State shall take appropriate measures to ensure compliance with those obligations .
7 . Decides that the agreement shall be annexed to its Rules of Procedure and replace Annexes XIII and XIV to these Rules of Procedure ;
3 . Import authorisations shall be valid for a period of nine months from the date of issue , but until 31 December 2006 at the latest .
( 3 ) The Member States concerned should therefore authorise the acidification of grape must and wine from the 2003 harvest in wine-growing zones A and B under the conditions laid down in point E.2 , E.3 and E.7 of Annex V to Regulation ( EC ) No 1493 / 1999 .
Having regard to Council Regulation ( EC ) No 21 / 2004 of 17 December 2003 establishing a system for the identification and registration of ovine and caprine animals and amending Regulation ( EC ) No 1782 / 2003 and directives 92 / 102 / EEC and 64 / 432 / EEC & # 91 ; 1 & # 93 ; , and in particular Article 4 ( 2 ) ( d ) thereof ,
GRENADA & # 124 ; 0,58 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; 2,84 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; 2,84 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; 3,43 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; 3,43 &
One of the following shall be entered under the heading % quot % Other % quot % in box 104 of the T5 control copy :
- employment pressing ;
This Decision shall be reviewed in the light of the development of the disease and of the information provided by the Bulgarian veterinary authorities at the meeting of the Standing Committee on 11 and 12 January 2005 .
In order to allow the Galileo Joint Undertaking to be dissolved and the Galileo Joint Undertaking has a legal basis for taking over the Galileo main activities , the Commission has initiated the procedures for amending the relevant regulations .
Detailed rules for the application of this Regulation , in particular regarding the control measures , shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 17 of Regulation ( EEC ) No 2771 / 75 .
3.1.2 With regard to the definition of serious crime and money laundering , further clarification would be helpful for the data subject in order to improve the understanding of the intentions set out in the directive . This would also be a coherent and effective implementation in national law .
Legal basis & # 124 ; Besluit van de Vlaamse regering van 12.12.2003 & # 124 ;
iii ) l & apos ; aliquota di base dell & apos ; imposta è pari al 4,25 % ;
2 . The task of the joint supervisory authority shall be to check that the processing or use of the data held by the Central Unit results in a breach of the rights of the data subjects . It shall also check the legality of the transmission of personal data to the Member States by the Central Unit .
COM Oct 2004 & # 124 ; 1,9 & # 124 ; 1,5 & # 124 ; 1,7 & # 124 ; -- & # 124 ; -- & # 124 ;
( 3 ) It is also appropriate to simplify the table in Annex I in order to avoid any further list of the conditions laid down in the lists .
Amendment 140 , which has been accepted in principle by the Commission , aims to avoid the repetition of animal experiments by ensuring that information from experiments on animals is transmitted without delay to the Agency .
3 . In the other cases , the final decision on the execution of the arrest warrant should be taken within a period of 60 days after the arrest of the requested person .
This Decision shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities .
( a ) the establishment of intra-Community trade restrictions is necessary to prevent the introduction of or to control the disease ;
( 137 ) In the case of expenditure relating to maritime transport ( expenditure on advertising and marketing for the activities of the shipping company itself ) , advertising and marketing must be taken into account in the flat-rate taxation scheme . Advertising and marketing activities in this case are eligible because there are no income to the shipping company .
1 4 1 Medical department
( b ) farming methods ;
( b ) vegetable waste from the food processing industry , if the heat generated is recovered ;
2 . Where an investment firm carries on a transaction on a regulated market of a host Member State , the home Member State may waive its notification requirements if the investment firm has to comply with equivalent requirements in relation to notification of that transaction to the competent authorities of that market .
1. in the first subparagraph of Article 3 , & apos ; 31 October 1992 & apos ; is replaced by & apos ; 31 December 1992 & apos ; ;
COM ( 2006 ) 294 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; 13.6.2006 & # 124 ; Proposal for a Council Directive amending Council Directive 91 / 414 / EEC to include flusilazole as active substance & # 124 ;
1.3.6. the materials constituting the lenses and coating , if any ;
Botsela : & # 124 ; 17936 t , & # 124 ;
21021010 & # 124 ; Separent yeasts See the HS Explanatory Notes to heading 2102 , part ( A ) , third paragraph , ( 4 ) . These yeasts are bred on particular nutritional soils for well-defined purposes ; they are used in particular for the production of wine spirits and wine . They may be derived from their aid , with specific character . & # 124 ;
Whereas it is therefore possible to have an electronic micro-spreading within the meaning of Note 5 B b ) of Chapter 85 ;
5 . Õðïõñãüò ÅèíéêÞò Ðáéäåßáò êáé ÈñçóêåõìÜôùí ( Minister for Education and Glaubens Communities , Athens ) % quot %
( 5 ) Whereas the pan-European integration of the networks can be phased out by the creation of a link between the modes of transport , with a view to improving their respective advantages ;
- towed barge : - windows ,
SOMALIA & # 124 ; 5,27 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; 5,27 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; 5,27 & # 124 ;
3.2 . Sur l & apos ; illégalité de l & apos ; aide
on the recurrence of occurrence reporting in civil aviation
- hl for hectolitres ,
laying down the rules for amending the list of rice variety set out in Annex B to Regulation ( EEC ) No 3878 / 87
In accordance with Article 2 ( 7 ) ( a ) of the basic Regulation , it is envisaged to choose Brazil as an appropriate market economy country for the purpose of establishing normal value in respect of the People & apos ; s Republic of China . Interested parties are hereby invited to comment on the appropriateness of this choice within the specific time limit set in paragraph 6 ( c ) of this notice .
Whereas the product has a crop extract but has the characteristics of a vegetable colouring agent falling within heading No 32.04 ; whereas , within this subheading , subheading 32.04 A IV must be chosen ;
33 . Calls on the Commission to provide sufficient budgetary means to ensure the promotion and follow-up of the Sanaa process ;
( 8 ) Whereas the rights and duties of Denmark are governed by Article 3 of the Protocol integrating the Schengen acquis into the framework of the European Union and in Articles 1 to 5 of the Protocol on the position of Denmark ;
12 . After consulting the Member States , the committee may draw up an indicative list of the authorities of the Member States which shall be responsible for the submission of a request for the waiver of the immunity of a Member .
4.2.2 In the EESC & apos ; s view , the methods or procedures used by the Member States to implement EU law or national law which has an impact on the functioning of the internal market must produce comparable results throughout the EU . Moreover , the results must enable the primary and secondary EU law to be effective .
Applicants : Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid and Madrid , infraestructuras del Transporte ( Mintra ) ( Madrid , Spain ) ( represented by : C. Fernandez Vicién , D. Ortega Peciña and J. Sabater Marotias , lawyers ) Defendant : Commission of the European Communities ( represented by : M. Diaz-Llanos La Roche and L. Escobar Guerrero , lawyers )
2 . Member States shall notify the Commission of the results of the verifications referred to in paragraph 1 .
Article 90 Availability of documents
( 8 ) MOL retains control over its gas exploration and production business ( the MOL upstream gas Exploration and Production division ( & quot ; MOL E & quot ; , Hungary ) . MOL WMT has entered into a long-term gas Exploration and Production Division ( & quot ; MOL E & quot ; ) . The Hungarian State has 12 % of the share capital and one of the key shares ( & quot ; golden share & quot ; ) .
( 8 ) The system should be coordinated with existing national , European and international systems , taking due account of Community competence for forests in accordance with their forestry strategy and without prejudice to the principle of subsidiarity .
A exhaustive list of 23 product types , examples of which are given in Annex V within each product type .
2 . The competent veterinary authority of Germany shall ensure that the notification of dispatch of pigs to other Member States is communicated to the central and local veterinary authorities of the Member State of destination and any Member State of transit at least three days before the date of dispatch .
Greece shall immediately take the necessary measures to comply with this Decision , and publish those measures . It shall immediately inform the Commission thereof .
of 26 October 2005
3 . Causation
( i ) motorised land vehicles of which exceeds 48 cubic centimetres or the power of which exceeds 7,2 kilowatts ;
Low- voltage switchgear and controlgear — Part 7-1 : Ancillary equipment - Terminal blocks for copper conductors ( IEC 60947-7-1 : 2002 ) & # 124 ; EN 60947-7-1 : 1991 + A1 : 1999 + A11 : 1997 Note 2.1 & # 124 ; Date expired ( 1.10.2005 ) & # 124 ;
& # 91 ; 1 & # 93 ; OJ L 335 , 11 November 2004 ; evaluation report is to be submitted by the Commission by 12 May 2009 at the latest in the framework of the EU Action Plan on drugs 2009-2012 .
10 . The Council is therefore invited to adopt the annexed proposal for a Decision on the position to be taken by the Community in the EC-Bulgaria Association Council with the aim to amend Article 3 of the Additional Protocol to the Europe Agreement .
& quot ; 3 . The Member States shall also provide that beet seed harvested in a third country shall , on request , be officially certified if :
1 . Imported equidae must come from a third country or part of a third country appearing on a list drawn up in a specific column of the list drawn up in accordance with Article 3 of Directive 72 / 462 / EEC .
( a ) be registered in advance , at the request of the competent authority , on a public register ;
( 132 ) It should be recalled that the previous investigations have shown that the imposition or continuation of measures was not considered to be against the interest of the Community .
In the light of this assessment , the Commission concludes that there should be no change in the status of Poland as a “ Member State with a derogation ” .
KRW & # 124 ; South Korean won & # 124 ; 1187,38 & # 124 ;
56 . Finally , it is necessary to examine if the aid can qualify for the exception laid down in Article 87 ( 3 ) ( c ) , which states that the aid may be considered compatible with the common market if it facilitates the development of certain economic activities or of certain economic areas and does not adversely affect trading conditions to an extent contrary to the common interest .
_ fire and other damage to property ( 8 and 9 ) ,
3.3 This legal instrument , which was in force until December 2003 , has been replaced by a new Regulation for the two-year period 2004-2006 that strengthens the objectives , i.e. & quot ; mainstreaming & quot ; , together with specific measures in favour of women & apos ; s promotion of gender equality and reaffirms the important contribution to poverty reduction . It also sets the support for public and private actions in developing countries with the goal of promoting gender equality .
3.5 The Member States , the European Commission and the representatives of the fishing industry must be represented on the Management Board on a balanced basis .
- % quot % standing facilities % quot % shall mean the peak financing facility and the deposit facility offered by the Eurosystem ,
- be able to decide whether the victim can commit the offence immediately after the offence has been committed ,
Required own funds of WestLB , without Wfa & # 91 ; 21 & # 93 ; ( = b ) & # 124 ; & # 124 ; 5067 & # 124 ;
- The EBC-EIOPC-ESC Working Group on Cross Border Consolidation met on 21 March and 5 October 2005 . As a result , the work of this group was extended to cover the insurance and securities sectors .
( 77 ) Following the imposition of provisional duties , the Commission further examined whether the freight costs incurred by the Lithuanian exporting producer , but paid by importers , were more costly . The investigation showed that the costs were overestimated in relation to information collected from importers and on publicly available offers for the same routes . The amounts of freight were adjusted accordingly and the actual costs were taken into account .
Appointment of the High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy
Commission Regulation ( EC ) No 68 / 2003
4.2.2 Amendments which have not been rejected by the Commission
Whereas Commission Regulation ( EC ) No 2790 / 94 ( 3 ) , as last amended by Regulation ( EC ) No 825 / 98 ( 4 ) , lays down common rules for the implementation of the specific arrangements for the supply of certain agricultural products to the Canary Islands ;
Having regard to its opinion on the follow-up to the White Paper on a New Impetus for European Youth — Proposed common objectives for voluntary activities by young people and Proposed common objectives for greater understanding and knowledge of youth & # 91 ; 3 & # 93 ; ( CdR 192 / 2004 fin ) & # 91 ; 4 & # 93 ; ;
3 . Inspection centres need not be provided with :
( 60 ) The total production capacity of the Community industry was stable during the period under review and therefore the capacity utilisation level followed a trend identical to the one of the production volume , i.e. between 50 % and 65 % .
& # 91 ; 11 & # 93 ; Green Paper “ A European Strategy for sustainable , competitive and secure energy ” - COM ( 2006 ) 105 .
Conditions for recognition
Member States shall ensure that environmental information is increasingly made available in computerised databases which are easily accessible to the public through the public through public telecommunications networks .
1 . Member States shall ensure that , within three days of the application being made to the competent authority , the asylum seekers are supplied with a certificate issued on their behalf and confirm their legal status as applicant for asylum or certify that the person concerned may reside in the territory of the Member State for as long as the application for a decision is pending or examined .
Article XXXV Appendices
This appropriation is intended to cover expenditure relating to the maintenance and repair of the equipment referred to in Item 2 2 0 to 2 2 2 2 2 2 .
Commission Directive 2003 / 2 / EC
( i ) sectoral import programmes in the form of foreign exchange released in instalments for financing sectoral imports , including the financing of production factors for the productive sector and goods to improve social services ;
( 6 ) Application of the normal rules would mean serious tax complications for the businesses carrying out the works in question .
Reserve on sale of payment entitlements
6 . Any expenditure must be covered beforehand by contributions from the States referred to in Article 21 or , failing those , by a bank loan . The costs of a pre-financing loan in the event of non-payment of contributions shall be divided among the states in default , pro rata to their unpaid contributions and taking into account the length of arrears .
3 . An import decision under paragraph 1 shall relate to the category or categories specified for the chemical in the decision guidance document . 4 . The Commission shall attach to the Secretariat a description of the regulatory and administrative provisions upon which it is based its decision .
- this entity has a position which would enable it to create or strengthen a dominant position in third markets . Such a position may result from its taking over , but may be based on it only one of the two parties .
3 . Member States shall recommend their respective data protection authorities to supervise the activities of their liaison officers with a view to ensuring that their national law on the protection of personal data is complied with and shall check whether the common database contains only non-personal data .
65. in Part II , Title III , Chapter 5 , the following subsection is added to Section 2 :
The Commission shall publish this information in the Official Journal of the European Communities .
In part 2 of the Annex to Commission Decision 93 / 199 / EEC ( 37 ) , & apos ; Austria - Vorarlberg , Tirol , Oberösterreich , Burgenland , Kärnten , Steiermark and Wien & apos ; , & apos ; Finland & apos ; , & apos ; Norway & apos ; and & apos ; Sweden & apos ; are deleted .
2 . Persons receiving family allowances under the national scheme shall be considered as workers within the meaning of Article 1 ( a ) ( ii ) of the Regulation as workers within the meaning of Article 1 ( a ) ( i ) and ( iii ) of the Regulation .
Report on the state of implementation of this Regulation
- wines originating in the Community , with the exception of Portugal produced before 1 September 1986 , other than sparkling wines and sparkling wines , and
Having regard to Article 2 of the abovementioned Convention ,
357000 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; 357000 & # 124 ;
Title : Investment aid scheme for the management of waste
1 . The competent authority shall notify its draft decision in accordance with Article 45 , together with any comments of the registrant or downstream user , to the Agency and the competent authorities of the other Member States .
interested parties may make themselves known to the Commission , present their views in writing and submit the replies to the questionnaire , or any other information to be taken into account during the investigation ,
Statement of revenue and expenditure of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work for the financial year 2005 — Amending Budget 2
4.5.1 Many of the traditional difficulties faced by SMEs — lack of funding , difficulties in exploring technology , reduced management capacity , low productivity , legal requirements — widening of a globalised system and an environment diminished by technology , particularly in a context characterised by serious structural and infrastructure problems such as the ACP countries .
Applicant : De Danske Bilimportører
5.67 . Agri-environment expenditure involves making payments to farmers in exchange for their undertaking to farm in ways which are environmentally friendly , and which must go beyond usual good farming practice ( GFP ) : in other words the Community purchases environmental services from farmers throughout the farm concerned .
( Case COMP / M.3099 — Areva / Urenco )
The provisions of this Article shall apply to the arrangements for cross-border payments effected or to be effected through interlinking .
Budget : EUR 306,8 million
5 . The Commission recommends that the Council adopt the attached draft decision as a common position of the Community with a view to a Joint Committee & apos ; s decision .
( a ) vehicles in category M , except those whose maximum mass exceeds 2500 kg ;
Aid No & # 124 ; XS 147 / 04 & # 124 ;
B. Member States shall ensure that their national policies are in line with this common position .
The undertakings offered by the exporting producers and companies mentioned below , in connection with the present anti-dumping proceedings concerning imports of potassium chloride originating in the Russian Federation are hereby accepted . & # 124 ; Producer & # 124 ; TARIC additional code & # 124 ;
On 15 and 16 December 2005 , a political agreement on the financial perspectives for 2007-2013 & # 91 ; 4 & # 93 ; was reached at the European Council .
1 . They shall draw up an up-to-date value of Europe & apos ; s cultural heritage on the basis of a casing out scenario in the French field .
( f ) Member States shall take all necessary measures to prevent the cards distributed to being falsified .
& # 91 ; 48 & # 93 ; Rs . T-201 / 04R .
- Réception par type in French legislation , % quot % Omologazione % quot % or % quot % approvazione del tipo % quot % in Italian law ;
Commission Regulation ( EC ) No 2396 / 2001
NIGER & # 124 ; 340,54 & # 124 ; 37,99 & # 124 ; 34,65 & # 124 ; 2,50 & # 124 ; 2,05 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; 40,49 & # 124 ; 13,48 & # 124 ; 36,70 & # 124 ;
In the case of acceptance of the export declaration , the customs office of discharge shall note the quantities of compensating products exported and the date of acceptance of the declaration . It shall send copy 3 to the supervising office without delay , returning the original to the declarant and retaining copy 2 . % quot %
( b ) record the net weight of the oil ;
& # 91 ; 16 & # 93 ; COM ( 2002 ) 713 , 11.12.02 .
c ) Correction of judicial cooperation in civil matters
3 . In the case of temporary transfer the person must be able to return to the executing State to attend hearings concerning him or her as part of the surrender procedure .
Whereas , by Regulation ( EC , Euratom , ECSC ) No 840 / 95 ( 1 ) , the provisions of Regulation ( EEC , Euratom , ECSC ) No 2290 / 77 ( 2 ) with regard to the salaries and transitional termination-of-service allowances were amended and Article 2 thereof provided that the pensions already acquired at the date of entry into force would not be altered ;
Having regard to Regulation ( EC ) No 1161 / 2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 2005 on the compilation of quarterly non-financial accounts by institutional sector & # 91 ; 1 & # 93 ; , and in particular Article 3 ( 4 ) thereof ,
on waste from air conditioning systems in motor vehicles and amending Council Directive 70 / 156 / EEC
Whereas the nature of the derogations requested by the Member States concern standards to be met at the time of collection from the production holding for acceptance of raw milk at treatment or processing establishments and the standards governing finished products ;
- re-evaluate objectives , priorities and evaluation parameters ,
SGD & # 124 ; Singapore dollar & # 124 ; 2,0145 & # 124 ;
( 2 ) By letter of 3 June 2005 , the Italian Government requested that crisis distillation be opened for table wine produced in their territory .
( d ) competent authority of destination means the competent authority , designated by the Member States in accordance with Article 36 , for the area from which the shipment is dispatched or designated by non-member States , without prejudice to existing conventions on the disposal of sea , or to an authority designated by third countries ;
4 . & apos ; Associated ICO` means an ICO which has been associated with the Fund pursuant to Article 7 .
Payments on appropriations outstanding at 31.12.2003 & # 124 ; 2702 & # 124 ; & # 124 ;
Prestige & # 124 ; * DE 7408 , * ES 1041 , * HU 5005 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; D m ( 2 ) ( mod . ) & # 124 ;
- the total sales volumes to independent customers on the Community market of the three cooperating Community producers which produce for the free market .
Commission Regulation ( EC ) No 420 / 2006
- employment , productivity and wages
2 . The list may be revised by the Commission where any issuing body is no longer recognized , where it fails to fulfil any of the obligations incumbent on it or where a new issuing authority is designated .
The proposal concerns the harmonised legislation on the placing on the market and putting into service of medical devices in the Community , which cannot be guaranteed by Member States alone .
Duration of scheme or individual aid award : Duration is limited to the period of validity of Regulation ( EC ) No 31.12.2006 ( date of submission of application ) . If the period of validity of Regulation ( EC ) No 1 / 2004 is extended , the duration of the scheme will be extended by the same amount
-Annex II : Containers identification plate ,
Destination : & # 124 ; 20 % ( 22 % ) & # 124 ;
4 . Calls on the EU , bearing in mind the fact that the following list is not exhaustive , to a considerable extent to a country & apos ; s situation and to improve the situation in some countries , to sponsor or co-sponsor resolutions :
The fee for a variation of major importance to a marketing authorization according to the classification established by the Commission Regulation applicable to the matter shall be ECU 30 000 . It may be halved for certain Type II variations which do not involve detailed scientific evaluation , a list of which shall be drawn up in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 11 ( 2 ) .
2 . Article 3 ( 3 ) shall read :
- chlorinated solvents used for the manufacture of dyes , coatings and polymers ,
3 . However , the obligation provided for in paragraph 2 ( c ) shall not apply to products covered by sales contracts concluded by producers before they joined the group , provided that the group is informed of and has approved such contracts .
Commission Regulation ( EC ) No 141 / 2005
1 . The animals listed below shall not be subjected to a specific clinical examination :
- tenders may be sent in writing by registered mall to the Commission office indicated below or the written tender may be lodged against acknowledgment of receipt , with that office . In such cases , tenders shall be placed in an envelope bearing the words & apos ; Emergency aid to Romania , Regulation ( EEC ) No 1312 / 91 & apos ; , the envelope must be sealed and placed inside a second envelope bearing the address given below .
( c ) the procedures by which claims for reimbursement of expenditure are received , verified and validated , and by which payments to beneficiaries are authorised , executed and accounted for ;
2 . For a given marketing year , the total sugar production of an undertaking shall be the production referred to in paragraph 1 plus the quantity carried over to that marketing year ;
de minister van Financiën ,
11 . The strategy must set at least the objectives to be achieved , the actions to be undertaken to this end , the responsibilities of stakeholders and the financial plan for implementing the strategy.The Strategy must also assess their sustainability under present and future market conditions , and in social and environmental terms . It must also demonstrate its consistency with the general development strategies of the country and its poverty focus .
1 . This Directive shall not prevent Member States from maintaining or enacting more stringent provisions on the prevention and remedying of environmental damage , including the establishment of additional activities subject to the provisions of this Directive on the prevention and remedying of environmental damage , and the designation of additional responsible parties .
5 . The arrangements for the sharing of spatial data sets and services provided for in paragraphs 1 , 2 and 3 shall be open to public authorities referred to in point ( 3 ) of Article 3 of other Member States and to institutions and bodies of the Community , for the purposes of international agreements which may have an impact on the environment .
1. the second and third subparagraphs of Article 17 ( 2 ) are replaced by the following : % quot % The storage costs to be paid shall be determined on the basis of the standard amounts for entry , removal and storage costs laid down pursuant to Article 6 of Council Regulation ( EEC ) No 1883 / 78 ( 4 ) . % quot % ;
( 31 ) In view of the above , the provisional findings as described in recital 58 of the provisional Regulation are hereby confirmed .
6 . To facilitate reading and examination , the full text of the amended proposal for codification is attached .
( g ) exchanging best practised practice .
- against fraud , unless such provisions are likely to impede the application of the definitions and rules laid down by this Directive ,
CEN & # 124 ; EN ISO 15027-2 : 2002 & # 124 ; 10.4.2003 & # 124 ; — & # 124 ; & # 124 ;
Council Regulation ( EC ) No 1434 / 98 of 29 June 1998 specifying conditions under which herring may be landed for industrial purposes other than direct human consumption & # 91 ; 8 & # 93 ; .
Cleopatra & # 124 ; & # 124 ; & # 124 ; ( del . ) & # 124 ;
The Community reference laboratory for avian influenza is mentioned in Annex V. Without prejudice to the provisions of Decision 90 / 424 / EEC , and in particular Article 28 thereof , the powers and duties of the laboratory shall be those appearing in Annex V.
( iii ) goods obtained in the customs territory of the Community either exclusively from the goods referred to in point ( ii ) or from the goods referred to in points ( i ) and ( ii ) ;
Having regard to Council Regulation ( EEC ) No 2081 / 92 of 14 July 1992 on the protection of geographical indications and designations of origin for agricultural products and foodstuffs & # 91 ; 1 & # 93 ; , and in particular Article 7 ( 5 ) ( b ) , and the first indent of Article 6 ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) thereof ,
Adjustments of a strictly technical nature to the Annexes by :
- cider spirit , cider brandy or perry spirit
— Women and health
COM ( 2006 ) 127 & # 124 ; & # 124 ; 20.3.2006 & # 124 ; Proposal for a Council decision on the position of the Community in relation to the Draft Regulation of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe concerning the approval of motor vehicles with regard to the forward field of vision of the motor vehicle driver & # 124 ;
( 1 ) A number of Member States have implemented or intend to implement common safety principles and rules for automatic identification system ( AIS ) equipment on non-SOLAS vessels not falling under the carriage requirements of Chapter V of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea , 1974 ( SOLAS ) .