diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index dd8f127e..33657aac 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -12,8 +12,18 @@ Keyboard firmware with layer/dynamic keymap/[vial](https://get.vial.today) suppo
- [2024.01.26] 🎉[rmk-template](https://github.com/HaoboGu/rmk-template) is released! Now you can create your own keyboard firmware with a single command: `cargo generate --git https://github.com/HaoboGu/rmk-template`
+Click to checkout more news
- [2024.01.18] RMK just released version `0.1.0`! By migrating to [Embassy](https://github.com/embassy-rs/embassy), RMK now has better async support, more supported MCUs and much easier usages than before. For examples using Embassy, check [`boards`](https://github.com/HaoboGu/rmk/tree/main/boards) folder!
+## [User Documentation](https://haobogu.github.io/rmk/guide_overview.html)
+## [API Reference](https://docs.rs/rmk/latest/rmk/)
## Prerequisites
This crate requires stable Rust 1.75 and up. `openocd`(stm32) or `probe-rs`(stm32/rp2040) is used for flashing & debugging.
diff --git a/docs/src/README.md b/docs/src/README.md
index 8d1089ec..89f9d5de 100644
--- a/docs/src/README.md
+++ b/docs/src/README.md
@@ -4,113 +4,4 @@
-RMK is a Rust keyboard firmware crate with layer/dynamic keymap/[vial](https://get.vial.today) support.
-RMK is under active development, breaking changes may happen. If you have any problem please check the latest doc or file an issue.
-## News
-- [2024.01.26] 🎉[rmk-template](https://github.com/HaoboGu/rmk-template) is released! Now you can create your own keyboard firmware with a single command: `cargo generate --git https://github.com/HaoboGu/rmk-template`
-- [2024.01.18] RMK just released version `0.1.0`! By migrating to [Embassy](https://github.com/embassy-rs/embassy), RMK now has better async support, more supported MCUs and much easier usages than before. For examples using Embassy, check [`boards`](https://github.com/HaoboGu/rmk/tree/main/boards) folder!
-## Prerequisites
-This crate requires stable Rust 1.75 and up. `openocd`(stm32) or `probe-rs`(stm32/rp2040) is used for flashing & debugging.
-## Usage
-### Option 1: Initialize from template
-You can use [rmk-template](https://github.com/HaoboGu/rmk-template) to initialize your project.
-cargo install cargo-generate
-cargo generate --git https://github.com/HaoboGu/rmk-template
-### Option 2: Try built-in examples
-Example can be found at [`boards`](https://github.com/HaoboGu/rmk/blob/main/boards). The following is a simple
-step-to-step instruction for rp2040 and stm32h7
-#### rp2040
-1. Install [probe-rs](https://github.com/probe-rs/probe-rs)
- ```shell
- cargo install probe-rs --features cli
- ```
-2. Build the firmware
- ```shell
- cd boards/rp2040
- cargo build
- ```
-3. Flash it
- ```shell
- cd boards/rp2040
- cargo run
- ```
-#### stm32h7
-1. Install [openocd](https://github.com/openocd-org/openocd)
-2. Build the firmware
- ```shell
- cd boards/stm32h7
- cargo build
- ```
-3. Flash
- You can use both `probe-rs` and `openocd` to flash the firmware:
- ```shell
- # Use openocd
- openocd -f openocd.cfg -c "program target/thumbv7em-none-eabihf/debug/rmk-stm32h7 preverify verify reset exit"
- # Use probe-rs
- cd boards/stm32h7
- cargo run
- ```
-4. (Optional) Debug firmware using CMSIS-DAP
- Open the project using VSCode, choose `Cortex-Debug - stm32h7` debug profile, then press `F5`, the firmware will be automatically compiled and flashed. A debug session is started after flashing.
- Check [`.vscode/tasks.json`](https://github.com/HaoboGu/rmk/blob/main/.vscode/tasks.json) and [`.vscode/launch.json`](https://github.com/HaoboGu/rmk/blob/main/.vscode/launch.json) for details.
-## Roadmap
-A lot of todos at the list, any contributions are welcomed :)
-- [x] layer support
-- [x] system/media keys
-- [x] mouse keys
-- [x] vial support
-- [x] eeprom
-- [x] project template
-- [ ] easy keyboard configuration with good default
-- [ ] LED
-- [ ] RGB
-- [ ] better documentation
-- [ ] keyboard macro
-- [ ] encoder
-- [ ] wireless
-- [ ] default bootloader/DFU
-- [ ] a good gui configurator
-## License
-RMK is licensed under either of
-- Apache License, Version 2.0 (LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
-- MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
-at your option.
+RMK is a Rust keyboard firmware crate with lots of features, like layer support, dynamic keymap, vial support, etc, making firmware customization easy and accessible.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/src/compile_and_flash.md b/docs/src/compile_and_flash.md
index 28b0777b..86cc3d02 100644
--- a/docs/src/compile_and_flash.md
+++ b/docs/src/compile_and_flash.md
@@ -12,4 +12,14 @@ cargo build --release
If you've done all the previous steps correctly, you can find your compiled firmware at `target//release` folder.
-If you encountered any problems when compiling the firmware, please report it at [https://github.com/HaoboGu/rmk](https://github.com/HaoboGu/rmk)
\ No newline at end of file
+If you encountered any problems when compiling the firmware, please report it [here](https://github.com/HaoboGu/rmk/issues).
+## 2. Flash the firmware
+The last step is to flash compiled firmware to your microcontroller. This needs a debug probe like [daplink](https://daplink.io/), [jlink](https://www.segger.com/products/debug-probes/j-link/) or stlink(stm32 only). If you've get your debug probe, connect it with your board and host, make sure you have installed [probe-rs](https://probe.rs/), then just run
+cargo run --release
+The firmware will be flashed to your microcontroller and the firmware will run automatically, yay!