- Allow "hand drawn"
- (Locked) doors
- Object list
- Export to TADS
- When double-clicking a room or other view, focus on first text field for quick typing
- Add map themes; implies grid color and background and fonts
- Let user choose map background color
- Fonts
- Fonts
- Arrow size (not imported)
- Preferred distance between rooms
- Text offset from line
- Darkness stripe size (not imported)
- Object list offset
- Resize/drag handle size
- Snap to element distance
- Document-specific margins
- Map-level background
- Publish maps
- Export map to PNG etc.
- Undo (Editor actions can be undone, panel actions cannot.)
- Help popups
- New room/connector style is based on last selected element
- Canvas thin/thick lines problem
- Minimap
- Ctrl+A = select all
- A = one-way line
- ctrl+shift+a = Select region
- ctrl+C = copy
- ctrl+alt+c = copy color
- D = down/up line
- I = in/out line
- K = toggle darkness
- O = out/in line
- ctrl+O = open map
- P = plain styling
- R = add room
- N = add note
- B = add block
- Ctrl+s = save
- T = dotted line
- U = up/down line
- V = reverse line
- ctrl+V = paste
- W = swap properties of two rooms
- Enter = edit selected room properties; if no room selected select center room
- ESC = select none
- F2 = rename
- shift-arrow = Move to or create new room
- insert = center map
- Adrift
- Alan 2
- Alan 3
- Heritage ? (requires only rooms in cardinal directions on a grid)
- Hugo
- Inform7
- Gamefic (Ruby)
- Quest
- TextAdventure.js (https://github.com/TheBroox/TextAdventure.js)
Code generations may allow selection of options; chosen options have default values and changes are saved in local storage. For instance, TADS may allow exporting everything to a single file or every room into its own file, where the result is offered as a ZIP.
- export of up/down direction
- export of grid_width and grid_length for the room
- export of grid_length for the exit
- export of gridborder path
- export of room label