Combodo iTop docker image based on tutum/lamp.
Run new iTop 2.3.3 (see tags for other iTop versions) container named my-itop:
sudo docker run -d -p 80:80 --name=my-itop vbkunin/itop:2.3.3
Then go to http://localhost/ to continue the installation.
Use this command to get the MySQL user credentials:
sudo docker logs my-itop | grep -C4 "mysql -uadmin -p"
or use username root with blank password.
Expose MySQL port or iTop extensions folder if you need it:
sudo docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 3306:3306 --name=my-itop -v /home/user/itop-extensions:/app/extensions vbkunin/itop:2.3.3
The image ships with several useful scripts you can run like this:
sudo docker exec my-itop /
If you need the Toolkit you can simply get this:
sudo docker exec my-itop /
A cron setup helper is aboard:
sudo docker exec my-itop / Cron Pa$5w0rD
Then you should create iTop user account with login Cron and password Pa$5w0rD and grant him Administrator profile. Starting from v2.3.3 the third argument (optional) is the absolute path to the log file or --without-logs
key. By default, the log file is /var/log/itop-cron.log
There are other scripts:
- - pull and install latest version from
- - install an additional module Portal Announcement (only for legacy Portal)