The main branch is master
. No one should directly commit here, this is a stable branch. The main development process will be in develop
To contribute to a project, you should create your own branch from latest develop.
When you are ready to publish your commits, start a pull request from your branch to develop
. It's better to name your branch feature/<feature_name>
- Make sure that there is no conflicts between your branch and
- Make sure that you pulled all recent changes from
to your branch
Your C# code have to correspond to the standard code conventions:
You should place all project resources to the dedicated directories inside of project. It's prohibited to use absolute paths in a project. Project directory tree should be as follows:
- Animations/
- Fonts/
- Materials/
- Prefabs/
- Resources/
- Scenes/
- Scripts/
- Sprites/
| - Managers/
| - Preload/
| - <others...>
- UI/
Every contributor should have his own scene for avoiding the conflicts.
Project should have __preload
scene to keep all managers here.