- Updated WalletConnect and HashGraph SDK
- Stopped HashPack extension from popping up on init
- Added official Hedera Wallet Connect package instead of including a locally compiled version
- Fix documentation around signer.sign()
- Trigger disconnection event when disconnecting from dapp
- Added documentation around verifying signatures
- Generate new pairing string when pairing rejected
- Added check if disconnection is in progress
- Added check if window object exists for running outside browser
- various tweaks
- refactored to use walletconnect
- wrapped a console log in if(debug)
- Fixed false pairing event when refreshing with no pairings
- Fixed not subscribing to topic on second refresh when no pairings
- Manually calling generatePairingString() now updates the pairing string in hcData
- Fixed disconnect unsubscribing from dapp topics, was only useful for wallets
- Note, we reccommend dapps using disconnect() rather than clearConnectionsAndData(), the latter should be used for testing and resetting the state
- Fixed issue initializing with legacy hashconnect data
- Streamlined setup
- Added 'hideNft' option to transactions
- Made connectionStatusChangeEvent work correctly
- Added lastUsed metadata to pairing data
- Added disconnect function
- No longer need to use https to test extension connectivity
- Automatically send pairing request if embedded in an iframe
- Added iframe connection logic
- Added provider/signer (HIP-338) functionality
- Added transaction response in addition to receipt
- Refactored authentication to be more secure
- Added authentication functionality
- Please see documentation for details
- Added this changelog file
- Automatically retry connection to websocket when the connection is severed - for example when the server reboots
- Added
event, fires a connected/disconnected event when the server connection changes - Converted sendTransaction and requestAdditionalAccounts to promises instead of events