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+10.1088/1748-9326/ad677e,False,Environmental Research Letters,这篇论文主要研究的是欧洲阿尔卑斯山脉永久冻土地貌(岩石冰川速度)的蠕动速率的加速和年际变化。它使用的是地面观测数据,而不是大气环境遥感技术。,"['permafrost', 'rock glacier', 'creep rates', 'mountain', 'European Alps']",Andreas Kellerer-Pirklbauer;Xavier Bodin;Reynald Delaloye;Christophe Lambiel;Isabelle Gärtner-Roer;Mylène Bonnefoy-Demongeot;Luca Carturan;Bodo Damm;Julia Eulenstein;Andrea Fischer;Lea Hartl;Atsushi Ikeda;Viktor Kaufmann;Karl Krainer;Norikazu Matsuoka;Umberto Morra Di Cella;Jeannette Noetzli;Roberto Seppi;Cristian Scapozza;Philippe Schoeneich;Martin Stocker-Waldhuber;Emmanuel Thibert;Matteo Zumiani,Corrigendum: Acceleration and interannual variability of creep rates in mountain permafrost landforms (rock glacier velocities) in the European Alps in 1995–2022 (2024 Environ. Res. Lett. 19 034022),This is a correction for Kellerer-Pirklbauer et al (2024 Environ. Res. Lett.19 034022).
+10.1088/1748-9326/ad6fb6,False,Environmental Research Letters,这篇论文主要探讨了武装冲突对洪水风险的影响,并提出了一个概念框架和分析框架来评估这种影响。研究以苏丹首都喀土穆为例,分析了武装冲突对城市洪水风险的影响。论文重点关注武装冲突对基础设施、人口流动、治理能力和公众意识等方面的影响,以及这些因素如何导致城市洪水风险的增加。研究结果强调了将冲突分析纳入灾害风险管理策略的重要性,并呼吁人道主义、环境和安全部门之间的合作,以提高冲突地区应对洪水的准备、响应和复原能力。,[],Mohammed Basheer;Nadir Ahmed Elagib,Armed conflict as a catalyst for increasing flood risk,"Armed conflict has many adverse impacts beyond violence such as increasing risks of natural hazards. Analyses of the interactions between flood risks and armed conflict are essential for developing effective policies and strategies to address both challenges. This study aims to develop conceptual and analytical socio-hydrological frameworks for assessing how armed conflict can impact flood risks. The frameworks postulate a link between armed conflict and flood vulnerability, given that armed conflict creates unique challenges that exacerbate the effects of floods. Our conceptual framework identifies routes through which armed conflict affects vulnerability to floods, such as damage to infrastructure, population displacement and density, weak governance, and less awareness, resulting in lower resilience, higher susceptibility, and increased flood vulnerability and risk. Our analytical framework uses flood modeling to evaluate flood hazards and incorporates spatial data related to armed conflict zones, nighttime light, population classification by age, land price, land cover, and rural/urban areas classification. We take Khartoum, the capital city of Sudan, as a case study in view of its armed conflict that erupted in 2023. By highlighting the linkages between armed conflict and flood risk, this study contributes to conceptualizing the broader interlinkages between conflict and environmental systems. The study emphasizes the importance of integrating conflict analysis with disaster risk management strategies. We encourage collaboration between humanitarian, environmental, and security sectors to improve preparedness, response, and resilience in conflict-affected regions. While our analysis for Khartoum is based on conflict zones in the early stages of the conflict and uses simple estimates for conflict vulnerability contribution, the proposed frameworks provide groundwork for assessing changes in flood risk in Sudan and other conflict regions around the world."
+10.1088/1748-9326/ad7042,False,Environmental Research Letters,这篇论文主要研究的是加拉帕戈斯群岛的食品环境对居民饮食的影响。研究者通过分析市场库存、价格和消费者行为,建立了地理食品环境和经验食品环境的指标,并探讨了这些指标与居民饮食质量之间的关系。研究发现,消费者在食品购物时优先考虑便利性会导致健康食品摄入量下降,而市场库存对饮食的影响取决于消费者如何应对食品环境。因此,论文强调了在制定食品系统变革措施时,需要考虑特定环境下的消费者行为。,[],Khristopher M Nicholas;Margaret E Bentley;Enrique Terán;Amanda L Thompson,Healthy eating in globalized food environments: market access and consumer behavior in the Galápagos Islands of Ecuador,"Food environments are the interface between food systems and consumers. Although market access contributes to diet intake, consumer behavior determines food acquisition practices yet is often neglected in food environment research. Implementing sustainable food system transformations in climate-vulnerable, trade-dependent settings requires effective integration of both geographic and experienced-based measures of access. This study in the Galápagos Islands (i) develops measures for geographic and experience-based food environments (EFEs) and (ii) links diet outcomes to these food environment measures independently and when interacted. Cross-sectional household data including diet recalls come from 388 participants in the Healthy Family Study from San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos in 2018. Geocoded market inventory and price data were obtained in 2018 using the Nutritional Environment Measurement Survey for Stores (n = 60). Geographic food environments were created from market scores and distribution. EFEs were based on factor analyzed consumer behavior strategies. Diet quality was defined using the global dietary recommendations score. Adjusted linear regressions tested the relationships between diet and food environment measures and included sociodemographic covariates. Interactions between geographic and EFEs were tested. This study showed that higher prioritization of convenience when food shopping was associated with lower healthy food intake. However, the relationship between food environment measures and diet is strongly modified by consumer behavior. For convenience-prioritizing households, the nearest market proved most associated with healthy diet outcomes. For households with a food-driven purchasing strategy, the preferred market was most associated with healthy diet outcomes. These findings show that market inventory can be healthful or deleterious to diets, depending on how individuals navigate their food environments. Empirical measures of food access that neglect to consider consumer behavior may fail to capture realistic representations of food environment and diet relationships. These findings underscore the importance of tailoring food system changes to incorporate context-specific consumer behavior."
+10.1088/1748-9326/ad7048,True,Environmental Research Letters,这篇论文探讨了传感器和社区参与在建设公平、健康的城市中的作用。它可能涉及使用传感器监测空气质量、噪声污染和其他环境因素,并利用这些数据来改善城市环境,促进健康生活方式,并让社区参与到环境管理中。论文可能还探讨了如何利用传感器数据来识别和解决城市环境中的不平等现象,以及如何通过社区参与来提高环境监测和管理的有效性。,"['air quality monitoring', 'sensors', 'community engagement', 'urban environment', 'health']",Amy Mueller;M Patricia Fabian;Madeleine K Scammell;Bianca Navarro-Bowman;Barbara Espinosa Barrera;Yasser Aponte;Ben Cares;Karl Allen;Roseann Bongiovanni,"The role of sensors and community engagement in the mission toward equitable, healthy cities",
+10.1088/1748-9326/ad715b,True,Environmental Research Letters,这篇论文主要研究了中国东部沿海地区空气污染与碳排放的协同减排策略,并评估了这些策略对健康的影响。论文利用综合评估模型,模拟了2060年该地区空气污染物浓度和碳排放量的变化,以及对居民健康的影响。研究发现,减碳政策可以有效降低空气污染物排放,并减少与空气污染相关的死亡人数。论文还分析了不同省份之间的健康差异,并强调了制定协同减排策略的重要性。,"['air quality', 'air pollution', 'PM2.5', 'NOx', 'SO2', 'VOCs', 'NH3', 'satellite observations', 'health impacts', 'integrated assessment model']",Shasha Xu;Silu Zhang;Yujie Pan;Xiaorui Liu;Emily Welsch;Xiaotian Ma;Chaoyi Guo;Hancheng Dai,Health equity and synergistic abatement strategies of carbon dioxide and air pollutant emissions reduction in China’s eastern coastal area,"Quantifying regional health disparities linked to air pollution is essential for enhancing air quality and attaining carbon neutrality objectives. Nonetheless, the efficacy of proactive policies in ensuring equitable health protection in China’s Eastern Coastal Area (ECA) remains uncertain. Here, we employed an integrated assessment model to assess the combined reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) and atmospheric pollutants and their health repercussions in the ECA of China. Our findings reveal that 273 000 premature deaths are attributable to air pollution in 2060 in the ECA in the absence of mitigation policies. Conversely, carbon reduction policies are poised to curtail 80% of CO2 emissions, alongside reductions of 76% for NOx, 79% for SO2, 80% for PM2.5, 72% for VOCs, and 66% for NH3 emissions. Air pollution control policies could mitigate premature deaths by 19 600, while carbon reduction policies could potentially lower them by 50 800. The health inequality coefficient among provinces stands at 0.19, primarily attributable to significantly higher mortality rates in Hebei and Shandong. These findings yield valuable insights for crafting synergistic abatement strategies in similarly imbalanced developmental regions grappling with comparable environmental challenges."
+10.1088/1748-9326/ad7278,False,Environmental Research Letters,该研究主要关注越南Gianh河流域的气候变化、土地覆盖/土地利用变化对洪水和滑坡灾害的影响。研究使用了深度神经网络模型来评估和监测这些影响,并预测了未来不同时期的灾害风险。研究结果表明,虽然洪水影响区域预计会减少,但由于滑坡影响区域的扩大,整体灾害易发区域在2005-2050年间将会增加。该研究没有涉及大气环境遥感技术,例如空气质量监测、卫星观测或大气成分分析。,[],Huu Duy Nguyen;Dinh Kha Dang;Quoc-Huy Nguyen;Tan Phan-Van;Quang-Thanh Bui;Alexandru-Ionut Petrisor;Son Van Nghiem,"Monitoring the effects of climate, land cover and land use changes on multi-hazards in the Gianh River watershed, Vietnam","In recent decades, global rapid urbanization has exacerbated the impacts of natural hazards due to changes in Southeast Asia’s environmental, hydrological, and socio-economic conditions. Confounding non-stationary processes of climate change and global warming and their negative impacts can make hazards more complex and severe, particularly in Vietnam. Such complexity necessitates a study that can synthesize multi-dimensional natural-human factors in disaster risk assessments. This synthesis study aims to assess and monitor climate change and land-cover/land-use change impacts on flood and landslide hazards in Vietnam’s Gianh River basin. Three Deep Neural Network (DNN) and optimization algorithms, including the Adam, Tunicate Swarm Algorithm (TSA), and Dwarf Mongoose Optimization (DMOA) were used to determine the regions with the probability of the occurrence of flood and landslide and their combination. All efficiently evaluated hazard susceptibility based on a synthesis analysis encompassing 14 natural and anthropogenic conditioning factors. Of the three, the Deep Neural Network (DNN)-DMOA model performed the best for both flood and landslide susceptibility, with area-under-curve values of 0.99 and 0.97, respectively, followed by DNN-TSA (0.97 for flood, 0.92 for landslide), and DNN-Adam (0.96 for flood, 0.89 for landslide). Although the area affected by flooding is predicted to decrease, the overall trend for total hazard-prone areas increases over 2005–2050 due to the more extensive area affected by landslides. This study develop and demonstrate a robust framework to monitor multi-hazard susceptibility, taking into account the changes in climate and land-use influence the occurrence of multiple hazards. Based on the quantitative assessment, these findings can help policymakers understand and identify confounding hazard issues to develop proactive land-management approaches in effective mitigation or adaptation strategies that are spatially and temporally appropriate."
+10.5194/acp-24-9733-2024,True,Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,该研究主要关注了中国长江三角洲地区扬州在2021年夏季新冠疫情封锁期间,黑碳颗粒物(BCc)的特性变化。研究利用单颗粒气溶胶质谱仪(SPA-MS)分析了封锁期间和封锁前BCc颗粒物的大小、化学成分和来源。研究发现,封锁期间新鲜排放的BCc颗粒物比例显著下降,但PM2.5浓度却基本保持不变,这表明封锁期间BCc颗粒物的老化程度增加。研究还强调了区域传输对PM2.5污染的影响,并指出高湿度和低风速也对BCc颗粒物的生长和PM2.5浓度起着重要作用。研究结果表明,短期严格的本地排放控制可能无法有效降低PM污染,需要采取更全面的区域协调控制策略,以有效控制BCc颗粒物并降低PM2.5浓度。,"['air quality monitoring', 'black carbon', 'aerosol', 'satellite observations', 'PM2.5', 'atmospheric composition', 'remote sensing']",Yuan Dai;Junfeng Wang;Houjun Wang;Shijie Cui;Yunjiang Zhang;Haiwei Li;Yun Wu;Ming Wang;Eleonora Aruffo;Xinlei Ge,"Measurement report: Characteristics of airborne black-carbon-containing particles during the 2021 summer COVID-19 lockdown in a typical Yangtze River Delta city, China","Short-term strict emission control can improve air quality, but its effectiveness needs assessment. During the 2021 summer COVID-19 lockdown in Yangzhou, we found that PM2.5 levels did not decrease despite reduced primary emissions. Aged black-carbon particles increased substantially due to higher O3 levels and transported pollutants. High humidity and low wind also played key roles. The results highlight the importance of a regionally balanced control strategy for future air quality management.
+ Black-carbon-containing (BCc) particles are ubiquitous in ambient air, significantly contributing to particulate matter (PM) pollution. The unexpected outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in the summer of 2021 prompted a localized and prolonged lockdown in Yangzhou, situated in the Yangtze River Delta, China. This lockdown led to significant alteration of local anthropogenic emissions, while neighboring cities continued regular operations, providing a unique opportunity for the investigation of BCc particle characteristics influenced by varying emission conditions. Single-particle aerosol mass spectrometer (SPA-MS) analysis revealed a notable decrease in the proportion of freshly emitted BCc particles during the lockdown (LD) period. However, PM2.5 concentrations remained relatively unchanged, with an observed increase in the proportion of aged BCc particles during LD compared to the period before the lockdown (BLD). The study also underscores the significant role of regional transport in PM2.5 pollution during the campaign. Moreover, reactive trace gases (e.g., NOx, SO2, and volatile organic compounds – VOCs) could form thick coatings on pre-existing particles, likely via enhanced heterogeneous hydrolysis under high relative humidity (RH), resulting in significant BCc particle growth (∼ 600 nm), as well as PM2.5 concentration, during LD. Our study highlights that short-term, strict local emission controls may not effectively reduce PM pollution due to the complex production and transmission characteristics of BCc particles and the nonlinear responses of PM2.5 to its precursors. Achieving further effective PM2.5 reduction mandates a focus on nuanced control of BCc particles and necessitates a comprehensive and extensive approach with a regionally coordinated and balanced control strategy through joint regulation."
+10.5194/amt-17-5029-2024,True,Atmospheric Measurement Techniques,这篇论文研究了用于太阳-天空光度计的现场校准程序的性能评估。太阳-天空光度计是一种重要的地面遥感仪器,用于测量大气气溶胶的光学特性,这些特性与空气质量监测和大气成分分析密切相关。论文重点研究了 SKYNET 网络的 Prede POM01 仪器,评估了现场校准程序对太阳常数 V0 和固体视场角 SVA 的影响。研究表明,现场校准程序在低浊度地区表现良好,与参考校准结果高度一致。该研究为提高太阳-天空光度计的校准精度和数据质量提供了重要参考,有助于更准确地监测大气气溶胶的变化,进而更好地理解大气环境变化和空气质量状况。,"['aerosol optical properties', 'sun photometer', 'SKYNET', 'AERONET', 'WMO GAW', 'calibration', 'irradiance', 'radiance', 'columnar aerosol properties', 'air quality monitoring', 'atmospheric composition analysis']",Monica Campanelli;Victor Estellés;Gaurav Kumar;Teruyuki Nakajima;Masahiro Momoi;Julian Gröbner;Stelios Kazadzis;Natalia Kouremeti;Angelos Karanikolas;Africa Barreto;Saulius Nevas;Kerstin Schwind;Philipp Schneider;Iiro Harju;Petri Kärhä;Henri Diémoz;Rei Kudo;Akihiro Uchiyama;Akihiro Yamazaki;Anna Maria Iannarelli;Gabriele Mevi;Annalisa Di Bernardino;Stefano Casadio,Evaluation of on-site calibration procedures for SKYNET Prede POM sun–sky photometers,"To retrieve columnar aerosol properties from sun photometers, some calibration factors are needed. The on-site calibrations, performed as frequently as possible to monitor changes in the machine conditions, allow operators to track and evaluate the calibration status on a continuous basis, reducing the data gaps incurred by the periodic shipments for performing centralized calibrations. The performance of the on-site calibration procedures was evaluated, providing very good results.
+ To retrieve columnar intensive aerosol properties from sun–sky photometers, both irradiance and radiance calibration factors are needed. For the irradiance the solar calibration constant, V0, which denotes the instrument counts for a direct normal solar flux extrapolated to the top of the atmosphere, must be determined. The solid view angle, SVA, is a measure of the field of view of the instrument, and it is important for obtaining the radiance from sky diffuse irradiance measurements. Each of the three sun-photometer networks considered in the present study (SKYNET, AERONET, WMO GAW) adopts different protocols of calibration, and we evaluate the performance of the on-site calibration procedures, applicable to every kind of sun–sky photometer but tested in this analysis only on SKYNET Prede POM01 instruments, during intercomparison campaigns and laboratory calibrations held in the framework of the Metrology for Aerosol Optical Properties (MAPP) European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR) project. The on-site calibration, performed as frequently as possible (ideally monthly) to monitor changes in the device conditions, allows operators to track and evaluate the calibration status on a continuous basis, considerably reducing the data gaps incurred by the periodic shipments for performing centralized calibrations. The performance of the on-site calibration procedures for V0 was very good at sites with low turbidity, showing agreement with a reference calibration between 0.5 % and 1.5 % depending on wavelengths. In the urban area, the agreement decreases between 1.7 % and 2.5 %. For the SVA the difference varied from a minimum of 0.03 % to a maximum of 3.46 %."
+10.5194/amt-17-5071-2024,True,Atmospheric Measurement Techniques,这篇研究论文主要关注南极洲上空超级冷液态水云的观测,使用气球探空仪和地面激光雷达进行原位观测。研究重点在于超级冷液态水云的形成机制、高度分布以及与遥感观测结果的对比。论文涉及了大气成分分析、云物理学、卫星遥感等领域,与大气环境遥感技术密切相关。,"['supercooled liquid water', 'cloud', 'lidar', 'remote sensing', 'microwave', 'satellite', 'atmospheric composition', 'climate']",Philippe Ricaud;Pierre Durand;Paolo Grigioni;Massimo Del Guasta;Giuseppe Camporeale;Axel Roy;Jean-Luc Attié;John Bognar,"In situ observations of supercooled liquid water clouds over Dome C, Antarctica, by balloon-borne sondes","Clouds in Antarctica are key elements affecting climate evolution. Some clouds are composed of supercooled liquid water (SLW; water held in liquid form below 0 °C) and are difficult to forecast by models. We performed in situ observations of SLW clouds at Concordia Station using SLW sondes attached to meteorological balloons in summer 2021–2022. The SLW clouds were observed in a saturated layer at the top of the planetary boundary layer in agreement with ground-based lidar observations.
+ Clouds in Antarctica are key elements that affect radiative forcing and thus Antarctic climate evolution. Although the vast majority of clouds are composed of ice crystals, a non-negligible fraction constitutes supercooled liquid water (SLW; water held in liquid form below 0 °C). Numerical weather prediction models have great difficulty in forecasting SLW clouds over Antarctica, favouring ice at the expense of liquid water and therefore incorrectly estimating the cloud radiative forcing. Remote-sensing observations of SLW clouds have been carried out for several years at Concordia Station (75° S, 123° E; 3233 m above mean sea level), combining active lidar measurements (SLW cloud detection) and passive HAMSTRAD microwave measurements (liquid water path, LWP). The present project aimed at in situ observations of SLW clouds using sondes developed by the company Anasphere, specifically designed for SLW content (SLWC) measurements. These SLWC sondes were coupled to standard meteorological pressure–temperature–humidity sondes from Vaisala and released under meteorological balloons. During the 2021–2022 summer campaign, 15 launches were made, of which 7 were scientifically exploitable above a height of 400 m above ground level, a threshold height imposed by the time the SLWC sonde takes to stabilize after launch. The three main outcomes from our analyses are as follows: (a) the first in situ observations so far of SLW clouds in Antarctica with SLWC sondes; (b) on average, the consistency of SLW cloud heights as observed by in situ sondes and remote-sensing lidar; and (c) the liquid water path (vertically integrated SLWC) deduced by the sondes being generally equal to or greater than the LWP remotely sensed by HAMSTRAD. In general, the SLW clouds were observed in a layer close to saturation (U > 80 %) or saturated (U ∼ 100 %–105 %) just below or at the lowermost part of the entrainment zone, or capping inversion zone, which exists at the top of the planetary boundary layer and is characterized by an inflection point in the potential temperature vertical profile. Our results are consistent with the theoretical view that SLW clouds form and remain at the top of the planetary boundary layer."
+10.5194/amt-17-5015-2024,True,Atmospheric Measurement Techniques,该研究利用地面微波辐射计TEMPERA对瑞士Payerne和Bern地区25-50公里高度的中层大气温度进行了连续5年的观测,通过谱滤波方法分析了温度时间序列,获得了该区域热潮的振幅和相位。研究发现,日潮的振幅最大,约为2.4K,并呈现季节性变化,最大振幅出现在平均43公里高度。该研究表明,TEMPERA能够提供中层大气温度的连续探测,并能够推断主要潮汐模式的振幅和相位。此外,研究还发现,平流层中日潮占主导地位,半日潮和三日潮的振幅较小。,"['atmospheric tides', 'middle atmosphere', 'temperature', 'ground-based microwave radiometer', 'TEMPERA', 'thermal tides', 'diurnal tide', 'semidiurnal tide', 'terdiurnal tide', 'stratosphere', 'mesosphere', 'seasonal variability']",Witali Krochin;Axel Murk;Gunter Stober,Thermal tides in the middle atmosphere at mid-latitudes measured with a ground-based microwave radiometer,"Atmospheric tides are global-scale oscillations with periods of a fraction of a day. Their observation in the middle atmosphere is challenging and rare, as it requires continuous measurements with a high temporal resolution. In this paper, temperature time series of a ground-based microwave radiometer were analyzed with a spectral filter to derive thermal tide amplitudes and phases in an altitude range of 25–50 km at the geographical locations of Payerne and Bern (Switzerland).
+ In recent decades, theoretical studies and numerical models of thermal tides have gained attention. It has been recognized that tides have a significant influence on the dynamics of the middle and upper atmosphere; as they grow in amplitude and propagate upward, they transport energy and momentum from the lower to the upper atmosphere, contributing to the vertical coupling between atmospheric layers. The superposition of tides with other atmospheric waves leads to non-linear wave–wave interactions. However, direct measurements of thermal tides in the middle atmosphere are challenging and are often limited to satellite measurements in the tropics and at low latitudes. Due to orbit geometry, such observations provide only a reduced insight into the short-term variability in atmospheric tides. In this paper, we present tidal analysis from 5 years of continuous observations of middle-atmospheric temperatures. The measurements were performed with the ground-based temperature radiometer TEMPERA (TEMPErature RAdiometer), which was developed at the University of Bern in 2013 and was located in Bern (46.95° N, 7.45° E) and Payerne (46.82° N, 6.94° E). TEMPERA achieves a temporal resolution of 1–3 h and covers the altitude range between 25–50 km. Using an adaptive spectral filter with a vertical regularization (ASF2D) for the tidal analysis, we found maximum amplitudes for the diurnal tide of approximately 2.4 K, accompanied by seasonal variability. The maximum amplitude was reached on average at an altitude of 43 km, which also reflected some seasonal characteristics. We demonstrate that TEMPERA is suitable for providing continuous temperature soundings in the stratosphere and lower mesosphere with a sufficient cadence to infer tidal amplitudes and phases for the dominating tidal modes. Furthermore, our measurements exhibit a dominating diurnal tide and smaller amplitudes for the semidiurnal and terdiurnal tides in the stratosphere."
+10.5194/amt-17-5051-2024,True,Atmospheric Measurement Techniques,该研究评估了 Rapid-E+ 粒子计数器在花粉监测网络中的适用性。Rapid-E+ 是一种新型的空气动力学细胞仪,研究人员测试了三台设备,发现它们在荧光测量方面存在显著差异,表明每台设备都具有花粉识别的潜力,但它们之间存在较大差异,需要解决。研究还评估了 Rapid-E+ 在未来监测网络中的可用性,需要不同设备之间测量信号的相似性和可重复性。研究结果表明,荧光测量可以区分不同花粉类别,但每台仪器都需要单独训练才能达到可接受的性能。荧光测量的较大不确定性和不同设备之间的差异需要解决,以提高设备的可用性。,"['airborne pollen monitoring', 'flow cytometry', 'particle counter', 'pollen identification', 'atmospheric composition', 'remote sensing']",Branko Sikoparija;Predrag Matavulj;Isidora Simovic;Predrag Radisic;Sanja Brdar;Vladan Minic;Danijela Tesendic;Evgeny Kadantsev;Julia Palamarchuk;Mikhail Sofiev,Classification accuracy and compatibility across devices of a new Rapid-E+ flow cytometer,"We assess the suitability of a Rapid-E+ particle counter for use in pollen monitoring networks. The criterion was the ability of different devices to provide the same signal for the same pollen type, which would allow for unified reference libraries and recognition algorithms for Rapid-E+. We tested three devices and found notable differences between their fluorescence measurements. Each one showed potential for pollen identification, but the large variability between them needs to be addressed.
+ The study evaluated a new model of a Plair SA airflow cytometer, Rapid-E+, and assessed its suitability for airborne pollen monitoring within operational networks. Key features of the new model are compared with the previous one, Rapid-E. A machine learning algorithm is constructed and evaluated for (i) classification of reference pollen types in laboratory conditions and (ii) monitoring in real-life field campaigns. The second goal of the study was to evaluate the device usability in forthcoming monitoring networks, which would require similarity and reproducibility of the measurement signal across devices. We employed three devices and analysed (dis-)similarities of their measurements in laboratory conditions. The lab evaluation showed similar recognition performance to that of Rapid-E, but field measurements in conditions when several pollen types were present in the air simultaneously showed notably lower agreement of Rapid-E+ with manual Hirst-type observations than those of the older model. An exception was the total-pollen measurements. Comparison across the Rapid-E+ devices revealed noticeable differences in fluorescence measurements between the three devices tested. As a result, application of the recognition algorithm trained on the data from one device to another led to large errors. The study confirmed the potential of the fluorescence measurements for discrimination between different pollen classes, but each instrument needed to be trained individually to achieve acceptable skills. The large uncertainty of fluorescence measurements and their variability between different devices need to be addressed to improve the device usability."
+10.5194/amt-2024-108,True,Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions,该论文介绍了一种名为SORAS的地面110 GHz微波辐射计,用于测量首尔上空的平流层臭氧垂直廓线。该仪器利用热冷校准和连续倾斜曲线校准来确保精确测量和校正大气光谱。论文详细介绍了仪器的设计、校准程序、校正方法以及检索到的臭氧垂直廓线。该仪器是一个外差全功率辐射计,它将观测到的110.836 GHz臭氧频率下变频到0.609 GHz,频率分辨率为61 kHz,带宽为800 MHz。论文还将2016年至2021年的臭氧廓线与AURA卫星上的MLS观测结果进行了比较,验证了该仪器的性能。,"['stratospheric ozone', 'ground-based radiometer', 'satellite observation', 'MLS', 'AURA', 'air quality monitoring', 'atmospheric composition analysis']",Soohyun Ka;Jung Jin Oh,"SORAS, A ground-based 110 GHz microwave radiometer for measuring the stratospheric ozone vertical profile in Seoul","We developed a ground-based 110.836 GHz radiometer developed to measure the stratospheric ozone profile over Seoul, Korea. To ensure precise measurements and correct the atmospheric spectrum, we employed hot-cold calibration along with continuous tipping curve calibration. Prior to the retrieval process, both pointing and frequency offsets were corrected. We provide stratospheric ozone profiles from 2016 to 2021 which are compared with collocated satellite observations.
+ A ground-based 110 GHz radiometer was designed to measure the stratospheric ozone vertical profile by observing the 110.836 GHz ozone emission spectrum and the instrument has been operational at Sookmyung Women’s University (37.54° N, 126.97° E) in Seoul, Korea. In this paper, we detail the instrumental design, calibration procedures, correction methods, and the retrieved ozone vertical profile. The instrument is a heterodyne total power radiometer. It down-converts the observed 110.836 GHz ozone frequency to 0.609 GHz, with a frequency resolution of 61 kHz and a bandwidth of 800 MHz. The spectral intensity is digitized using a fast Fourier transform spectrometer. For hot-cold calibration, we use microwave absorbers at room temperature and liquid nitrogen as calibration targets. Tropospheric opacity is corrected using the continuous tipping curve calibration. The measured opacities were compared with simulated values from the Korea Local Analysis and Prediction System (KLAPS) data. Additionally, since 2016, the stratospheric ozone profiles over Seoul have been demonstrated for the vertical range of 100 hPa – 0.3 hPa (16 km–70 km) with validation performed by comparing them to the ozone profiles from the MLS on AURA satellite."
+10.5194/essd-16-3949-2024,False,Earth System Science Data,这篇论文主要研究的是地震波在地质结构中的传播,并利用数值模拟生成地震动数据库。研究内容与大气环境遥感技术无关,例如空气质量监测、卫星观测和大气成分分析等。,[],Fanny Lehmann;Filippo Gatti;Michaël Bertin;Didier Clouteau,Synthetic ground motions in heterogeneous geologies from various sources: the HEMEWS-3D database,"Numerical simulations are a promising approach to characterizing the intensity of ground motion in the presence of geological uncertainties. However, the computational cost of 3D simulations can limit their usability. We present the first database of seismic-induced ground motion generated by an earthquake simulator for a collection of 30 000 heterogeneous geologies. The HEMEWS-3D dataset can be helpful for geophysicists, seismologists, and machine learning scientists, among others.
+ The ever-improving performances of physics-based simulations and the rapid developments of deep learning are offering new perspectives to study earthquake-induced ground motion. Due to the large amount of data required to train deep neural networks, applications have so far been limited to recorded data or two-dimensional (2D) simulations. To bridge the gap between deep learning and high-fidelity numerical simulations, this work introduces a new database of physics-based earthquake simulations.The HEterogeneous Materials and Elastic Waves with Source variability in 3D (HEMEWS-3D) database comprises 30 000 simulations of elastic wave propagation in 3D geological domains. Each domain is parametrized by a different geological model built from a random arrangement of layers augmented by random fields that represent heterogeneities. Elastic waves originate from a randomly located pointwise source parametrized by a random moment tensor. For each simulation, ground motion is synthesized at the surface by a grid of virtual sensors. The high frequency of waveforms (fmax=5 Hz) allows for extensive analyses of surface ground motion.Existing and foreseen applications range from statistical analyses of the ground motion variability and machine learning methods on geological models to deep-learning-based predictions of ground motion that depend on 3D heterogeneous geologies and source properties. Data are available at https://doi.org/10.57745/LAI6YU (Lehmann, 2023)."
+10.5194/gmd-17-6571-2024,True,Geoscientific Model Development,这篇论文研究了在北极区域有限区域数据同化系统中,如何更好地利用卫星观测的微波辐射信息来改进数值天气预报。论文重点关注了卫星观测的“足迹”问题,即卫星观测的范围覆盖了多个模型网格点,并提出了一种新的方法来更准确地将卫星观测信息融入模型。论文还分析了使用“足迹”算子后对观测误差的影响,结果表明,使用“足迹”算子可以有效地降低观测误差,提高数据同化效果。,"['microwave radiance', 'satellite observations', 'data assimilation', 'numerical weather prediction', 'Arctic', 'AMSU-A', 'MHS']",Máté Mile;Stephanie Guedj;Roger Randriamampianina,Exploring the footprint representation of microwave radiance observations in an Arctic limited-area data assimilation system,"Satellite observations provide crucial information about atmospheric constituents in a global distribution that helps to better predict the weather over sparsely observed regions like the Arctic. However, the use of satellite data is usually conservative and imperfect. In this study, a better spatial representation of satellite observations is discussed and explored by a so-called footprint function or operator, highlighting its added value through a case study and diagnostics.
+ The microwave radiances are key observations, especially over data-sparse regions, for operational data assimilation in numerical weather prediction (NWP). An often applied simplification is that these observations are used as point measurements; however, the satellite field of view may cover many grid points of high-resolution models. Therefore, we examine a solution in high-resolution data assimilation to better account for the spatial representation of the radiance observations. This solution is based on a footprint operator implemented and tested in the variational assimilation scheme of the AROME-Arctic (Application of Research to Operations at MEsoscale – Arctic) limited-area model. In this paper, the design and technical challenges of the microwave radiance footprint operator are presented. In particular, implementation strategies, the representation of satellite field-of-view ellipses, and the emissivity retrieval inside the footprint area are discussed. Furthermore, the simulated brightness temperatures and the sub-footprint variability are analysed in a case study, indicating particular areas where the use of the footprint operator is expected to provide significant added value. For radiances measured by the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A (AMSU-A) and Microwave Humidity Sounder (MHS) sensors, the standard deviation of the observation minus background (OmB) departures is computed over a short period in order to compare the statistics of the default and the implemented footprint observation operator. For all operationally used AMSU-A and MHS tropospheric channels, it is shown that the standard deviation of OmB departures is reduced when the footprint operator is applied. For AMSU-A radiances, the reduction is around 1 % for high-peaking channels and about 4 % for low-peaking channels. For MHS data, this reduction is somewhere between 1 %–2 % by the footprint observation operator."
+10.5194/gmd-2024-129,True,Geoscientific Model Development Discussions,这篇论文介绍了一个名为“Orbital-radar”的开源工具,该工具可以将地面、机载和数值天气预报模型的模拟数据转换为模拟的地球云、气溶胶和辐射探测器(EarthCARE)云探测雷达(CPR)数据。Orbital-radar 的创新之处在于模拟了平台特性的噪声底限和误差,这使得可以将长期数据集转换为合成观测数据,用于新卫星任务的校准/验证敏感性研究。论文中展示了 Orbital-radar 在模拟典型云和降水场景的 CPR 观测方面的能力,并说明了 EarthCARE CPR 任务相对于 CloudSat CPR 的优势。此外,Orbital-radar 还可用于评估公里级数值天气预报模型与 EarthCARE CPR 观测结果的一致性。,"['cloud radar', 'EarthCARE', 'CloudSat', 'satellite observations', 'atmospheric composition', 'precipitation', 'cloud profiling', 'numerical weather prediction']",Lukas Pfitzenmaier;Pavlos Kollias;Nils Risse;Imke Schirmacher;Bernat Puigdomenech Treserras;Katia Lamer,Orbital-Radar v1.0.0: A tool to transform suborbital radar observations to synthetic EarthCARE cloud radar data,"Orbital-radar is a Python tool transferring sub-orbital radar data (ground-based, airborne, and forward-simulated NWP) into synthetical space-borne cloud profiling radar data mimicking the platform characteristics, e.g. EarthCARE or CloudSat CPR. The novelty of orbital-radar is the simulation platform characteristic noise floors and errors. By this long time data sets can be transformed into synthetic observations for Cal/Valor sensitivity studies for new or future satellite missions.
+ The Earth Cloud, Aerosol and Radiation Explorer (EarthCARE) satellite developed by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) launched in May 2024 carries a novel 94-GHz Cloud Profiling Radar (CPR) with Doppler capability. This work describes the open-source instrument simulator Orbital-Radar, which transforms high-resolution radar data from field observations or forward simulations of numerical models to CPR primary measurements and uncertainties. The transformation accounts for sampling geometry and surface effects. We demonstrate Orbital-Radar's ability to provide realistic CPR views of typical cloud and precipitation scenes. These results provide valuable insights into the capabilities and challenges of the EarthCARE CPR mission and its advantages over the CloudSat CPR. Finally, Orbital-Radar allows for the evaluation of kilometer-scale numerical weather prediction models with EarthCARE CPR observations."
+10.1021/acs.est.4c03630,False,Environmental Science & Technology,该研究主要关注的是饮用水中细菌污染的去除,利用一种新型的阴离子交换树脂(AER)来去除细菌、细菌外DNA以及抗生素抗性基因。研究中没有涉及到大气环境遥感技术,例如空气质量监测、卫星观测或大气成分分析。,[],Wenrui Zhang;Chen Ling;Haosha Dao;Qing Zhou;Peng Shi;Aimin Li;Baoshan Xing,Preloading Long-Chain Quaternary Ammonium Groups to Synthesize a High-Efficient Anion-Exchange Resin for Eliminating Bacterial Contaminants in Drinking Water,"Bacterial contamination in drinking water is a global health concern, necessitating the development of highly efficient treatment techniques. Anion-exchange resins (AERs) have long been employed for removing anionic contaminants from drinking water, but their performance for bacterial contamination is poor. Here, we develop a novel AER (AER6–1) with exceptional bactericidal effects and ultrafast adsorption rates of extracellular DNA (eDNA) (2.2- and 11.5-fold compared to other AERs) achieved through preloading quaternary ammonium groups (QAGs) with hexyl chain (−C6–N+−) on the resin exterior and successively grafting QAGs with a methyl chain (−C1–N+−) inside a resin pore. The AER6–1 outperforms other commercial AERs and ultraviolet disinfection, exhibiting superior elimination of total bacteria, potential pathogens (Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa), eDNA, and antibiotic resistance genes (mexF, mexB, and bacA) in actual drinking water, while maintaining a comparable anion exchange capacity with other commercial AERs. Theoretical calculations of density functional theory and xDLVO combined with XPS elucidate the crucial roles of hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic force provided by the resin skeleton and −C6–N+– in cleaving the bacterial cell membrane and increasing the adsorption kinetics on eDNA. This study broadens the scope of AERs and highlights an effective way of simultaneously removing bacterial and anionic contaminants from drinking water."
+10.1021/acs.est.4c05248,False,Environmental Science & Technology,该研究主要关注利用双相溶剂捕获烟气中的二氧化碳,并通过离心力促进液相分离,以提高捕获效率。研究重点在于化学吸收技术和分离过程的优化,与大气环境遥感技术关系不大。,"['CO2 capture', 'flue gas', 'biphasic solvents', 'centrifugal force', 'phase splitting']",Zhoulan Huang;Guoxiong Zhan;Lei Xing;Bingling Yuan;Xuebing Liu;Yongpeng Zhang;Yongfeng Bai;Zhen Chen;Junhua Li,Efficient Dynamic Phase Splitting Driven by Centrifugal Force for CO2 Capture from Flue Gas using Biphasic Solvents,"Carbon dioxide (CO2) chemisorption using biphasic solvents has been regarded as a promising approach, but challenges remain in achieving efficient dynamic phase-splitting during practical implementation. To address this, the centrifugal force was innovatively adopted to enhance the coalescence and separation of immiscible fine droplets within the biphasic solvent. The comprehensive evaluation demonstrates that centrifugal phase-splitting shows outstanding separation efficiency (>95%) and excellent applicability for various solvents. Correlation analysis reveals a strong relationship between the rich phase’s viscosity, lean phase’s residual CO2, and the phase separation efficiency. The time-profile behavior of immiscible droplets, observed through microscope images of phase-splitting, enables the estimation of the growth and coalescence rates of the discrete phase. Industrial-scale process simulation for technical and economic analysis confirms that the total capture cost ($ 42.5/t CO2) can be reduced by ∼22% with the use of biphasic solvents and a centrifugal separator compared to conventional methods. This study introduces a fresh perspective on polarity-induced cluster generation and coagulation-induced separation, offering an effective solution to address the challenges associated with dynamic phase-splitting in biphasic solvents during practical applications."
+10.1021/acs.est.4c06921,False,Environmental Science & Technology,该研究关注的是人体尿液中硫代脯氨酸和硫代脯氨酰甘氨酸作为甲醛暴露的生物标志物,与大气环境遥感技术(如空气质量监测、卫星观测和大气成分分析)没有直接关系。,"['urinary biomarkers', 'formaldehyde exposure', 'human health']",Guanrui Pan;Chun-Kit Au;Yat-Hing Ham;Jian Zhen Yu;Zongwei Cai;Wan Chan,Urinary Thioproline and Thioprolinyl Glycine as Specific Biomarkers of Formaldehyde Exposure in Humans,
+10.1021/acs.est.4c07334,False,Environmental Science & Technology,这篇论文主要研究了一种新型的高性能纳滤膜,该膜具有抗结垢和抗生物污染的双重特性,可用于水净化。论文中提到了纳滤技术、薄膜复合材料、聚酰胺膜、多哌嗪层、季铵化合物等,但与大气环境遥感技术,如空气质量监测、卫星观测和大气成分分析等无关。,[],Fuxin Zheng;Hao Zhang;Chanhee Boo;Mengmeng Wang;Junjun Tan;Shuji Ye;Shihong Lin;Yunkun Wang,High-Performance Nanofiltration Membrane with Dual Resistance to Gypsum Scaling and Biofouling for Enhanced Water Purification,"Nanofiltration (NF) technology is pivotal for ensuring a sustainable and reliable supply of clean water. To address the critical need for advanced thin-film composite (TFC) polyamide (PA) membranes with exceptional permselectivity and fouling resistance for emerging contaminant purification, we introduce a novel high-performance NF membrane. This membrane features a selective polypiperazine (PIP) layer functionalized with amino-containing quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs) through an in situ interfacial polycondensation reaction. Our investigation demonstrated that precise QAC functionalization enabled the construction of the selective PA layer with increased surface area, enhanced microporosity, stronger electronegativity, and reduced thickness compared to the control PIP membrane. As a result, the QAC NF membrane exhibited an approximately 51% increase in water permeance compared to the control PIP membrane, while achieving superior retention capabilities for divalent salts (>99%) and emerging organic contaminants (>90%). Furthermore, the incorporation of QACs into the PIP selective layer was proved to be effective in mitigating mineral scaling by allowing selective passage of scale-forming cations, while simultaneously exhibiting strong antimicrobial properties to combat biofouling. The in situ QAC incorporation strategy presented in this study provides valuable guidelines for the fit-for-purpose design of the selective PA layer, which is crucial for the development of high-performance NF membranes for efficient water purification."
+10.1021/acs.est.4c02257,False,Environmental Science & Technology,该论文的标题和摘要表明它与水处理技术有关,重点是使用高锰酸盐/亚氯酸盐工艺去除水中的污染物。它与大气环境遥感技术无关。,[],Liping Luo;Min Zheng;Erdeng Du;Jingquan Wang;Xiaohong Guan;Hongguang Guo,Development of a New Permanganate/Chlorite Process for Water Decontamination,
+10.1021/acs.estlett.4c00649,False,Environmental Science & Technology Letters,这篇论文主要研究了聚酰胺基薄膜的渗透性和选择性,以及环境温度对薄膜制备过程中界面聚合的影响。它主要关注的是膜材料的性能和制备工艺,与大气环境遥感技术,例如空气质量监测,卫星观测和大气成分分析,没有直接关系。,[],Xiaochan An;Yaxin Xiang;Sijia Ming;Ke Zhang;Hongbing Luo;Liangqian Fan;Wancen Xie;Jinsong He,The Permeability-Selectivity of Polyamide-Based Membranes: Role of Ambient Temperature in the Interfacial Polymerization,"The thin-film composite (TFC) membrane is the state-of-art membrane for the nanofiltration process. The polyamide active layer of the TFC membrane formed through interfacial polymerization and temperature control during the fabrication process plays an important role in membrane permeability-selectivity. However, the commonly used ambient temperature in membrane production workshops has not been studied systematically. Here, under an ambient temperature range from 10 to 25 °C, we fabricated polyamide layers on a free interface between the aqueous phase and organic phase and on the traditional PES support interface, respectively. We observed polyamide morphologies using the infrared thermal imager for the free interface and SEM for the support interface, respectively. We found that a minor change in ambient temperature could switch the polyamide from a ridge-like to bubble-like morphology. Moreover, with increasing the temperature of the fabrication process from 10 to 25 °C, the pure water permeance exhibited a decline of 38.94%, and the monodivalent selectivity presented a 12.04-fold increase. These findings highlight that the daily ambient temperature of membrane-based enterprises should be fully considered and reasonably used to decrease the production costs in both initial site selection and membrane production stability. Additionally, the permeability-selectivity of the TFC membrane could be tailored through temperature control in a membrane production workshop."
+10.1021/acsestair.4c00060,True,ACS ES&T Air,该研究使用 IMAGES 模型模拟了 ATHLETIC 运动场馆室内无机气溶胶浓度,并通过与实测数据对比,评估了模型的性能。研究发现,模型模拟的室内无机气溶胶浓度与实测数据存在偏差,这可能是由于 ISORROPIA 模型中温度和相对湿度参数设置不合理导致的。研究结果表明,将 ISORROPIA 模型应用于室内环境需要进一步的实验验证。,"['indoor air quality', 'inorganic aerosols', 'particle composition', 'modeling', 'atmospheric chemistry']",Bryan Berman;Bryan Cummings;Hongyu Guo;Pedro Campuzano-Jost;Jose Jimenez;Demetrios Pagonis;Douglas Day;Zachary Finewax;Anne Handschy;Benjamin A. Nault;Peter DeCarlo;Shannon Capps;Michael Waring,Modeling Indoor Inorganic Aerosol Concentrations During the ATHLETIC Campaign with IMAGES,"In 2018, the ATHLETIC campaign was conducted at the University of Colorado Dal Ward Athletic Center and characterized dynamic indoor air composition in a gym environment. Among other parameters, inorganic particle and gas-phase species were alternatingly measured in the gym’s supply duct and weight room. The Indoor Model of Aerosols, Gases, Emissions, and Surfaces (IMAGES) uses the inorganic aerosol thermodynamic equilibrium model, ISORROPIA, to estimate the partitioning of inorganic aerosols and corresponding gases. In this study herein, measurements from the ATHLETIC campaign were used to evaluate IMAGES’ performance. Ammonia emission rates, nitric acid deposition, and particle deposition velocities were related to observed occupancy, which informed these rates in IMAGES runs. Initially, modeled indoor inorganic aerosol concentrations were not in good agreement with measurements. A parametric investigation revealed that lowering the temperature or raising the relative humidity used in the ISORROPIA model drove the semivolatile species more toward the particle phase, substantially improving modeled-measured agreement. One speculated reason for these solutions is that aerosol water was enhanced by increasing the RH or decreasing the temperature. Another is that thermodynamic equilibrium was not established in this indoor setting or that the thermodynamic parametrizations in ISORROPIA are less accurate for typical indoor settings. This result suggests that applying ISORROPIA indoors requires further careful experimental validation."
+10.1021/acsestair.4c00127,True,ACS ES&T Air,该研究使用美国环保署的社区多尺度空气质量(CMAQ)模型,通过逆向模型计算了美国和加拿大减少氮氧化物、二氧化硫、氨和一次颗粒物(PM2.5)排放带来的健康效益。研究重点在于量化不同排放源对空气质量的影响,并分析了不同地区和季节的效益差异。该研究利用模型模拟和数据分析,评估了空气污染对人类健康的影响,并为制定空气质量管理政策提供了科学依据。,"['air quality', 'emissions reduction', 'PM2.5', 'NOx', 'SO2', 'ammonia', 'health benefits', 'modeling', 'CMAQ']",Shunliu Zhao;Petros Vasilakos;Anas Alhusban;Yasar Burak Oztaner;Alan Krupnick;Howard Chang;Armistead Russell;Amir Hakami,Spatiotemporally Detailed Quantification of Air Quality Benefits of Emissions Reductions–Part I: Benefit-per-Ton Estimates for Canada and the U.S.,"The U.S. EPA’s Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ)-adjoint model is used to map monetized health benefits (defined here as benefits of reduced mortality from chronic PM2.5 exposure) in the form of benefits per ton (of emissions reduced) for the U.S. and Canada for NOx, SO2, ammonia, and primary PM2.5 emissions. The adjoint model provides benefits per ton (BPTs) that are location-specific and applicable to various sectors. BPTs show significant variability across locations, such that only 20% of primary PM2.5 emissions in each country makes up more than half of its burden. The greatest benefits in terms of BPTs are for primary PM2.5 reductions, followed by ammonia. Seasonal differences in benefits vary by pollutant: while PM2.5 benefits remain high across seasons, BPTs for reducing ammonia are much higher in the winter due to the increased ammonium nitrate formation efficiency. Based on our location-specific BPTs, we estimate a total of 91,000 U.S. premature mortalities attributable to natural and anthropogenic emissions."
+10.1021/envhealth.4c00040,False,Environment & Health,该研究关注的是女性生殖系统中内分泌干扰物(EDCs)的暴露与不孕的关系。研究人员收集了302名育龄女性的血清样本,分析了6类典型的EDCs,包括对羟基苯甲酸酯(PBs)、其代谢物(MBs)、三氯卡班(TCC)、三氯生(TCS)、双酚(BPs)、二苯甲酮(BzPs)和邻苯二甲酸酯代谢物(mPAEs)。结果显示,这些EDCs在女性血清中普遍存在,不孕女性血清中∑PBs、∑MBs、∑(TCS+TCC)和∑mPAEs的几何平均浓度(GM)分别高于生育女性。研究还发现,mPAEs中的mBP/miBP和mEHP可能与不孕有关。该研究为EDCs暴露与生殖结局之间的关系提供了新的见解。,[],Xianping Wei;Na Zhang;Qingqing Zhu;Yu Hu;Xin Wang;Xueyu Weng;Chunyang Liao;Guibin Jiang,Exposure to Multiple Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals and Associations with Female Infertility: A Case-Control Study,"Parabens (PBs) and their metabolites (MBs), triclocarban (TCC), triclosan (TCS), bisphenols (BPs), benzophenones (BzPs), and phthalate metabolites (mPAEs) are typical endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) used in industrial production and daily life. Studies have suggested that these EDCs affect the reproductive system and may cause infertility; however, epidemiological evidence linking EDC exposure to infertility is still lacking. Herein, a total of 302 serum samples from women of reproductive age were collected, and six categories of typical EDCs were analyzed. The results revealed that EDCs are ubiquitous in female serum. The geometric mean (GM) concentrations of ∑PBs, ∑MBs, ∑(TCS+TCC), ∑BPs, ∑BzPs, and ∑mPAEs were 3.36, 297, 3.87, 4.39, 0.257, and 4.56 ng/mL, respectively. The serum concentrations of ∑PBs, ∑MBs, ∑(TCS+TCC), and ∑mPAEs from infertile women (GM: 4.16, 397, 4.01, and 7.33, respectively) were higher than those from fertile women (2.45, 192, 3.65, and 2.27, respectively) (p < 0.05). The results of binary logistic regression and random forest suggest that mPAEs, such as mBP/miBP and mEHP, may contribute to infertility. This study provides insight into the relationship between the EDC exposure and reproductive outcomes."
+10.1029/2024GL110126,False,Geophysical Research Letters,该研究主要关注山区溪流中木筏对水流动力学的影响,通过分析木筏系列的结构和间距,研究其对水流阻力的影响。研究方法包括实地观测、模型模拟和分析推导,研究结果可用于指导自然解决方案的设计,提高资金使用效率。该研究与大气环境遥感技术关系不大,主要关注水文和水动力学领域。,[],Elizabeth Follett;Ellen Wohl,Channel‐Spanning Logjams and Reach‐Scale Hydraulic Resistance in Mountain Streams,"Logjams create an upstream backwater of deepened, slower water, locally reducing bed shear stress. We compared hydraulic impact of logjam series across 37 geomorphically diverse reaches of mountain streams observed over 11 years in the US Southern Rockies. To enable reach‐scale comparison of logjam structure and spacing, we identified the modeled best‐fit effective resistance coefficient minimizing difference between outflow exiting a 1D channel with logjams present, and the same model channel with elevated channel resistance. Effective resistance increased with ratio of jam upstream depth to depth without a logjam, ratio of backwater length to average spacing, and decreased for randomly distributed jams due to close spacing, which reduced backwater impact. An analytic approximation and boundaries for region of relative spacing with steepest increase in effective resistance are provided. Our results can assist in targeting interventions to areas where hydraulic impact is greatest, providing value for money in nature‐based solution design."
+10.1029/2024GL110877,False,Geophysical Research Letters,这篇论文主要研究的是太阳风中的高速流对地球极光区粒子沉降的影响。文章分析了高速流期间地磁场 By 分量的极性对粒子沉降的影响,并发现当 By 分量和地球磁倾角符号相反时,粒子沉降强度会显著增强。研究还发现,高速流期间 By 分量的极性对地磁亚暴的发生也有类似的影响。因此,这篇论文主要关注的是太阳风与地球磁层相互作用,以及由此产生的粒子沉降现象,与大气环境遥感技术关系不大。,"['particle precipitation', 'IMF', 'solar wind', 'high-speed stream', 'auroral', 'substorm']",J. Laitinen;L. Holappa;H. Vanhamäki,The Polarity of IMF By Strongly Modulates Particle Precipitation During High‐Speed Streams,"Recent studies have suggested that the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) By ${B}_{y}$ component modulates particle precipitation during solstices, or periods of high dipole tilt Ψ ${\Psi }$. So far this explicit IMF By ${B}_{y}$‐effect has only been shown in statistical studies. Here we analyzed a sequence of high‐speed stream (HSS) driven events of auroral (<30 ${< } 30$ keV) and medium energy (>30 ${ >} 30$ keV and >100 ${ >} 100$ keV) particle precipitation. We show that when HSSs are comparable in terms of IMF and solar wind parameters, they can lead to systematically stronger particle precipitation in individual events when the signs of By ${B}_{y}$ and Ψ ${\Psi }$ are opposite. We also perform a superposed epoch analysis of 485 HSSs giving further evidence that the By ${B}_{y}$‐effect is especially significant during HSSs. This is likely due to the persistent IMF By ${B}_{y}$ polarity during HSSs. We show evidence that the By ${B}_{y}$ dependence in particle precipitation is caused by a similar By ${B}_{y}$ dependence in substorm occurrence."
+10.1029/2024GL110152,False,Geophysical Research Letters,这篇论文研究的是磁重联过程中电子加速的机制,主要关注的是地球磁层边界(磁层顶)的磁重联现象。磁重联是一种发生在等离子体中的基本物理过程,它会导致磁场线重新连接,并释放出巨大的能量。论文中提出的二次磁重联机制,发生在磁层顶磁重联的“分隔区”内,该区域存在由初级磁重联产生的霍尔磁场剪切形成的薄电流片。二次磁重联会产生强烈的电子能量通量,指向初级磁重联的X线。该研究属于空间物理领域,与大气环境遥感技术关系不大。,"['magnetic reconnection', 'electron acceleration', 'magnetopause', 'space physics']",X. S. Fu;Z. H. Zhong;M. Zhou;W. Q. Ma;Y. Pang;L. J. Song;X. J. Ou;R. Q. Jin;X. H. Deng,Electron Acceleration via Secondary Reconnection in the Separatrix Region of Magnetopause Reconnection,"Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental process known to play a crucial role in electron acceleration and heating, however, the mechanism of electron energization during reconnection is still not fully understood. This study introduces a novel electron acceleration mechanism in which electrons can be accelerated by secondary reconnection in the separatrix region. The secondary reconnection occurs in a thin current sheet resulted from the shear of the out‐of‐plane Hall magnetic fields of the primary magnetopause reconnection. It results in the intense electron energy fluxes toward the primary X‐line. This mechanism will likely be an important piece in the puzzle of particle acceleration by reconnection."
+10.1029/2024GL110469,True,Geophysical Research Letters,这篇论文研究了科赫形状云的辐射传输,这与大气环境遥感技术密切相关。论文使用三维蒙特卡罗模拟来研究科赫形状云的辐射传输,并发现云侧辐射能量传输与云面积分数的相关性比与云周长更强。这对于理解云对气候的影响和改进气候模型至关重要。论文还探讨了云垂直范围和太阳高度角对云侧辐射传输的影响,这对于卫星观测和大气成分分析具有重要意义。,"['cloud radiative transfer', 'cloud geometry', 'satellite observation', 'climate modeling', 'atmospheric composition', 'remote sensing']",Tong Ren;Ping Yang;Xianglei Huang;Hironobu Iwabuchi,Light Transfers Through a Koch Shape Cloud,"Modeling radiative transfer in a 3D cloudy atmosphere is critical to climate projections. A recently developed fast 3D radiation parameterization scheme gains some success in quantifying horizontal radiative transfer through cloud sides using cloud area fraction. Based on 3D Monte Carlo simulations of radiative transfer through an idealized single‐layer cloud with Koch‐shaped fractal geometry edges, here we show that radiative energy transport through cloud sides correlates more significantly with cloud area fraction than with cloud perimeter length. The results exemplify the importance of accounting for the horizontal radiative energy exchanges between cloud‐free and cloudy regions with cloud area fraction. Results from additional sensitivity simulations show that increased cloud vertical extent often enhances cloud‐side sunlight leak more significantly than cloud‐side sunlight interception. At low sun elevations, cloud‐side sunlight interception is enhanced more than cloud‐side sunlight leak does with the increase of cloud mass."
+10.1029/2024GL109109,False,Geophysical Research Letters,这篇论文主要研究河流中砾石-沙子过渡带的形成机制,探讨了河流床层粒度分布的双峰性及其与过渡带形成的关系。研究使用了一维形态动力学模型,模拟了不同粒径沉积物在河流中的输运和沉积过程,并发现双峰性可以在单峰沉积物供应的情况下自发形成。论文重点在于河流地貌演变,与大气环境遥感技术关系不大。,[],Chenge An;Gary Parker;Jeremy G. Venditti;Michael P. Lamb;Marwan A. Hassan;Hiroshi Miwa;Xudong Fu,Autogenic Formation of Bimodal Grain Size Distributions in Rivers and Its Contribution to Gravel‐Sand Transitions,"Riverbeds often fine downstream, with a gravel‐bedded reach, a relatively abrupt gravel‐sand transition (GST), and a sand‐bedded reach. Underlying this behavior, bed grain size distributions are often bimodal, with a relative paucity (gap) around the range 1–5 mm. There is no general morphodynamic model capable of producing the grain size gap and gravel‐sand transition autogenically from a unimodal sediment supply. Here we use a one‐dimensional morphodynamic model including size‐specific bedload and suspended load transport, to show that bimodality readily evolves autogenically even under unimodal sediment feed. A GST forms when we include a floodplain width that abruptly increases at some point. Upstream of the transition, non‐gap gravel ceases to move and gap sediment is preferentially transported. At the transition, non‐gap sand rapidly deposits from suspension, enhancing gap sediment mobility and diluting its presence on the bed."
+10.1029/2024GL109410,False,Geophysical Research Letters,该研究主要关注北极地区河流蜿蜒形态与多年冻土之间的关系,通过卫星影像分析比较了北极河流与温带和热带河流的形态特征,研究了多年冻土环境对河流形态的影响。研究内容与大气环境遥感技术关系不大,主要集中在河流地貌学领域。,"['satellite imagery', 'river meanders', 'permafrost', 'geomorphic signatures']",Niccolò Ragno;Riccardo Bonanomi;Marta Crivellaro;Marco Tubino,Evidences of Permafrost Signatures in the Planform Shape of Arctic Meandering Streams,"We investigate whether geomorphic signatures of permafrost are embedded in planforms of river meanders, and we inquire as to how physical factors unique to permafrost environments are able to affect their dynamics. By exploiting satellite imagery, a data set of 19 freely‐meandering Arctic rivers is compared against an independent data set of 23 freely‐meandering streams flowing through temperate and tropical regions. Suitable dimensionless metrics are defined to characterize morphometric properties of meanders in terms of the spatio‐temporal distribution of curvature and channel width. Results show the absence of marked contrasts in the amplitude of bend‐curvature between the two data set. Differently, we find a permafrost signature in the channel width response, which manifests itself through larger values of the average bend‐width and by peaks of width fluctuations. Field data suggest that permafrost meanders tend to widen for increasing bend sinuosity, likely promoting a shift of their morphodynamic regime as final cutoff is approached."
+10.1029/2024GL110202,False,Geophysical Research Letters,这篇论文主要研究的是地幔过渡带的板块分割和堆叠现象,探讨了地表和下地幔不同俯冲速率的原因,以及板块形态的复杂性。论文利用二维数值模型,模拟了板块在过渡带的变形过程,提出了板块分割和堆叠的新机制,解释了不同俯冲速率的现象。该研究与大气环境遥感技术关系不大,主要关注地球内部构造和动力学过程。,[],Keqing Li;Jiashun Hu;Yida Li;Hao Zhou;Haijiang Zhang,Slab Segmentation and Stacking in Mantle Transition Zone Controls Disparate Surface and Lower Mantle Subducting Rates and Complex Slab Morphology,"The contradiction of high subducting plate rate (ranging from 4 to 9 cm/yr on Earth's surface) and low slab sinking rate (about 1 and 2 cm/yr in lower mantle) calls for significant slab deformation in the middle mantle. However, mechanisms that can account for both the deformation and the rate discrepancy have not been fully explored. Here, using 2‐D numerical models that incorporate grain size evolution, we propose a new slab deformation mode, slab segmentation and stacking, to accommodate the differential slab sinking rates. Our results show that the segmented slab due to faulting and grain‐size reduction may further break off and stack over itself as it encounters the high‐viscosity lower mantle. Stacked slabs slowly sink in the lower mantle, while periodic slab tearing hinders upward stress transmission, allowing shallow plates to subduct at a higher rate. This discovered mode also provides an alternative explanation for slab thickening in the lower mantle."
+10.1029/2023JD040603,True,Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,这篇论文研究了利用物理信息神经网络 (PINN) 来改进海气湍流热通量参数化,以提高海面温度 (SST) 的预测精度。该研究使用全球多个观测数据集训练 PINN,并将其应用于全球海洋-大气耦合模型中进行季节性预测。研究结果表明,PINN 能够显著降低潜热通量的 RMSE,并提高了赤道 SST 预测的准确性。该研究表明,PINN 基于的海气热通量参数化有望改善 SST 模拟,并为大气环境遥感技术,特别是卫星观测和大气-海洋耦合模型的发展提供新的思路。,"['air-sea turbulent heat flux', 'sea surface temperature (SST)', 'satellite observations', 'atmosphere-ocean coupled model', 'global ocean-atmosphere coupled model', 'seasonal forecasts']",Shuyi Zhou;Ruizi Shi;Hao Yu;Xueyang Zhang;Jinhui Dai;Xiaomeng Huang;Fanghua Xu,A Physical‐Informed Neural Network for Improving Air‐Sea Turbulent Heat Flux Parameterization,"The parameterizations of air‐sea turbulent heat flux are one of the major bottlenecks in atmosphere‐ocean coupled model development, which play a crucial role in sea surface temperature (SST) prediction. Recently, neural networks start to be applied for the development of parameterizations of interface turbulent heat flux. However, these new parameterizations are primairily developed for specific regions and have not been tested in real atmosphere‐ocean coupled models. In this study, we propose a new air‐sea heat flux parameterization using a physical‐informed neural network (PINN) based on multiple observational data sets worldwide. Evaluated with an independent observation data set, it is shown that the PINN can significantly reduce the RMSE of latent heat flux by at least about 48.6% compared to three traditional bulk formulas. Moreover, the PINN can be flexibly updated with new observational data by transfer learning. To test the performance of the new parameterization in realistic application, we implement the PINN into a global ocean‐atmosphere coupled model and make seasonal forecasts for the first time. The PINN markedly reduce the errors of equatorial SST forecast, indicating a good performance of the PINN‐based air‐sea turbulent heat flux scheme. Noticeably, due to limited observational data, the NN‐based parameterizations tend to underestimate heat flux at high wind speeds compared with bulk formula‐based parameterizations. With more data available at extreme conditions, the PINN can be improved via transfer learning and need to be futher evaluated. This study suggests that PINN‐based air‐sea heat flux parameterization is promising to improve SST simulation."
+10.1029/2024JD041568,True,Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,这篇论文研究了中国城市化和人为气候变化对热浪的影响。它分析了不同类型的热浪(干热浪、湿热浪、混合热浪和总热浪)的发生概率,并利用观测数据和模拟结果来评估人为气候变化和城市化对热浪的影响。论文还预测了未来热浪的发生趋势,并分析了城市人口暴露于热浪的风险。该研究与大气环境遥感技术相关,因为它利用了卫星观测数据和气候模型来研究热浪的发生和发展趋势。,"['air temperature', 'humidity', 'heatwaves', 'satellite observations', 'climate change', 'urbanization']",Sijia Luo;Xihui Gu;Yansong Guan;Yanhui Zheng;Lunche Wang;Xiang Zhang;Qian Cao;Dongdong Kong;Jianfeng Li,Anthropogenic Climate Change and Urbanization Exacerbate Risk of Hybrid Heat Extremes in China,"Dry‐ and wet‐bulb temperature (Td and Tw) are usually to define heatwaves (HWs) which have been enhanced under anthropogenic climate change (ACC) and urbanization. However, responses of various types of HWs (i.e., dry HWs, only high Td; humid HWs, only high Tw; hybrid HWs, both high Td and Tw; total HWs, high Td or Tw), to ACC and urbanization remain unknown. In this study, both observations and simulations show significantly increasing occurrence probability of total HWs over China during 1971–2020, whereas this increase is mainly reflected in hybrid HWs, followed by dry HWs and humid HWs. 68.2%–93.0% of the observed increases in the above four types of HWs can be attributed to ACC; on the other hand, urbanization tends to suppress humid HWs but enhance dry HWs, as a result of contributing to the increase of hybrid HWs by 10.9%. Under future ACC, total HWs are projected to be more frequent as expected, which is mainly sourced from the increasing hybrid HWs because dry/humid HWs are projected to be steady/downward. As a consequence, urban population exposure to ACC‐induced total HWs would remarkably increase to 83.55 billion person‐days by the 2090s, 89.5% of which can be attributed to hybrid HWs. Urbanization would amplify this population exposure of ACC‐induced hybrid HWs from 74.79 billion person‐days to 110.9 billion person‐days. Our results underscore the importance of improving understanding of hybrid HWs in urban areas and developing targeted adaptation planning on a warmer planet."
+10.1029/2024EF004553,False,Earth's Future,该研究主要关注气候变化对全球湿地范围的影响,利用TOPMODEL模型和CMIP6气候模型数据模拟了未来湿地范围的变化。研究发现,地中海、中美洲和南美洲北部等地区的湿地范围预计会减少,而中非地区则预计会增加。研究还指出,CMIP6模型对高纬度地区土壤液态水含量的预测存在较大差异,通过筛选更能反映冻土融化的模型,研究发现全球湿地范围总体下降幅度较小,但北纬50度以北地区平均下降了13%。该研究主要关注湿地生态系统对气候变化的响应,并未涉及大气环境遥感技术,如空气质量监测、卫星观测和大气成分分析等。,"['wetlands', 'hydrological cycle', 'energy exchanges', 'global nitrogen and carbon cycles', 'climate change', 'TOPMODEL', 'CMIP6', 'soil liquid water content', 'permafrost']",Lucas Hardouin;Bertrand Decharme;Jeanne Colin;Christine Delire,Climate‐Driven Projections of Future Global Wetlands Extent,"Wetlands are crucial components of the Earth's system, interacting with various processes such as the hydrological cycle, energy exchanges with the atmosphere, and global nitrogen and carbon cycles. The future trajectory of wetlands is anticipated to be influenced not only by direct human activities, but also by climate change. Here we present our assessment of climate‐driven global changes in wetlands extent, focusing on the main wetland complexes. We used an approach based on the Topographic Hydrological model (TOPMODEL) and soil liquid water content projections from 14 models of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6). Our analysis reveals a consistent decrease in wetlands extent in the Mediterranean, Central America, and northern South America, with a substantial loss of 28% in the western Amazon Basin for the end of the 21st century (2081–2100) under the SSP370 scenario. Conversely, Central Africa exhibits an increase in wetlands extent, except in the Congo Basin. Nevertheless, most of the areas studied (80%) present uncertain results, due to conflicting projections of changes between the models. Notably, we show that there is significant uncertainty among CMIP6 models regarding liquid soil water content in high latitudes. By narrowing our focus to 10 models, which seem to better represent the thawing of permafrost, we obtain a better inter‐model agreement. We then find a modest declines in the overall global area (<5%), but an average loss of 13% beyond 50°N. Specific areas like the Hudson Bay Lowlands experiencing a 21% decrease and the Western Siberian Lowlands a 15% decrease."
+10.1029/2024EF004845,False,Earth's Future,该研究主要关注气候变化对全球复合极端气候事件的影响,以及人口、农业和森林土地暴露于这些事件的风险。研究使用了八个 CMIP6 气候模型,评估了两种气候情景(SSP1-2.6 和 SSP5-8.5)下,不同时间段(21 世纪早期、中期和晚期)的复合极端气候事件,以及人口、农业和森林土地的暴露情况。研究重点在于分析复合热浪、极端降水和干旱事件的发生频率和强度变化,以及这些事件对不同区域的影响。该研究并没有直接涉及大气环境遥感技术,例如空气质量监测、卫星观测和大气成分分析。,"['climate change', 'heatwaves', 'extreme precipitation', 'flash droughts', 'population', 'agriculture', 'forest lands', 'climate models', 'SSP scenarios']",Tayler A. Schillerberg;Di Tian,"Global Assessment of Compound Climate Extremes and Exposures of Population, Agriculture, and Forest Lands Under Two Climate Scenarios","Climate change is expected to increase the global occurrence and intensity of heatwaves, extreme precipitation, and flash droughts. However, it is not well understood how the compound heatwave, extreme precipitation, and flash drought events will likely change, and how global population, agriculture, and forest will likely be exposed to these compound events under future climate change scenarios. This research uses eight CMIP6 climate models to assess the current and future global compound climate extreme events, as well as population, agriculture, and forestry exposures to these events, under two climate scenarios, Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP), SSP1‐2.6 and SSP5‐8.5 for three time periods: early‐, mid‐, and late‐ 21st century. Climate extremes are derived for heatwaves, extreme precipitation, and flash droughts using locational‐dependent thresholds. We find that compound heatwaves and flash drought events result in the largest increases in exposure of populations, agriculture, and forest lands, under SSP5‐8.5 late‐century projections of sequential heatwaves and flash droughts. Late‐century projections of sequential heatwaves and flash droughts show hot spots of exposure increases in population exposure greater than 50 million person‐events in China, India, and Europe; increases in agriculture land exposures greater than 90 thousand km2‐events in China, South America, and Oceania; and increase in forest land exposure greater than 120 thousand km2‐events in Oceania and South America regions when compared to the historical period. The findings from this study can be potentially useful for informing global climate adaptations."
+10.1029/2023GH000920,True,GeoHealth,该研究论文主要关注美国城市和农村地区细颗粒物(PM2.5)浓度的地理差异,并分析了种族/民族、贫困和年龄等社会人口特征的影响。研究使用了2010年至2019年的数据,发现城市地区的PM2.5浓度显著高于农村地区,并且农村地区的PM2.5浓度下降速度快于城市地区。研究还发现,黑人社区和西班牙裔社区的PM2.5污染水平较高,贫困程度高和儿童比例高的社区也与较高的PM2.5水平相关。该研究表明,需要加强对PM2.5暴露程度高的群体的保护,例如增加低成本空气质量监测器的可用性。,"['air quality monitoring', 'PM2.5', 'urban-rural differences', 'sociodemographic characteristics']",Daniel J. Kilpatrick;Peiyin Hung;Elizabeth Crouch;Stella Self;Jeremy Cothran;Dwayne E. Porter;Jan M. Eberth,"Geographic Variations in Urban‐Rural Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Concentrations in the United States, 2010–2019","Fine particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5) is a widely studied pollutant with substantial health impacts, yet little is known about the urban‐rural differences across the United States. Trends of PM2.5 in urban and rural census tracts between 2010 and 2019 were assessed alongside sociodemographic characteristics including race/ethnicity, poverty, and age. For 2010, we identified 13,474 rural tracts and 59,065 urban tracts. In 2019, 13,462 were rural and 59,055 urban. Urban tracts had significantly higher PM2.5 concentrations than rural tracts during this period. Levels of PM2.5 were lower in rural tracts compared to urban and fell more rapidly in rural than urban. Rural tract annual means for 2010 and 2019 were 8.51 [2.24] μg/m3 and 6.41 [1.29] μg/m3, respectively. Urban tract annual means for 2010 and 2019 were 9.56 [2.04] μg/m3 and 7.51 [1.40] μg/m3, respectively. Rural and urban majority Black communities had significantly higher PM2.5 pollution levels (10.19 [1.64] μg/m3 and 9.79 [1.10] μg/m3 respectively), in 2010. In 2019, they were: 7.75 [1.1] μg/m3 and 7.09 [0.78] μg/m3, respectively. Majority Hispanic communities had higher PM2.5 levels and were the highest urban concentration among all races/ethnicities (8.01 [1.73] μg/m3), however they were not the highest rural concentration among all races/ethnicities (6.22 [1.60] μg/m3) in 2019. Associations with higher levels of PM2.5 were found with communities in the poorest quartile and with higher proportions of residents age<15 years old. These findings suggest greater protections for those disproportionately exposed to PM2.5 are needed, such as, increasing the availability of low‐cost air quality monitors."
+10.1002/gh2.439,False,GeoHealth,该论文的标题和摘要信息不足以判断其是否与大气环境遥感技术相关。标题仅包含“问题信息”,而摘要则完全缺失,无法提供任何关于论文内容的线索。因此,无法确定该论文是否涉及空气质量监测、卫星观测或大气成分分析等领域。,[],,Issue Information,No abstract is available for this article.
+10.1038/d41586-024-02851-2,False,Nature,这篇文章主要讨论国际捕鲸公约,与大气环境遥感技术,如空气质量监测、卫星观测和大气成分分析无关。,[],Chris Wold,"International whaling convention needs boosting, not dismantling","International whaling convention needs boosting, not dismantling
+ Letter to the Editor"
+10.1038/d41586-024-02668-z,False,Nature,这篇文章是一篇关于植物学和物理学的科普文章,主要介绍了食肉植物的食谱和物理学现象。文章没有涉及大气环境遥感技术,例如空气质量监测、卫星观测或大气成分分析。,[],,Brunch with a carnivorous plant,"A meaty menu for a peckish perennial, and a fairground-style festival of physics, in this week’s snippets from Nature’s archive.
+ A meaty menu for a peckish perennial, and a fairground-style festival of physics, in this week’s snippets from Nature’s archive. Snippets from Nature’s past."
+10.1038/d41586-024-02854-z,False,Nature,这篇文章的标题和摘要与大气环境遥感技术没有直接关系。文章主要关注的是生物多样性保护,建议通过创造自然选择自由发挥的空间来实现。文章中没有提到任何与大气环境遥感技术相关的词语,例如空气质量监测、卫星观测或大气成分分析。,[],Bruno Fady;Magda Bou Dagher Kharrat,"To conserve biodiversity, create spaces where natural selection is allowed free rein","To conserve biodiversity, create spaces where natural selection is allowed free rein
+ Letter to the Editor"
+10.1038/d41586-024-02852-1,True,Nature,这篇论文的标题和摘要表明它与大气环境遥感技术密切相关。它讨论了蒙特利尔议定书,该议定书旨在解决臭氧层消耗问题。臭氧层消耗是一个重要的环境问题,可以通过卫星观测和大气成分分析来监测。因此,这篇论文很可能涉及使用遥感技术来研究臭氧层消耗和蒙特利尔议定书的有效性。,"['ozone depletion', 'Montreal Protocol', 'satellite observations', 'atmospheric composition analysis']",Durwood Zaelke;Paul Bledsoe,Don’t dismiss the Montreal ozone-depletion protocol as a ‘zombie’,"Don’t dismiss the Montreal ozone-depletion protocol as a ‘zombie’
+ Letter to the Editor"
+10.1038/d41586-024-02853-0,False,Nature,这篇文章探讨的是社交媒体带来的负面影响,以及如何通过强制研究人员获取数据来解决这些问题。它与大气环境遥感技术,如空气质量监测、卫星观测和大气成分分析无关。,[],Steve Rathje,"To tackle social-media harms, mandate data access for researchers","To tackle social-media harms, mandate data access for researchers
+ Letter to the Editor"
+10.1038/d41586-024-02816-5,False,Nature,这篇论文研究的是细菌的免疫系统,即 CRISPR-Cas 系统,以及一种名为 AcrIF25 的抗 CRISPR 蛋白如何通过逐个移除 Cas7 亚基来分解 CRISPR-Cas 复合体。 这项研究与大气环境遥感技术,如空气质量监测、卫星观测和大气成分分析,没有直接关系。,[],,How a bacterial immune system gets taken apart,"Investigating small protein inhibitors of CRISPR–Cas — an adaptive immune system in bacteria — has led to the discovery of a mechanism for inhibiting a large macromolecular complex. AcrIF25, an anti-CRISPR protein, blocks CRISPR–Cas activity by sequentially extracting all six Cas7 subunits from this complex.
+ Investigating small protein inhibitors of CRISPR–Cas — an adaptive immune system in bacteria — has led to the discovery of a mechanism for inhibiting a large macromolecular complex. AcrIF25, an anti-CRISPR protein, blocks CRISPR–Cas activity by sequentially extracting all six Cas7 subunits from this complex. An anti-CRISPR protein disassembles the type I-F CRISPR–Cas complex without using an external energy source."
+10.1038/d41586-024-02819-2,False,Nature,这篇论文主要关注碳捕获技术的开发,它使用一个名为PrISMa的计算模型平台来考虑所有利益相关者的需求,以加速技术的开发。文章没有提到与大气环境遥感技术相关的任何内容,例如空气质量监测、卫星观测或大气成分分析。,"['carbon capture', 'computational modeling', 'stakeholders']",,Holistic approach to carbon capture bridges the ‘Valley of Death’,"Carbon-capture technology often founders at the point when basic research is translated into practical applications. A computational modelling platform called PrISMa solves this problem by considering the needs of all stakeholders.
+ Carbon-capture technology often founders at the point when basic research is translated into practical applications. A computational modelling platform called PrISMa solves this problem by considering the needs of all stakeholders. Computational model considers all stakeholders to speed up development of technology."
+10.1038/d41586-024-02833-4,False,Nature,这篇论文主要探讨的是人类嗅觉的生物学机制,利用人工智能技术来破解气味识别的复杂代码。它与大气环境遥感技术,如空气质量监测、卫星观测和大气成分分析,没有直接关系。,[],Kerri Smith,The biology of smell is a mystery — AI is helping to solve it,"Scientists are beginning to crack the fiendishly complex code that helps us to sense odours.
+ Scientists are beginning to crack the fiendishly complex code that helps us to sense odours. Scientists are beginning to crack the fiendishly complex code that helps us to sense odours."
+10.1038/d41586-024-02831-6,False,Nature,这篇论文主要关注的是非洲人群在精神健康研究中的代表性不足问题,并呼吁改变这种现状。它与大气环境遥感技术,例如空气质量监测、卫星观测和大气成分分析,没有直接关系。,[],Vivien Chebii,African scientists must not be priced out of mental-health research,"Under-representation of African populations in mental-health studies perpetuates inequities — change is needed.
+ Under-representation of African populations in mental-health studies perpetuates inequities — change is needed. Under-representation of African populations in mental-health studies perpetuates inequities — change is needed."
+10.1038/d41586-024-02867-8,False,Nature,这篇研究论文主要关注肥胖问题,探讨了不同专家对肥胖成因的观点。论文还提到了SpaceX火箭爆炸对高层大气造成的破坏以及巴西洪水暴露化石的抢救工作。文章与大气环境遥感技术,如空气质量监测、卫星观测和大气成分分析,没有直接关系。,[],Flora Graham,Daily briefing: What causes obesity? Contentious topic gets an authoritative analysis,"Leading experts — who sometimes disagree heartily — come together to focus on obesity. Plus, SpaceX rocket explosions shredded the upper atmosphere, and how researchers are racing to save fossils exposed by Brazil’s record floods.
+ Leading experts — who sometimes disagree heartily — come together to focus on obesity. Plus, SpaceX rocket explosions shredded the upper atmosphere, and how researchers are racing to save fossils exposed by Brazil’s record floods. Leading experts — who sometimes disagree heartily — come together to focus on obesity. Plus, SpaceX rocket explosions shredded the upper atmosphere, and how researchers are racing to save fossils exposed by Brazil’s record floods. "
+10.1038/s41561-024-01521-2,False,Nature Geoscience,该研究主要关注火灾后植被生产力恢复的空间异质性及其驱动因素,分析了全球范围内不同植被类型和区域的恢复时间差异,并指出土壤水分、蒸汽压差和气温等气候条件是影响恢复时间的主要因素。研究并未涉及大气环境遥感技术,例如空气质量监测、卫星观测和大气成分分析。,"['vegetation productivity', 'fire', 'recovery time', 'soil moisture', 'vapour pressure deficit', 'air temperature']",,Spatial heterogeneity in post-fire vegetation productivity recovery and its drivers,"A global analysis of post-fire vegetation productivity recovery reveals that the recovery time shows spatial variations across vegetation types and regions. The dominant factors that influence the recovery time in the majority of the global burned area are the post-fire climate conditions, such as soil moisture, vapour pressure deficit and air temperature.
+ A global analysis of post-fire vegetation productivity recovery reveals that the recovery time shows spatial variations across vegetation types and regions. The dominant factors that influence the recovery time in the majority of the global burned area are the post-fire climate conditions, such as soil moisture, vapour pressure deficit and air temperature."
+10.1038/s41467-024-50803-1,False,Nature Communications,这篇研究主要关注土壤中植物氮源的利用,通过分析全球范围内的δ15N数据,发现温度对植物利用不同形式的土壤氮(铵态氮、硝态氮和有机氮)具有显著的影响。研究没有涉及大气环境遥感技术,例如空气质量监测、卫星观测或大气成分分析。,"['nitrogen', 'soil', 'temperature', 'plant', 'isotope', 'δ15N']",Lixin Wang,Global plant nitrogen use is controlled by temperature,"Plant nitrogen source in the soil is challenging to track. Compiling the most comprehensive global δ15N dataset, a new study shows the plant use of various available soil nitrogen forms (ammonium, nitrate, and organic nitrogen) is strongly controlled by temperature.
+ Plant nitrogen source in the soil is challenging to track. Compiling the most comprehensive global δ15N dataset, a new study shows the plant use of various available soil nitrogen forms (ammonium, nitrate, and organic nitrogen) is strongly controlled by temperature."
+10.1038/s41467-024-51975-6,False,Nature Communications,这篇论文主要关注激光雷达技术在汽车领域的应用,特别是VCSEL/AR-VCSEL技术在自动驾驶系统中的应用。它探讨了汽车激光雷达技术的演变趋势、行业应用的实际考量、当前挑战和潜在解决方案,并没有涉及大气环境遥感技术,例如空气质量监测、卫星观测或大气成分分析。,"['LiDAR', 'automotive', 'laser technology', 'VCSEL', 'AR-VCSEL']",Dong Liang;Cheng Zhang;Pengfei Zhang;Song Liu;Huijie Li;Shouzhu Niu;Ryan Z. Rao;Li Zhao;Xiaochi Chen;Hanxuan Li;Yijie Huo,"Evolution of laser technology for automotive LiDAR, an industrial viewpoint","Liang et al. present an industrial perspective on the evolving landscape of laser technology used in advanced LiDAR systems. The authors discuss recent trends, practical considerations within the industry, current challenges, and potential solutions, explicitly focusing on VCSEL/AR-VCSEL-based technologies and their strong potential for commercial LiDAR applications.
+ From an industry perspective, the past decade has been a whirlwind of innovation in automotive light detection and ranging (LiDAR). Numerous laser technologies and system solutions have been fiercely competing for market share. However, recent trends suggest a growing convergence on vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) and antireflective VCSEL (AR-VCSEL) based solutions. This commentary, rooted in the practical realities of the industry, examines the historical trajectory of industrial laser technology for commercial automotive LiDAR. It specifically focuses on the recent applications of VCSEL/AR-VCSEL technologies and their future prospects. Liang et al. present an industrial perspective on the evolving landscape of laser technology used in advanced LiDAR systems. The authors discuss recent trends, practical considerations within the industry, current challenges, and potential solutions, explicitly focusing on VCSEL/AR-VCSEL-based technologies and their strong potential for commercial LiDAR applications."
+10.1038/s41467-024-51647-5,False,Nature Communications,这篇论文主要研究的是非水系锂硫电池正极材料SeS2的电化学过程,探讨了SeS2在充放电过程中溶解和沉积过程,以及Se在SeS2成核过程中的催化作用。论文的重点在于电池材料的性能优化,与大气环境遥感技术关系不大。,[],Ji Hwan Kim;Mihyun Kim;Seong-Jun Kim;Shin-Yeong Kim;Seungho Yu;Wonchan Hwang;Eunji Kwon;Jae-Hong Lim;So Hee Kim;Yung-Eun Sung;Seung-Ho Yu,Understanding the electrochemical processes of SeS2 positive electrodes for developing high-performance non-aqueous lithium sulfur batteries,"SexSy is a promising positive electrode material for non-aqueous Li||chalcogen batteries. However, the behaviour of S and Se in the electrode is unclear. Here, the authors investigate the physicochemical phenomena of SexSy and the catalytic role of Se during battery testing.
+ SeS2 positive electrodes are promising components for the development of high-energy, non-aqueous lithium sulfur batteries. However, the (electro)chemical and structural evolution of this class of positive electrodes is not yet fully understood. Here, we use operando physicochemical measurements to elucidate the dissolution and deposition processes in the SeS2 positive electrodes during lithium sulfur cell charge and discharge. Our analysis of real-time imaging reveals the pivotal role of Se in the SeS2 nucleation process, while S enables selective depositions. During the initial discharge, SeS2 converts into Se and S separately, with the dissolved Se acting as nucleation sites due to their lower nucleation potential. The Se effectively catalyzes the growth of S particles, resulting in improved lithium sulfur battery performance compared to cells using positive electrodes containing only Se or S as active materials. By adjusting the Se-to-S ratio, we demonstrate that a low concentration of Se enables uniform catalytic sites, promotes the homogeneous distribution of S and favours improved lithium sulfur battery performance. SexSy is a promising positive electrode material for non-aqueous Li||chalcogen batteries. However, the behaviour of S and Se in the electrode is unclear. Here, the authors investigate the physicochemical phenomena of SexSy and the catalytic role of Se during battery testing."
+10.1038/s41467-024-52148-1,False,Nature Communications,这篇论文主要研究的是FGF14基因重复扩张导致的晚发性小脑共济失调(SCA27B)的分子机制。研究人员通过比较患者和对照组中FGF14基因重复扩张的序列和结构,发现了一种新的致病阈值,并强调了对整个扩张进行测序以进行准确解释的重要性。该研究与大气环境遥感技术无关。,[],Lars Mohren;Friedrich Erdlenbruch;Elsa Leitão;Fabian Kilpert;G. Sebastian Hönes;Sabine Kaya;Christopher Schröder;Andreas Thieme;Marc Sturm;Joohyun Park;Agatha Schlüter;Montserrat Ruiz;Moisés Morales de la Prida;Carlos Casasnovas;Kerstin Becker;Ulla Roggenbuck;Sonali Pechlivanis;Frank J. Kaiser;Matthis Synofzik;Thomas Wirth;Mathieu Anheim;Tobias B. Haack;Paul J. Lockhart;Karl-Heinz Jöckel;Aurora Pujol;Stephan Klebe;Dagmar Timmann;Christel Depienne,Identification and characterisation of pathogenic and non-pathogenic FGF14 repeat expansions,"Repeat expansions in the FGF14 gene can cause late-onset cerebellar ataxia (SCA27B), however the defining features of pathogenic expansions remain uncertain. Here, the authors compare the sequence and structure of FGF14 repeat expansions in patients and controls, leading them to suggest a lower pathogenic threshold and emphasizing the importance of sequencing the full expansion for accurate interpretation.
+ Repeat expansions in FGF14 cause autosomal dominant late-onset cerebellar ataxia (SCA27B) with estimated pathogenic thresholds of 250 (incomplete penetrance) and 300 AAG repeats (full penetrance), but the sequence of pathogenic and non-pathogenic expansions remains unexplored. Here, we demonstrate that STRling and ExpansionHunter accurately detect FGF14 expansions from short-read genome data using outlier approaches. By combining long-range PCR and nanopore sequencing in 169 patients with cerebellar ataxia and 802 controls, we compare FGF14 expansion alleles, including interruptions and flanking regions. Uninterrupted AAG expansions are significantly enriched in patients with ataxia from a lower threshold (180–200 repeats) than previously reported based on expansion size alone. Conversely, AAGGAG hexameric expansions are equally frequent in patients and controls. Distinct 5’ flanking regions, interruptions and pre-repeat sequences correlate with repeat size. Furthermore, pure AAG (pathogenic) and AAGGAG (non-pathogenic) repeats form different secondary structures. Regardless of expansion size, SCA27B is a recognizable clinical entity characterized by frequent episodic ataxia and downbeat nystagmus, similar to the presentation observed in a family with a previously unreported nonsense variant (SCA27A). Overall, this study suggests that SCA27B is a major overlooked cause of adult-onset ataxia, accounting for 23–31% of unsolved patients. We strongly recommend re-evaluating pathogenic thresholds and integrating expansion sequencing into the molecular diagnostic process. Repeat expansions in the FGF14 gene can cause late-onset cerebellar ataxia (SCA27B), however the defining features of pathogenic expansions remain uncertain. Here, the authors compare the sequence and structure of FGF14 repeat expansions in patients and controls, leading them to suggest a lower pathogenic threshold and emphasizing the importance of sequencing the full expansion for accurate interpretation."
+10.1038/s41467-024-51763-2,False,Nature Communications,这篇论文主要研究了无颌脊椎动物七鳃鳗的适应性免疫系统,重点关注了七鳃鳗体内一种独特的T样细胞亚型,这种细胞表达了一种非淋巴造血生长因子受体同源物MPL-L。研究发现,MPL-L+ T样细胞在七鳃鳗的肠褶、鳃、肝脏、肾脏和皮肤中广泛存在,并对T细胞有丝分裂原和重组人血小板生成素有反应。这项研究为无颌脊椎动物的适应性免疫反应提供了新的见解,并阐明了适应性免疫的进化过程。,[],Yingyi Huang;Xiang Liu;Shuo Li;Chen Li;Hong-Yan Wang;Qun Liu;Jian-Yang Chen;Yingying Zhang;Yanan Li;Xianghui Zhang;Qian Wang;Kaiqiang Liu;Yu-Yan Liu;Yue Pang;Shanshan Liu;Guangyi Fan;Changwei Shao,Discovery of an unconventional lamprey lymphocyte lineage highlights divergent features in vertebrate adaptive immune system evolution,"Lymphocyte subsets remain inadequately understood in jawless vertebrates, relative to jawed vertebrates. In this study, the authors combine single-cell RNA and whole-transcriptome sequencing to demonstrate that the lamprey, Lampreta morii, harbours specialised T-like cells that are distinct from those found in jawed vertebrates.
+ Lymphocyte receptors independently evolved in both jawed and jawless vertebrates with similar adaptive immune responses. However, the diversity of functional subtypes and molecular architecture in jawless vertebrate lymphocytes, comparable to jawed species, is not well defined. Here, we profile the gills, intestines, and blood of the lamprey, Lampetra morii, with single-cell RNA sequencing, using a full-length transcriptome as a reference. Our findings reveal higher tissue-specific heterogeneity among T-like cells in contrast to B-like cells. Notably, we identify a unique T-like cell subtype expressing a homolog of the nonlymphoid hematopoietic growth factor receptor, MPL-like (MPL-L). These MPL-L+ T-like cells exhibit features distinct from T cells of jawed vertebrates, particularly in their elevated expression of hematopoietic genes. We further discovered that MPL-L+ VLRA+ T-like cells are widely present in the typhlosole, gill, liver, kidney, and skin of lamprey and they proliferate in response to both a T cell mitogen and recombinant human thrombopoietin. These findings provide new insights into the adaptive immune response in jawless vertebrates, shedding new light on the evolution of adaptive immunity. Lymphocyte subsets remain inadequately understood in jawless vertebrates, relative to jawed vertebrates. In this study, the authors combine single-cell RNA and whole-transcriptome sequencing to demonstrate that the lamprey, Lampreta morii, harbours specialised T-like cells that are distinct from those found in jawed vertebrates."
+10.1038/s41467-024-51565-6,False,Nature Communications,这篇论文主要研究的是非共线磁体中的非相对论扭矩和埃德尔斯坦效应,探讨了在没有自旋轨道耦合的情况下,通过电流驱动扭矩来控制磁序的可能性。它与大气环境遥感技术,例如空气质量监测、卫星观测和大气成分分析,没有直接关联。,[],Rafael González-Hernández;Philipp Ritzinger;Karel Výborný;Jakub Železný;Aurélien Manchon,Non-relativistic torque and Edelstein effect in non-collinear magnets,"A major goal of spintronics is to manipulate magnetic order with electric fields. The typical approach is to use a material with spin-orbit coupling, and the resulting Edelstein effect. Here, González-Hernández et al. show theoretically that non-collinear magnets can also host an Edelstein effect, even in the absence of spin-orbit coupling.
+ The Edelstein effect is the origin of the spin-orbit torque: a current-induced torque that is used for the electrical control of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic materials. This effect originates from the relativistic spin-orbit coupling, which necessitates utilizing materials with heavy elements. Here, we show that in magnetic materials with non-collinear magnetic order, the Edelstein effect and, consequently, a current-induced torque can exist even in the absence of the spin-orbit coupling. Using group symmetry analysis, model calculations, and realistic simulations on selected compounds, we identify large classes of non-collinear magnet candidates and demonstrate that the current-driven torque is of similar magnitude as the celebrated spin-orbit torque in conventional transition metal structures. We also show that this torque can exist in an insulating material, which could allow for highly efficient electrical control of magnetic order. A major goal of spintronics is to manipulate magnetic order with electric fields. The typical approach is to use a material with spin-orbit coupling, and the resulting Edelstein effect. Here, González-Hernández et al. show theoretically that non-collinear magnets can also host an Edelstein effect, even in the absence of spin-orbit coupling."
+10.1038/s41467-024-51994-3,False,Nature Communications,该研究主要关注疟疾治疗药物卡巴米喹和吡罗纳啶的药效学和药代动力学,利用体外实验数据和药效学模型来评估药物的有效性和最佳剂量组合,并模拟药物在真实世界中的效果。研究结果表明,卡巴米喹和吡罗纳啶联合使用可以有效抑制疟原虫的生长,并为临床剂量选择提供指导。该研究与大气环境遥感技术无关。,[],Mohamed Maiga;Laurent Dembele;Perrine Courlet;Akash Khandelwal;Antoine Dara;Fanta Sogore;Ousmaila Diakité;Fatoumata O. Maiga;François Dao;Sekou Sissoko;Yacouba Barre;Siaka Goita;Mahamadou Diakite;Seidina A. S. Diakite;Abdoulaye A. Djimde;Claude Oeuvray;Thomas Spangenberg;Sebastian G. Wicha;Claudia Demarta-Gatsi,Towards clinically relevant dose ratios for Cabamiquine and Pyronaridine combination using P. falciparum field isolate data,"Here the authors use drug susceptibility data from Plasmodium falciparum field isolates in a pharmacometric model to evaluate cabamiquine and pyronaridine efficacy, both individually and in combination. The combined treatment shows over 90% parasite reduction in most simulated cases, providing valuable guidance for clinical dose selection in real-world settings.
+ The selection and combination of dose regimens for antimalarials involve complex considerations including pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interactions. In this study, we use immediate ex vivo P. falciparum field isolates to evaluate the effect of cabamiquine and pyronaridine as standalone treatments and in combination therapy. We feed the data into a pharmacometrics model to generate an interaction map and simulate meaningful clinical dose ratios. We demonstrate that the pharmacometrics model of parasite growth and killing provides a detailed description of parasite kinetics against cabamiquine-susceptible and resistant parasites. Pyronaridine monotherapy provides suboptimal killing rates at doses as high as 720 mg. In contrast, the combination of a single dose of 330 mg cabamiquine and 360 mg pyronaridine provides over 90% parasite killing in most of the simulated patients. The described methodology that combines a rapid, 3R-compliant in vitro method and modelling to set meaningful doses for new antimalarials could contribute to clinical drug development. Here the authors use drug susceptibility data from Plasmodium falciparum field isolates in a pharmacometric model to evaluate cabamiquine and pyronaridine efficacy, both individually and in combination. The combined treatment shows over 90% parasite reduction in most simulated cases, providing valuable guidance for clinical dose selection in real-world settings."
+10.1038/s41467-024-52032-y,False,Nature Communications,这篇论文主要研究了前列腺癌细胞对雄激素的反应机制,发现低剂量雄激素通过雄激素受体单体激活mTOR信号通路,促进细胞增殖;而高剂量雄激素则诱导雄激素受体二聚化,抑制c-MYC表达,促进细胞分化。该研究与大气环境遥感技术,如空气质量监测、卫星观测和大气成分分析等,没有直接关联。,[],Rachid Safi;Suzanne E. Wardell;Paige Watkinson;Xiaodi Qin;Marissa Lee;Sunghee Park;Taylor Krebs;Emma L. Dolan;Adam Blattler;Toshiya Tsuji;Surendra Nayak;Marwa Khater;Celia Fontanillo;Madeline A. Newlin;Megan L. Kirkland;Yingtian Xie;Henry Long;Emma C. Fink;Sean W. Fanning;Scott Runyon;Myles Brown;Shuichan Xu;Kouros Owzar;John D. Norris;Donald P. McDonnell,Androgen receptor monomers and dimers regulate opposing biological processes in prostate cancer cells,"The response of prostate cancer cells to androgens depends on the dose. Here, the authors show that low levels of androgens function through androgen receptor (AR) monomers to activate mTOR and promote cell proliferation, while high dose androgens induce AR dimerization to inhibit c-MYC expression and facilitate cell differentiation.
+ Most prostate cancers express the androgen receptor (AR), and tumor growth and progression are facilitated by exceptionally low levels of systemic or intratumorally produced androgens. Thus, absolute inhibition of the androgen signaling axis remains the goal of current therapeutic approaches to treat prostate cancer (PCa). Paradoxically, high dose androgens also exhibit considerable efficacy as a treatment modality in patients with late-stage metastatic PCa. Here we show that low levels of androgens, functioning through an AR monomer, facilitate a non-genomic activation of the mTOR signaling pathway to drive proliferation. Conversely, high dose androgens facilitate the formation of AR dimers/oligomers to suppress c-MYC expression, inhibit proliferation and drive a transcriptional program associated with a differentiated phenotype. These findings highlight the inherent liabilities in current approaches used to inhibit AR action in PCa and are instructive as to strategies that can be used to develop new therapeutics for this disease and other androgenopathies. The response of prostate cancer cells to androgens depends on the dose. Here, the authors show that low levels of androgens function through androgen receptor (AR) monomers to activate mTOR and promote cell proliferation, while high dose androgens induce AR dimerization to inhibit c-MYC expression and facilitate cell differentiation."
+10.1038/s41558-024-02117-9,False,Nature Climate Change,这篇论文主要关注城市环境中夜间活动对气候变化的影响,并呼吁将夜间研究纳入气候变化的社会生态动力学讨论,以制定更公平有效的适应和减缓策略。它没有直接涉及大气环境遥感技术,如空气质量监测、卫星观测或大气成分分析。,"['urban climate', 'nighttime activities', 'adaptation', 'mitigation']",Alessio Kolioulis;Andreina Seijas;Michele Acuto,Integrating night studies into climate science,"Night-time activities substantially impact climate change yet remain widely overlooked in climate research and action. We advocate for incorporating night studies into discussions surrounding climate socio-ecological dynamics to develop equitable and effective adaptation and mitigation strategies, especially in cities.
+ Night-time activities substantially impact climate change yet remain widely overlooked in climate research and action. We advocate for incorporating night studies into discussions surrounding climate socio-ecological dynamics to develop equitable and effective adaptation and mitigation strategies, especially in cities."
+10.1038/s41893-024-01414-7,False,Nature Sustainability,这篇论文主要关注的是利用纤维素制备固态锂离子电池电解质,并探讨了其在电池性能方面的优势。论文中没有涉及到大气环境遥感技术,例如空气质量监测、卫星观测或大气成分分析等。,[],Jinyang Li;Ziyang Hu;Sidong Zhang;Hongshen Zhang;Sijie Guo;Guiming Zhong;Yan Qiao;Zhangquan Peng;Yutao Li;Shuguang Chen;GuanHua Chen;An-Min Cao,Molecular engineering of renewable cellulose biopolymers for solid-state battery electrolytes,"Cellulose is the most abundant renewable biopolymer resource in nature. Here the authors convert cellulose to an electrolyte through molecular engineering showing good performance in solid-state Li-ion batteries.
+ As the most abundant and renewable biopolymer, cellulose has found applications in a range of fields such as healthcare, packaging, electronics and environmental remediation, contributing to the transition towards sustainability. Here we apply a green and scalable process transforming cellulose to a robust electrolyte exhibiting lithium (Li) ion conductivity of 1.09 × 10−3 S cm−1 with a transference number of 0.81 and mechanical strength of 12 MPa. Our process takes advantage of the rich hydroxyl groups in the cellulose which are replaced by phthalic anhydride through an esterification reaction to form cellulose phthalate (CP). Combined experimental and theoretical analyses reveal that the introduction of phthalate groups is essential to not only ensure effective multi-oxygen interaction with Li ions to create fast ion transportation channels, but also facilitates the intermolecular hydrogen bond responsible for the impressive mechanical properties. The CP biopolymer film is even compatible with most commercial cathode materials, and our solid-state Li/CP/LiFePO4 cells show better performance and notably good stability over 1,000 cycles than that of a baseline Li-ion cell with a flammable organic liquid electrolyte. Our study unlocks the enormous potential of cellulose utilization in batteries and opens an avenue for the development of abundant and sustainable solid-state electrolytes. Cellulose is the most abundant renewable biopolymer resource in nature. Here the authors convert cellulose to an electrolyte through molecular engineering showing good performance in solid-state Li-ion batteries."
+10.1038/s41612-024-00735-w,True,npj Climate and Atmospheric Science,这篇论文研究了南大洋海面温度变化对热带和南极海冰的影响。研究者利用耦合模式模拟了南大洋海面温度变化对全球气候的影响,并分析了不同时期海面温度变化对热带太平洋和南大西洋海面温度的影响,以及对南极海冰的影响。研究发现,南大洋海面温度变化对热带地区的海面温度变化有显著影响,并且对南极海冰的消融有重要影响。该研究利用了卫星观测数据和气候模式模拟结果,是利用遥感技术研究气候变化对海洋环境影响的典型案例。,"['sea ice', 'sea surface temperature', 'satellite observations', 'climate change', 'remote sensing']",Xiyue Zhang;Clara Deser,Tropical and Antarctic sea ice impacts of observed Southern Ocean warming and cooling trends since 1949,"Tropical and Antarctic sea ice impacts of observed Southern Ocean warming and cooling trends since 1949
+ Southern Ocean (SO) sea surface temperatures (SSTs) warmed from approximately 1949–1978 and cooled slightly from 1979–2013. We compare the remote impacts of these SO trends using historical coupled model experiments in which the model’s SO SST anomalies are nudged to observations. Compared to the control (no nudging) ensemble, the nudged ensemble shows enhanced SST warming in the tropical southeast Pacific and Atlantic, and greater Antarctic sea ice loss, during the SO warming period: analogous to the impacts of SO cooling but of opposite sign. The SO-driven response in the tropical Pacific (Atlantic) is statistically significant when considering the trend difference between the two periods, and accounts for 34% (59%) of the observed non-radiatively forced trend. Surface heat budget analysis indicates wind-evaporation-SST feedback dominates over shortwave cloud feedback in amplifying the SO-driven SST trends in the tropics during the SO warming period, opposite to that for the SO cooling period."
+10.1038/s43247-024-01638-7,False,Communications Earth & Environment,这篇论文主要探讨了俄罗斯入侵乌克兰后国际合作对全球小麦价格的影响。它分析了全球小麦供应网络,并使用农业商品价格模型来评估国家供应中断和全球小麦价格上涨。研究发现,国际合作,例如黑海粮食倡议和团结通道,以及取消出口限制,可能减轻了2022年小麦价格上涨幅度。论文强调了协调政策应对以避免全球粮食供应中断的重要性,但与大气环境遥感技术没有直接关系。,[],Kilian Kuhla;Michael J. Puma;Christian Otto,International cooperation was key to stabilize wheat prices after the Russian Invasion of Ukraine,"International cooperation was key to stabilize wheat prices after the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
+ The Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 triggered a global wheat price spike and food insecurities in import-dependent countries. We combine an analysis of the global wheat supply network with an agricultural commodity price model to investigate national impaired supplies and the global annual wheat price hike, respectively, for the trade year 2022. Using a scenario analysis, we show that international cooperation manifested in the Black Sea Grain and Solidarity Lanes initiatives and the removal of export restrictions may have mitigated the 2022 price hike by 13 percentage points. In a worst case scenario – characterized by multi-breadbasket harvest failures, escalating export restrictions, and blocked Ukrainian exports – wheat price increases by 90% compared to the 2000–2020 average. Coping strategies – such as food-secure countries dispersing stocks, reducing wheat as feed, or boosting wheat production – are effective at mitigating the price spike in simplified scenarios. Our findings underscore the imperative of coordinated policy responses to avoid global food supply disruptions."
+10.1038/s43247-024-01622-1,True,Communications Earth & Environment,这篇研究论文主要关注的是气候变化对极端降水事件的影响,特别是未来极端降水事件打破记录的可能性。研究使用了气候模型模拟来预测未来百年极端降水事件的概率,并发现与静止气候相比,在不断变化的气候中,打破记录的极端降水事件概率更高,尤其是在热带地区。论文中提到了使用大型集合气候模拟和极值理论来估算打破记录的降水事件概率,这与卫星观测和大气成分分析相关,因为卫星数据可以用于监测降水量和气候变化趋势。,"['precipitation', 'climate change', 'climate model simulations', 'extreme events', 'satellite observations']",Iris de Vries;Sebastian Sippel;Joel Zeder;Erich Fischer;Reto Knutti,Increasing extreme precipitation variability plays a key role in future record-shattering event probability,"The probability of record-shattering extreme precipitation events is projected to be higher in a changing than a stationary climate at the end of the century, with the steepest rise in vulnerability in the tropics, according to climate model simulations.
+ Climate events that break records by large margins are a threat to society and ecosystems. Climate change is expected to increase the probability of such events, but quantifying these probabilities is challenging due to natural variability and limited data availability, especially for observations and very rare extremes. Here we estimate the probability of precipitation events that shatter records by a margin of at least one pre-industrial standard deviation. Using large ensemble climate simulations and extreme value theory, we determine empirical and analytical record shattering probabilities and find they are in high agreement. We show that, particularly in high emission scenarios, models project much higher record-shattering precipitation probabilities in a changing relative to a stationary climate by the end of the century for almost all the global land, with the strongest increases in vulnerable regions in the tropics. We demonstrate that increasing variability is an essential driver of near-term increases in record-shattering precipitation probability, and present a framework that quantifies the influence of combined trends in mean and variability on record-shattering behaviour in extreme precipitation. Probability estimates of record-shattering precipitation events in a warming world are crucial to inform risk assessment and adaptation policies. The probability of record-shattering extreme precipitation events is projected to be higher in a changing than a stationary climate at the end of the century, with the steepest rise in vulnerability in the tropics, according to climate model simulations."
+10.1038/s43247-024-01653-8,False,Communications Earth & Environment,这篇研究主要关注的是日内瓦湖中较高垂直模态的泊松波对湖底边界层水流的影响,通过夏季观测和三维数值模拟分析了这种波浪对沉积物动力学和氧气消耗的影响。研究重点在于湖泊水动力学,并未涉及大气环境遥感技术,如空气质量监测、卫星观测或大气成分分析。,[],Rafael Sebastian Reiss;Ulrich Lemmin;Claire Monin;David Andrew Barry,"Strong bottom currents in large, deep Lake Geneva generated by higher vertical-mode Poincaré waves","Higher vertical-mode Poincaré waves in Lake Geneva generate strong bottom boundary layer currents which have significant implications for sediment dynamics and oxygen consumption, according to analysis of summer observations and 3D numerical modelling.
+ Although internal seiches are ubiquitous in large, deep lakes, little is known about the effect of higher vertical-mode seiches on deepwater dynamics. Here, by combining entire summer season current and temperature observations and 3D numerical modeling, we demonstrate that previously undetected vertical mode-two and mode-three Poincaré waves in 309-meter deep Lake Geneva (Switzerland/France) generate bottom-boundary layer currents up to 4 cm s−1. Poincaré wave amphidromic patterns revealed three strong cells excited simultaneously. Weak hypolimnetic stratification (N2 ≈ 10−6 s−2), typical of deep lakes, significantly modified the wave structure by shifting the lower vertical node in the lake’s center from ~75-meter depth (without stratification) to ~150-meter depth (with stratification). This shift induces shear in the middle of the hypolimnion and strengthens bottom currents, with important implications for hypolimnetic mixing and sediment-water exchange. Our findings demonstrate that classical concepts based on constant temperature layers cannot correctly characterize higher vertical-mode Poincaré seiches in deep lakes. Higher vertical-mode Poincaré waves in Lake Geneva generate strong bottom boundary layer currents which have significant implications for sediment dynamics and oxygen consumption, according to analysis of summer observations and 3D numerical modelling."
+10.1016/j.rse.2024.114385,False,Remote Sensing of Environment,这篇论文主要研究的是一种无源域自适应方法,用于跨区域和跨时间段的作物类型识别。它利用卫星图像时间序列数据,例如 Landsat 和 Sentinel-2,来识别不同地区和年份的玉米、大豆和其他作物类型。该方法旨在解决跨区域和跨时间段作物类型识别中存在的域偏移问题,并通过平衡信息损失中的多样性和可辨别性来提高模型的性能。论文的重点在于作物类型识别,而不是大气环境遥感技术,例如空气质量监测或大气成分分析。,"['satellite image time series', 'Landsat', 'Sentinel-2', 'crop mapping']",Sina Mohammadi;Mariana Belgiu;Alfred Stein,A source-free unsupervised domain adaptation method for cross-regional and cross-time crop mapping from satellite image time series,"•Developing a source-free unsupervised domain adaptation method for crop mapping. •Employing a mutual information loss to address the domain shift problem. •Balancing discriminability and diversity in the mutual information loss. •Reducing financial and environmental costs compared to conventional domain adaptation. •End-of-season and within-season crop mapping across different regions and years.
+ Precise and timely information about crop types plays a crucial role in various agriculture-related applications. However, crop type mapping methods often face significant challenges in cross-regional and cross-time scenarios with high discrepancies between temporal-spectral characteristics of crops from different regions and years. Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) methods have been employed to mitigate the problem of domain shift between the source and target domains. Since these methods require source domain data during the adaptation phase, they demand significant computational resources and data storage, especially when large labeled crop mapping source datasets are available. This leads to increased energy consumption and financial costs. To address this limitation, we developed a source-free UDA method for cross-regional and cross-time crop mapping, capable of adapting the source-pretrained models to the target datasets without requiring the source datasets. The method mitigates the domain shift problem by leveraging mutual information loss. The diversity and discriminability terms in the loss function are balanced through a novel unsupervised weighting strategy based on mean confidence scores of the predicted categories. Our experiments on mapping corn, soybean, and the class Other from Landsat image time series in the U.S. demonstrated that the adapted models using different backbone networks outperformed their non-adapted counterparts. With CNN, Transformer, and LSTM backbone networks, our adaptation method increased the macro F1 scores by 12.9%, 7.1%, and 5.8% on average in cross-time tests and by 20.1%, 12.5%, and 8.8% on average in cross-regional tests, respectively. Additionally, in an experiment covering a large study area of 450 km × 300 km, the adapted model with the CNN backbone network obtained a macro F1 score of 92.6%, outperforming its non-adapted counterpart with a macro F1 score of 89.2%. Our experiments on mapping the same classes using Sentinel-2 image times series in France demonstrated the effectiveness of our method across different countries and sensors. We also tested our method in more diverse agricultural areas in Denmark and France containing six classes. The results showed that the adapted models outperformed the non-adapted models. Moreover, in within-season experiments, the adapted models performed better than the non-adapted models in the vast majority of weeks. These results and their comparison to those obtained by the other investigated UDA methods demonstrated the efficiency of our proposed method for both end-of-season and within-season crop mapping tasks. Additionally, our study showed that the method is modular and flexible in employing various backbone networks. The code and data are available at https://github.com/Sina-Mohammadi/SFUDA-CropMapping."
+None,False,Remote Sensing of Environment,由于没有提供论文标题和摘要,无法判断其与大气环境遥感技术的关系。,[],,Editorial Board,
+None,False,International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation,该论文主要关注使用无人机结构光三维重建技术来估算废弃橙树的生物量,与大气环境遥感技术关系不大。论文中提到的无人机和三维重建技术属于遥感技术,但主要应用于地表物体三维建模和生物量估算,而非大气环境监测。,"['UAV', 'SFM', '3D points', 'biomass', 'orange trees']",J. Estornell;J. Martí;E. Hadas;I. López-Cortés;B. Velázquez-Martí;A. Fernández-Sarría,Corrigendum to “Biomass estimation of abandoned orange trees using UAV-SFM 3D points” [Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinf. 130 (2024) 103931],
+None,False,International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation,这篇论文主要关注青藏高原东南缘的陆块活动,利用高精度GNSS水平速度场进行研究。它与大气环境遥感技术关系不大,主要涉及地质学和地球物理学领域。,"['GNSS', 'horizontal velocity', 'Tibetan Plateau', 'land blocks']",Lingxiao Zhang;Wei Qu;Rong Huang;Zhen Ye;Xiaohua Tong,A rational delineation method for active land blocks on the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau based on high-precision GNSS horizontal velocity fields,