Releases: Hecate2/neo-fairy-test
neo 3.5.0 Windows 10 Visual Studio 2022
Compatible with (at least) neo-fairy-client 3.4.1.X (No 3.5.X.X clients has been released till now)
A demo Python file is attached in this release as a pre-released naive websocket client. Use the client with pip install tornado
- Subscribe contract notifications (events) through websocket, filtered by contract hash & event name
- Exception trace stack given to the client on websocket error
Expect Fairy to be compatible with neo-go websocket interfaces (except notary requests)
neo 3.5.0 Windows 10 Visual Studio 2022
Compatible with (at least) neo-fairy-client 3.4.1.X (No 3.5.X.X clients has been released till now)
- Refactored FairyEngine & FairySession for convenient use as a library.
neo 3.5.0 Windows 10 Visual Studio 2022
Compatible with (at least) neo-fairy-client 3.4.1.X (No 3.5.X.X clients has been released till now)
- Very basic websocket support
- multi-server & ipv6 support (a convenience especially for node.js clients; node >= v17 uses ipv6 by default, which makes localhost:16868 == ::1:16868)
Known bugs:
- [Mitigated] Cannot sync blocks using local package
neo 3.5.0 Windows 10 Visual Studio 2022
It seems that no change is needed for Fairy to fit neo 3.5.0. You will find no new release here for now. For now, please head to 3.4.X.X releases for using Fairy in neo 3.5.0.
Just remember that you need to re-sync all the blocks (you can still use Fairy when blocks are being synced). If 3.4.0 data are used, you will probably have troubles when you try to update contracts with Fairy.
Additionally, .NET 7.0 with C# 11.0 will be used by neo in the near future. I will upgrade the .NET version for Fairy as well.
If there is indeed any problem, please feel free to raise an issue.
neo 3.4.0 Windows 10 Visual Studio 2022
Compatible with neo-fairy-client 3.4.1.X
- AwaitConfirmedTransaction: await blocks efficiently using semaphore
neo 3.4.0 Windows 10 Visual Studio 2022
Aggressive version. Compatible with neo-fairy-client 3.4.1.X
- AwaitConfirmedTransaction
- fairy wallet for each session
- default fairy wallet (more reliable networkfee computation in VirtualDeploy)
- performance enhancement by cancelling runtimeArgs copying
neo 3.4.0 Windows 10 Visual Studio 2022
- AwaitConfirmedTransaction
neo 3.4.0 Windows 10 Visual Studio 2022
- Provide contract names in test errors
neo 3.4.0 Windows 10 Visual Studio 2022
- invokemany, which calls multiple methods in a single transaction
neo 3.4.0 Windows 10 Visual Studio 2022
- reliable FairySession cloning
- JString param in staticVariables in debugging
- WitnessRules support
- better hint in GetExceptionMessage and StackTrace
- get blockchain time
- GetAndChange values when setting NEP17 token balance