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DL4MicEverywhere User Guide

DL4MicEverywhere is a user-friendly platform that allows you to run deep learning notebooks for microscopy imaging analysis on your local machine or remote infrastructure. This guide will walk you through the steps to get started.


Download DL4MicEverywhere Repository:

  • Option 1: Download the last version of DL4MicEverywhere from GitHub's repository (use this if on Windows):

    1. Download a ZIP file of the DL4MicEverywhere repository by clicking here.

    2. Unzip the downloaded file and go to the DL4MicEverywhere folder.

  • Option 2: Download from the terminal using git:

    ⚠️: IMPORTANT: git must be installed. If not, follow the official installation steps.

    ℹ️ NOTE: You need to be located in the folder where you want to download the DL4MicEverywhere repository.

    git clone
    cd DL4MicEverywhere

Run DL4MicEverywhere for the first time:

To run DL4MicEverywhere for the first time you need to have root/admin permissions as the program will check for the presence of the requirements and will attempt to install any that are missing.

DL4MicEverywhere comes packaged with an executable for each operating system. Double-click on the one that has the same name as your system (e.g., Windows_launch for Windows operating systems). This automatic requirements installation will be different on each operative system:

On MacOs:

The automatic installation on MacOs guides you through these steps:

  1. Homebrew installation:

    1.1. You need to enter the password when asked. 1.2. Click RETURN/ENTER when asked to start the installation.

  2. TCL/TK and Docker Desktop are automatically installed (do not need interaction).

  3. The GUI will pop up, and you can start using DL4MicEverywhere.

On Windows:

The automatic installation on Windows guides you through the following steps. You can also watch a video tutorial.

  1. Docker Desktop installation:

    1.1. During installation, ensure that the "Use WSL 2 instead of Hyper-V" option is selected ☑️.

    1.2. After succesfull installation, the terminal will close. Please restart your computer.

  2. Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) installation:

    2.1. Go to your DL4MicEverywhere folder and click again on the Windows_launch file.

    2.2 You need to enter a username and a password, these can be different from the credentials on your computer (IMPORTANT: remember the password for the future) (when entering the password, it will not be displayed).

    2.3. After installation, you will need to type logout and press ENTER.

    2.4. Then press ENTER to clsoe the terminal. Please restart your computer.

  3. Ubuntu libraries installation and starting DL4MicEverywhere:

    3.1. Go to your DL4MicEverywhere folder and click again on the Windows_launch file.

    3.2. If Docker Desktop is not already running, it will ask you to start it. If in 10 seconds Docker Desktop is not opened, you will need to open it manually and click again on the Windows_launch file.

  4. The GUI will pop up, and you can start using DL4MicEverywhere (if the GUI is not displayed correctly, please restart your computer once more to fix the issue).

On Linux:

Run the following command in the terminal to create a double-click file:

ℹ️ NOTE: You need to be located in the DL4MicEverywhere folder, where .tools folder is in.

bash .tools/

This will create a DL4MicEverywhere.desktop file in your Desktop. You will need to right-click the file and ´Allow Launching´, after that launch DL4MicEverywhere by double-clicking it. The automatic installation guides you through these steps:

  1. You need to enter the password when asked.
  2. TCL/TK and Docker Desktop are automatically installed (do not need interaction).
  3. The GUI will pop up, and you can start using DL4MicEverywhere

The REQUIREMENTS INSTALLATION page has detailed information about the requirements and instructions on how to manually install them. If you find problems with the installation, please, check our Troubleshooting page and if your problem is not there, let us know creating an issue.


Launch the notebook selection GUI:

Double-click the launcher in the DL4MicEverywhere folder that has the same name as your system (e.g., Windows_launch for Windows operating systems). A GUI will automatically pop-up.

Select a notebook:

  • Select one of the available notebooks, such as U-Net 2D or StarDist 3D. This will populate the description on the right.

Specify data and output folders:

  • Use the GUI to select the folder containing your input data and the folder where you want to save results.

Click "Run" to launch the notebook:

  • This action will build a Docker container for the selected notebook and then start it. Follow the prompts to access the Jupyter interface through your web browser.

Now, you're ready to run deep learning workflows through an intuitive GUI!

Step-by-step guide to use DL4MicEverywhere notebooks

1. Launch DL4MicEverywhere

Double-click the launcher in the DL4MicEverywhere folder that has the same name as your system (e.g., Windows_launch for Windows operating systems). A GUI will automatically pop-up.

On MacOs:

Double click the MacOS_launch.command file (you might get the following message) or run the following command in the terminal:

ℹ️ NOTE: You need to be located in the DL4MicEverywhere folder, where MacOS_launch.command is in.

bash MacOS_launch.command
On Windows:

Double click the Windows_launch.bat file (you might get the following message) or run the following command in the terminal:

ℹ️ NOTE: You need to be located in the DL4MicEverywhere folder, where Windows_launch.bat is in.

On Linux:

Right-click file and select Run as a Program.

Or double-click the DL4MicEverywhere.desktop file created in Run DL4MicEverywhere for the first time.

Or run the following command in the terminal:

ℹ️ NOTE: You need to be located in the DL4MicEverywhere folder, where is in.


After using the appropriate launching option, a terminal window will open. This window will be in the background checking the requirements and executing the main code, please DO NOT close this window. Afterwards, if everything has gone well, the following GUI will appear:

Main window

DL4MicEverywhere can also be launched, without GUI, via the command line, check out our CLI User Guide for how to do it.

2. GUI interface

The image below displays the basic GUI interface. A default list of model notebooks is provided. First, you need to choose the folder containing the model you want to use:

Notebook type

The available folders are:

After selecting the folder, you need to choose the notebook you want to use from the second list:

Main window

After selecting the notebook, there are only two mandatory arguments: Data folder and Output folder.

Choose the data folder

In the Path to the data folder section, you can either paste the path to the file directly or click on the Select button.

ℹ️ NOTE: If you are on Windows, plese use the Select button instead of pasting the path. The GUI is run inside the Windows Subsystem for Linux, that changes the path's format. For example C:\Users\username\Downloads will need to be /mnt/c/Users/username/Downloads.

The path you select here should lead to the folder containing the data you want to use in your model, such as the images for training, the weights of a pretrained model, etc. Clicking the Select button will open a window displaying your file system:

Window to choose the data folder

After selecting the path to the folder, the main window should look like this:

Main window after data folder

Choose the output folder

In the Path to the output folder section, you can either paste the path to the file directly or click on the Select button.

ℹ️ NOTE: If you are on Windows, plese use the Select button instead of pasting the path. The GUI is run inside the Windows Subsystem for Linux, that changes the path's format. For example C:\Users\username\Downloads will need to be /mnt/c/Users/username/Downloads.

⚠️: IMPORTANT: Only the files you store in this folder will be saved once you close the program, the rest will be lost.

The path you select here should lead to the folder where you plan to save and store the results of the notebook. Clicking the Select button will open a window displaying your file system:

Window to choose the output folder

After selecting the path to the folder, the main window should look like this:

Main window after output folder

With these arguments set, you can click Run to execute the program. Additionally, you can choose to use a GPU (if your device has one) and you can assign a custom tag to the Docker image that will be built.

Activate/Deactivate the GPU

ℹ️ NOTE: This option, will only be available if a configured Nvidia Graphic Card is detected on your computer.

The Allow GPU checkbox allows you to choose whether or not to use the GPU (it is unchecked by default). To use the GPU you just need to click it and a ☑️ will appear.

Load previous setting

The first time you run DL4MicEverywhere this setting will be disabled, as there are no previous settings. Once you click Run, the used settings will be stored and will be available in the next time you run DL4MicEverywhere. By clicking this button you will load the last settings that were used, facilitating the workflow in cases where you are running the same configuration multiple times.

3. Docker images

DL4MicEverywhere will either get a Docker image from Docker Hub or build one for you if there isn't one suitable for your operating system and configuration. The GUI may ask you:

  1. If there is already a Docker image on your computer, would you like to rebuild and replace it?
    • Yes: You want to create a new Docker image instead of using the one in your computer.
    • No: You want to use the existing Docker image on your computer.
  2. If there is no Docker image on your computer but there is one on Docker Hub, would you like to download it?
    • Yes: You want to download the Docker image from Docker Hub.
    • No: You want to create the Docker image on your computer.

ℹ️ NOTE: Your system might require root access or password authentication to build a Docker image. Root access is required to build a docker image

While building or pulling the Docker image, your terminal window will look like this:

Terminal after building a docker image

Docker images occupy some memory, so it is advisable to manage them periodically. Check how to do it here

4. Working with DL4MicEverywhere notebooks

After building a Docker image and running a container to run the notebooks, DL4MicEverywhere will automatically run Jupyter Lab and open it in the default browser. The notebooks, inspired by ZeroCostDL4Mic, are designed to be user-friendly and do not require programming skills to run them. Follow their Step-by-step "How to" to get further details about parameters and data formats.

When you open the notebook in Jupyter Lab, code cells are hidden with three dots ....

When you run the code cells (either by pressing Ctrl+Enter or clicking on the play symbol on the top bar of the notebook), an interactive menu appears as shown in the image. In this menu, you can specify any required parameter. After specifying all the parameters, click on "Load and run". Note that if you do not click, the code of that cell will not run. Likewise, if you run the cell again, the parameters will need to be specified again.

Notebook parameters


  • Docker is running on a virtual machine, so the main path is /home/ and anything shown on the left directory, is placed inside /home/. This means that when we want to provide the path to data in the code, we need to indicate it as "/home/data".
  • Anything stored outside of the Data and Results folder will disappear when stopping the docker container or closing the terminal. Thus, anything you want to save, including the notebook, needs to be placed in the Results folder.

Jupyter Lab home directory

5 Containerise your own pipelines (Advanced options)

The advance options of DL4MicEverywhere allows for the containerisation of local pipelines or custom configurations that are not published as part of the collection of DL4MicEverywhere. It also provides a chance to test the containerisation and the format of DL4MicEverywhere notebooks before uploading them .

Clicking on the Advanced options button at the bottom will display a new section:

Advanced options

When you choose this option, the default notebooks section will be disabled and will not consider the information you provide there. The rest of the arguments you provided will remain intact. In the advanced options, you can provide paths to local files of the configuration.yaml, notebook.ipynb, and requirements.txt.

Select a local configuration.yaml:

In the Path to the configuration.yaml section, you can either paste the path to the file directly or click on the Select button.

Providing a valid configuration.yaml file is mandatory when using the advanced options. You need to select the path to the configuration.yaml file you want to use (make sure it follows the defined structure). Clicking the Select button will open a window displaying your file system:

Select the local configuration

After selecting the file, the window should look like this:

Select the local configuration result

Select a local notebook:

Just like the configuration.yaml file selection, you can select a .ipynb notebook instead of the one provided in the configuration.yaml that follows the ZeroCostDL4Mic structure:

Select the local notebook

After selecting the file, the window should look like this:

Select the local notebook result

Select a local requirements file:

You can also select a requirements.txt file instead of the one provided in the configuration.yaml. This file should contain the Python libraries that you want to be installed in the container:

Select the local requirements

After selecting the file, the window should look like this:

Select the local requirements result

Assign a custom tag to the Docker image

You can enter the tag you want in the Tag textbox. In the following example, we assign the tag 'MyTag' to the Docker image:

Main window after Tag