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How to contribute

Romain F. Laine edited this page Apr 29, 2020 · 13 revisions

This page is dedicated to describe how to contribute to the ZeroCostDL4Mic platform by providing your own notebooks. We will add the link(s) to your notebook(s) here!

Please find here a template notebook to use to add your code.

Please test it extensively and provide data (training and test) as much as possible for users to be able to test performance and functionality.

Here's a list of current collaborators:

Network Paper(s) Task Link to example training and test dataset Direct link to notebook in Colab
U-net [here][Unet_NMeth_link] and [here][Unet_arXiv_link] Segmentation [ISBI challenge][UnetISBILink] or [here][zhixuhaoGithubLink] Open In Colab
Stardist 2D [here][Stardist_arXiv_link1] and [here][Stardist_arXiv_link2] Nuclei segmentation [here][StardistZenodoLink] Open In Colab