PH Evaluator is designed for evaluating poker hands with more than 5 cards. Instead of traversing all the combinations, it uses a perfect hash algorithm to get the hand strength from a pre-computed hash table, which only costs very few CPU cycles and considerably small memory (~100kb for the 7 card evaluation). With slight modification, the same algorithm can be also applied to evaluating Omaha poker hands.
The library requires Python 3.
from release on PyPI
pip install phevaluator
from source code
pip install .
The main function is the evaluate_cards
from phevaluator.evaluator import evaluate_cards
p1 = evaluate_cards("9c", "4c", "4s", "9d", "4h", "Qc", "6c")
p2 = evaluate_cards("9c", "4c", "4s", "9d", "4h", "2c", "9h")
# Player 2 has a stronger hand
print(f"The rank of the hand in player 1 is {p1}") # 292
print(f"The rank of the hand in player 2 is {p2}") # 236
The function can take both numbers and card strings (with a format like: 'Ah' or
'2C'). Usage examples can be seen in
- The pre-calculated tables (
) are tested by comparing them with the tables generated by test codes. - The functionality of the evaluators is tested by comparing with the JSON files generated by the original C++ evaluator.
- The functionality of the other modules is tested by its purposes.
python3 -m unittest discover -v
Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Python package of PHEvaluator! To ensure a smooth contribution process, please follow the guidelines below.
- Follow the Black code style.
- Write type hints following PEP 484.
- Include docstrings following PEP 257.
- Lint and format code using
:pip install pre-commit
hooks:pre-commit install
Install development dependencies:
pip install '.[dev]'
You can install the package from the source code in editable
pip install -e .
This allows the installed package to automatically reflect changes made in the phevaluator
The configurations for Ruff and mypy can be found in pyproject.toml.
When you commit your changes, pre-commit
will automatically run the linters, formatters,
type checker, and unit tests.
Lint code with
:ruff check
Format code with
:ruff format
Type check with
:mypy .
Run unit tests:
python3 -m unittest discover -v
To build the package, run the following command:
python -m build
This will create a dist
folder containing the built package.
Install the built package for testing:
pip install dist/*.whl
Check whether your distribution's long description will render correctly on PyPI:
python -m twine check dist/*
Please ensure that your code passes all the checks and tests before submitting a pull request. If you have any questions, need further assistance, or want to report a bug or suggest an enhancement, feel free to open an issue.