Send the result back in time ^^P. /!\ If you are using a script, you have to append '\n' to any data you wish to send back.
Host :
Port : 7002
Format : Hero{flag}
Author : Log_s
Of course the timespan is to short to solve this by hand. Here is one example of python script solving it :
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import math
from pyzbar.pyzbar import decode
from PIL import Image
from pwn import *
HOST = ""
PORT = 7002
# Connect to the server
s = remote(HOST, PORT)
print("[+] Recovering QR code")
# Get the data
data = s.recvuntil("\n".encode()).decode()[:-1][::-1] #getting the payload, removing the last '\n', and reversing the string
# Create blank image
image_size = int(math.sqrt(len(data)))
blank ='RGBA', (image_size, image_size), (255, 255, 255))
# Fill in with black where there is a 1
for y in range(image_size):
for x in range(image_size):
if (data[y*image_size + x] == '1'):
blank.putpixel((x,y), (0, 0, 0))
# Add the three missing QR squares
# This part can be done by experimenting : you don't have to be pixel precise in order to get a readable qr code
# Or you can open the file in GIMP and count the pixels
img ="./square.png")
img = img.resize((70,70))
blank.paste(img, (40, 40, 110, 110))
blank.paste(img, (220, 40, 290, 110))
blank.paste(img, (40, 220, 110, 290))
# Read the QR code
qr_text = decode(blank)[0][0].decode()
print("[+] Recovering plaintext")
# XOR the data to recover the plaintext
plaintext = ""
for l in (qr_text):
plaintext += chr(ord(l) ^ ord("P"))
# Solve the operation
nb1 = int(plaintext.split(" ")[3])
nb2 = int(plaintext.split(" ")[5])
result = nb1*nb2
print("[+] Sending back result")
# Send back the result
s.recvuntil(">> ".encode())