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Mathis Dröge edited this page Dec 26, 2021 · 26 revisions

Welcome to the Heroic Games Launcher wiki!

What is Heroic?

Heroic is a native GUI alternative to the Epic Games Launcher for Linux, Windows and MacOS.
It is open source under GPLv3 and is maintained by a community of developers that work for free on their free time.

For now, Heroic is mostly a GUI for Legendary (which is a CLI tool that deals with the login and downloading & launching of games).
Support for other storefronts & adding your own games (think Steam's "Add Non-Steam Game" feature) is planned in the future.

Why do you need Heroic?

Heroic is a community-built, open-source launcher. This means that you can see for yourself what it does in the background and anyone can suggest changes or find optimizations.
Because of that, Heroic is way faster than the EGL and uses far less resources.

Heroic EGL
Installer size 92MB 153MB
First-launch updates / 529MB
Requires admin? No Yes
Disk space used 338MB 951MB
RAM Usage (library) <200MB 400MB
RAM Usage (store) 210MB* 450MB*
CPU usage while idle 0-10%** 50-70%**
Linux support? Yes No

In addition to using more resources, the EGL also performed far worse usability-wise. For example, switching from the Store to the Library took 5-8 seconds. This might've been influenced by the VMs limited GPU power.
* Initially, RAM usage was higher for both Heroic and the EGL. After around 10 seconds, the values shown were observed.
** Tested on a Windows 10 VM with 6 CPU cores

Which games are not supported by Heroic?

Currently, only games that require activation in another storefront (Uplay, Origin) are unsupported.
Legendary recently added support for these with the activate command, expect support for this in a future release.

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