Stuff I haven't checked or put on the front page.
Check malware analysis for more.
- 'C/C++' aren't the same
- How a cpu works 20min, pros approve, 2013.
- Getting started as a beginner brief on the basics
- Game Hacking Academy Current, free
- Reversing Course
- Wannabe Malware Analyst
- How to become the best Malware Analyst E-V-E-R
- Nightmare: Intro to reverse engineering & ctfs
- How to start RE/malware analysis
- Introduction to Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering
- x86 Assembly Guide
- Modern x64 Assembly
- Intro to x86 Assembly Language
- x86_64 Linux Assembly ok, 2016
- Intro x86
- A gentle introduction into ARM assembly
- “Must Have” Free Resources for Malware Analysis
- Reverse Engineering
- Binary Analysis Course Beginner course
- Assembly for beginners Vital resource
- microcorruption Nice intro CTF site
- LiveOverflow: Binary Exploitation / Memory Corruption
- Reverse Engineering 101
- Radare2 Tutorial for Beginners effective 'defacto' guide to learn r2.
- Introduction To Reverse Engineering With Radare2 Good if you use Radare2.
- Reverse Engineering Resources-Beginners to intermediate Links
- Intro RE with Ghidra: A Four Session Course
- Learn x86_64 Assembly 0-2 tuts
- Open Security Training
- Intel x86
- Assembly Perspective Decent show of how code works with assembly.
- Assembly Tutorial decent guide, new
- Assembly Resources old list (10+ yrs)
- RTL Resources few tutorials
- Arm Tutorial Exercises & Videos
- Assembly Language Succinctly
- Assembly.Hello
- Becoming a full-stack reverse-engineer
- Tool review
- Go Reverse Engineering ToolKit
- Windows Exploitation old quality resources, good catalogues
- x86 Assembly Crash Course → YouTube The first search on youtube.
- x86-assembly-cheat
- Helnski x86 PowerPoints
- Advanced Systems Coursebook - Advanced systems programming by Urbana-Champaign
- Malware Analysis Tools op has agenda, use caution.
- CTF Reversing Challenges List random with difficulty rankings.
- Best Malware Analysis Tools | Learn Malware Analysis 10min vid
- list of RE resources
- Malware, IR - Tools & Resources Useful doc
- Debugging with GDB powerful cli debugger
- GDB Cheatsheet
- Reverse Engineering Windows Malware with Ghidra
- Beginner Malware Reversing Challenges
- Ghidra Cheatsheet
- Linux Reverse Engineering CTFs for Beginners Recommends reading any intel x86 asm book to begin. (honestly any general asm is fine)
- BUFFER OVERFLOW 7 The Stack Operation mid but important guides from a C/C++ specialist.
- Buffer overflow intro
- Malware Unpacking Tutorials seems useful
- Misc Malware Analysis random
- Malware Theory on Blackboard
- malware unpacking random
- malware cracking videos
- Malware Analysis Tut extra
- Linux Binary Exploitation Series
- File Type Analysis & Code Extraction website sucks, 2017
- Malware Noob 2 Ninja Course
- Pwnable CTF, modern?
- Analyzing Modern Malware Techniques: Series 1-4
- Introduction to Ghidra Student Guide
- Modern Binary Exploitation
- Malware Analysis Tutorials: a Reverse Engineering Approach Old, plentiful series, seems useful? 2011
- Engineering antivirus evasion advanced, source code included
- 8bit, 16bit, 32bit, and 64bit -- Arrow Tech Trivia
- Index of free reversing tools
- Intro to x86 FASM Series by the creator of FASM, Current.
- Computer Science Roadmap
- Game Developer Roadmap resourceful
- AI Dev Roadmap useful, efficient
- ML Roadmap good list
- CyberSecurity Roadmap what you'd expect
- become a BIG BRAIN assembly programmer in 10 minutes x64 assembly meme video.
- SecurityTube GDB Expert Playlist old, but GDB tuts are rare, 2013.
- Where are all the hackers? good article on programming hassles/differences.
- Python is slow good article on why to use python for utility, not performance.
- Grugbrained Developer Programming guide for the intellectually 'stable' deficient masses
- pypy & cython better pypy and cython sacrifice compatibility and ease for speed.
- PeachPy: Portable, efficient assembly code-generator in higher-level python.
- WhyJulia Julia potentially faster than C.
- reddit/favcsyoutuber
- C++ CodeTechandTutorials Good general C++ and coding channel.
- Linux Kernel Map Great visual diagram for the Linux kernel
- x86-64 Assembly Programming with Ubuntu
- 6502 ASM Tutorial alt approach for beginners. X86 is written by compilers, 6502 easier for hobbyist.
- Gameboy Dev ASM Tutorial Gameboy Z80 Beginner Guide, very modern
- Gameboy Docs Gameboy Manual
- Game Boy Coding Adventure lacking
- Game Boy Advance Course yes this is a legit college course academia examines game systems as educational modules
- Computation Structures
- Android Reversing 101
- Assembly Sheet Berkeley Advanced, brief.
- 3 hour ML Roadmap good if you don't want to read about ML paths
- Awesome Hacking Resources another list I slightly updated.
- LowLevelProgramming low level programming atlas
- Embedded Artistry embedded systems research
- Learn Embedded Systems random repo
- Decompiler Explorer Public diff output bin compiler
- PDF-XChange Editor better than adobe, the ultimate PDF editor w/customizable toolbar
- Hack a PDF with JavaScript Might come in handy.
- Windows Disk Space Analyzers Wiztree is fast, treesize etc has better UI
- Stable Diffusion FreeCC Tutorial Handy
- RansomwareLive Live testing site.
- C Notes for Professionals - Compiled from StackOverflow Documentation, ok book C11, 2018?
- Algorithms Design (in C) - ok book, intermediate concepts, 2018.
- Learn to Code With C Recommends Geany. Good Primer? (90 pages) 2016.
- Learning GNU C (Primer, learn GNU C), 2008 Confirmed
- Bare-metal programming for ARM - Daniels Umanovskis (PDF)
- Build Your Own Redis with C/C++ (HTML) (:construction: in process)
- C Programming Boot Camp - Paul Gribble bootcamp 2012, describes data types/easy examples, neat
- Everything you need to know about pointers in C - Peter Hosey brief, pointers only guide, 2010.
- Introduction to Programming and Data Structures in C looks neat, good resource maybe
- Modeling with Data - Ben Klemens (this might be a good book, even though it's old.) 2009.
- The Basics of C Programming - Marshall Brain (easy intro) 2013.
- The GNU C Programming Tutorial - Mark Burgess, Ron Hale-Evans (PDF) 2002, very in depth though. GNU will always be useful, though this book is outdated.
- The GNU C Reference Manual- Trevis Rothwell, James Youngman 2015.
- OSDev Key resource on OS development
- OSR Community & lib 2nd key resource
- The little book about OS development Nice little x86 OS dev book, might be useful later, current.
- OpenGL Classic way to learn graphics programming
- Vkdev Vulkan Programming Guide & OGLdev
- TONC GBA Programming - Game Boy Advance Development
- Game Boy Advance DocS GBA Manual
- N64 Programming Resource edited repo by me
- SQL-101/C DB Tutorial & Foundations
- Metalearning: Applications to Automated Machine Learning and Data Mining
- Introducing Julia Wikibooks
- Computational Julia v/tracks
- Julia by Example example code, meh
- Julia Data Science very good for beginners, was converted into a free MOOC
- Julia language: a concise tutorial 2nd way to learn Julia.
- The Julia Express 'short' but confusing primer.
- Python Crash Course Learn Python from scratch, 3rd edition is available
- Beyond the Basic Stuff with Python More advanced
- Python Programming Primer better crash course? hands on
- The Coder's Apprentice Learning Programming with Python 3 interesting modern book, jun 2023
- Computational and Inferential Thinking ok book, intro to data science
- Super Math * in progress *
- Consider reading Mark Levin's Open Source book(dry) or Ali Grami's discrete math book, there is also the book by Epp's.Peter Grossman has a good book for the non-technical. You need Linear Algebra, Statistics, and eventually Calculus and Number Theory. Learn as much math as possible.
- Packetsecurity
- Why you need to learn C Foolish web dev thinks Java is enough, wants to learn Assembly
- Return 0 The end of a program
- x86 Instruction Set Architecture: Lengthy book on x86 ISA, 2011.
- Reverse Engineering of Protocols from Network Traces [PDF]
- Genetic Programming for Reverse Engineering
- Capstone: Capstone is a lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework.
- Understanding C by learning assembly mid intro to c > assembly
- Practical x64 Assembly and C++ Tutorials series, OLD 2013
- Learning assembly for linux-x64 english/chi is pretty bad, but is legible I think, they tried. 2020
- x86 microcode, but might have been afraid to ask advanced, 2017
- Literally just some of the same resources
- Z80 Quick & Z80 Tutorial/Z80heaven & Z80 Dummies/Z80 TI-83 in 28 Days/Z80 Gameboy Guide
- Z80 Wiki/Guide/User Manual & Cemetech/Codewalrus/Video & Gameboy Pandocs/Tutorial
- Assembly Tutorials random guides from an enthusiast on ancient architectures (beginners)
- Beej's Guide to Network Programming free guide, sockets
- Eateryt & Design an 8 Bit Computer Build your own microprocessor
- Windows Security advanced, unclear slides.
- BrokenThornOS dated/useful guide, use littleOSbook
- The Red Book: Systems security research article, 2013.
- C Elements of Style - Steve Oualline 1997, leisurely, punch cards.
- C for Python Programmers - Carl Burch 2011, learned Python? Learn C.
- Ada Lovelace English mathematician (1815–1852) Explained that computers had infinite possibilities.
- Who is credited for the creation of Assembly Language? Various creations, Nathaniel Rochester developed the IBM 701 in 1954
- Development of C to shift from Assembly Dennis Ritchie developed the C language (1970s) for Bell Labs, releases K&R coding paradigm.
- Upgrading C language C, used for performance critical systems, it's the heart of Linux & Windows. C++ , Python, etc are C based
- C incorporated into new code Newer code is simple or enhanced C, in every OS, C is 'not just a language' anymore, but akin to a protocol.
C itself isn't popular among new programmers, inspired derivatives like C#, Rust & Python are widely used.
We are able to code increasingly efficiently, though more simplicity has led to less efficient development.
After C was released, Assembly has greatly declined over the years. Created for *Unix* systems programming.
C changed programming forever and will still be in use foreseeable future.
AI will reach a stage where programming is just an idea, similiar to centuries ago. Ada Lovelace, the Countess
of programming, Alan Turing; Pioneer of Computer Science, Dennis Ritchie; Innovator of Modern Programming.
These 3 with their associates greatly impacted the development of computing. Now, automated computation is
much more than just ideas or algorithms.
Effectively, the original computers were human.