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8. Troubleshooting, SSH
Linux<br/>HOGENT toegepaste informatica
Thomas Parmentier, Andy Van Maele, Bert Van Vreckem


Before we begin

Set up the test environment:

  • clone your Github repo for lab assignments
    • on your physical system!
  • open terminal in directory troubleshooting
  • start the VMs
    • dbt - a working database server
    • webt - a web server with faulty configuration
$ cd trouble-demo
$ vagrant up 



  • Bottom-up approach
  • Network access (Link) layer
  • Internet layer
  • Transport
  • Application Layer
  • SELinux

Interrupt me if you have remarks/questions!

Case: web + db server

Two VirtualBox VMs, set up with Vagrant

Host IP Service
webt http, https (Apache)
dbt mysql (MariaDB)
  • On webt, a PHP app runs a query on the dbt
  • dbt is set up correctly, webt is not


The PHP application

Test the database server

$ ./ 
+ mysql --host= --user=demo_user \
+:   --password=ArfovWap_OwkUfeaf4 demo \
+   '--execute=SELECT * FROM demo_tbl;'
| id | name              |
| 1  | Tuxedo T. Penguin |
| 2  | Bobby Tables      |
+ set +x

Should work from

  • your Linux Mint GUI VM (if it is connected to intnet sudo apt install mysql-client
  • from demo VMs (/vagrant/

Use a bottom-up approach

TCP/IP protocol stack

Layer Protocols Keywords
Application HTTP, DNS, SMB, FTP, ...
Transport TCP, UDP sockets, port numbers
Internet IP, ICMP routing, IP address
Network access Ethernet switch, MAC address
Physical cables

Network Access Layer

Network Access Layer

  • bare metal:
    • test the cable(s)
    • check switch/NIC LEDs
  • VM (e.g. VirtualBox):
    • check virtual network adapter type & settings
  • ip link

Internet Layer

Checklist: Internet Layer

  1. Local network configuration
  2. Routing within the LAN

Know the expected values!

Checklist: Internet Layer

Checking Local network configuration:

  1. IP address: ip a
  2. Default gateway: ip r
  3. DNS service:
    • RHEL: /etc/resolv.conf
    • Fedora, Debian, etc.: resolvectl dns

Local configuration: ip address

  • IP address?
  • In correct subnet?
  • DHCP or fixed IP?
  • Check configuration: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*

Example: DHCP

[vagrant@db ~]$ cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s3 

Example: Static IP

$ cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s8

Common causes (DHCP)

  • No IP
    • DHCP unreachable
    • DHCP won't give an IP
  • 169.254.x.x
    • No DHCP offer, "link-local" address
  • Unexpected subnet
    • Bad config (fixed IP set?)

Watch the logs: sudo journalctl -f

Common causes (Fixed IP)

  • Unexpected subnet
    • Check config
  • Correct IP, "network unreachable"
    • Check network mask

Local configuration: ip route

  • Default GW present?
  • In correct subnet?
  • Check network configuration

DNS server: /etc/resolv.conf

  • nameserver option present?
  • Expected IP?

Checklist: Internet Layer

Checking routing within the LAN:

  • Ping between hosts
  • Ping default GW/DNS
  • Query DNS (dig, nslookup, getent)

LAN connectivity: ping

  • GUI-VM-> VM: ping
  • VM -> GUI-VM: ping
  • VM -> NAT-GW: ping
  • VM -> NAT-DNS: ping

Remark: some routers block ICMP!

LAN connectivity: DNS

  • dig
  • nslookup
  • getent ahosts

LAN connectivity

Next step: routing beyond GW

Transport Layer

Checklist: Transport Layer

  1. Service running? sudo systemctl status SERVICE
  2. Correct port/inteface? sudo ss -tulpn
  3. Firewall settings: sudo firewall-cmd --list-all

Is the service running?

systemctl status httpd.service

  • active (running) vs. inactive (dead)
    • systemctl start httpd
    • Fail? See below (Application layer)
  • Start at boot: enabled vs. disabled
    • systemctl enable httpd

Firewall settings

sudo firewall-cmd --list-all

  • Is the service or port listed?
  • Use --add-service if possible
    • Supported: --get-services
  • Don't use both --add-service and --add-port
  • Add --permanent
  • --reload firewall rules

$ sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=http --permanent
$ sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=https --permanent
$ sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Correct ports/interfaces?

  • Use ss (not netstat)
    • TCP service: sudo ss -tlnp
    • UDP service: sudo ss -ulnp
  • Correct port number?
    • See /etc/services
  • Correct interface?
    • Only loopback?

Application Layer

Checklist: Application Layer

  • Check the logs: journalctl
  • Validate config file syntax
  • Use (command line) client tools
    • e.g. curl, smbclient (Samba), dig (DNS), etc.
    • Netcat (ncat, nc)
  • Other checks are application dependent
    • Read the reference manuals!

Check the log files

  • Either journalctl: journalctl -f -u httpd.service
  • Or /var/log/:
    • tail -f /var/log/httpd/error_log

Check config file syntax

  • Application dependent, for Apache: apachectl configtest

Read the fine manual!

SELinux troubleshooting


  • SELinux is Mandatory Access Control in the Linux kernel
  • Settings:
    • Booleans: getsebool, setsebool
    • Contexts, labels: ls -Z, chcon, restorecon
    • Policy modules: sepolicy

Check file context

  • Is the file context as expected?
    • ls -Z /var/www/html
  • Set file context to default value
    • sudo restorecon -R /var/www/
  • Set file context to specified value
    • sudo chcon -t httpd_sys_content_t test.php

Check booleans

getsebool -a | grep http

  • Know the relevant booleans! (RedHat manuals)
  • Enable boolean:
    • sudo setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect_db on

General guidelines

Back up config files before changing

Be systematic, bottom-up

Be thorough, don't skip steps

Do not assume: test

Know your environment

Know your log files

Credit: @KrisBuytaert

Read The F*** Error Message!

Open logs in separate terminal

Small steps

Validate the syntax of config files

Reload service after config change

Verify each change

Keep a cheat sheet/checklist


Use a configuration management system

Automate tests


Don't ping Google!
