A document basically consists of a .md
file containing the document content and optionally a .json
file with it's properties.
The properties used for document generation can be specified in different ways. Properties will be applied in the following order:
- The command line or library arguments
- The document properties
- The layout properties
- Application defaults
The .json
file must be in the same directory and use the same name as the document .md
file. For example if the main .md
file of the document is called my-super-awesome-document.md
the properties file must be called my-super-awesome-document.json
// Define the layout to use. Supported are:
// - Absolute paths to layout folder
// - Relative path from document location
// - A document from the built-in documnets
"layout": "document",
// Set the language (basically for layout translations)
// Fallback is EN if no specific translation can be found
"language": "en",
// Set this option to true (default) if the "document" properties should be written to the output pdf
"writeMetadata": true,
// Set document related properties (will be used inside templates and for pdf metadata)
"document": {
"title": "My awesome title",
"subject": "An awesome subject",
"date": "2017-09-22",
"authors": ["John Doe", "David Miller"],
"keywords": ["markdown", "document", "pdf"],
// Provide additional data used inside the templates
"data": {
// Overwrite layout settings
"pdf": {
Because the written documents can grow really fast and markdown will soon reach the limits, there are a few extensions built in.
To split large documents into small parts, you can take advantages of the Include plugin.
Given the following two markdown files:
# Title
@(include include.md)
This is the included content
When the document is generated using main.md
as main entry point, the following markdown will be merged:
# Title
This is the included content
The pathds for the include file are relative to the containing markdown file.
Thanks to bradhowes/remarkable-katex formulas are supported the following way:
You can use inline formulas like this $c = \pm\sqrt{a^2 + b^2}$
f(x) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty\hat f(\xi)\,e^{2 \pi i \xi x}\,d\xi
Captions allows to define table / figure / formula / ... captions like in normal documents. Some of the template will support a listing of all captions defined inside the document.
Captions can be defined the following way:
@(caption type:title)
- Tables:
@(caption table:Large table)
- Figures:
@(caption figure:Sample picture)
- Formulas:
@(caption formula:Awesome formula)
- Snippets:
@(caption code:Hacky snippet)