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This is an Ecommerce project backend built using NodeJS and MongoDB

NodeJS MongoDB

Users API

The first stage which involved building the necessary APIs for user creation and management is complete. All parties interested in testing are welcome to do so.

System requirements

  • NodeJs version v18.13.0 or higher
  • MongoDB
db version v6.0.4
Build Info: {
    "version": "6.0.4",
    "gitVersion": "44ff59461c1353638a71e710f385a566bcd2f547",
    "openSSLVersion": "OpenSSL 1.1.1f  31 Mar 2020",
    "modules": [],
    "allocator": "tcmalloc",
    "environment": {
        "distmod": "ubuntu2004",
        "distarch": "x86_64",
        "target_arch": "x86_64"
  • Project was built on Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS x86_64, Host: 81H7 Lenovo ideapad 130-15IKB, Kernel: 5.15.0-58-generic

Below is some useful testing info.

To get started, run npm run server from the root directory

The base URL is Localhost:PORT/api

1. User Management

To test the User API, use the path Localhost:PORT/api/user

1.1 Register User

POST /user/register
Content-Type: application/json

    "firstname": "John",
    "lastname": "Doe",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "mobile": "1234567890",
    "password": "password123"

1.2 Login

POST /user/login
Content-Type: application/json

    "email": "[email protected]",
    "password": "password123"

Response includes JWT token for authentication.

1.3 Logout

GET /user/logout
Authorization: Bearer <token>

1.4 Admin User Management

Requires admin privileges:

GET /user/all-users          # Get all users
GET /user/:id                # Get specific user
PUT /user/edit-user          # Update user
PUT /user/block-user/:id     # Block user
PUT /user/unblock-user/:id   # Unblock user
DELETE /user/:id             # Delete user

2. Product Management

2.1 Create Product (Admin only)

POST /product
Authorization: Bearer <admin_token>
Content-Type: application/json

    "title": "iPhone 13",
    "description": "Latest iPhone model",
    "price": 999,
    "category": "Smartphone",
    "brand": "Apple",
    "quantity": 100,
    "color": "Midnight Blue",
    "images": ["image_url1", "image_url2"]

2.2 Get Products

GET /product/products        # Get all products (sorted)
GET /product/:id            # Get specific product
GET /product/dev            # Get all products (development)

Product Filtering Examples

GET /product/products?brand=Apple
GET /product/products?category=Smartphone
GET /product/products?price[gte]=500&price[lte]=1000

Product Sorting Examples

GET /product/products?sort=price
GET /product/products?sort=-price    # Descending order
GET /product/products?sort=title,price

Field Selection

GET /product/products?fields=title,price,brand


GET /product/products?page=1&limit=10

2.3 Update Product (Admin only)

PUT /product/:id
Authorization: Bearer <admin_token>
Content-Type: application/json

    "price": 899,
    "quantity": 50

2.4 Delete Product (Admin only)

DELETE /product/:id
Authorization: Bearer <admin_token>

3. Shopping Cart

3.1 Add to Cart

POST /cart/add
Authorization: Bearer <token>
Content-Type: application/json

    "productId": "product_id",
    "quantity": 1

3.2 Update Cart Quantity

PUT /cart/update
Authorization: Bearer <token>
Content-Type: application/json

    "productId": "product_id",
    "action": "increment"    # or "decrement"

3.3 Remove from Cart

This deletes a product entirely from the cart, to reduce quantity, refer to 3.2 above.

DELETE /cart/remove/:productId
Authorization: Bearer <token>

3.4 Get Cart

GET /cart
Authorization: Bearer <token>

Testing Process

  1. Initial Setup
  2. Install dependencies: npm install
  3. Set up MongoDB locally or update connection string
  4. Create .env file with required variables:

PORT=5000 MONGODB_URL=mongodb://localhost:27017/Ecommerce JWT_SECRET=your_secret_key

2. Testing Flow

  1. User Authentication
    • Register new user"/register" ,createUser);//new user creation
    • Login to get token
    • Test protected routes with token
  2. Admin Operations
    • Create admin user
    • Test product management
    • Test user management
  3. Product Operations
    • Create products (admin)
    • Test product filtering
    • Test sorting
    • Test pagination
  4. Cart Operations
    • Add items to cart
    • Update quantities
    • Remove items
    • View cart

Check the user model under User Model for more info on the requirements for a user/admin"/login",loginUserCtrl);// user login
router.get("/logout",logout);// user logout
router.get("/refresh",handleRefreshToken);//handle Refresh Token

router.get("/all-users",getAllUsers);// get all users
router.get("/:id",authMiddleware,isAdmin,getAUser);// get a user - only admin can get user

router.delete("/:id",deleteAUser);// delete a user
router.put("/edit-user",authMiddleware,isAdmin,updateAUser);// update a user -  only admin can update user
router.put("/block-user/:id",authMiddleware,isAdmin,blockAUser);// block a user -  only admin can block/unblock user
router.put("/unblock-user/:id",authMiddleware,isAdmin,unblockAUser);// ubblock a user -  only admin can block/unblock user

Products API

The product API is now set for testing. To test the API, use the route /api/product

Below is some more information"/", authMiddleware, isAdmin, createProduct);//create a new product

router.get("/dev", getAllProducts);//get all products, no fields ommited: for development purposes
router.get("/products/", getAllProductsSorted);//get all products and sort accordingly
router.get("/:id", getAProduct);//get a product
router.put("/:id", authMiddleware, isAdmin, updateProduct);//update a product
router.delete("/:id", authMiddleware, isAdmin, deleteAProduct);//delete a product

Cart API

The cart API is now set for testing. To test the API, use the route /api/cart

To add a product to the cart, send a POST request to Localhost:PORT/api/cart/add with the following body:

// POST localhost:5000/api/cart/add
// Headers:
    "Authorization": "Bearer your-token-here",
    "Content-Type": "application/json"

// Body:
    "productId": "ID OF THE PRODUCT",
    "quantity": 1

To get the cart, send a GET request to Localhost:PORT/api/cart

Up to this point, the project has been built without the assistance of AI technologies. Date: 02/11/2024. Preceding updates will be built using AI technologies. Specifically, I use Cursor AI to build the project.

Project Versions

Current Version

  • Node.js v20.18.0
  • MongoDB v7.0.4
  • Express v4.18.2
  • Mongoose v8.0.3

Development Tools

  • VS Code v1.85.1
  • Postman v10.21.9
  • Git v2.43.0

JavaScript Express.js NodeJS NPM Postman

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Kudos! Enjoy ❤️