This has been a research and test project for me to find and test different methods of uploading files and actually the best method of uploading files and saving them in GridFs.
I'm using fastify as a server framework and tap as testing framework.
You can use docker to build and test the project. Just run:
dokcer-compose up -d
And then the backend is available with port 8085
and Mongo dashboard with port 8005
If you need to test the code, just run:
dokcer-compose -f docker-compose.test.yaml up
And the tap will run some tests and print you the test results.
# To start backend
pnpm start
# To build application
pnpm build
# To test the code
pnpm test
# Run automatically before pnpm build
pnpm prebuild
# Run automatically before pnpm start
pnpm prestart